ShingeKI NO Kyojin

EMshitters are not allowed to enter this thread. Also, other shippertards, please leave. Discuss the plot, faggots, but if you have nothing to do then just go fuck off and wait for spoilers.

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Other urls found in this thread:

EH is the plot, like it or not, that's where Isayama keeps heading the story

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Too bad with all the falseflagging but:
Eren is trying to protect Paradis too and he could be the father, not necessarily the main plot. That's it. Now call me EHfag

Based as fuck

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does anyone else think the animation was kind of bad for the Berthold fight?

I laughed with the 2 frames kick

Hitch has a hairy pussy, a fertile womb, and is alive and well!

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Not anymore

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She will literally die alone

So EMfags don't actually exist in these threads, right? They're just bored shitposters?

I exist.

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When will wit say something
Please don't provoke them

No, even shitposters did not reach that level of autism

too hot to die alone

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Poor Hitch, all she wanted was a Marlowe BF and an Annie BFF.

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The spam in the last few threads has been mostly copied from tumblr or reddit posts. The occasional responses in streetshitter English might be the real thing, however.

>Eren destroyed the world for this

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>he doesn't know

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>Eren is able to free himself from the chains with sheer force
>the Reiss weren't able to do this over the course of a hundred years

He doesn’t want his cringe baby to die

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made this

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Mikasa wins.

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Here's the four pages I saw you post from ANSWERS.

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That's what Zeke meant by not being corrupted by the first king's ideology.

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kek saved

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I was under the impression that the chains themselves were the corruption/vow. And that those chains are what Uri and Frieda struggled with and couldn't break. I'm not sure what Zeke meant when he said that. Does inheriting Karl's memories make them cuckolds?

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To add to this, what is the point of the chains if they are "corrupted by the king's ideology" anyway? Why do they need to be chained if they wouldn't do anything with the power regardless?

Zeke ought not to have been corrupted anyways because what he want's is almost identical to what Karl the Cuck wants, just taken to the next level

>Does inheriting Karl's memories make them cuckolds?

Yes, the ideology is transmitted with the FT itself, therefore Zeke was never corrupted by it.

im pretty sure the chains were just metaphorical, as zeke was the one who created the chains in both cases.

I miss Yumiru

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the chains were for eren to feel in control so he would tell the truth

So why was Historia crying in the memory fragment?

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Lol is this based on a pasta or something

Oh right, that's it. Zeke was able to break them so easily because they were just a fabrication created by him to fool Eren. I forgot about that.

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it felt very familiar to the one story about a guy on Yea Forums who wrote a book that had like 70:30 ratio of nigger:other words


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Yes, it was originally about being in the ghetto after dark. I'll let you figure out how the original went... ;)

do not like

Because she and Eren are lovers and she afraid he might die before seeing his child.

He won't die though. That already happened with Ymir and Frieda. Eren will break that trend and survive.

The Reisses had no reason to even try to free themselves from their chains since they were under Karl's control, which neither Zeke nor Eren are.

They clearly spent half the season's budget just on manlet vs Zeke

Cursed image

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Damn Zeke looks like THAT?

Reminder that Eren is fighting to bring back the good old days for Mikasa

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is cutting your thumbs by pure pressure even possible like he did? he must have an insane amount of strength

Is SnK a /pol approved anime?

>Some still thinks Eren and Historia are together

Farmer is the father!!

maybe, but it should be an Yea Forums approved anime

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If she were written like an actual person she'd be taking fat shits on Annie's rock every day. They barely knew each other and Annie was behind the Stohess massacre, an expedition where she killed many soldiers and the Fall of Wall Maria.

Maybe that's why she is ok with Armin visiting Annie.

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cringe post

Yes, but he's also fighting for his other friends, his people, his homeland, and his unborn child.

And the other half on Manlet speeding through some alleyways.

This was a red herring. People trough it foreshadowed Armin death but it was about their separation after the time skip.


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Eh, she's a sweetheart with a forgiving heart.

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Yes and it's mildly annoying because they keep editing swastikas, literally Hitler, and nazi iconography onto pics of Eren and Historia.
It's kind of funny too though.

Yes, it is basically "/pol/: The Manga"


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>AU is canon
What does it mean, bros?

cute and canon

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[OVA Spoilers] Just watched Lost Girls OVA 2, here’s what i felt.
By the end of that episode, i literally had tears in my eyes. Literally. First, we got the real Mikasa. The mikasa that would’ve been if she hadn’t activated her ackerpowers.

And i was surprised to see that she still loved Eren. She swore to protect him on her own terms, not based on some activated power. That means, Mikasa was never a slave. She actually cared for Eren. Eren distanced himself from her for a reason.

And as we see in the OVA, Eren is obsessed with Freedom. So much so that he died in the alternate reality because of it. The last part, where Armin tells Mikasa how Eren died, I immediately realized that Eren cares for his friends and their freedom more than his own. This means he was actually sad when Sasha passed.

This has some major implications on the next few chapters. Eren is moving towards his friends’ freedom. Whether he dies or lives, he doesn’t care.

>he doesn't know

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I appreciate your genuine response user, thank you

>posting on a fascist anime inspired basket-weaving forum
>not recognizing the Eldians for their real-world counterpart
Bluepilled post

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Marley is right

Literally the worst OVA and it isn't even close.

Mikasa's shallow puddle of a personality has a chance to be explored as the sole focal point of an episode and instead we get some AU/dream bullshit that isn't even any good. What a god damn waste.

Hot Take: the idea that the reason Hisu was crying in the small panel in 120 was because of Eren leaving is dumb, corny, cheesy, overly shippy, and something Isayama would ever write into this series
Honestly this obsession with Erehisu has gone kinda far. Thinking he was the baby daddy wasn’t too much of a stretch (although it still doesn’t make much sense). But thinking that the panel of her crying is for her sadness of her “lover” leaving is too far to me. Do you even hear yourselves?

That doesn’t sound like something Isayama would write at all. It sounds like actual fanfic.

Sorry if I came off as really condescending, I just really hate that theory.

Somehow I knew it would involve niggers

>that smug fucking look Annie gives Reiner when they're pretending to fight
Rewatches are such a blast with this show

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FuCk YoU

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Eren is my favorite character but his dindu Tumblerina fans are the worst. They keep making excuses, theorizing he is possessed and shifting the blame into other characters.
They were never really fans of him just their fujo version of him.

Except it makes much more sense than pretty much anything else. I have yet to hear a single alternative explanation that isn't implausible at best and outright laughable at worst.
>t. non-EHfag

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>dumb, corny, cheesy, overly shippy
Good.That's exactly how I wanted it to sound.

Thanks for the implied (You) though. They're special because they're more personal.

I'm literally upset because I think Mikasa deserved better, but okay.


how can anyone hate this?

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I don't keep up with the manga, but if Isayama and Eren are /ourguys/ what is Eren going to do exactly?
Genuine and troll posts are welcomed

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Eren has always done his best, and that's enough for me.

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Okey dokey, Smokey.

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what did the mean by this? also i like this eren face when he somewhat figures out its annie in the titan

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I don't understand how the mangaka gets away with it.

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Securing the existence of his people and a future for Eldian children.

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"I think Mikasa deserves better"
Who the hell do you even think you're?
Lowlife scumbag

Calm down, Kamina.

Shit happens so fast at that point in the story, but I think Eren's denial over the identity of the Female Titan is my favorite part of his character pre-Uprising.

Guess who made it to the final exhibition?? Farmer-kun
Guess where Farmer-kun was placed?? Historia's wall
Who said that farmer is not a chad?? He is the greatest chad to live. Two appearances, special grand ticket to Historia's wall

She could have been a cool character but instead ended up a piece of boring cardboard, and I think that kind of sucks. Sue me.


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Why would I sue you. Everyone has their opinion but one thing I noticed in this world is that most people who shout for development, lack one themselves. That's why they can never comprehend that word. Morons like you



Holy shit.

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The point he was making, I think, is that Eren has a ton of death flags.


