五等分の花嫁 / The Quintessential Quintuplets

Some incorrectly call it Go Toubun or 5Toubun too.

So which quint gets the next chapter?
Will all quints get 2 chapters each?
Will Slowtaro finally figure out who's kisser/rena/loli/girlhelikes?

Attached: 5toubun quints.jpg (1876x2648, 1.04M)

Other urls found in this thread:

webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:C9jz9Zooll8J:https://boards.fireden.net/a/thread/191648740/ &cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

Nino will get rejected next chapter
Nino a shit

Yotsuba hospitalized one of the quints

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>So which quint gets the next chapter?
Yotsuba, with Lolikano reveal as volume cliffhanger.
>Will all quints get 2 chapters each?

1 > 4 > 5 > 3 >>>>>> the shit my dog buried two days ago >> 2


Attached: 2c shaping.png (510x705, 207K)

>So which quint gets the next chapter?
Nino then Miku then Yotsuba and finally Itsuki

>Will all quints get 2 chapters each?
No. Itsuki will get 5 and win the bowl.

>Will Slowtaro finally figure out who's kisser/rena/loli/girlhelikes?
Yes. Filler/Itsuki/Filler/Itsuki

Attached: itsuki inevitable.png (1696x1066, 679K)

>Fuutarou loves _____
First reply to get dubs wins the bowel


Why would you keep trying to force meme yanderesuba?

She's the nice genki girl everybody likes. It doesn't fit at all. 3 would make the best yandere. She's the foil to 2 afterall.

Attached: Yotsuba reason fear the four.png (1056x665, 1.06M)


Whomever collapsed, probably Yots
Most likely, if not then each get 1 chapter for day 2 and day 3 is all from Fuuts PoV
After confessing he'll ask the girl if she was the kisser which she'll confirm, he won't figure out lolinakano


Attached: miku u mad.jpg (511x521, 136K)

user > quints



He will kiss the quint and confirm she is the bell kisser imo.


>Will all quints get 2 chapters each?
Yeah, probably. I really doubt that Negi will disappoint fags of any quint (before confession).
Kisser - yes, it's time to reveal it.
lolikano - if Yotsuba will reveal this
girlhelikes - sure. I also think he has complex feelings for Ichika. So probably he will be choosing between her and kisser (but matbe she is kisser).

Negi won't do it, right bros?

Attached: Negi Lie.jpg (1169x768, 335K)

>Yea Forumsnon Yea Forums
t-There's no wway that'd happen.... right?

Attached: yotsuba 3 face.png (266x395, 167K)


>>Fuutarou loves _____
Who cares who he loves? He already said he loves all of them.

>Fuutarou marries _____
First reply to get trips wins the Fruitarobowl

Attached: fuutaro no way.png (351x732, 230K)

Fuck off (you)tard

>Lolikano reveal
Doesn't feel like 4 would reveal it though. Also feels a bit too soon.

>Kisser - yes, it's time to reveal it.
Ditto unless it's Ichika
>lolikano - if Yotsuba will reveal this
Never got why people think 4 will. She hasn't done so for so long because she doesn't want to. Not sure what change will come about to make her do so.
>I also think he has complex feelings for Ichika.
I feel Ichika has a better shot if series drag on, but right now it seems like it will end around 125-150 mark? If series is like 200+ then Ichika's odds increase dramatically.

I think Negi wants to move away from the idea that Fuu fell in love because of the kiss, the kiss just made him realize that he hoped it was one specific quint the one who did it so that one started to feel special to him
In the end he'll confess without knowing for sure who it was because it doesn't matter, what matters is who he wanted her to be/who would made him happy if she was the one that did it

I hate Nino!

>I think Negi wants to move away from the idea that Fuu fell in love because of the kiss, the kiss just made him realize that he hoped it was one specific quint the one who did it so that one started to feel special to him
Speeds seem to either forget or miss the point that Fuutaro didn't say "he fell for the kisser" or "kisser became important at that moment".

Merely that THE BRIDE "STARTED" become special to him at that moment.
Certainly doesn't bode well for Miku, but then again it doesn't completely work against her so much as nullify most of her efforts before the kiss.

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I don't say he will choose her but at least he has some special feelings for her.


>a bit too soon.
No, it lasted too long. Also, Maruo is there, he can talk about the past and Futarou will realize it.
>the idea that Fuu fell in love because of the kiss
Only retards think that the kiss is what did it.

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Will say F1 have the most "adult"-like relationship among the quints. F5 is more mature, but mature does not always equal adult.

And in chapter 72 he considers the bell kissers feelings sincere. But in chapter 100 he calls the kiss an accident. It's a bit weird why he went from sincere to it was an accident imo.

>Also, Maruo is there, he can talk about the past and Futarou will realize it.
Would be pretty interesting. Would BTFO everyone else if Maruo turns out to be a Fx4fag.

>knows loli played with shotaro
>originally intended 4 to drop out by herself.
>originally planned Fuutaro as her tutor
>told Nino not to go with Uesugi because it was a "torny path" not because of the studying but because he knew she wasn't lolikano
Salt would be immeasurable.

He doesn't need to be a Fx4fag. Maruo doesn't want Futarou to see his daughters like that. But they were the ones at the hospital and he is the one who brought them back when they were lost. He could say something like "This is like what happened 5 years ago but with the roles reversed" or something.

>But in chapter 100 he calls the kiss an accident
You mean 101? I'll say he just said that because he's embarrassed. He after all doesn't know the true intentions of the quint and wouldn't want to seem stuck-up saying they forced a kiss on him.

Also sets up PARALLELs with Yotsuba on the Ferris wheel where she got embarrassed and said her cheek kiss was an accident/mistake.

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Oh yeah 101 my bad.

Yup looks like Yotsuba is gonna win, pack it up boys. No need to post other girls now.

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He started thinking of that girl as special because he already had some feelings beforehand, the kiss was just what made him realize that she was special to him
It's not like someone kissed him and he started fantasizing about "the kisser" so that she became special to him after that

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Someone post that Yotsuba breastmilk comic

Who's the best non-quint female?

Rena > Matsui = Otori > Yamada = Eba = Tsubaki > Shimoda > Takebayashi = Raiha >>>>>>>>>> Thot Nino SHOOK

Attached: friendship ended with quints.png (1115x1019, 645K)

He also stops himself from telling her how he felt about the present she got him for his birthday. Maruo probably remembers Fuutarou from back in Kyoto. But I doubt negi would go into details about it, unless it's important.

>Takebayashi not on top
Rena is a washed up old hag with a cave for a cervix entry

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Takebayashi got wrecked by 1 quint.
Rena is made for breeding.

Attached: EEgnfd7VAAMrLqW.jpg (848x1200, 106K)

But whose gave birth to Tarou jr.?

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Also she had 2 fucking attemps to kiss F and 2 actual kisses (one in cheek, one in lips).
Can Negi get away with this?

Only Yotsuba can be so PURE yet so LEWD at the same time.

Attached: yotsuba lewd slut wtf I hate yotsuba now.png (1115x726, 771K)

Bros... Imagine if she actually wins. My life would be fulfilled.

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>he already had some feelings beforehand, the kiss was just what made him realize that she was special to him
Aka Nino the first Fuutarou confession!!!
He started to think about love stuff

Yws, Nino was good plot device.

5toubun no hanayome is the official romanization


Does anyone have the panel where Yotsuba go out of the shower just when Fuutarou enters the room, and she teleports into the room again with a door bang?

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Too bad her future lies in the rope.

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Around a month ago: Valentine's Day
Nino confession: White Day
When did he start thinking about stuff like that: Pending

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Why are these threads 24/7 Yahari circlejerk levels of bad? Do we really need a thread up at all times to post the same pictures, same posts, and same stale jokes over and over and over again? Where is the purpose? You post the same shit and the same anons get baited then respond with the same responses. Every thread is the same. I miss when these threads were fun.

