Why didn't Stain have a bigger impact?

He shows up for a single arc to call out heroes who don't truly embody their profession, Iida is the only person to even think about what he said and then that's it. Nothing except Spinner being a fanboy, Shiggy feeling cucked initially and a couple throwaway lines.

Why isn't there a bigger focus on heroes reexamining their motivations and their role in society past and present leading to people like Stain existing?

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Because it doesn't make sense. Motivating more heroism is beneficial. There isn't a place for their society to move to using Stain's ideology, except having fewer heroes with smaller amounts of resources to work with.

cause his ideology, and actions, were too stupid to gain traction.
>professional heroes get paid. that makes them frauds, so i'm going to murder them.
>btw, I respect the #1 pro hero Allmight, even though he probably gets paid the most. only he's allowed to kill me.

He's hugely influential on the league of villains.

>Why isn't there a bigger focus on heroes reexamining their motivations and their role in society past and present leading to people like Stain existing?

There is, dumbass. The idea of "professional heroes" is brought up multiple times.
BNHA is shit but Stain wasn't wasted

He drew attention towards Shiggy which kicked the league back into action by drawing new villains there. If it wasn't for Stain the whole chain of events leading to All Might fighting All For One wouldn't have happened because shiggy wouldn't have had forces to do the forest attack.

His motivation is trash and doesn't make any sense unless you have double digit IQ, like the majority of the populace in BNHA world and its cocksuckers

because hori is a fucking hack

The trope that heroes work for personal interests instead of le greater good can and does work, just that hori is too much of a fucking hack to make use of it

Hori couldn't come up with a way to address his ideology in the plot. As in, there is no realistic solution to the problem he rises. Few professions are not filled with people driven by selfish reasons, anyway.

So Stain is there to pretty much lick Deku's balls and then leave forever.

He was a hack the moment he decided to use a school setting for his shonen.

Shitting on mha will never not be funny

Banned BNHATARD from Yea Forums

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fuck off forever anytime

keep doing god's work

Because nothing ever has a big impact on the show. He introduces some ideas that could potentially be interesting, that doesn't investigate them at all. It's like he wants to make something good but is too scared to do it.

There is a solution and it's the LoV. They're literally a wake up call for the hero society that values fame, rankings, and money while doing nothing to help the ones that are ostracized. If the so-called heroes can't fix anything, there's no better solution than to tear it all down and start over.

The only thing Stain did wrong was not killing more fake heroes.

Very edgy post

>Why isn't there a bigger focus on heroes reexamining their motivations and their role in society past and present leading to people like Stain existing?
Because that would require good writing.


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>Why isn't there a bigger focus on heroes reexamining their motivations and their role in society past and present leading to people like Stain existing?
Because Hori shit writer

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Accurate. Stain isn't as smart as OP thinks.

He’s just poor man’s Garou

>this shit again
it's not that you can't get paid, but you shouldn't be hero FOR the money, it's not the same

because hori is a hack

Because despite having logical motivations the thing he is acting against is literally never shown to exist in the story because hori is a hack, so he just seems like an angry sperg instead

Why did you feel the need to make this a thread instead of just posting it in the BnHA thread?
Another thread died because of your newfaggotry.

Because he is a fucking idiot who murders people over semantics.
He murders people who he wants to start saving people so he murders them so they can start saving people.
Not only that but he is completely fucking wrong. He loves All Might and hates Endeavor even though Endeavor should embody what he believes even more than All Might whiles All Might is guilty of shit he accuses others.
He targets heroes just because and he targets randoms without knowing what they believe in in the process hurting honest heroes. He also can proven wrong when all the heroes that look like media whore money loving scumbags are shown to be all very dedicated to their role as a hero.
Stain is a fucking retard who killed people over semantics and wasnt even consistent with his beliefs on top actually being completely wrong. And I hate how every god damn retarded normalfag thinks he is deep or a good villain and still think he is worth any shit even though there have been way better villains than him in the series since. I hope this shitstain never appears again or only appears to be killed like the pathetic dog that he is.
OP is a cock-gobbling normalfaggot.

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>He's hugely influential on the league of villains.
Last arc literally showed Shiggy was intent on hero destruction long before Stain was a thing.

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I fail to see how one undoes the other.

>Stain helps Shiggy see the real reason why hero society needs to go
>Shiggy's origin shows he feels good when he destroys things he doesn't like
Gee I'm sure Shiggy is taking Stain ideals to heart and not just killing because it feels good

He would work better as a punisher character who killed villians but also rough up heroes who get in his way. He was killing heroes like lidas big brother who were doing an upstanding job by all accounts. He could not point to a single thing engenium (1st) did wrong. Killing only heroes would only create an unbalanced world with more villians to run amok.. It would endager the public more than letting imperfect heroes continue to work

>Stain helps Shiggy see the real reason why hero society needs to go
No he fucking doesn't. What he was thinking at the mall had nothing to do with Stain's ideology. Shiggy co-opted Stain's image to attract recruits.
And its pretty clear that "destroy everything" is both not really feasible and he immediately backtrack to say his associates can have their shit. Just because he said something doesnt mean everything prior is undone.
His thoughts about people being complacent also come from the fact that he was left on the streets and nobody wanted to look at him.


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