We've begun the assault on Muscle Tower! Or was it the Tower of Death?
Negima! Magister Negi Magi Vol 33
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Yeah, that class is fucked.
This is basically the equivalent of a joke character suddenly being the final boss and I love it.
Enough that even the normal ones should start questioning if something in their background or family is not normal.
I don't like this reality.
Ah, if only that were true little buddy, that it were true.
Up to a certain point, this has been a copy of one of the earlier volumes, right? I swear I've read this before, and not just because of it being a reread.
Arika couldn't fit any casual clothes her dream world luggage.
If it isn't it's pretty dang close.
This was the perfect time.
Ah, poor Sayo, being dead and all.
>a little courage
Weren't those the words said by Negi in the very first chapter? Something like "A bit of courage is the true magic"? If that was planned from the start then that's fucking kino.
Chisame being the true contrarian, being an anti-anti-normalfag the whole time. Must be those future wife powers at play....
Aaaaand there's the claws that she had on the cover of the very first chapter. If you squint in the center you'll see a tiny image of her with them, pretty neat to look back on after all this time.
That outfit cannot be comfortable, especially if she isn't wearing underwear.
That's some tasty looking chocolate. Picked up.
Chapter 299 is a great jumping on point, welcome.
Those two totally came back in the afterglow.
>devil trigger
>that Shiori dream
Welcome to the big 3-0-0 Negima.
Negi might not have wanted to risk staying a bit longer, but they probably did. One time to give even more desire for more of the real thing.
Chisame wasnt ready for that, mentally and spiritually on a number of levels.
Oh no, he's hot!
You skipped a page.
He's so damn happy Negi's coming for him.
I remember Dynamis looking a lot more lame than this. Maybe it was a later chapter....
God she's cute
Reminds me of that one part in Spirited Away when you have to hold your breath on the bridge lest you be seen by the yokai. Stuff like that unnerves me for whatever reason.
Nice work.
Is it shoujo? Or a threeway?
He's so cool
>Im not okay, but Im okay so even if i end up not being okay, with you guys around I'll be okay even if Im not okay.
This kid is fucked up
>Is it shoujo? Or a threeway?
>the goof offs and merchants we didn't level are being forces to fight in the last boss battle
Been there before
Why can't this be real ;_;
>getting beat by level 1s
Yuna was leeching xp off the high level mobs on the flight in
Asuna's time in Fate's castle really has brought her childhood personality back.
This is a pretty chuuni pair
Heh, nice nicknames (Koutarou´s is extra chuuni)
>insert horror game BGM of choice
>Ghost member
I see what they did there
>Keitaro: Get this shit outta my house
>Tsuruko: DIBS!
Someone couldnt resist huh
>preemptive ENF
I've found a new fetish.
Crazy bitch.
You can now consider yourselves proper terrorists be proud!
when they see your dick
Ken! Dick censors are different from nipple censors!
They have to have a little more to them or else it's embarrassing!
I love this page
That could kill a man
Quickly, use the drugs!
Thanks to the amazing power of drugs, darkness magic, and a few demons-in-the-midst our team stands a fighting chance!
Watch everything go their way tomorrow at 5pm PDT
This is a pretty broken artifact, it essentially brought Nagi back to life
I love takane and her outfit. It looks great on chachamaru.
They are all broken artifacts
Look at that qt in the last panel.
Thanks for the dump. How many volumes are left again?
I don't remember this.
UQ holders good end timeline. They beat the mage and "killed" Nagi in the process, but her artifact healed him back to life
Five? Barring interruption we'll be done this weekend
Thanks for the daily dump OP! Sad to think that this journey will soon be over by the end of the week....
Gantz-like there
Those are very old Batman style SFXs, for the Kufei fight
I didn't think the kind of killing she had in mind is the reversible kind.
It's not.
She's alluding to the Lifemaker key
>Chao's English
I didn't notice. Man, that looks so weird
It was Konoka's artifact that healed him. Ako just checked his heartbeat and told Negi he was still alive.
Is Yea Forums mad about the rather forgotten Shaft anime? I thought it was great.
Personally I liked it, anyways it was just based on a spin-off manga and was pretty fun, taking a what if the series was crazier turn
There have been a few things referenced from HxH, Akamatsu's said as much, but thing is probably the most blatant.
I imagine he had this sequence planned for quite a while.
In the bum.
Thanks for the dump. I wish that one day, Negima will resume and the ending will be fully written.
It's called UQ Holder user.
It was heavily implied it was a final gift from Ialda, Nagi coming back, since she had been beaten. Albireo in particular says it goes against everything he knows, while Fate says her name and trails off.
Like Yuna?
Maybe Chisame is really from Negimaru's timeline and she doesn't remember.
I love subarms-that-are-larger-than-the-regular-arms aesthetic.
So is he a Venusian too?
No. He's one of the Lifemaker's constructs. If anything, Ialda is the Venusian, or a human genius who outdid the Venusians in some way.
It's implied it's the latter, as Ba'al calls her a "genius born among you." Also in Negima she implies she's around 2600 years old, which would be younger than anyone who lived on Venus before it went to shit (Nikitis for example is 12k years old).