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In 67 he says he thinks she was mad because he didn't get her anything in return.

He started to think the chocolates could be about Valentine's when his boss asked him about it, it was the same day as Nino's confession

Go back to Yea Forums

No, he dismissed the chocolates on White Day when his boss mentioned the possibility. He said something that surely it couldn't have been the intention. If he had an inkling suspicion since around a month ago, it means he considered the possibility of the chocolates being Valentine's chocolates on Valentine's Day or few days after it, since Valentine's is at February 14, White Day is March 14, and Scrambled Eggs takes place after White Day.

Based 3fag with 4 mikus to shit on nino

Why is this manga always in the catalog? Has yuri-incest?

Based and checked

Because despite what the threads will tell you. All the girls are best girls.

Also only implied yurincest tendencies and maybe one off screen implied kiss between girls.

Add a random Ichikafag to shit on Nino

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Not even asking for winning the Fuutaro bowl.
I just want 4 to be happy.
But you should know Negi well enough....

Attached: there's no way that'd happen yotsuba go toubun.png (1148x1600, 1.3M)

Niku is endgame.

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Yotsu bullying is so satisfying.


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>Yotsuba cheek kiss
>Ichika cheek kiss
>Bell kisser kiss
>Ichika kiss
Oh no. 235fags btfo

You have to think about this stuff from the perspective of a writer. Fuutarou will inevitably realize his feelings - and soon. All the girls have more or less gone through some sort of arc. The question then, if you're Negi, is - WHAT NOW? Does the story just end the moment Fuutarou makes his decision? I mean, that happens sometimes, but it would be rather abrupt and leave a bad taste in your mouth.

So, ideally, for the final arc of the story, the heroine needs to be someone that can create uncertainty and conflict, even after an initial confession. Someone who can create a difficult circumstance and drive the story into more trouble. Someone resistant to Fuutarou, who doesn't want to be with him.

That means that 1, 2, 3 are out. If Fuutarou confesses to them, they squeal with joy, and the story ends. They simply have no more room to grow, they are complete.

4 is the one with the most baggage, the most potential energy in the story. She actively doesn't want to be confessed to, because even though it's a deep desire of hers, having that kind of attention subverts her worldview. That could make for a complex and interesting final arc where all the girls have to sort out their feelings.

5 is also a candidate, but takes a lot longer to get going, because she doesn't have the same setup as 4. Her own arc is so empty that she could easily end up the winner with some setup.

On second thought, 2 is also possible, in a roundabout way. You could imagine a scenario where Fuutarou falls for another sister, Nino has to confront her own feelings and learn to put her own desires aside to support Fuu, then that creates an opportunity for her to win, because now she has room for character growth. This wouldn't apply to Miku, who doesn't have a dramatic need to humble herself. Or Ichika, whose character has kind of taken a tangential turn. These most recent chapters baiting Ichika show that. Narratively, she's been invalidated, so Negi has to overtly bait her fans.

Does exist any other character with the same hairstyle as Raiha?

Attached: Raiha.jpg (404x452, 69K)

>You forgot
>Yotsuba lolikano
>Ichika lolikano (2)
Other quints confirmed not KONO SHUNKAN DESTINY.

Nino sort of exempt. She has first confessed and also saw Shotaro in person but didn't end up playing with him.

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He dismissed in the say way he dismissed the kiss as an accident, that doesn't means he doesn't have any doubts about it

Btw, what elemental type of pokemon does the quints would use?

She has even been rejected by Fuutarou.

Nino would be the Poison type

Attached: Nino Drink.jpg (724x1024, 110K)

Ichika = Dark
Nino = Fire
Miku :Ghost or Water, can't choose
Yotsuba = Fighting
Itsuki = Normal or Fairy

Fuutarou is going to realize Yotsubas confession was real.

What does he mean?

>Nino have Itsuki's cooking apron
Hints about who is fainted "Itsuki"

Attached: Itsuki.jpg (1920x1920, 1.16M)

I wonder whether Negi will shoehorn a quints mixup during birth into story. Imagine the shitfest when it turns out the numbers are totally wrong, e.g. 3 is in fact 5 and 4 was 1 all along. He could troll the audience so easily that way.

>Narratively, she's been invalidated
Actually, this pasta has beem invalidated.

Ichika a best !

Miku rejection soon guys. Prepare for Mikufags nonstop seething.


>>Bell kisser kiss
Aka Nino


Itsuki and Miku were btfo by Negi


Which Nino?
Nino the Dera?
Nino the Loser?
Nino th3 Shit?


>t. Increasingly nervous user for the 7th time this week

>i think there is a lot of people who forgot about plot. Please reread 10 volumes
>right before Ichika's kiss chapter
What did he mean by this

Why is this thread such a disgrace? Why are Mikufags allowed to breathe?

They should be smothered with a pillow while they sleep. I can't imagine how shit the threads will be once she gets rejected.

The one me, the drugdealer boss and my bros in the gang have been fucking all day now

Fuutarou himself says it ch71 and other chapters.
Nino confession open his mind about all this shit.
Chapter 61 Fuutarou mind was about "love love love" everywhere

Attached: after71.jpg (1920x1920, 1.9M)

Rent free

Did he just confirm what his editor said in the interview? LOL


Ichika: Fairy/Dark
Nino: Fairy/Poison
Miku: Fairy/Steel
Yotsuba: Fairy/Grass
Itsuki: Fairy/Fighting

Based on their favorite animals
Ichika: Hippowdon
Nino: Lopunny, Diggersby
Miku: Sandslash, Shaymin, Togedemaru, Chespin
Yotsuba: Camerupt
Itsuki: Kangaskhan

Attached: 1553432724541.jpg (1128x3172, 524K)

Ninofags have right with all the parallels and its not red herring but Negi writing

What did he say?

Hah, so Nino did indeed make it to the Autumn cup first team.

AgreeD, it's impossible to imagine that since Miku's virtually guaranteed to win and then get a spinoff about her married life for her popularity alone, never mind her development inside the actual history. Negi knows he is will be torpedoing his career if any other quint wins the Fuuts,

He said go re-read the ending of volume 10 since people seem to have forgotten what the plot is. Basically a rough translation.

Think about it, once your precious 3fags are gone from the threads there'll be nobody left to shit onto. But you seem to be the type to shit yourself so that might be OK too. Have fun.

Attached: 1564613139219.gif (521x324, 433K)

3fags cope

3 months have passed since last volume that ended up with the Lolikano reveal. Since this volume starts with the Lolikano flashback, Negi encourages people to reread Volume 10 to get the idea how the fuck are they in the past from nowhere at the start of next volume.

So that tweet is for people wondering why volume 11 started with a flashback?

Only for retards.

That is what said editor-kun?

So normies.

Pretty much I would say. What he said though was only that he thinks a lot of people forgot the contents in the last 3 months, so they should reread Volume 10 today. (Since 11 drops tomorrow)

I‘m a ninofag and I think a yotsuba win would cause the least amount of butthurt.

the butthurt-o-meter currently looks like this:
1 ‚wtf is this shit, negi you hack, fuck the snek, think about yotsuba for once‘
2 ‚nino a shit, negi you hack‘
5 ‚jesus christ, first girl wins? negi you hack, I thought you were different‘
3 ‚wow, that has to be the most boring ending. waifubait wins, negi you hack‘
4 ‚childhood friend wins? negi you hack. well, I guess she suffered enough, I‘m happy for her‘

I wonder how many people in Japan prefer reading the volumes over digital chapters.

>Ichika: Poison (Main: Arbok)
Because she's a poisonous snake.

>Nino: Ice (Main: Jynx)
Because she has a heart cold as an iceberg and looks like a fucking clown with all that makeup.

>Miku: Ghost (Main: Mimikyu)
Because she's almost non-existant (if she didn't exist, if wouldn't be such a great difference), and she's a fucking wannabe, expert in disguising as someone else.

