Why the hell is this praised so much? It's a generic slice of life show with pretty mediocre characters with a supernatural element that's never really addressed up until episode 16, after which it's a pretty mediocre tragedy where characters die of magical illnesses because "bawww it's sad :(("
Why the hell is this praised so much...
Other urls found in this thread:
>a supernatural element that's never really addressed up until episode 16
found the speed watcher
It looks good and is confy
Also most normalfags are very emotional so if an anime shows characters crying, the viewers burst into tears
Don't watch on x2 and maybe you'll find out.
It's about something serious, and most people are casuals who have never seen serious topics in anime before so it automatically blows them away.
Maybe I missed it, but why does all the supernatural stuff happen? Why does Nagisa and Ushio die of magical aids?
But it's not even that serious, aside from a few moments it's basically a comedy anime. The cheerful ED blasting on after Nagisa dies made me audibly kek
You just mad he's a delinquent thug that got the girl when you are the self proclaimed gud guy who got nothing.
try watching naruto or fairy tail, those are series for your kind.
Being a man, family, community, and going through with something you know is painful because the good parts are worth it are great themes
Spoonfeeding but basically the family was indebted to the town for saving nagisa that time when she was younger. they were saved because it’s not a linear timeline due to VN mechanics and Tomoya did enough good (gathered light orbs) for the dream girl (ushio) to leave that metaphysical winter world and survive with no aids. He did enough good in the town to have his wish granted, which was to meet nagisa on the hill and do it all again as opposed to “I wish I had never had met you” or whatever he said.
I think it's because the harem MC actually settled down, married, realized "Harem MC" wouldn't work on a resume and had to get a real job, and started to raise a family; just that all this basic real life stuff was and is still so rare in anime that Clannad sticks with people to this day. Nagisa should have stayed dead and eventually had the MC settle down with the school teacher after he reconnected with his daughter, even if a part of me enjoyed the supernatural shenanigans saving Nagisa.
Is that why Nagisa and Ushio are ill all the time? Because they have 'debt' from being saved by the town?
How many times does a SoL harem comedy get a sequel like this? Yes, "just" showing family life and shitty things happening to mc is a pretty big deal when it almost never ever happens to other series.
She was born sick out of shit luck and iirc her dad begged (to no one, really) to save her life, so the town did, I think so anyways. The town is an important character of its own, and nothing in life is for free.
Please point me in the direction of all those anime that go into the MC and his love interest marrying and having a family
>It's good because it's actually bad until the end
sasuga Yea Forums
Wait I just checked. The town was changing and was thus unstable. So it’s not like it didn’t want to help the people in it, it just couldn’t. Idk.
Who are you quoting?
It being a sequel to a shitty dime a dozen SoL harem comedy anime doesn't make it good just because harem animes don't get sequels, nor does it make the 30 episodes of boring SoL shit good
I liked Clannad before After Story came out, so I can't relate. And if harem comedies aren't your thing then why even bother picking up Clannad in the first place? Are you one of those newfags who treat Clannad AS as some sort of "try not to cry" challenge because some redditor told you you'll get "the feels" wayching it? Did you really watch 40+ episodes just for that? lmao
The sunflower scene is one of the most powerful scenes in anime, basically that whole episode gives the noterity of clannad. Oh also the child birth episode was pure kino as well.
Because moefags
based manimehomo
Yeah, I fell for the meme that Clannad was more than just haremshit filled with boring unmemorable characters (not including Fuko) and that "it gets better later!" and after dropped it three times I decided to power through it only to find out in the end it was boring shit and I was a retard
cool facebook meme, upvoted :)
>I'm so insecure of my sexuality that I can't deal with animated men that aren't generic self-insert
It's OK to be gay. Nothing to feel ashame of.
I'm a fujo so yes I can, sweetie
Doesn't mean I can't enjoy peak KeyAni too
It's a mystery. Clannad is not good.
It’s the Little Busters of family
low IQ cucks love these forced bullshit drama by key
stop posting your pics here attentionwhore, you're not that pretty
that trash was a fucking 2deep4you snoozefest, you have to be a pretentious little shit to think that image makes any fucking sense
I never watched it. I never watched the ((classics)) like one piece, naruto, bleach, fairy tail or fma.
I only watch/read seasonal animes or seinen dark fantasies. I have no motivation to watch old shit that goes on for hundreds of episodes, it feels it's all filler that could be summed up in a few seasons at best. The first and last mistake i made was watching hxh2011 in it's entirety, after that i stuck with the short seasonal animes that leave a bigger impact on me in a shorter time.
Huh? The whole part after the birth scene was to portray the shittiness of Clannad man as a father and this episode was supposed to be the culmination of when he finally realizes to move on and live for someone else. Cliche sure, but the execution was phenomenal. It wasn't forced because it gave us episodes showing how shitty he was, if you want forced writing look at how Anakin Skywalker was supposedly a kind and caring person but all we see is him save one clone in the prequel trilogy. He was a father, understandably, avoiding his responsibilities because of past tragedy. This episode changed everything about his behaviour because Clannad man saw how his father, despite going through similar hardship, gave his all to raise him while he himself is doing nothing to raise his daughter. We saw positive change in this tragic character, by at this point you should be invested in if not why are you still watching, and we as the viewer should be overjoyed about this positive change.
End of the first season was good, first half of the second was decent. The ending fucking sucked. The only thing holding it together was good animation. Crypornfags will enjoy the most forced drama, which is why it's considered a masterpiece.
Brainlets don’t understand the ending.
More like brainlets make bad endings, and brainlet fans can't accept that.
Why was it a brainlet ending to you? All the orb wishing power/parallel world stuff was foreshadowed even from S1, and the theme of children being the culmination of their parents hopes and dreams made it easy to predict the ending. These were actually hammered into you if you were paying attention but you weren’t.
I do prefer the scene in Texh a lot (for some reasons the sunflowers in AS never hit me much compared to much people. Tomoya breaking down himself in the train while muttering Nagisa's name is better) but shitting on Clannad in 2019, are you serious retard ? You're not making any new points, everything you said has been discussed to death for over a decade.
>never really addressed up until episode 16
Dumb motherfucker, complain about subtlety but couldn't even see it himself.
The parallel world shit wasn't foreshadowed at all. The orbs were always there but that's it. Obviously they were alluding to something but they didn't expand on it at all. Nothing alludes to parallel worlds, just supernatural elements. The way they end it is lazy in that regard, and just reminds you it has to be that way because it's a VN adaptation, not because of some foreshadowed plot.
>Everyone who doesn't like my thing didn't get it
Great mindset to have btw
Agreed, I have no idea why people like it so much.
>Everyone who likes what I didn't is a brainlet
Great mindset indeed.
>not realizing I used the word brainlet in response to the mindset I quoted
>his fatherly instincts didnt activate
what a fag
Nigga Kotomi’s parents were researching parallel worlds. Clannad man said the play about an illusionary world in S1 was nostalgic for some reason he couldn’t say. Speedwatcher brainlet