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>screenshoting your own post

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Kraut apologism is embarrassing enough when it isn't coming from mutt tourists on an anime&manga board.

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What other explanation is there for Historia crying in that situation besides Eren leaving?

I literally have no idea why you linked me to this picture.
It's cute though, so thanks I guess...?

Karl the Cuck is the most despicable, pathetic character in the series.

Hitler, Luther, and Wilhelm were based as fuck and Marx was Jewish, not German.
Cry harder, probable (((Anglo))).

Historia… did she really change? She went from a selfish girl that acted as a selfless goddess and puts her own life in danger, to a really selfless person who puts her own life in danger. The end result is that she still puts her existence after that of other people. To be honest, I can see why people might like this personality trait, but I just don’t, because she comes off as helpless. I understand why it is like this - when she swore and decided to live for herself and live proudly, the person who gave her this strength abandoned her without an explanation, and so, later on, she decided to put her duty as a Queen on top, to bring good to other people… and it’s nice that, in the beginning, it was an admirable thing (she helped the underground orphans, for example). But it later seemed to have brought her back down to being selfless in the wrong way: she gives up her life for duty, but she’s not happy about it, she is not living for herself, it is not a choice she can be proud of, because it is not something she wants to do out of her own free will, but because of obligation. She is still helpless in the role she is performing, back to the beginning.

TL when?

Cope harder, Copey McCoperson.

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Blessed post user. Thank you.

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That’s not true though. Why do you think she went along with the Wine plan? Because she didn’t want to sacrifice herself and her future children

the Founding Titan itself seems to be pathetic, or the Fritz were just so weak kneed for so long. Karl's predecessors did a whole lot of nothing themselves, potentially for centuries.
Things could be a lot different if they just had the will to act in some fashion, even if for the betterment for all and not just Eldians. Seems like they just stood and watched for most of the alleged shit times

Cute art

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before death was her goal
after death was what she was willing to risk for her goal

That’s not the point, Karl Fritz vow is different from Zeke’s in many points, for example Karl agreed with the idea of Marley and the rest of humanity using them for their own good when Zeke considers Marley to be as bad as Eldia.

>That’s not true though. Why do you think she went along with the Wine plan?
do we actually have any indication she is even aware of what the living fuck is actually happening right now?

The best part was that everyone could see those plot points coming but they outright refused it because it didn't fit with their headcanons of how Eren should act.

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As a friend, of course

>Marley and the rest of humanity using them for their own good
? wasn't it just accepting death.

Historia should join a circus as a dancing midget

Eren is perfectly aware «the good old days» will never come back. He’s the very one who stated it in front of the sea. There is no way to come back. And to be honest Eren never really appreciated his life before he thought it was boring.

please tell me they are coming soon

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difference is the nazi's lost and the only thing they surmount to nowadays are a small group of racist homosexuals and fat /pol/ browsers to fat to leave their chairs, let alone lead an army.

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I have seen the light, EA is pretty much canon now.

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3 weeks

All this shit about what's gonna happen now and shippers going apeshit on everything...
But what I actually want to know is...
What the fuck exactly happened hundreds of years ago?

Historia is the very one who decided to betray the SC for Eren , why would she cry in such a situation besides for Eren’s departure?

your unbound autism doesn't affect me
I keep moving forward and posting cute pics

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>Are you having a good time, Annie?
>He was here again
>He spent like 6 hours with you. I bet he went on and on about his seashell, about peace and about his foreign friends
>Only two more years until you die but you have to spend them trapped in a rock listening to him
>I could make it all end with a word to Mr. Dok
>But it won't end, you Marleyan scum
>It's sad, you know. Such a pretty girl like you being courted by a short, ugly, pig-faced beta creep
>Did you see how he reacted when I yelled at him? He almost pissed his pants
>Meanwhile, Eren now looks like a chiseled god. They say he visits the queen regularly
>Even the horse face bastard looks pretty good now
>Marlowe would probably look really handsome now if it weren't for your buddies
>But the only one that cares about you is the sweaty piggy
>Well, I have to go. Tomorrow is Sunday and you know what that means...

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The fact she decided to side with Eren is rather proving she decided to act in a selfish way, true to herself, the only thing bothering me is this farmer since she dislikes him but if Eren is truly the father then it won’t be a problem.

>Zeke: Oooh EXCUUUSE ME for trying to make fun things with you
>Manlet: That's because you are not fun book fucker
>Zeke: Oh if only SOMEONE would buy me new books, but no, just like Grisha poor Zeke is always IGNORED. Zeke is always the bad guy here, let's blame Zeke for everything
>Manlet: Stop
>Zeke: Every fucking day, Levi, every fucking day was the same for me:Grisha ignoring, my mother having dancing sessions outside the house and in her room, that Magath faggot saying WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YEAGER? WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YEAGER? WHAT ARE YOU DOING YEAGER? WHAT ARE YOU DOING YEAGER? WHAT ARE YOU DOING YEAGER?
>Manlet: STOP
>Zeke: And things never improved when I became this attractive man. I had to deal with the worst team: that Bert faggot always sweating, Reiner being a schizo, Annie being a psycho, two pig twins, and Pieck always showing her fat ass to everyone, proud of being young and fertile. Levi, from virgin to virgin
>Manlet: I-I'm not a virgin
>Zeke: don't you hate those sluts? They are the worse, if I had the power I would just punish all those sluts, they are as bad as prostitutes, fucking whores using their bodies to make money. Maybe you shouldn't have born to end up in a job like that!
>Manlet: .............
>Zeke: You agree with me right Levi? Right Levi?

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She’s pregnant mate. That’s a proof enough, if she’s pregnant then it means she was aware Eren was going to attack Marley and bring Zeke in this island. She must be at the very least aware of that.

No wonder she's all alone

She saved trillions

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No problem, user. The world needs more pro-ethnonationalism entertainment franchises like SnK.
Eren Yeager did nothing wrong.

Sure thing, sweetie.
Meanwhike, in reality, white identity is roaring back to life as anti-white racism increases and everything the (((media))) and (((governments))) do to try to SHUT IT DOWN has the exact opposite effect.
What form it takes in the coming decades, whether it be National Socialism or something else, is irrelevant. The die has already been cast and the avalanche is already stampeding down the mountainside.
>this is the future you chose


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No user, Eren told Historia, the other person with royal blood, to be pregnant because that's his fetish
SNKTARDS everyone

Nah it wasn’t necessarily that. Karl purposely left the Shifters there and told them they could do everything they desire of them + Zeke doesn’t want eldians to suffer he wants a peaceful death and he doesn’t want them to forget their crimes.

It's 2 and a half if we get spoilers early.

How? She literally failed. Eren survived and is already healed, and is going to get his wish instead of Zeke according to a guy that saw the future.

What kind of face will she make when the rumble starts happening?

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Asspull brothers did it again.

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And it's still going to be at least 2 more chapters before the baby daddy reveal. Shit, it may not come until the very end of the series.
>tfw months of autistic shipperwars still remain

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This one in your pic

Krista will be free

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my assumption, which I thought could also be an idea of sorts for an OVA or 2 or 3
>years of outward rebellion by Ethnic Marleyans/other Non-Eldians reaches a boiling point
>the Noble Shifters are all summoned to council to find a way to quash this once and for all
>unfortunately the meeting almost immediately deteriorates as the Nobles can't help but still squabble amongst themselves, and a Shifter Battle almost commences right there Royal Palace
>they all go back to their holdings, except the War Hammer Titan. WHT stays behind and secretly comes up with a plan with Karl.
>WHT openly comes out in support of the rebellion, and using a variety of tactics manages to subdue the other nobles over time. directly fighting them or using underhanded tactics, w/e it takes to make them surrender.
>WHT and Attack titan have a 1 on 1 Titan duel, but the Attack Titan loses. it manages to escape capture though.
>the Great Titan War comes to an end, the Marleyan rebellion wins.
>Karl gathers whatever Eldians he can, and those that want to, to leave to Paradis. WHT/Tybur assumes the "throne" of Marley and installs its puppet regime. The 6 Noble Shifters have their Titans taken from them and put in placeholders, and to reduce future risk from them their entire families are killed. Attack Titan hides in the shadows and begins to plan the birth of the Eldian Restorationist Movement

rumbling inwards

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>Hitler, Luther, and Wilhelm were based
>Marx was Jewish
A German self-hating Jew, coincidentally.
Angloids are Germanic mutts like yourself. Probably where they got the beady eyes and rat faces. Even if they weren't Germanic, I'd still hate them for their constant arrogant meddling.