>Yotsuba: Dark (Main: Darkrai)
Because her soul is simply made of darkness and dispair, and can cast itself into a shadow in order to escape human contact, and most likely die.

>Itsuki: Normal (Main: Snorlax)
Seriously nigga?

>Yea Forumseddit vernacular
ebri tiem

My quint is going to win.
Thank you for attention.

Why are mikufags coping so hard recently?

Attached: 1567538530479.jpg (1200x1600, 186K)

Fuck off.

Ichicute? Yes!

Attached: EALfJgRU0AAH4Dt.jpg (2048x1432, 259K)

All I see are nignos in full damage control mode over her incoming rejection though

>Proving my point already
You 3fags aren't brightest, are you?

Not a 3fag. But your shitposting ass can fuck off.

Wait, if suddenly was revealed that a well known female celebrity is a quint, wouldn't that mean that the rest of the sisters would be flooded with reporters, talent scout, producers and whatnot? The five might have chances to be celebrities in the long run.

I mean, imagine if fucking Brad Pit suddenly would had 4 twins.

Ichika - Maruo
Nino - Isanari
Miku - That Old Man from 99-100
Yotsuba - Takeda
Itsuki - School Cooker

I guess some paparazzi shot her and Fuu kiss. And there will be drama about that on 3rd day

Apparently they don't know that she is a quint considering their reaction in 101. Oda should make some kind of documentary about them, it'd sell.

Attached: v12.png (1115x1600, 683K)

Thank you based user.

Did Ichika kissing Fuutarou's face pussy put her back in the bowl?

Attached: 74375554_p0.png (671x846, 410K)


No one ever removed her from it.

Did he see her fiery red bush?

But that's a shorted hair version of Yotsuba user.

I think so. If it is her vs. Yotsuba in the end then this series will take the cake. Onee-san vs. Promised girl. The two tropes that never win end up being endgame.

Well the students at school know. That guy must have been an outsider.

>tells speed readers to re-read chapter 10
>Chapter 10 is Yotsuba's book and ends with her revealed as lolikano

Attached: yotsuba No way smug.jpg (492x508, 78K)


based nincontinence shitter falseflagging as a Yots
We Yots are the most chill group, while you naggers are the schizoids of Yea Forums

The picture you have there is Itsuki on day 3. Nino appears to be wearing the apron on day 2. All that means is that day 2 was ninos turn

>Negi shitting on speed-kuns
Speedies BTFO!

She's back as an active contender in the bowl after dropping out in Kyoto. Doesn't mean that she'll win though.

Imagine liking Yotsuba lol

Fuutarou married Takagi-san?

>fasleflagging as a yotsubro
you stupid nigger mikubros and yotsubros are the coolest. youre a ninonigger and can fuck off with your garbage tier shitposting

He said " last 10 volumes" not chapter 10, dumb Yotsubafag.

Read slower

Falsefags. 3fags. Also 2fags seem to be ignoring them so they've changed it up by saying Miku isn't the doormat but Yotsuba is. They think they are trolling 4bros hard, but don't realize most of the real 4bros aren't around for another 7-14hours. Most of the people defending Yotsuba are just normal quintfags telling them they are being retarded.

You're the one that sounds like a falsefag.

In the end that user was right. Nino and Yotsuba are the only good quints.

They're shit too

>reddit spacing
>accusing others of anything
take your meds meninotally ill fag

>separating replies is reddit spacing
You're trying to hard to fit in.

still better than ichika, miku and itsuki


>newfag falseflagging as an oldfag
absolutely fuckng pathetic kek

>newfags think no one will call them out for reddit spacing
>i-i-i-it was a jest!
ninofags on suicide watch

But Yea Forumsnon said all the quints are best quints.

Yea Forumsnons just have supreme taste and know Evens are EXTRA BEST.

Attached: 24 evens best.jpg (1488x2048, 441K)

Only animeonlyfags and omegaotaku would vote doormat


In that case nothing changes because Yotsuba is the only person for who adds a new perspective during reread

Ch100 was the 2nd day, retard

Yea Forumsnon does have all the things Yea Forumsnon loves:
>low T and pretty beta
>likes animu, vida, memes, and shit Yea Forumsnon likes
>introverted with no friends
>likes staying indoors
Basically Miku but less of a doormat.

Attached: takuyo mooroka majikoi.png (260x260, 47K)

Calling 4 a doormat seems to be a 2/3fag thing right now. Dunno why 3fags would do it since Yotsuba was the one who was actually helping Miku by tasting her bread until she got it right. Then in chapter 77 Miku gets yotsubas approval by saying it's yummy.

>being such a sub-doormat you have to get carried by a doormat to your confession
Why do 3fags do this to themselves?

Attached: first girl watching fillers burn.png (518x474, 339K)

>be Yotsuba
>be genki girl who cares her sisters and Fuutarou the most
>finally reunited with the guy you love
>Your meek sister want to be more than friends with him
>your hot older sister who sneks you and is an up and coming movie star tries to get in your way
>manage to find the energy to continue on despite being outgunned
>your crush turn you down without notice it and you decide to give up and give a helping hand to the useless sister
>then the sister that hates him decides she likes him and goes after him without any restraint, she tries to cockblock everyone from the front while the others start backstabbing you
>get depressed because you're getting screwed from the front and the back
>finally in kyoto everyone makes up and helps the meek sister to confess
But...she is also a self destructionfag
>manage to avoid the hammer narrowly by winning the war and archiving your aim, cockblock yourself
>others stop fucking with you self destruction plan and you are finally making some progress
>You are the childhood lover and the game was script since beginning
>everybody else knew it besides doormat'fags who speedread hard
>Fatty has been conspiring against you in your favor
5toubun no Hanayome is a story of Yotsuba overcoming obstacles which get progressively harder. Her own shit being the main storyline make sense with the way her past was revealed and everything else is likely a red herring as Negi wanted a ending everyone likes (she is "the girl everybody likes")
When you take into account the Yotsuba reveal being right after Miku makes peace with Ichika and Nino the timing begins to make sense, only she and fat still struggling.
The editor is so forthcoming with information about you (Yotsuba) because you are the bride since he'd be concerned about manga progression and cherryboys claim it as asspull.
Meanwhile he kept completely silent about Miku because she is absolutely irrelevant just like a waifubait to gain cherry fan boys.

Attached: No. It's fine like this.png (558x910, 556K)

Yotsuba probably the only quint that you can completely read from her POV for a different story.

I say probably because Negi also withholding a lot of how F and 5 feels/sees. Negi's left enough wiggle room to reshape the story to be a romance between them if he chooses, but I don't know if he will choose to do so.

Based yotsuchad.


Attached: ichika yandere bride.jpg (960x806, 118K)

Negi can definitely add an itsuki flashback that shows her doing stuff with Fuutarous family behind his back. She met with Raiha before, and has also met with Raiha and Isanari during Mikus date chapter. Those might not be the only times either. A Raiha centric flashback might just cement Itsukis win unfortunately.

>Meanwhile he kept completely silent about Miku because she is absolutely irrelevant just like a waifubait to gain cherry fan boys.
In a way, Miku does please old fat balding Japanese men in a sexual way for money.

Except it's not like in the NTR doujins like 2fags or Miku haters like to say. Miku LITERALLY is a cashcow for the old/fat/balding Japs that are Negi/Editor/Execs. And she is metaphorically pleasing old fat otaku sexually by being the target of their lust/love/otakudom.

Attached: MIKU NEKO.png (637x900, 609K)

What did Miku do this time to make everyone mad? She wasn’t even in the chapter.

Let them vent out their frustration, user. As a Mikufag I perfectly understand.

What are they praying for?

Attached: praying.png (1315x699, 1010K)

>What are they praying for?
They are praying for their mom speed-kun

2: nig dick
4: rope
1: director cum
3: old man dick
5: Her mother and sisters

I want to rub Nino's shoulders


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People are pissy she's more popular than their favorite quint.

For me it's Itsuki.