I wonder if the purebloods hold Negi in the same regard as her, or if they just think of him as someone of the same rank as fucking Touta.
Eva was made into a high daylight walker by the Lifemaker, a knock-off but a damn good one. Negi and Touta get their vampirism from Magia Erebea. So like knock-offs of a knock-off.
No happy Setsuna, this reality is objectively not the best possible world.
It's sexy, much more important.
Anyone else agree that besides Evangeline, Negi and sometimes Asuna (Anti-Magic) she's the strongest in the class?
The bottom panel is really cool.
I fucking love Dynamis, I'm happy he got a short Cameo in UQ Holder.
Cool scenes.
I really have to find where I was in Love Hina and finish it.
A fitting final form.
Thanks OP
Damn Nepotism.
I think people generally like it, but they also want a more faithful Negima anime too.
It's ok user, you don't have to apologize
But it'd be nice if you will-aru
I don't think Negi's a knockoff of a knockoff, considering Magia Erebea is essentially the source of the Lifemaker's power. Magia Erebea is Eva's technique, but it is also the Lifemaker's technique in how the both tap into the Black of Venus. Eva was compatible because she's a pseudo pureblood, and Negi was compatible because he has the Lifemaker's blood. The real mystery is why Negi didn't inherit the White of Mars when Arika had it (or seemed to have it). Negi would then have both, and be able to beat Ialda. Maybe only Asuna had this very specific White of Mars characteristic that was capable of beating the Lifemaker and Arika didn't?
There's probably a reason it took so many failed clones to get the black and white to mix just right.
The fights at this point in the story only make any sense if you completely ignore how Great Vigor was said to work. The thing is completely busted and the only reason it didn't annihilate Rakan is because of the guy's infinite DEF. If it kept working like it did in the Rakan fight, Negi would have ended this whole skirmish in literally under a second.
Great Vigor 2, to be precise.
Fair enough. But considering pretty much anyone can use ME, whether they're compatible or not, and it's just the White of Mars that's a pain in the ass, I just don't understand why they didn't just clone Asuna as-is and teach the clones ME. Sounds like the obvious direction to go, but it's clearly not the one they went with in the end.
Obviously you need them Springfield genes with their exponential potential.
But now you make me want to see Asuna with ME. That would be cool.
Wouldn't they need to disrupt Asuna's bug sleep to clone her? That's a no no.
But wait, they go the White of Mars anyway, whatever.
Anyone can use Magia Erebea technically and learn it, but it's a hell of a process. And even if you CAN use it, if you're incompatible with it, with seems like very much a personality thing given how it required a certain mindset and acceptance, it'll still destroy you. Asuna isn't the kind of person compatible when you look at Evangeline and Negi. Or, at least that was the case until Touta mastered it perfectly cause lol.
just got home
also HI, FUTURE ME! You made it this far!
That's the problem with really fast characters.
Tota can do anything, Retcon Punch!
This is the classical "lotus eater machine" that some stories have near the end of the travel?
Did Ku Fei always speak like a retard or is that some flavor added to the translation? I don't remember that from scanlations at the time.
It's not impossible to figure all the people stated are those 0.001%ers Rakan mentioned, since Poyo here is implied to be demon nobility and mega strong, and Kurt only fought RT1 instead of RT2. However, it definitely feels like RT2's speed is downplayed quite a bit.
>all it takes is a little bit of courage
I know she said most, but its kind of a dick thing to say with Mana's there.
Still has it better than Sayo, at least she has a future.
Since we're at endgame, it makes sense that all the remaining characters are top end characters who can at least react/defend against Negi. Remember that even Kaede could hold her own against Quintum's own lightning form in a bit.
The real issue is how Negi's reaction speed is seemingly suddenly as slow as always.
This really makes the fact that we never got a demon world/demon circus arc hurts all the more
See Ku Fei is basically speaking imperfect Japanese to indicate she's Chinese. The official english translation is rendering that as broken english. The scanlations likely didn't bother attempting to convey accents like that.
Akamatsu is just bad at handling anyone fast or truly understanding how fast he implies his characters are.
This EXACT SAME issue happened in UQ Holder, but far worse. One light speed technique comes up which Rakan says he can't dodge, then after no other light speed stuff or even anything implied to come close happens and RT2 being treated like mega hot shit for ages, suddenly a person who can move at light speed is introduced and EVERYONE can keep up with him in the span of 2 chapters. Or when Negi blitzed Eva and Fate in 0.2s, when the reaction times people who can keep pace with Negi, even at the lowest end, should have reaction time in the microseconds or even double/low triple digit nanoseconds at the upper speed limit.
Forgot my spoilers whoops.
We might see the demon world in UQ sometime soon.
I like that the entire class is basically calling Ken out on this sudden plot twist.
I kinda remember "A jew that comes from behind?" there
>Akamatsu is just bad at handling anyone fast or truly understanding how fast he implies his characters are.