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>What kind of face will she make when the rumble starts happening?

The kind you make when you get stepped on by a colossal titan.

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The rumbling won't happen Erentard, go back to r3ddit.

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When do mankasa and chadren plan to have a drink together and talk about girls.

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kek 10/10
You should write your stuff down somewhere. i mean this completely unironically, all your pastas are hilarious

It will begin, but Armong will stop Eren somehow.
>and that's a bad thing!

>Karl purposely left the Shifters there and told them they could do everything they desire of them
what? what the fuck are you talking about? The Shifters are of their own free will, they weren't just left laying around like tools. Tybur/Marley had to TAKE them.
and the entire point of what Karl/Zeke's mindset is that the use of Titans is ultimately bad. Marley continuing to use them for their own gain kind of goes against Karl's ultimate mindset.

>Zeke doesn’t want eldians to suffer he wants a peaceful death and he doesn’t want them to forget their crimes.
he says this but at the same time he was/is still willing to deal with Eren to use the Rumbling.
his plan wouldn't put a sudden end to the War. Paradis and Marley killing each other afterward is still exceedingly likely, and Zeke at that point shouldn't care.

It'll happen, and Eren will get away with everything.

>images (3).jpg

none of this says she is aware of the wine, which is what that user said.

Is Hisu secretly just as bad as Eren?

>unironically thinks Luther and Hitler weren't based

Opinion discarded, nerd, with extreme prejudice.

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he got his head blown off by a little kid LMAO eren loses more than vegeta

That's a cute picture.
>(for ants)

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look at this photograph?


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He could have simply stopped them, he was strong enough to do instead he preferred to let them killing each other this way Marley and the WHT could take advantage and take hold of them.

And yes but Zeke only wants (thought) Eren would use the small scale rumbling to deal with their enemy, and end it peacefully (something Karl would definitely disagree with)

at least you know the wait will be worth it. because no matter the outcome, the shippers will break down like no tomorrow

And yet he's literally confirmed by his own future memories to win in the end. Oops!

Who cares about this stupid wine, she still purposely sided with Eren. The wine ain’t the main deal, but anyway if Eren told her about the main part of his plan which is to attack Marley to recover Zeke, the rest is pointless.

>Annie's harem consisted of Armong and Bertholdt
Is it even possible to be more unlucky than this?

>at least you know the wait will be worth it


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>He could have simply stopped them
it is heavily implied and easily assumed that he, in fact, could not.
that is one of the more popular theories as to why we even have this story to begin with: the Founding Titan is powerless against the other Shifters. the 8 Nobles squabbling with each other for centuries is BECAUSE he could not stop them.

>and end it peacefully (something Karl would definitely disagree with)
Karl's plan for Eldia/Paradis wasn't even a war to begin with, it was simply to let them be slaughtered and be ignorant as to why.

Also Boris and debatably Eren.
>wait, who's Boris?


>Who cares about this stupid wine, she still purposely sided with Eren. The wine ain’t the main deal, but anyway if Eren told her about the main part of his plan which is to attack Marley to recover Zeke, the rest is pointless.
no it's not, she might feel completely different about how things are happening right now if she didn't know about it. I mean a lot of her citizens are being turned into Titans within a city for the purposes of Zeke/Eren's goal. that may not be something she agrees with?

that happens or her children get turned into titans

she never had a chance

Eren wants them to escape the island but she just discovered her pregnancy and can't run anymore

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>lots of her citizens
Only the big fat MPs and other cucks who were ready to go along with the 50 years plan and transform her into a breeding machine whenever they could, + they desired to kill Eren.

What are the chances for AMJC to show some semblence of character before the end of the series?

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>Eldian children
An Eldian child (possibly more later, if Eren miraculously survives).
>lets Zeke infect hundreds of Paradis soldiers and they transform when his own friends are supposed to be defenseless and imprisoned in their proximity
>murders Eldian children
>manipulates young (some literal children still) Eldian nationalists until they get torn to pieces because they're inexperienced and can't fight well like the handful of vets who Eren tried to render useless
>does all this for 1 (one) child and 1 (one) woman

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Which version of Eren was the most attractive

fuck marley rumble now

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>*shakes Magic 8-Ball*
>"Outlook Not So Good"

Armin prrrrobably has the best chance, but his track record is shit, so I wouldn't count in it.

come back to reality user. please

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Yknow, I dig the EH thing, but I never understood what riled all of you up in this panel. Mind explaining?

still her citizens, and I like how you just casually disregard the "in the city" part as if you have no concern for the others that are still there
as well as all the various other problems of doing this.

No, they fought during centuries because the other kings agreed with; they were pro-Eldia so ofc they would let their own people dominate the rest of the world. The moment Karl took possession of the FT he destroyed Eldia very quickly.

And Karl definitely agreed with the genocide of the eldians anyway, which is not what Zeke is planning to do.

This is from reddit.

Imagine actually believing this.

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I think it’s about the translation Eren is actually correcting himself and when he’s doing so he actually implies that he does have a family but this letter wasn’t directed to them.

In the city? Shiganshina has been evacuated who cares retard? And they were ready to kill her anyway, Historia is not the kind of girl to let herself be manipulated and used by anyone.

Fuck Marley, fuck the Royal Family, and fuck slaves.

Does Historia technically even have any friends?


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What's left to discuss that we still haven't discussed when the chapter was released?
I think now it's 100% that Eren will cause the rumbling. All pieces are falling into position now.
And hey, remember how december chapter is always a shitstorm? December is almost here. What's the shitstorm of the next December chapter?


I think it's just meant at a gotcha moment to falco, as in he biated him by making him thin he was sending letters to his familly, a very common things for soldiers, but actually iy was his friends from Paradis army.

She tried making friends with Mikasa but she brushed her off

She's friends with AMJC, just not super close with them. Eren is clearly closest with her though, whatever their relationship actually is.

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with Eren she has a lover and family

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Eren, Mikasa, presumably the rest of the squad to some extent.

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>No, they fought during centuries because the other kings agreed with
the fuck are you talking about
> they were pro-Eldia so ofc they would let their own people dominate the rest of the world.
being Vassals under Fritz doesn't mean they automatically have to behave themselves and peacefully co-exist with one another, which is obvious that they didn't.

>The moment Karl took possession of the FT he destroyed Eldia very quickly.
you're implying that Karl had a much different and sudden differing opinion than his predecessors, and thus did what he did because of that?
that's stupid, we know from WHT Tybur about how blood relations have strong memory transference and influence. what Karl felt must have been built up over centuries from his predecessors, not something he alone just came to a sudden realization of.

>And Karl definitely agreed with the genocide of the eldians anyway, which is not what Zeke is planning to do.
>Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group

and by doing so unironically mikasa blew her last and only chance to stay somewhat close to eren

The start of the rumbling

That Historia panel was pretty bad. Funny, since she looked fine in all the other ones that chapter.

Some EHfags like dreaming, just let them be

people moved back... why would they be evacuated? what the fuck are you even talking about?

>muh fake memories

So what's the cope of this month?

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Whats a possible HAPPY ending for Mikasa?

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Going off to Hizuru with Jeanjuro

People moved back? Kek. Please go reread the chapters. The city has been evacuated to test the power of the FT the moment they brought back Zeke.

Based artist.

>Whats a possible HAPPY ending for Mikasa?

Pic related.

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Sasha is the best one

fuck you prove it, provide the chapter and page where it says this. that way you can gloat even more if you're right

I'm not doing your schoolwork for you. provide your sources

Be part of farmer's harem and grow potatoes.