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>Ichika gave Futarou money to buy what he likes
>Coffee is Itsuki
>The kisser was disguised as Itsuki
>Ichika is the one who likes coffee
>Futarou told Ichika that he doesn't like coffee before
It's over, we won Ichikabros!


Attached: 1553266234160.webm (640x360, 471K)

It can't be!

Attached: 1553567497666.jpg (1876x2048, 3.61M)

Perhaps you're new to the fact that Miku was always the bullying quint for a long time. Got taken up to eleven since her acts in SW

It's falseflaggers trying to get (you)s for a dopamine kick. They target Miku because she is the most popular.

Make sense. Ichika being the bell kisser confirmed.

Attached: 1563573407509.png (264x340, 62K)

He's going to buy pancakes

Where were you when you noticed that Fuu is falling for Ichika?

When ichika raped him


Based on previous events, if he has any choice between Miku or Nino. He’s going to pick Nino.

Ninofags and Mikufags are so easy to bait compared to the others, why?

micute wins cope harder

there are virtually no mikufags
The only sizable groups are yots and ninos, with ninos false flagging as every other quint group

Reminder next chapter will be another Ichika chapter started with pic related. They spent whole night together on a love hotel after that wholesome kiss at the park on the same night too.

Attached: 1563767088546.png (1348x902, 652K)

>no consent
>violating NAP

I really want to call bullshit, but looking back on it you’re right. Fuck

I was thinking the same thing.
Itsuki's favorite drink per book notes is curry, but maybe she does like coffee? Coffee goes well with cake and she did meet up with Maruo in a coffee shop.
Eitherway, Ichika's drink is coffee (or at least a drink from a coffee chain).
Maybe Ichika is the kisser.
I hope Negi gives us a definitive answer and doesn't do that open ended shit for bride. If it's kisser I wouldn't mind.
Also Negi didn't show which drink Fuutaro picked either.

Futarou didn't pick anything. He'll probably use that money for day 3. We know what is his own favorite drink anyway, barley tea.

He can visit both stalls. Also, Miku asked him to visit during their date.

>barley tea
Where's that from vol. notes?

>vol. notes?
Yes. From volume 7.

Negi is telling people to remember the plot huh.


Yeah. Never seen him drink that though.
I feel it would have been more interesting if his was room temp water like Nino. Not because it's really his favorite drink, but because the cafeteria water is free.

>Ichika giving him her virginity so some random joe doesn't get it when she starts doing porn
I can see it

What does Negi mean by this?!?!?!?

Attached: itsuki techni.jpg (1716x1078, 321K)

>yes fuutarou I already did it with another girl, but that doesn't count okay

I want to hold Nino's hand while Itsuki watches

>maybe spoiler tomorrow or tonight

Lewd. But why Itsuki?

I don't know, it just feels right.

Itsuki is a prude and her shocked reaction would be very cute

>>Futarou told Ichika that he doesn't like coffee before
But Fuutarou only drinking coffee when Nino is with him

Are you a time traveller?

>Fuutarou doesn't like coffee
Oh no!

You dream if you thinks that Negi will give to Yotsuba or Ichika another cards.
>The two have lolinakano cards
>Itsuki gets Rena and Miku gets her mini fake Itsuki game arc
>The bell kiss is NINO

Add I bet that Negi will only play with Ichika and Nino about the kisser iddentity. (like ch69 and 71)
So next to kiss him is Nino And 345 are out

I want to be shota with Lolisuba holding my hand while Lolitsuki watches.

Attached: Yotsuba won 6yrs ago.png (824x728, 724K)

>Based on previous events, if he has any choice between Miku or Ichika or Nino. He’s going to pick Nino.


How long until Yotsuba snaps?

Attached: 1518592450718.png (1071x839, 712K)

How do other anons feel about never meeting a girl who sets you down the right path in life when you were lost, then supports you with everything she's got by fixing your social quirks and making sure you enjoy your youth in adolescence, and finally agrees marries you and vows to support with everything she's got for the rest of her life?

Attached: yotsuba support miku btfo.png (2230x987, 2.75M)

I don't think Negi will talk about the kisser for Nino chapters. It would be hard to do because Nino is direct unlike Ichika. If Futarou mentions the kisser to Nino it'll be easy to know if it was her or not. Maybe Futarou will think about it but he won't address the topic.

>Unfortunately nope
but this two weeks are special and ch102 and 103 out early.
>Saturday ch102 and Wednesday/ Thursday ch103

Does such a girl even exist irl?

I mean, nothing's impossible. But for that to happen you would have to be the luckiest man alive.


>Miku 1st. Yots 2nd. Ichika 4th. Nino last in popularity.
>>"Yotsuba's just deathflags. Genkis never win. She plays no role in the story!!!"
>Yotsuba turns out to be lolikano. Ichika turns out to be 2nd lolikano. Nino just saw him from down the hall.
>"You dream if you thinks that Negi will give to Yotsuba or Ichika another cards."
>4 technically also shares the identity of Rena with Itsuki.
Why do 2fags do this to themselves?

>Rena= Itsuki + Yotsuba
>Loli= Yotsuba + Ichika
>Kisser= Ichika as Itsuki
There's no room for 2/3. Try to argue logically that they should be brides on their own merits rather than trying to mental gymanstics your way into things don't exist with clues Negi did not present.
That way when your quint ain't those things, you won't have to salt over them and can hold your head high saying you went down with your quint.

>Negi encourages people to reread Volume 10 to get the idea how the fuck are they in the past from nowhere at the start of next volume.
Sorry but no thanks vol10 was so so boring and egality with the worst vol9

It's obvious if you apply any logic. He said he couldn't tell the difference between the girls after all (following the kiss). Therefore someone who looked like Itsuki kissed him. He began to think Itsuki was special.

Yes? But you'd probably have to be in a nice 1st world country in a small suburban place with a traditional communitu.

>Yotsuba lighting the pancake stall on fire to take out the competition
the absolute madlad

Watch Ichika not be the bell kisser and Yotsuba ends up cucking Ichika and Nino during SE.

>Also Negi didn't show which drink Fuutaro picked either.
First, it's obvious that Fuutarou meets 2345 before to comeback to Ichika.
Secondly, Fuutarou only drinking what Nino gives him (no drugs :7)

Itsuki and Fuutarou are getting married!

Attached: 1567412423867.jpg (850x1220, 766K)

A conservative Christian?

>>Rena= Itsuki + Yotsuba
Yeah remember that one time Yotsuba dressed up as Rena?

Ichika isn't the bell kisser, she never had any hesitation trying to kiss him.

Yotsuba supervised Itsuki during the Rena scenes in Seven Goodbyes. Therefore she has the partial Rena identity.

it means that Yotsuba won

Attached: 428.png (1465x1664, 1.55M)

A radical Islamic girl that not only supports you, but helps your other wives to be in the same path that you drawn for everybody's life.

meant for

Based, Fuu and his wives gonna spend their honeymoon in Malaysia and Indonesia.

>winning something

And who's gonna be the main wife?
And why it would be Nino the one policing the other four?

Like I said she never dressed up as Rena. So she isn't Rena. She has no association with what itsuki did while dressed as Rena. Just said to meet him dressed as lolikano from 5 years ago.

I wonder what mama rena would tell her daugthers after seeing the kind of retards they has become.

His lovely imouto so much that he will marry her

Yeah, it's very obvious that Ichika was just baiting him about the kiss, it even parallels nicely with chapter 1. Given what she thought about Nino, she probably assumed Nino did kiss him.

Attached: x23.png (2223x1600, 2.54M)

I've started to reread the manga and, seriously, why do people think that any other girl besides Itsuki has a chance of winning?

It hurts to see Negi's art quality drop so much from the beginning of the manga.

nothing the bride says or does in the beginning chapter corresponds to Itsuki

I've been saying this all along. I'm a 4fag but 5 is the obvious winner.

New looks better. Ichika looks derpy as hell in that top left panel.