I mean, this is a thing with authors across all mediums of fiction. Most creators aren't autistic enough to seriously think about how ridiculously fast a real lightning bolt or beam of light is, they just put in powerups that sound cool. What's more, writing around that kind of speed isn't something most people want to do every single fight. If RT2 was as broken as it actually should be, like how it was portrayed vs Rakan, Negi would have already destroyed everyone but Fate.
Of course, then you get to the problem of things like the Flash, or what details where it starts to just look dumb.
I think the problem here and why this stands out so much, is because you can see Akamatsu clearly DID put the effort and research into seeing how lightning worked, the physics behind it, even getting the streamers right, and made various comparisons between hand guns and rifles to illustrate how lightning speed was in a completely different category. It's so much more than lots of other fiction, which simply state they're moving at the speed of X or going really fast. To demonstrate that perfect understanding and then actually keep it reasonably consistent for a while, and it was until this moment, makes suddenly tossing that out all the worse.
Johnny is low key best boy
>Fate is squeeing internally
>You were soft
indeed Negi, indeed
Yeah that moment there REALLY makes me think that "Asuna must be sacrificed for the plan" was a last minute addition.
Is Kaede's not shown...?
I guess not.
Not sure if it counts, but I was listening to
and was up to 2:02 when reading
So, can anyone explain to me appeal of Negima? I am soon starting Journey Into Magic World arc and I don't get it. The only arc that I actually really enjoyed so far was Evangelyne's one because I thought it mixed in gags with story smartest. I don't even get the battle system, most of the time Negima screams gibberish and magic happens. We get a very good taste of Pactio magic and martial arts, but kind of very little actual magic and it blends just very badly with type of manga it wants to be. It leaves very confused impression.
OOOOH. Ok. I thought... Nevermind...
Thanks OP.
I don't see how the magic system is confusing. It explains it pretty well, even without getting into the lexicon and how indepth that gets. Chants are very standard and it mentions a lot on how various magic works.
Never read it, so I have no idea what you mean. Want to read it one day, but the fandom, or people on this board pretending to be... One day, I will. Kind of in the middle of rereading One Piece, and getting through the arcs I missed due to viz deciding to skip arcs to catch up (I was only reading it in English Shonen Jump), and my own stupidity at not realizing the tool I had in the internet to fix this sooner
Hi past me. what a thrilling batch of chapters, eh?
Is UQ Holder on hiatus?
As expected, no mention of jews here
It changed to monthly midway through IIRC.
Who translated this? Commie?
I still think it's funny
If a single shot of Ako's needle can bring a group of total novices up to the level of Fate's underlings, what can it do for people like Takamichi?
>Asuna isn't the kind of person compatible when you look at Evangeline and Negi.
Yeah, Asuna doesn't need to learn Magia Erebea, but she'd be compatible with it. She accepted her past as a weapon and her present as a student of 3-A.
And clones wouldn't necessarily have the same personality as their base, just like how Touta and Cutlass were very different from Negi/Eva/Asuna.
>Muscle Tower
>Dragon Quest references
I'm too old for this kind of nostagia.
Funnily enough, Cosmo Entelekheia predates Infinite Tsukuyomi.
I remember Real Juvenile.
>Nodoka's ahoge
Some problems aside, with 2-3 volumes seeming to lack a lot of polish, stuff like this is probably why recommending the official TLs is a good idea for anyone trying to get into the series. Negima had a bunch of different groups do it and I don't think any single group did it all the way through. The official TLs look to be largely correct and their worst offense, at least from what I see so far, is mixing up the text bubbles once or twice and a lazily typeset page. Would be another matter if the translations were terribly wrong, like some series suffer.
Looking good Johnny-san!
Tatsumiya got not chill
At least it wasn't Noble Confidant
Are blushing tsunderes the best?
I wanna shoot!
There should've been some timeskip to make negi older and move his class into highschool, those bodies are
>when your husband doesnt waste time on girls and hurries back to you
They're definitely better than non-blushing tsunderes
Did you ever see love so pure it made you question whether you ever loved at all?
Accidental undressing would have more of an effect on an older Negi, and they could still use the younger bodies when they wanted. We should have been able to see that too.
The existence of Shiori's Asuna-personality scares me. For all the personality knows, it's a forked instance of Asuna that suddenly received an implanted loyalty to Shiori.
With enough time passing from the fork, that version of Asuna shouldn't want to stop existing either.
>purebloods hold Negi in the same regard as her, or if they just think of him as someone of the same rank as fucking Touta.
Well, they think pretty highly of Touta while shitting on Eva and Negi is more or less on her level...
I fucking hate purebloods.
They are fun though, especially Dana.
No, they're not. They represent the worst of the powercreep and Dana's arc was awful.
Which part of it was awful?
If I don't find a fanfic of the Asuna personality coming to terms with her new life as Shiori's mental tagalong, I'm gonna write it myself, I swear to god...
If Negi went for a harem, and the original Asuna wasn't included, the Shiori version could still get to experience things while in her body.
Or you can just come to Japan to convince Akamatsu to write a canon version.
Like someone coming from the future extracting her consciousness from Shiori's body, taking it to the future and giving it a body...
Maybe it's less effective when they already have power. Negi should have used it if it worked.