WHAT THE FUCK? YOU are the speedreader and I SHOULD provide the page?

I want mikasa to

man handle Louise into grinding eachother's coochies like some buffed up dykes and squirt into each other

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I don't even need to ask where does this (((tumblr))) post come from

Comfy (literally).

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terrorists and lovers

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Fuck off speedreader

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I wonder how Zeke feels about this look

Not happening.

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Read the manga again speedthinker

What if the farmer fucked Eren?

Here's your ending.

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Cute queen

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Looks like it. Hence, the strong-willed Attack Titan as complete opposite to the faggot Founding.

can you expect speedreaders to actually find it?

Isayama is making his protagonist the bad guy, /pol/ just agrees with Eren and what he’s about to do, but it’s not in a positive light

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Galaxy brain.jpg

How can you say that Eren is the villain when he has upstanding people like Floch and Yelena on his side?

In terms of closeness I think it goes like this
>Armin (?)

Just watched episode 5 with my family and we can't believe they just fucking killed the protagonist, this is Jojo all over again.


>implying Isayama isn't Abe pilled and willing to bring back Japanese Emp- I mean Eldian Empire.

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They drive off a cliff?

get mogged

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Her neck looks pretty thick here too, although the hair and framing kind of obscures it.

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Fight when?

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I want to suck that big farmer dick

Unironically going to Hizuru with a clean slate and the will to finally start doing things for herself.

Assuming Eren isn't the father she might even marry Eren in a timeskip epilogue once she can finally stand with him as an equal.

An actual fight or sexual fight?

Isn't Louise too young for Mikasa?

Judging by his sperging with Hange, Eren isn't nearly so confident in his moral righteousness. Probably because he doesn't have it as his highest priority.

Hange's harem > Hisu's harem > Mikasa's harem > Sasha's (rip) harem >>>>>> Annie's harem

If Eren Jr isn’t then Louis is fine

Eren's not trying to bring back the empire. Furthermore, Abe wants japs to breed to make good obedient wage slaves to pay for the pensions of the old dying population. Eren wouldn't support that.

>Hisu was the tranny all along

Nah, Armin actually gets along with Historia

>sexual fight
This can hardly be considered a fight.

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What the fuck is this? This isn't an official panel right?

Floch is unironically based.

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>Hange's harem
manlet, Moblit, Erwin

>Hisu's harem
Eren, Reiner, Dykemir, Flegel and Farmer-kun

> Mikasa's harem
Janbo and Louise

>Sasha's (rip)
Connie and Nicolo

>Annie's harem
Blort and Armong

Did I miss anyone?

t. neckling


I don't normally post my ship in these threads but since you asked so nicely.

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No, doofus, it isn't. It's shooped.

>cuck king’s philosophy has been passed down through the royal blood to current day, all Elian’s deserve to die out
>wall titans are facing inward

Why would he even entertain the idea of the rumbling if it wasn’t meant to wipe out the Eldians? He knew one day the Restorationists would succeed so he planted the idea about the rumbling as a trump card
Eren knows this, the rumbling won’t happen and there’ll be a twist none of us predicted. Screen cap me

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I want Hisu to try and beat him up.

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None of them can remotely compare to Eren's harem

Mikasa also has Hizuru prince

>comic sans
>no typesetting
>unfunny meme

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You'd better believe it

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I was just talking about girls. What is Eren's harem anyway?

Could some EHchad share me the fanart with Eren carrying Hisu and saying something like “let’s go back to our rabu nest”

>boomer detected

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Maybe i'm getting a little carried away by her comment about him in uprising, but yeah they must've interacted more often

What did Grisha consider so horrifying if not the Rumbling? Or do you think he did see the Rumbling occur and that Eren will actually break the timeloop shit by preventing it?


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Annie's harem is Eren, Armin, Bert, and Boris.
>Boris: "I am forgotten..."

stop calling EHfags EHchads
it's cringe

What's a sexual fight?

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Historia, Mikasa, Annie, Louise, Armin, Floch, Jean and Reiner.

>arguably Manlet
>Zeke (maybe not anymore)

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>the earth-shaking

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Don’t worry about it

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Thank you ehCHAD

cringe ass nae nae baby

Nice try, EAfag

Rough or soft?


>no Hange

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Grisha and Eren had to be incentivized somehow to keep going. Grisha was just horrified by it while Eren loved it, so I doubt the Wall Titans would genocide the Wall dwellers since neither Grisha nor Eren would support that

That's her full harem though.
I'm sorry that facts upset you.

>Mikasa, Floch and probably Zeke__
Yeah, I don't think there is anything to be proud of.
Which is rare because we're talking about Chadren.

My bad.

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>yfw zeke was right but he didn't realise what inside the walls really meant

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What's next for Gabi?

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more despair and bullying when Eren's body grows back from the head down

When did Frieda came back?

Lost everything while typing the reply directly so I had to start over. Didn't translate the manga panels but they're from chapters 66 and 71 respectively.

Title: The sins of the fathers

Rod Reiss, who tried to have his daughter Historia, last remaining descendant of the Reiss family, inherit the power of the Founding Titan. Grisha Jeager, who stole that power and tasked his son Eren with avenging his mother. On the other side of the conflict opposing the Survey Corps and the Monarchy, lies the egoism of these two fathers.
Being forced into those "roles" they never wished for left Historia and Eren greatly perplexed. Their confusion and mental distress was in no small part due to their desire to answer to the expectations of those estranged fathers.

Bottom text: What Rod Reiss wished for was not a "daughter" but a "vessel for the power [of the Founding Titan]"

However, far from what they believed and hoped for, the two children would only find more suffering after assuming those roles. It's the power of the titans which controls the fate of Humanity, and something much more deeply connected to the origin of the fight between mankind and the Titans. Although it is the fate their blood [binds them to], and for the sake of fulfilling their fathers' wishes, should they fulfill their roles to the point of killing their own will...?
Lying to themselves for the sake of their fathers' wishes, or fighting for what they themselves believe in. Different from the fight against the Titans or against the Monarchy, this is a fight against the binding curse known as the "father".
Text below the bottom panel: Without knowing a thing, Historia and Eren had "roles" bestowed upon them by their fathers. The anger and the sense of obligation were the shackles the fathers selfishly passed onto the two children, trampling over their will.

Side text: What Grisha entrusted [to Eren] was the "power" and the desire for revenge against the Titans.

Taking the arrow.

To become Frieda #4.

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>what's next for Gabi?

An early death under a colossal titan's colossal foot while Reiner watches helplessly.

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Last chapter. Eren killed her and Grisha fell in love with her

>Grisha fell in love with her

Uh, I must have missed that part.

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It implies Eren has some family that is not SC which he referred as his friends (he called them “comrades” in the raws, so it’s even less likely that he was lying). Also pic related heavily implies the existence of that family.

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Bonding over daddy issues sure is great.

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I think Eren conversation with Falco is a far bigger hint.

Look at all this projecting, incel.

eh?? EH?!?

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>s 0 y face


thoughts about this eren that i made in 5 minutes with paint? im pretty impressed with myself desu because i usually draw like a baby

Attached: 21.png (443x502, 67K)

You missed someone

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>Historia keeps saying EH
What did Isayama mean by this?

Are you blind or do you usually parrot things you don't understand the meaning of?

Check ‘em



Lots of characters say it

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He's literally wearing the quintessential s 0 y face in that picture, dummy.

>I win if I type "cope," right?

No, you still lose and Eren still wins.


“Uncle Zeke and Daddy!!!!”

Mikasa au Interview

Translated by plain-dude and fuku-shuu


She sits upright in a chair as I visit her at the barracks of the Scouting Legion.
She gives a small nod when she notices me, but our eyes never meet.
She is Mikasa Ackerman, an unprecedented talent in humanity’s history.

“Nice to meet you”, I say. She answers “Ok,” and the interview begins.


Q: Are you nervous?
Mikasa: …a little bit.