No. I meant just conservative.

Not what I wanted to say, but that's pretty absolutely halal now that I think about it.

Attached: absolutely halal.png (283x283, 199K)


Attached: there's no way that'd happen yotsuba go toubun.png (1154x1600, 1.31M)

I feel like Miku is more of a conservative. Not Yotsuba.

Since Islam allows for 4 wives then Fuutarou would have to eliminate one, that would be Itsuki since she hasn't developed romantic feelings for him.

>And who's gonna be the main wife?
Yotsuba or Ichika.
Strong and able to assert alpha dominance over other quints. Also both willing to swing both ways be it due to being bi or just supportive of what you want.

Default cook wife.

Attached: yotsuba gets her nino.png (1424x972, 1.03M)

You sure about that?

Attached: yotsuba no yotsusip.png (1057x375, 836K)

Nino a bitch

Attached: LALALA.png (1055x571, 180K)

>her hair literally resembles a droopy cock and balls in this chapter

>teases Yotsusip
>gives it to fatty

Attached: stop_teasing_the_sip_already_fuck.jpg (950x564, 228K)

Where are the spoilers? Not even the raw has come out?

>Ichika and Yotsuba
>fucking quadrupeds
simpletons, both of them

Came out on Friday last week.

That's what I liked about her





Attached: yotsuCUTE.png (1059x460, 453K)

>Given what she thought about Nino, she probably assumed Nino did kiss him.
Nino the kisser
>Yotsuba ends up cucking Ichika and Nino during SE.
Yotsuba probably stole Nino letter

Miku a best


Be strong, Mikuchads. They're not going to keep laughing after we win!

kekguyafags are making fun of us

Same. Another ambiguous scene regarding Yotsuba that Negi will probably show if she is indeed the bell kisser. Since there are people who might think to themselves "Wait why is she the bell kisser? I don't understand."

Attached: M17.png (1426x2048, 1.07M)

How dare they, only we're allowed to make fun of ourselves

I don't want Miku to win. I'm 82 and overweight with no kids or wife of my own. Miku is all I ever wanted in a wife and to see her go with someone like Fuu makes me insecure, y'know? You don't see those types of girls that are into my type anywhere.

Nino's experiencing love with everything she's got, and making as few compromises as possible! You could stand to learn from her, user!

Attached: aggronino.png (978x1261, 1.17M)

Fuck you, you could have gotten a nice wife in the 50s and fed a family of four with a minimum wage union job. Also, you should be a WW2 veteran. Tuffen up!

Attached: hmmm.png (1787x1080, 859K)

Don't worry grandpa!
Miku will look at you and maybe fall in love...

Attached: Miku whoring herself.png (841x453, 516K)

I don't know who is sick
It's sad but one of them is out of the bowl!
Fuutarou show absolutely nothing about her bad situation.Even if it's not so serious. If he have special feelings for her
>Fuutarou will be more anxious and he will be more worry about her
But... Nothing.

Don't forget colored post-shower Yotsufresh. Max pure yet also max lewd as always. Easily exploitable too.

Attached: yots who's next.png (663x800, 629K)

Ichibeta I don't think 4 is the kisser. It's probably Ichikisser. But that aside. Negi has left enough wiggle room for every quint to be kisser. In 4's case, it's because she was emotional about a number of things with no swings around to outlet them:
>Miku's odd behavior and her relationship with Fuutaro
>Grandpa (Negi can also show that 4 also overheard the talk about his declining health)
>the fact that Nino is also in the bowl now and that she was going to rendezvous with Fuutaro at night
>the fact that Ichika also loves Fuutaro too now and is also in the bowl too
>stress of pretending to be Itsuki the whole weekend
>her talk with Ichika bringing back NTR PTSD

Attached: ichika beta af.png (1426x2048, 1.1M)

fuck off ESL

Attached: Yotsuba-is-the-New-Black.png (1100x1200, 1013K)

>"Nino will be rejected" went on for several weeks
>and yet Nino hasn't blown out from the bowl yet
Again, Nino haters are an unhinged sociopaths

I kinda like my Nino with a bit more bite too.
Tsunderetsun was fun, but current MUH FUU-KUN deredere Nino is closer to current Miku than old Nino.

Attached: 2 too far.png (1055x626, 1.04M)

>unhinged sociopaths
We just call them "3fags" you know....

They've been saying it for >100 chapters. That's what they mean when they post >x chapters. It's how many chapters they've been wrong about Nino.

nice try j

I'd say 4 would do it as well simply because she does things secretly. Without her sister's knowing about it. The bell kisser did it in secret, and still hasn't confessed about it. If it was Ichika she'd no doubt already confess it was her after kissing him this chapter.

The quintuplets fairy pets
Total stats: 500
Evolved from Lolikano (Fairy)

>Ichika Fairy/Dark
Hp: 80
Atk: 105
Def: 70
SpA: 70
SpD: 70
Spe: 105

>Nino Fairy/Poison
Hp: 80
Atk: 70
Def: 70
SpA: 105
SpD: 70
Spe: 105

>Miku Fairy/Steel
Hp: 80
Atk: 105
Def: 70
SpA: 105
SpD: 105
Spe: 70

>Yotsuba Fairy/Grass
Hp: 80
Atk: 105
Def: 105
SpA: 70
SpD: 70
Spe: 70

>Itsuki Fairy/Fighting
Hp: 80
Atk: 70
Def: 105
SpA: 70
SpD: 105
Spe: 70

Dang I've screwed up

*>Miku Fairy/Steel
Hp: 80
Atk: 70
Def: 70
SpA: 105
SpD: 105
Spe: 70

Nino duh

I still have hope.

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Attached: EEoauwvU8AApeek-orig.jpg (2800x2640, 1.89M)

I'm probably going to get a lot of shit for this but
I really don't want any of them to lose! They're all good girls!

Maybe I am just soft

So who's hospitalized at the edge of death?

Most likely Yotsuba, she's been really busy with festival duties and there's a sign announcing a casting change at the end of chapter 100. She probably overworked herself and fell ill.

The absolute state of Xfags

seethe harder yfag

Unironically this. Coming to this shithole would mean something if Yotsuba wins

Yeah, now I can see the shoulders are not that fucked up, but Negi really shouldn't have made the right side hair "flow" that smoothly from neck to shoulder.

It's practically a Nino haters song
>Muh Nino is next next ~muh the bracelet is about RaihaxFuutarou relationships ~~muh rejection ch100
>~muh muh drugs ~~muh drugs ~muh Kintarou wig wig~~muh 46~
>~muh Maruo D ~~muh Nino is out~~muh Nino is not popular ~~muh Nino is red herring ~muh her parallel are fakes
>~muh muh drugs ~~muh drugs ~muh Kintarou wig wig~~muh 46~
>Muh manager is in Fuutarou's side~~muh Nino will never kiss Fuutarou with Itsuki face~~muh Fuutarou don't care about her~~

>She probably overworked herself and fell ill.
Yotsuba used up most of her energy from seething.

This is the general equation for representing most waifufags.

The Ninofag cope song, everybody.

>Itsuki grabbed Fuutarou's pinky during the bonfire when he was sick
>Itsuki showing her pinky on this cover
>the pinky is the finger that the red string of fate is tied to

| x fag |

Attached: 1545751015507.png (279x441, 126K)

>red string of fate
Will fatty fags become the new rukiafags?

Spoilers are out in 2ch
Is another Ichika's chapter.

>. If it was Ichika she'd no doubt already confess it was her after kissing him this chapter.
Wow, you don't get Ichika's character at all.

lie to me, user

I sleep

Yotsuba will never understand this post.

user, have you seen my Aruji-sama?

Attached: Muh Kokkoro.jpg (236x333, 19K)

What if Yotsuba's heartbeats at the start of the festival weren't from "being love" trope but cardiac disease?

