Why do people consider the Dragon Ball franchise to be a good anime?

Power levels completely fucked over this franchise.

Every fight revolves around the idea that there will always be an enemy that will be exponentially stronger than the previous one. There are very few exceptions to this imaginary rule. After beating one enemy, Goku will face another enemy that is stronger, so Goku has to go Super Saiyan. Another enemy appears out of thin air, and now is so powerful, that Goku has to turn Super Saiyan 2.0, then 3.0, then God Saiyan, then Blue Saiyan, then Ultra Instinct, then whatever the fuck is next.

You pretty much get the idea. There are so, so, so many more problems with this hunk of shit that I don't even want to bother mentioning.

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You aren't exactly treading new territory. Everyone, even the fans have come to acknowlege the fact that DB hs a tone of bad writing.

Really it all comes down to it being on TV consistently and people watching/talking about it.

Then why are people even bothering to watch it?

Things don't need to be smart to be fun.
Also, nostalgia helps a ton.

All of that IS cool though and pretending you don't think it's cool would be blatant lying

seeth hard nigger, I bet you're a hxhfag
DBZ is getting a new triple A game next year while you have nothing kek

Because it’s cool

you're looking too deep into it, dragon ball is a fun adventure with a monkey child and some cool fights, dbz is over the top retarded fights that make no sense, the rest can be ignored

Bec Dragonball is a pioneer. Most of the action shonen today were inspired by it.

Only spics like it

I see not even how it's fun.

The pacing is bad; the animation is bad; the plot is bad. If one desire to watch martial arts series there are way better things out there.

Ore.Imo. threw some fight scenes into it for fun and parody and even those are better animated and more enjoyable than Dragon Ball's.

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is live action and it has better fight scenes than Dragon Ball.

The anime is trash yes (save for a few well animated scenes and the amazing OST) but the manga from DB to about the end of frieza(maybe a bit into android) was fucking phenomenal and has some of the best paneling you can find in the medium.

When you get older, you'll understand that teenagers are basically braindead.

But only pseudo intellectual teenagers hate shounen shit.
t. faggot that used to think his taste was far superior to everyone else.

It was supposed to stop at Z.

Blacks too.

You're 20 years too late, like a WoW playing retard.
>omg they keep increasing the level-cap and adding superior gear with each expansion every year
If you don't catch on to that stuff immediately you're a brainlet.

Sayan race has been handled poorly, nice introduction at first but their presence alone made useless 80% of the recurring roster that still tries to join fights.
Some kind of terrestrial power could've allowed 'super terrans' alien battles, power levels and shit while keeping relevant cool characters as tenshinhan or roshi or krillin himself

Dragon Ball is just like McDonald's
It's not that good but it's popular so people pay for it

Because Jiren is so strong

mostly because Toriyama was a master at fight scenes and it helped that the cast were likable (even if they weren't all useful)