Q: I heard you’re not normally good at conversations…
Mikasa: …I will answer any questions asked.

Q: Then I shall accept your advice and begin right away. Mikasa, you graduated at the top of your class. You could have joined the Military Police, but why did you choose the Scouting Legion?
Mikasa: Because…Eren chose the Scouting Legion.

Q: Eren Yeager, the one from the same class and hometown as yourself. Did he ask you to do this?
Mikasa: No. That was my own decision.

Q: Yeager wanted to enter the Scouting Legion ever since he joined the training corps. You didn’t try to stop him?
Mikasa: You mean…why didn’t I try to convince him to join the other Military Units?

Q: Yes. Because he’s your ‘family,’ so I thought you would recommend the safer routes.
Mikasa: …Now that you mention it, I did…when we were younger, I was against joining the Scouting Legion.

Not too shabby, user.

Q: And why did that change?
Mikasa: Because Eren didn’t change his mind. And…

Q: And?
Mikasa: Auntie…Eren’s mother said that we have to help each other.

Q: You spent your childhood with Eren.
How were your days with the Yeagers?
Mikasa: …Ya, we often fought with the other kids in town.

Q: I’m surprised that there were kids who wanted to fight you.
Mikasa: Eren provoked them, and they bullied Armin…

Q: So you were the mediator.
Mikasa: I beat them up…and tossed Eren around.

Q: Eh…you tossed him?
Mikasa: Yes.

Q: I thought you were the mediator?
Mikasa: …? Other than tosses and punches, are there other ways to stop people who don’t listen?

Q: Ah, you’re right.
Mikasa: But…I failed once.

Q: How?
Mikasa: I threw him too hard…and he ended up in the river.

Q: He fell into the river?!
Mikasa: It was only once. Armin noticed the river and tried to stop me, but I threw him into it, too.
And then they both caught colds…I have reflected on my actions.

Q: That was a horrible thing you did.
Mikasa: After that…I made sure no water was around whenever I tossed Eren.
No fire, either…burns are worse than colds, after all.

Q: You’re right…do you remember anything else other than fights?
Like Armin Arlert, whom you just mentioned. He’s a childhood friend, too, right?
Mikasa: Eren and Armin…often talk about the outside world.
Armin would bring along his grandfather’s book…

Q: About the world beyond the walls?
Mikasa: Their eyes always shone brightly whenever they talked about venturing outside…I liked watching them as they spoke.

>Where do babies come from?

Well he's not wrong.

>Zeke gushing about his brother and whining about his daddy issues for years as she rebuilds his body

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ty friend

Q: Let’s talk about your much younger childhood. What kind of kid do you think you were?
Mikasa: I was raised in the mountains and we grew vegetables for a living. I…was a sheltered child.

Q: Sounds like you had a happy and normal family.
Mikasa: It was different from living in a town. There were no kids near my house.

Q: You must’ve been precious to your parents.
Mikasa: …Yes. At that time, my world was small…my father and mother were everything.

Q: Were you strong at that time, too? Like you are now?
Mikasa: No…I took care of the fields…

Q: That’s a totally different image from your current self.
Then, can I ask you about the incident that made you an orphan…
Mikasa: ……

Q: You don’t need to answer that.
In the records, Eren and you fought the robbers together.
Mikasa: Eren came to the place I was taken to.

Q: So he came to save you.
Mikasa: At first, I didn’t know who he was…

Q: You guys never met, yet he came to your rescue?
Mikasa: Yes. He was prepared to throw away his life…I was shocked.

Q: So you guys didn’t fight together?
Mikasa: I was ready to give up. And then, Eren was about to get killed by one of the robbers.

Q: Did he ask for help?
Mikasa: No…he said “Fight. If you don’t fight, you can’t win…”

Q: That’s some amazing mental strength. Did anything change from that incident?
Mikasa: I can’t explain properly, but…I felt like, I could actually control my body.

Q: The feeling that you could control every single nerve?
Mikasa: I was able to move as I wished. And before I realized it, I had defeated the robber.

Q: I guess that was when…your talents surfaced.
Mikasa: I didn’t really understand, but…ever since then, there was nothing I couldn’t do.

Q: Thanks to Eren, your life changed.
Mikasa: I died once, and it was Eren who gave me strength.
This time, I will be the one to protect him.

Q: So you joined the training corps after that. What were your impressions of your classmates?
Mikasa: I don’t really remember…

Q: …I’m sure you had plenty of chances to team up with the top trainees.
What do you think of Jean Kirschstein?
Mikasa: Ah. Jean…he fought with Eren often.

Q: If I’m not wrong, Jean graduated with nearly the same results as Eren.
Mikasa: His results were good, but he clashed with Eren a lot, so…

Q: I see…please also allow me to ask you about your other classmates.


In the first half, Mikasa Ackerman talked about her experiences before joining the Scouting Legion and her childhood.
We also asked her about her impressions of her classmates.
In the latter half, we inquire about her Survey Corps comrades, daily life, and thoughts on her future.


Q: What about the rest? Like Reiner Braun, who was ranked second after you.
Mikasa: Reiner…and Marco, too…they’re both reliable and trustworthy.
They can lead, which is something I cannot do.

Q: You’re rather humble.
Mikasa: It’s the truth.

Q: And you’re the type to just showcase your strength.
Mikasa: I just want to protect Eren well…so I can’t become like them.

Q: What about the others? I heard you might have some fun stories with Sasha Braus……
Mikasa: ……?

Q: Something like…there was a loud noise at night, and when the instructor showed up…
Mikasa: Like the time she farted? I thought what I said was appropriate, considering the moment.

Q: I-I see. Then, have the girls in your class ever met up in secret for something…like a girl talk?
Mikasa: Girl talk?

Q: Yes, the sharing of secrets whenever you girls gather together.
Mikasa: Like…secret battle strategies?

Q: Uh, nothing related to combat. More about romance and such.
Mikasa: Oh…like who is nicer, who likes who…that kind of topic. I think we’ve had those, yah.

I got excited for a second thinking it was new stuff about the high school AU , not copy pasting old shit that just says things we all already know.

Q: You’re not interested in that kind of thing?
Mikasa: They told me that my answer is always the same, so they don’t invite me often.


Q: Ah, yes, I can imagine. Let’s change up the topic to your daily routine. What do you do when you take a break from combat training?
Mikasa: 100 sets of abdominal and back muscle exercises, and then I inspect my 3DMG…

Q: I meant outside of your voluntary workouts…
Mikasa: Sewing clothes, cooking, going to the market with Eren and Armin.

Q: That seems pretty standard. What’s your best dish?
Mikasa: I grew up in the mountains…so a pheasant and vegetables dish. On break days I’ll occasionally cook recipes that mom or aunt Kalura (Carla) taught me, and then eat it with Eren and others.

Q: Eren must love having a taste of home.
Mikasa: Ah…I hope so.

Q: Then again, during puberty perhaps quantity is more important than quality?
Mikasa: Even if that’s the case…he’ll still eat whatever.

Q: When you go shopping, what kind of clothes do you like?
Mikasa: Pretty similar to the others…

Q: And you always wear that scarf?
Mikasa: I wash this scarf once in a while…so there are days I don’t wear it.
(T/N: See during Chapter 52’s meal)

Q: You seem to care for it very much.
Mikasa: After I wash it with warm water, it becomes very soft.

Q: So having it washed must relax you. What do you do with the other cadets during holidays?
Mikasa: Usually we still have things to do even during rest periods. A day passes by quickly…but, when I was a trainee, I also did some different things.
Q: Such as?
Mikasa: The farm close to us occasionally harvests sweet potatoes and would distribute some to us…we would roast them and enjoy them.

Q: Sounds like a reward in faith.
Mikasa: Sasha is very good at finding the best sweet potatoes…Jean and Ymir were also invited, too. Connie nearly got burnt.

Eren is the most based freetard

Q: As someone who has strength that rivals the captain’s, it’s surprising that you admit to a mistake like that. Were you scared out of your mind?
Mikasa: I wanted to focus on retrieving Eren, but…

Q: You thought you could do it on your own.
Mikasa: …I was conceited.