It's more 1345fags muh cope song

First of all, why the hell are these hot, busty, sexually active females don't get courted by a man? Because there's something wrong with them! And the primary reason being that they are really bad mother candidates. They're loud, like to get drunk, like to have fun more than being a dutiful wife, and just being plain unfeminine. They may have fucked with one or multiple chads at some point but why won't these chads marry them? It's not because those chads like to fuck around and not settling down, it's because DEEP DOWN THEY KNOW THAT THESE THIRSTY CAKES WON'T CUT IT AS GOOD MOTHERS. So what happens to them? Just pump and dump. Real chads know what's the best for them and it's maternal goddesses like Nino that they would marry and make a big family with. Tl;dr cakes are worthless and you should feel bad for liking them

Attached: nino lipstick.jpg (1944x3541, 3.55M)

>Wow, you don't get Ichika's character at all
Ichika not using the kisser bell? This snake don't have the word "stop" in her vocabulary

>103 spoilers before 102 officially comes out
yeah, no.

What kind of mothers would the quints be?
>Ichika is the absentee workoholic mom

Aruji-sama doko da?!

Attached: I miss you Aruji-sama.jpg (621x647, 146K)

That's actually pretty interesting.

Yotsuba grabbed ring finger. Ring ties to the ringing of bells for a wedding, rings that the bride and groom wear, and the two rings that symbolize eternity.

Itsuki's finger imagery is interesting, but Yotsuba's doesn't pale in comparison. Guess we'll see when endgame comes.

Attached: 4 5 end game.jpg (1650x1681, 276K)

Stop replying to pasta. It just breeds more pastatards.
webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:C9jz9Zooll8J:https://boards.fireden.net/a/thread/191648740/ &cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

Wait, so this series is like a whodunit mystery, except instead of a murder you're trying to work out which of 5 sisters gets the D?

Attached: EAZ25qwUIAE8UJi.jpg (1082x800, 96K)

What if Negi being the Madman he is, says fuck to everyone and makes Ichika the bride?

Mikute a best

What if they all take turns being the bride?

A ching chong to you too

No, we're still trying to find a murderer.

Attached: 1545077668413.jpg (580x894, 61K)

But may I present to you: Eatsuki?

I do. Her mind game is simple. She asks Fuutarou who he thinks it is while conveniently leaving herself out, she then proceeds to do the same thing with the drinks. It's just more mind games to fuck with Fuutarou. Yet she was overwhelmed enough to kiss him because he suspected her as the bell kisser as well. Her mind games worked again. If she was then she would've said something ambiguous to convince him she is the bell kisser. Her character is deep rooted in wanting what others have.

Pretty much. Instead of individual crimes in closed rooms it's more like suspects for various things. Who's past girl? Who's kiss thief? Who's past girl returned? Bride is the final mystery.

Umineko-lite without the gold/murder/magic shit. Just love, studying, and waifufaggotry with your MISTORIDO also Beato doesn't happen to be a psychopathic hermaphrodite with ruined genitals who kills MC's entire family.

Attached: umineko beatrice battler.png (800x450, 362K)

Ichika does feel secretly. However I get what you mean by Ichika being the type who also goes all out when she decides to do something. Holding a trump card and not playing it isn't something Ichika would do (sort of like her small fraction of Lolikano card which she played literally within days of having).

Main reason to doubt 4=kisser though is that Negi doesn't seem to like making the answers to his mysteries the same.
Answers for Loli/Rena were split between 2 quints 1/4 and 5/4. If Negi makes kisser 4 too then it pretty much seals 4 as bride and answer to all the questions and poor writing according to writing 101 and Negi's own interviews. Also making another girl like 3 or 5 win afterwards would feel like some cheap ass pull and leave a nasty taste for the series. Don't think Negi would do that either.

I've seen retarded scenes but this one takes the prize.


Don't jump!

Attached: 5Toubun no Hanayome - c082 (NA) - p002 [web] [anon].png (1115x1600, 631K)

How does Ichika's interpretation of Yotsuba is so poor and amateur if she's an actrees?

>Holding a trump card
None of the girls have a reason to believe that the kiss is a trump card. Readers should not act as if the characters are aware of the plot. A girl kissed him and hid it, the readers are the ones who know he ends up marrying that girl.

She doesn't love her sisters enough to pull a good impression

Every chapter it passes this seems more seriously than we thought

Poor despairsuba, her sisters will never understand her until it is too late.

>the readers are the ones who know he ends up marrying that girl.
That's just what a few low IQfags think. Kiss did not seal the winner as kisser. Kiss only started Fuutaro on the path to marry a quint.

They are supposed to look identical despite the colors, animeonly.

No matter how you interpret it, it doesn't change the fact that they have no reason to think of it as a trump card. Why would anyone think that if I reveal it was me, he will love me back? She did it disguised for a reason.

Why did Fuutarou call Eatsuki and Yotsuba to tell them he liked all of them when neither have revealed to him that they're interested in him?

Dropping 100% truth here
>3fags are cancer
>3 actually a great quint, but not best
>3's VA is the best VA. She's the cutest and best looking of the 5.

Seriously lads, who do you think is actually going to win.
My money is on Yotsuba

Attached: 1567905723070.jpg (509x761, 107K)

>3 actually a great quint, but not best
I personally think she’s the best, but I respect your opinion, user.

Fuutaro is a smart guy. Knows that lolikano/kisser/rena is within this group of girls and doesn't want to eliminate her so he tries his best to keep harem route alive.

Why would Negi give her a dark moment like that? It's not even foreshadowing anything relevant, unless Yotsuicide is actually real.

Attached: 1561980702217.jpg (72x254, 9K)

>She asks Fuutarou who he thinks it is while conveniently leaving herself out, she then proceeds to do the same thing with the drinks. It's just more mind games to fuck with Fuutarou.
She leaves herself out because she doesn't believe that Futarou has an interest in her at all and because she gave up since the end of SW, not because of mind games. How can you have read so many of her monologues and believe this.

Maybe you should have hid that image as well if you used a spoiler tag for the name.

Where do you think that meme even comes from? Yotsuba's story have plenty of dark-ish moments, it's not THAT far away

That's fine too. Negi intended all quints to be best.

Miku's VA did a very good and very cute impression of Nino's line from the song. Feels surreal to see 2&3's VAs getting along so well when it's an absolute shitfest between them on Yea Forums.

I still believe in Yea Forums against all odds. Our despair will turn to hope at the climax of the drama.

Not that guy, but that picture could have just been Ichika in disguise.

Attached: ichika chi 4.png (308x579, 187K)

>Our despair
That's your problem. Your despair means nothing. It must be Yotsuba who hits MAXIMUM despair for her end to be assured.

Attached: 4 chi despair time.png (356x426, 118K)

please... the shitsuki lewds...

He called them all by mistake and wasn't planning on making his choice there, he only thought about choosing nobody after his time with Ichika that day

Please somebody give Yotsuba a rope

If F had never become the girls' tutor, would Yotsuba have even made a move, or would she have just cucked herself out of shame for how pathetic she ended up being?

Attached: 1568535248023.jpg (2048x1378, 441K)

someone did but she fucked that up as well

Yots would have failed the final test and transfer to another school before she confessed

Imagine how stupid you have to be to get a ZERO on a test even when you bust your ass off trying to be better than your sisters lmao

Attached: yotsushit.png (347x371, 128K)

Sister's War wasn't that great because the actual sister conflict was half-baked. There was room for a grand shitshow, but Negi wanted to quell the fighting as quickly as possible because of the power of quints. It's almost like he made a mistake in trying to stir a harem war in the first place.

No. I don't think Yotsuba even has what it takes to do such a thing. It feels so weird for me to imagine her doing this.

>but Negi wanted to quell the fighting as quickly as possible because of the power of quints.
It was obvious yes, but there were retards who actually thought that Ichika was still going to bully Miku even after her talk with Futarou during the rain. Lot of things are obvious but when things aren't resolved people show how dumb they are.