Q: You’ve grown up.
Mikasa: I’m far from perfect…and it’s vexing.

Q: That was a good opportunity to reevaluate yourself.
Mikasa: …I won’t repeat the same mistake.

Q: What about the others in the Scouting Legion? Like Squad Leader Hanji Zoe?
Mikasa: I feel like…that person…is not a bad person.

Q: Just a pretty weird person…
Mikasa: She experiments on Eren…I know we have no choice, but I still feel uneasy.

Q: Well, she is pretty hyped up over it.
Mikasa: I understand that she just wants to solve the mysteries behind the titans…but I have to make sure she doesn’t overdo it.

Q: Then, in terms of the future. I wonder, for you…
Mikasa: I will protect Eren.

Q: Of course.
Mikasa: No matter who wants to take him away…I’ll guard him to the end.


Q: So have you considered what you will do in the future?
Mikasa: The future?

Q: Any big dreams or life goals?
Mikasa: Like…when Eren will venture outside of the walls?

Q: Yes, do you have that kind of dream?
Mikasa: I don’t really, but…

Q: But?
Mikasa: If Eren and Armin go forth, I think I’ll go as well. To the outside world.
Q: That’s a great dream. I pray that the wish where humanity wins will come true.
Finally, what do you want to say to all the citizens who pin their hope on you?
Mikasa: I understand your judgments and needs, so I wish to live up to your expectations if I can.

Q: Very reliable.
Mikasa: Eren will definitely become everyone’s hope… yes, please believe me.

Q: Thank you!
You guys have nothing to discuss except bashing character, so I decided to do this. You'all suck

Stop spamming old interviews retard

>nice to meet you


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this wall of text is taller than the fucking colossal titan

just hide post on all of them

Mikasafags have unparalleled autism

why is grisha such a slut?

>She gives a small nod when she notices me, but our eyes never meet
genuine tism

When the fuck is Tactics being released?

>Q: Then, in terms of the future. I wonder, for you…
>Mikasa: I will protect Eren.
>Q: Of course.
>Mikasa: No matter who wants to take him away…I’ll guard him to the end.
>Q: So have you considered what you will do in the future?
>Mikasa: The future?
>Q: Any big dreams or life goals?
>Mikasa: Like…when Eren will venture outside of the walls?
>Q: Yes, do you have that kind of dream?
>Mikasa: I don’t really, but…
>Q: But?
>Mikasa: If Eren and Armin go forth, I think I’ll go as well. To the outside world.


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REMINDER Isayama ships EM. Historia is an after thought he doesn't have any more plans for.

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I love Mikasa so much it hurts me

Gonna figure out what other parts of Jean are horse

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Hot take: It'll be cute regardless of who he smashes

He can't help it, girls fall on his dick every time he does his job.

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>Hot take
fuck off

Cute and canon

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What does pic related tries to convey?

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She'd would breed retarded children

Thanks user.

>God I wish that were me

Farmer kun is a lucky guy

Reiss is cuck blood, Ackerhax allows you all the benefits of titan powers without the drawbacks.

Imagine being a coochie slave

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Why do EMfags and EHfags want to kill eachother? Why don't we all just compromise on Eren creating a harem and breeding every girl with his offspring.

>This kills the ackerdogs

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Which shifter's perspective is this?

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God this is truly ridiculous and scary a the same time.

“For Eren, rather than a lover, Mikasa’s presence is more like a mother to him. The love towards a mother is considered valuable [precious], however at the same time, there are annoying parts as well [laugh],” the creator said.

Do you think Isayama is a predictable writer?

We know Jean.

nice fanfic

She's fucking pathetic.

Yes, all of the twists were expected



Delusional EMwhale calling Isayama words “a fanfic”


Yup, but i don't think it's a bad thing.

There's no way this kid isn't pretty important to the plot at this point in the story, so I have to assume he'll be tied into something else we have yet to see. My bet is he has some relation to Kruger or Ksaver, maybe one of their predecessors whom Eren influenced for some reason. Isayama can tie that into seeing Kruger one more time to explain how/why he saw Eren's future memories.

>”that scenery ” scene didn’t appear in chapter 121
>that mean eren didn’t see it in chapter 90 and he must have seen it later on
>chapter 108 showed eren went from “muh Nakama” to the current eren during the 2 months between chapter 108 and eren meeting up with yelena
I think eren might have seen the scenery during those months. Did he visit historia for something?

We only have a few chapters left and next chapter Eren interacts with Ymir.

I really don't understand how a kid with a Fez can still be important at a time like this.

Don't tell me this is Armin's son?

Jesus fuck, that slave mentality.

No wonder Eren discarded her.

Eren saw some of Frieda’s memories when he isn’t supposed to be able to recover em without Historia, I guess he managed to do so by touching Historia.

All of his twists were predicted by majority of the readers, excluding some memes.

cringe pedo

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He outright said it he saw when he kissed Historia hand.

The most likely is that both Historia AND Eren saw the scenery as they reached climax together

>“Nice to meet you”, I say. She answers “Ok,” and the interview begins.

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I think everyone is vastly overestimating Mehmet's actual importance. He's probably just a kid Eren befriended in the middle east who got killed in the war or something.

brother and sister user, brother and sister

Not at all. I can generally predict the general direction the story will go in, but he always very creatively subverts expectations (and in the good way)

>Zeke's plan
We knew he had a secret but him being an emotionally stunted man-child instead of "keikaku doori mystery man" was a very welcome twist
>Eren getting his head blown off
More like a temporary cliffhanger but enough throw us for a loop and keep us questioning things
>Zeke having control of the coordinate
On second thought we had no official reason to believe the coordinate would work exactly as described considering we were only going off what the characters themselves believed
>Ymir being a 10 year old
Again, Isayama played with our perceptions. Some accounts said she was a demon, others said she was an actual goddess, in both she was an adult. The fact that she's a lowly peasant girl with no free will of her own is a cool twist.
>The Attack Titan's abilities
We knew there was something going on with memories going backwards, but the actual mechanics behind it and the extent to which Eren had already used them throughout the story is incredible. We can even tie this into Grisha's character, we've now seen a much softer and more tormented side of him we had no idea still existed.

Did he assume this was a girl because he was relating too much, because he was doing that because of love or maybe both?

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I'd be more than welcoming of something like that, but even then whatever Eren would take out of that event would have to be a significant lesson relevant to his character, seeing how we're supposedly 9-ish chapters away.

Obviously related to his experience with Historia

That might be the reason why. Tho it appears to not work anymore except for chapter 90. I guess eren not wanting to sacrifice historia somehow caused the memories to appear. I wonder what is eren thought during those 2 months and did he visit historia because he want to experience new memories so that he can save her (he realized historia will be sacrificed in chapter 108 if he gonna keep waiting)

What do you think about current theories like “Eren being the father”, detective Hange etc?

Nvm he did see it 4 years ago. I wonder what change him during the 2 months timeskip ? Historia will be sacrificed or The SC losing eren trust?

Or maybe it depends the circumstances or the contact? The second time Eren time Eren touched her it was a kiss.

I meant the first option implied Eren doing this because of the nakamafaggotry, while the third one implied that it was because of romantic love.

>Royal blood

Have you been paying attention?

I personally think something definitely happened between chapter 108 Eren (17ish) and the actual Eren. I wrote something about it earlier in the day:

Then, of course there is the fact Eren waited for Kiyomi’s answer and spent 4 years fooling around, when he was already in possession of his father's memories and knew what he had to do, telling his friends he cares about them but fucked them up few years later (pic related)

“The old Eren would never have done such a thing, as Jean is stating it in 108, now he is ready to put in danger the life of his friends for his so-called “quest for freedom” BUT on the other hand he waited 4 years wasting a precious time for nothing, the question being why? According to me something clearly happened between chapter 108 (Eren 17 years) and Hobo Eren (Eren 19 years), something motivated him to act.”

It might be related to Historia honestly.

Manga panels are from chapter 66 (except the cabin convo one, from chapter 65)

Title of Historia's page: That's it! I've had enough... I won't let you kill me!!

Text under Ymir's panel: the existence of comrades prompted Historia and Eren to release themselves from the curse of their blood. These two must certainly have thoughts for those close to them.

As she was tormented by the curse of her blood, what saved Historia as a person were the words she received from both Ymir and Eren. Above all else, accepting to play the role given to her by her father would be no different from the life of lies she used to live as "Krista": she would simply lie to herself once again.
This is what inspired her not to take the path chosen by her father, but to make the decision to walk her own path.
On the other side, you have Eren who hasn't yet broken free from his own torment. What has kept Eren going up to this point is... (continued next page)

Title of Eren's page: Just one last time...Please let me believe in myself

(continued) ...the belief that he was a special individual for holding the power of Titans. That's why even in a situation he wished to run away from, the idea of whipping himself into action was still present. However, this power [he holds] was only something entrusted to him by his father, and forcibly obtained by murdering the Reiss family.
When the impression that "I am special" crumbled, Eren fell into the depths of despair. And yet, Eren made the choice to fight. In order to protect his precious comrades, Eren begins walking once again___.

The bottom text is actually a sentence that goes over the two pages:
After they broke free from their destiny, will they be able to forge a new future?

If Eren's the father a sizable chunk of people here obviously aren't going to be shocked, but we've been arguing about it for nearly a year now and digging for any scrap of evidence to prove/disprove it. A confirmation would be still be really satisfying from a thematic standpoint so I don't really need to be shocked by it or anything. I think Levi and Hange ending up there and having that tie into the reveal is also just logical at this point. Most of the big surprises that really get me off guard are coming from the main plotline.

probably one of the experiences that lead to his changing conception of the enemy and the outside world, which is a pretty huge lesson and very relevant to the maturing and growth away from the simple worldview of his youth. this sequence also shows more flashbacks of him in the middle east, which could maybe be trying to draw a connection.

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I not sure if he is doing it for Historia but why people still believe he is doing it for his friends?(trough less and less people belive it now) when:
Sasha fucking died
Mikasa and Armin where this close to die in the Zackly explosion.
They were jailed under a bunch of people were ready to be titanized

Here's the original

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Falco comments about gabi being popular and what she did in the war (like how historia killed rod reiss) and about how everyone said she should be the next armor (just like historia with the beast), it’s very similar to historia situation. It appeared that grow out of his asexual phase (regardless if he is the father or not) since he was able to recognize Falco love for this particular candidate

>will they able to forge a new future?
Did isayama just imply eren and historia are able to break the timeline?

>After I wash it with warm water, it becomes very soft.
>with warm water

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I mean, if Eren was a nakamafag he simply would have gone with 50 years plan which he evidently didn’t. So he went with a lot more riskier plan that would prevent Historia from becoming a shifter, but why would he do it? I mean, the motivation that made him put his other friends in danger for the cost of saving one. Is it because he had nakama boner for Historia or he is genuinely attracted (romantically) to her?

>F: [breaks eye contact while talking about "this person"]
>E: Why do you say that?
>F: [sweats silently]
>E: It's a girl, isn't it.
Normal social cues. Falco is too embarrassed to answer immediately, so it has to be someone a boy his age would be shy about (i.e. not a regular friend or a sibling). A girl is the most reasonable assumption. I'm sure Eren also sympathized with Falco, but it's not as baseless a logical leap as some anons make it out to be.

Never said that but ok.

Yeah, but it's because he foreshadows them rather than asspulling them

>He's probably just a kid Eren befriended in the middle east who got killed in the war or something.
That would just make him another Falco

The scene was meant to be Eren relating to falco in the next page Falco says " i'm going to die without achieving anything" those were the words Eren said to Reiner in the same ch

The thing is that Eren has been pretty dense about anything romantic until now. See how he was the only one to not see anything bad in Marlo being insensitive toward Hitch.

>Eren also sympathized with Falco
Thanks for agreeing with me, I guess.

>no paths ymir option

I don't think anons (or most readers who've been curious about this scene) were considering Eren's assessment a logical leap so much as they were wondering how/why/when he became able to pick on such cues when he used to be much denser at age 15. The answer from the Q&A session in Oyama was that he was being influenced for whatever reason in that particular moment but the recent chapter made that answer frankly dubious, especially considering that he had no issues figuring out Bert's crush on Annie was apparently affecting Armin without any mysterious predecessor expert in love matters whispering shit into his ears.

Eren got embarassed just a few years earlier about wanting to protect 4 precious friends from becoming shifters.

Eren wouldn't have those memories.
It has to be a previous user of the AT, FT, or WHT.

>The answer from the Q&A session in Oyama was that he was being influenced for whatever reason in that particular moment but the recent chapter made that answer frankly dubious
Because it was fake, user.
>especially considering that he had no issues figuring out Bert's crush on Annie was apparently affecting Armin without any mysterious predecessor expert in love matters whispering shit into his ears.
Kinda forgot about it, Eren definitely doesn’t seem to be dense anymore.

>Eren also sympathized with Falco
sympathy is quite different from what i said

There was a picture on his of a handsome Caucasian man fairly well dressed but a bit flamboyant about it smoking a cigarette while pumping his older vehicle full of gas. The objective of the thread was to write a story about this picture. Truly a one in a million occurance.

Wait it was fake ? What about the other question?

Lit* not his whoops haha

I don't deny he was less observant as a kid. But he's had four years since then to observe social interactions and maybe even experience some romance of his own. Assuming that he would stagnate at the level of awareness he had at 15 is silly. Besides, guessing that someone is acting shy because he has a crush doesn't require much social savvy. Eren isn't a literal autist; he's just self-absorbed and not very observant. He's trying to read Falco in this scene, so he's more clued in than he might be in a less intimate conversation.

I think that was more because it was embarrassing to say it right in front of them. Do you think Eren would have been as shy in declaring his desire to protect them if he had been speaking privately with someone like manlet or Hange?

It has to be Eren, or Kruger

I mean, we got to watch Reiner's entire character arc play out all over again with Gabi for no good reason, so why not?

Except maybe Gabi will take a different path from Reiner, and that will create the conflict between them

this kid is too white for a fez wearing roach

Maybe he is Azerbaijan

Gabi was also there to bridge the Marley and Final arcs, and to give Reiner motivations to go back to Paradis.

Mehmet being some kid Eren befriended would be a complete rehash of Falco in every way except the attempted murder.

Not shipping at all. I unironically hope there's a twist ending around Historia being pregnant where the baby Eren is holding at the end isn't hers at all and the story ends without expanding on who the father is or even having Hisu give birth.

it has been 2000 years since Eldia conquered vast territories

maybe whites are all over the place now

There are actually some Turks and Persians who look almost white, with fairly pale skin, red or blond hair, and blue or green eyes, sometimes even freckles, likely as a result of ancient interbreeding with proto-whites from the Caucasus region of Eurasia.

Not a faggot at all, i unironically I hope there's a twist ending around Eren touching Ymir where we get Ymir flash and the story ends right after without solving any of the conflicts, it will be fucking great XDD

Not a shipper either but that would be retarded.

You sound mad, shipping fag. Now I hope Historia dies.

I've heard Greeks talk about this, they say modern Turks are actually Steppe mongrels who invaded from the north, and historical Annatolians were white

Historia dies because if you don’t reply to this post then your mother dies in her sleep tonight.

I really think something happened after Kiyomi's visit, because Eren still seemed like his old dense self when Mikasa was acting shy and nervous around how she treats him special about her family symbol thing. I bet that's like something "Mikasa U can only let someone like your future husband see" from her mom.

>don’t wait until it’s too late
>reunities with AMJSC half a day later
This family has to be someone else, right? I mean, otherwise this warning is pretty pointless.

You sound mad, faggot. Now i hope the story ends next ch.