Only good for cheering people on and dumping cum in

Maruo really should've assigned a tutor when their grades were getting closer to unacceptable.

If you were the tutor of each quint how would you personally tutor them?
>No food per x item wrong

>>No food per x item wrong
>what is positive reinforcement

>No matcha drinks until you get more than x percentage
> x=Ichika's percentage

Faggots from:
1 - celebrating and shit posting
2 - on stand by, little nervous, respectful
3 - total meltdown, shit posting, crying in Reddit or any Facebook group, on suicide wach.
4 - buying ropes in Walmart, stashing sleeping pills to overdose when needed.
5 - shit posting, butt fucking each other

Positive reinforcement will work better once they get better. Assuming you start teaching Itsuki from the beginning PR will just let her spiral into eating and not studying.

Make her stick to a steady study schedule. Nothing overboard, though, because of her work obligations.
Just basic studying like an average student.
Restrict her activities. Hound her like a dog 24/7. Become her manager and forbid her from taking obligations without consulting you.
Manage her eating habits, giving her snacks based on her success.
Give them the dick.

>Keep your ass on the chair and be quiet
>Give special attention since she can't focus for more than 2 seconds
>Get a proper schedule

Ichika said you have to be gentle with Itsuki. Harsh methods would absolutely not work. You can be a bit rough with Nino but not Itsuki.

>I'll cosplay as a blond hunk if you pass

Nino never said she likes blondes. She simply said blonde, punkish Fuutarou was her type.

>You can be a bit rough with Nino

Attached: it's opm time.jpg (356x426, 77K)

Mikeks didn't learn their lesson from earlier today, did they? Ayy

Alright then
>25% correct
>Snacks like junk food
>1 slice ofCake
>One whole cake
>Curry drink

Yotsuba has "4"chan's charm. She will win.

Attached: 1560911646198.jpg (1080x1260, 98K)

I don't think we should do away with old Yotsuba, but if new Yotsuba win the bowl then I think we should consider integrating her into the image set.

Attached: 4 comfy.jpg (1763x1225, 150K)

>Curry drink for 100%
What is this a meme? Indian meme for Itsuki?


Attached: yotsuba do it for our girl.png (1024x585, 982K)

So, I read the official translations for SE and Nino says in it that she "might" not care about appearances anymore instead of "I don't care about appearances anymore". What is more correct?

It is her favorite drink dude.


Post kodansha's and raw

Does someone has the full pic of that panel at the far left with Yotsuba looking at the stars? Seems kino


Attached: 1566908949707.jpg (722x480, 33K)

>Calls her /ourgirl/
>Can't even make a full size version
What pathetic devotion.

Attached: Do it for her.jpg (2756x1575, 3.86M)

What the fuck just when I am about to get convinced that Itsuki is the most stable quint

>full size version
>The amount of pics is fewer, they are just bigger
Your love is weak

>2 attempts to kiss
>2 successful kisses (one in cheek and one in lips)
>interesting theme dark side of love
Ichikabros, i can't believe Negi is going to just get away with all of this.

Attached: 1568369072778.jpg (768x768, 92K)

I would translate it as either "I can't afford to keep pretending" or "I don't care about pretending anymore"

This is my favorite general despite all the shitpost. I love you guys. Thanks for everything.

What revived the hype anyway? It was so quiet before.

Attached: 0176.jpg (1092x1618, 562K)

Attached: 1568047775456.png (356x426, 102K)

Actually I was looking for that for 10mins and found nothing...

Founds some other cool stuff including this.

Attached: Fuutaro smiles for the four.png (1370x2048, 2.9M)

I'm going to sleep. Good Night lads, remember that the God of Literature favors Yotsuba
It's coming home

Attached: 1554860589682.jpg (473x671, 50K)

>Excellent mother
>Good mother
>Mother with some mental issues
>Absent mother
>Lame mother that by bringing horny old strangers put her children bodies in jeopardy

Attached: Fuu and Nino's baby.png (1350x786, 1.4M)

Oh Nino. That's cute. I have the other one with cuter nino pics.
Also I do have the huge Yotsuba one. I just didn't bother uploading it.

What's making you so passive aggressive btw?

Attached: 4 besto grill.jpg (1200x675, 103K)

>The amount of pics is fewer
You feeling alright, user?

Attached: counting.jpg (3780x1575, 3.35M)

I want to make Yotsuba seethe!

Spoilers: I'm gay

>the current state of Yotsuba's ship

Attached: MV5BNWQ2MjdjNzktODgyZC00NTc4LWI0OGItNWZhNjk4YjE0NjExXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUxMjc1OTM@._V1_.jpg (1920x1040, 184K)

>3 VA is best VA
You shut your whore mouth. I'm like the biggest HanaKana fan (and Ayaneru since she's also a big HanaKana fan), but Inorin absolutely dumpstered the entire cast with her rendition of Itsuki.

I mean, Negi tweeted that he couldn't stop rewatching "Yappa MURI!" over and over again, something he never mentioned with other VAs. Truly a mark of an outstanding performance!

Ichika: ice
Nino: steel
Miku: ghost
Yotsuba: fighting
Itsuki: grass

>Eatsuki also has the best VA
When will EatsukiCHADs stop winning?

Attached: itsukichads.png (724x850, 469K)

>here's your itsuki pokemon bro
>Its powerful stomach acid is capable of digesting almost anything. The one thing in the whole world a Swalot can't digest is its own stomach

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 7K)

To stop winning firstly you should begin winning,

LEL both Ayaneru and Itou Miku are superior.
Stop being delusional fattyfag

That's not a snorlax.

>>literally Yea Forums
>>like reading manga and watching anime
>>irrelevant, constantly suffer and gonna lose
Bros, what message Negi wants to deliver to us?

Depends if she wins or not.

Attached: yots forsaken.png (1353x1057, 2.44M)

> falling for scp2770-428

Attached: yotsuSubmarine.png (521x708, 271K)

Yotsuba ship really is more a sub. You don't know how far ahead or behind she is and the she doesn't want to ever come up by playing Lolikano card.

So she's just under a sea of despair the whole time.

Attached: 45 endgame never.jpg (460x606, 86K)

Until she loses.
Itsuki is first/main/cover girl. She's the favorite to win until someone actually beats her.

The author already revealed that the MC is going to find out who the loli was, talk to her, then pick a different one. We know at least two characters who are confirmed not loli, so we at least know two potential winners

>The author already revealed that the MC is going to find out who the loli was, talk to her, then pick a different one.
Where's this from?

>What's making you so passive aggressive btw?
Take it as a challenge to make a better version instead of calling it passive aggressive. Here, you can have Yotsubro's.

Attached: 1542867984953.jpg (2756x1575, 1.45M)

itou miku? her face maybe but for skill she's not even close to F,4,5's level.

I already had that one though. Also that's not in color. I like the color one more. Only thing this one has going for it is the Yea Forums leaf

Are you fucking blind?!??!
3's VA is by far the cutest and best looking. 4 has hook nose and 5 looks like a midget troll.

Sure. To be fair, it's pretty old but if you're saying
>Only thing this one has going for it is the Yea Forums leaf
Maybe you missed something.

What's the yappa muri?? A scene?

>Negi just revealed who the winner is in his newest interview
Oh nonono


Hello, so. I was minding my own business when a bro called me and told me that it's time. So here is the deal. Let's compromise and make this thread better, now is officially a Nino thread.

Attached: 1551054400425.jpg (2756x1575, 2.86M)

new interview from Negi, the most important thing he said is that we're up to 70% in the story.

read slower

You should go further back and read slower. Original topic was overall and not just voice.

Also Miku's voice is soothing compared to Inori

Yes, it was when Fuu was pretending to be sick and Itsuki almost did their mother's "hold hand" magic but cannot

>we're up to 70% in the story.
GG Ichika. Not enough time for her comeback.
Feels like it will be 2/3 holding on for dear life against 4/5 counter attack.