Is there even a single freetard NEARLY as based as Eren Yaegar? And I don't mean the child Eren Yaegar or the pre-timeskip Eren Yaegar. I don't even mean the Eren Yaegar who can transform into the Attack Titan. Hell, I'm not even talking about the post-timeskip Eren Yaeger with the Attack Titan and the Founding Titan and the Warhammer Titan. I'm talking about the COMPLETELY FREE post-timeskip historia-impregnating grisha-haunting Isayama-manipulating PATHS scenery-seeing post-timeskip Eren Yaeger with the Attack Titan and the Founding Titan and the Warhammer Titan who is going to commit the rumbling because he WAS BORN INTO THIS WORLD.

>Q: Any big dreams or life goals?

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Didn’t mean to

If Hisu dies Eren makes a funeral pyre for her out of the entire world.

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It was likely in reference to Historia and the baby, but we won't know until Isayama wants us to know. It certainly wasn't in reference to Grandpa Yeager, and it doesn't seem to be in reference to AMJSC, so Historia + child seems to be the best bet barring some kind of bizarro asspull like "lol jk Eren's got Hitch pregnant" or "surprise, Eren got Annie preggo before she went into the crystal."

Nothing against EH but Eren didn't really return to the others. They remained shut out and he was arrested. It was too late for Sasha too.

Whatevs, responded to it anyway lol.

I know you're but that's what I said ; Grisha's "horrible vision" might actually happen after "that scenery".

did it ever explain what to you in 2000 years meant?

>Mikasa: But…I failed once.
>Q: How?
>Mikasa: I threw him too hard…and he ended up in the river.
>Q: He fell into the river?!
>Mikasa: It was only once. Armin noticed the river and tried to stop me, but I threw him into it, too.
>And then they both caught colds…I have reflected on my actions.
>Q: That was a horrible thing you did.
>Mikasa: After that…I made sure no water was around whenever I tossed Eren.
>No fire, either…burns are worse than colds, after all.
She's so precious. I want to protect her forever

Ackerautism can be cute. Kenny was kinda cute too.

Bun Eren

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he's so edgy

I mean, with Eren running away from the SC (from the base situated in Marley), maybe for like 2 months at best, and summoning them to that bloodbath in Liberio it seems to be unlikely it was about AMJSC.

What would Historia think of Bun Eren

Worried train Eren

Also combined with it makes it even less likely that it was a reference to AMJSC.

I've never seen how it works as a reference to Historia/the baby either though. He can't go back and reunite with them because doing so would doom them. So how can it serve as a warning?

It's a hint that he probably isn't going to make it back. He's already waited too long and gone too far.

>surprise, Eren got Annie preggo before she went into the crystal

AH HA! No wonder Eren was so annoyed with Armin sniffing around Annie!

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Why do you guys like Hisu anyway?

She's muh queen

she's cute

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But there's strong evidence he will reunite with them at some point, both in the last panel and the devil/apple/girl imagery which many assume they will reenact.

Eren not being able to see Historia+baby is a pretty classic war situation where soldiers never get to see their families anymore. This user is right.


>dumb, corny, cheesy, overly shippy, and something Isayama would never write
>isayama would never

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SnK is a tragedy; if Eren has a family that he wants to return to but can't, his grandfather telling him to go home to them before it's too late when it's already too late would be pretty fucking tragic.

Into the trash

She fights in uniform as Historia twice.

>Eren lied about ackergenes
>the three ackerman we know all had a moment of illlumination where they decided to make their lives revolve around one person
Clan of slave.

I mean it could work work both ways, couldn’t it? At least it certainly makes more sense than anyone in the SL.

>Mikasa is not a slav-

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t, necklet

Meant for , excuse me.

>EM is n-not the ploy

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She's a brave tiny queen who wants to live for herself but struggles with that. Her design is also second prettiest.

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unironically marrying Jean-bo

Most developed FC


Right on cue.

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>Mikasa realizes Eren is going to destroy the world
>she points her gun at him
>she pulls the trigger
>her finger stops mid way
>arms begin to move
>immense fear and panic flood her mind
>the barrel tilts upwards
>hands visibly shaking as she fights against her own body
>she tries to scream but her control is fading and she can feel her body begin to relax
>her vision darkens and a deathly silence fills her mind
>her concentration falters as a heavy drowsiness sets in
>her last sensation is a feeling of cold metal pressing against her finger as she eliminates Eren's final enemy

Thus is the fate of all Ackermans.

I̯̺͖͈̩ ̠͓r̝̘̻͖͖̦͘à̹͖̞̺͇̞ḅ̹̭̙̜̮͖u̪̭ ͕̦P̠͝i̦̹̬̥̱̫̘ķu̮̣̮̩

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Can you not read? She's literally giving her fairwell towards Eren. EM was never a thing.

Sounds sad for Jeanbo

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Stop. Taking. The. Bait. You. Dumb. Fuck.

Because she went from being a bland stock character whose most notable traits were "please marry me" gags and being hit on by Ymir, to a more nuanced character with an actual personality and backstory.

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>After they broke free from their destiny, will they be able to forge a new future?
paths magic foreshadow?


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I challenge people here to draw one of the characters as best you can and post it

Eren will break the loop and and the curse.

made Eren a man


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>break the loop

Isayama being unpredictable is a meme. Gabi’s shitty arc was the most predictable thing I’ve ever read, though I expected she would kill someone again. Well, at least she attempted to.

If double digits Historia will die after giving birth.

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She's literally me.

Ģ̴̧͈͉̫̗̦͌̓͂̀͌͞ù̴̡̨̺͕̯̬̑͗̎̃͋͛̚͟͟͞͡ý̵͙̞͈̜̬̮̤͍̽̉̑̍̿͒̕͢͟s̱̭̞̖̣͍̳̋͐̿̔͒̽̕ͅ Ǐ̛͉̦̯͖͚̿͒́̽̄̃͑̋'̶̛̦͇̳̜͚͙̐̄̌̂̊͑͞m̨̬̺̪̫̯͋̀̈̿͋͊͐̊͠ ş̴̢̗̳͕͇͙̹̔͒̽̎̀̑͘͝͝t̫͇̥͂̂͒͗͋͑͆̕͠ȋ̴̗̤̭̞͖̘̒̽̽̂͝l̸̢̥̩͇̱̘̮̫̩͐̀̚̕͠l̛͈̝̰͈̘̥̮̣͑̌̌̾̾͗͛ ḩ̴̛̗̰̰̄̋̈̐̒̃͢͝e̛̤͔̙̙̮̒͋̋̽̊̀̾͢͡r̮̣͓͖̥̬͒̈́̽͆̂̽͛̿͠ë̵̹͖͎͎̼́͋̇̑̈̀͘͠ t̺̳̺͍̼͊̆̿̌̍̾̍͞͡͠o̢̰̘̺͇͉̗̗͔͑̓͆͞͞ò̧͕̼̞̯̯̙̱͎̻͐͂̄͊́̈̍̕

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>t. 65 IQ speedreader

What’s the appeal?

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I-I still haven't forgotten about you, Colt.

Have Historia and Armin ever interacted before?

She has no reason to give a shit.

>t.didn't pass hs physics

A healthy relationship with an emotionally mature person who is also imagine-tier

>A healthy relationship with an emotionally mature person

Some bold assumptions going on there.

Eren's other options are a dog or the first ever used-goods rock

>t. 55 IQ speedreader that unironically thinks that matters in a fucking manga

Eren is as much the problem as they are.

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post yfw zeke succeeds but ackerman semen is too strong

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>not wanting a genocide is bad
We're going to see the rumbling and it's raw destructive power and not see it destroy the world. Seems like a great final boss.

>no Yelena

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If not for my love of the M mouth panel I would have done nothing.

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>Eren heard clearly that Bort liked Annie
>Armin started visiting Annie after inheriting CT
I mean you don't have to be a genius to vome to that conclusion

>she shits on a character I don't like she's an amazing character!
>He was worried about her safety when they were preparing to save Eren and Ymir
>Gives no shit about his in return
What a cunt.

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I don't dislike Armin though.

this desu

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