> 70%
So it ends in around ch 143 or something. So basically enough for another round of quint covers.

Attached: 13 12.png (185x406, 64K)

>70% through
4chads RISE UP
This is the optimal time to strike and take it all

>nino thread

Attached: miku u madd.png (1060x992, 1.81M)

Why Negi always protecting fatty?

Attached: fatsuki fat.png (1070x1600, 461K)

Just enough time to reveal (and confess?) and feel the aftermath, and just right so it doesn't feel hanging like 2 / 3.
I wonder about 5 though. Is it too late for her to enter if she enters at mark 80ish%?

Checked and 2pilled

Attached: 1566513569121.png (308x489, 111K)

>Ichika is the absentee workoholic mom
Yeah, no. Ichika works hard when she wants to but she is not a workaholic, Futarou is the workaholic in the manga. She still left the place to visit the collapsed sister when she didn't need to.

Won't be too late for any of them. 4/5 might not have entered the bowl the same way 123 have, but the have developed a deep relationship with Fuutaro.

4 has done a bunch of things 123 haven't and so has 5. Only difference is they didn't open confess their romantic feelings or actively going after him in a romantic sense.

>Well ... my wife knows who will eventually be the bride, so she supports the character
Her wife always has supported Miku.

>Same weight
Yeah, BS.
It doesn't work like that.

>The author already revealed that the MC is going to find out who the loli was
Source: dude, believe me!.

Attached: 1567807682703.jpg (290x299, 23K)

see It's a running joke since the earlier chapters.

>It doesn't work like that.
Eh, I'm just counting based on the number of chapters.

>underestimating the power of stalling and filler

>Also Miku's voice is soothing compared to Inori

>Well yes it's finished 70%...Ichika's story that is.

>believing percentages from the Negi HACKuraba

Attached: 1489542997962.jpg (330x346, 15K)

> Filler
I wish. What I'd do for more fun and dramaless SOL chapters.

Attached: 1545751138394.png (1348x1338, 1.67M)

>same measurements as the rest

Attached: c975a42f2080bc243670125637686cdb.jpg (840x2104, 648K)

>The profile is open to the public, but I thought that there might be individual differences in three sizes.
>Certainly, Itsuki eats a lot, so it may be a little different if measured accurately

Itsuki 89cm bust size confirmed.

Yotsuba was the first characterfags BTFO.

it's the measurement combined for all 5 they doesn't weight 250kg kek.

>Negi is ready to accept that 4/5 of the fanbase will hate him

In the January interview negi said
> We already passed the turning point. I decided how many volumes are left when I draw vol.7 Ichika cover.
Assuming that the turning point refers to a 50% completion, then it does align with a ch 140ish ending. Clue is the number of volumes left. 30% left should be enough for 5 (counting this one).

>yfw we will never see official Yotsuba's kiddie pantsu.

Attached: 1568523071258.png (374x336, 62K)

Miku confirmed not the bride.

So 4 and 5 are the only winner options that wouldn't cause enough seething to tear apart the fanbase completely, right?

>Also Miku's voice is soothing compared to Inori
I mean you are right but it's like saying getting an electric drill in one ear is better than getting drilled in both ears. You're fucked either way so the comparison feels ultimately pointless.

So their birthday is May 5. 5/5. Combined weight is 250 and /5 that's 50 each. Their height is 5'2. And Itsuki's identity is May.
So Itsuki is the bride.

>In other words, did you think of characters in color?
>There might have been a time when I was thinking about characters on a color basis. There is still one image color, one flower is “yellow”, two are “black”, three are “blue”, four are “green”, and May is “red”.
>two are “black”

Attached: nino oh no no no.png (279x267, 123K)

>Google botchlation
Nino is supposed to be Purple not black you nigger

>Ichika's adult undies ok
>Itsuki's adult undies ok
>Ichika's other undies ok
Negi just loves seeing 4 suffer.

Attached: slutsuki yotsuba.png (392x745, 413K)

>right shoulder

Attached: puke_disgust.png (564x724, 202K)

She is the childhood friend after all


Attached: 5smug.jpg (200x309, 30K)

>She is the childhood friend after all
wewwww someone doesn't know the meaning of osananajimi or just plays the fool to get (you)s.

It's black, they use purple to make it more vivid probably.

>Miku's characteristics finished last
Literally filler tier

It's based on super sentai theme. Black is usually the cool headed second in command.

No shit. Look at her prototype design.

Ahhhh there is it, the "五"等分の花嫁 all along

Attached: IMG_20190917_122728.jpg (2257x3375, 821K)


Attached: 1568245743233.jpg (1366x991, 777K)

Do you have it?

Just read the oneshot.

>Negi saw the quints as a sentai group at first
>Itsuki image color is red
>Red is typically the main character and leader of sentai teams
Negi is not even trying to be subtle is he?

Negi must read these threads I'm sure. I'm from Lesotho and I approve of this by the way.

>what is this work about?
>That's a secret
Oh come on negi, your editor already spilled the beans.

>Black is usually the cool headed second in command.

Attached: 4 genki.jpg (125x125, 4K)

Ahhhh there is it, the 五等分の"花"嫁 all along

Attached: ichika yay.png (1853x1440, 3.07M)

Negi ain't.
>Green > Red
>Green becomes White

Attached: yotsubride.png (1350x637, 1.12M)

Still shows how much of a big, red herring she is.

>Red is typically the main character and leader of sentai teams
> Negi is not even trying to be subtle is he?
No shit. How do you think fags consider itsuki to be the main girl?

Ninokeks cannot stop being cucked by T'chaka's schlong

Attached: 1567753500993.png (566x716, 585K)

Attached: yotsuNoLewding.gif (266x331, 231K)

>Pics of all the quints where they are being aware or declaring their love to Futarou
>Itsuki part: The extra large parfait moment


Attached: BLACKED POWER RANGERS.jpg (500x375, 53K)

I can’t believe Yotsuba is going to die. powerrangers.fandom.com/wiki/Yamato_Tribe_Knight_Burai

>new interview from Negi, the most important thing he said is that we're up to 70% in the story.
>So it ends in around ch 143 or something
Interviewee specifically phrased the story in question of volumes mentioning vol 10. So that 30% means it's likely 15 volumes.

Forever Black'd

Nig pls. No one dying in Go Toubun. Go back to your Seo shit.

>Nakano Yotsuba certainly cease to live
Uesugi Yotsuba will rise in her place.

Attached: yotsuba bride.jpg (1080x1350, 79K)

Well, there is that but reading through the whole interview, all they talk about is Miku and Nino and a bit of Ichika. Both Negi and the interviewer didn't bother talking about the other 2 "whos?" at all.

>1and 2 also popular with female readers
How can other quints even compete?

So according to Negi, Miku is most popular among guys because guys want someone meek that they can protect.
He also noted Nino and Ichika are most popular among female readers because girls like strong-willed female characters.
He was also surprised at Nino's popularity from the anime and the interviewer attributed it to the power of Taketatsu Ayana.

I can't help but feel something is off with all these conclusions they came to.

The hair is covering the shoulders.

If her Kanji ain't in the title or can't divide 5, your quint ain't the bride!

Attached: 20190917_130626.jpg (524x1023, 440K)

Itsuki is literally Negi isn't she?

Attached: IMG_20190917_125925.jpg (1600x900, 243K)

More like wrong shoulder!

>Nino and Ichika are most popular among female readers
I thought they were rather unpopular among women and that Yotsuba was just barely behind Miku for them in the polls.
Miku and Yotsuba are the female self inserts while Nino and Ichika are cunts to their husbando Fuuts.

>Nino and Ichika are cunts to their husbando Fuuts.
Real women are cunts. It's nothing unusual they understand Ichika and Nino better.

>Nino and Ichika are cunts to their husbando Fuuts.
No. And honestly I don't find Miku weak.

Don't talk shit about our guy Negi ok?

Dude doesn't stuff himself like some pig without a shred of dignity.