This is your maid for the day.
This is your maid for the day
Literally a hag. Max age for me is 80 years tops.
Got a problem with elves?
>filthy elf
no thanks
you can keep that abomination of nature
sassy cunts think they own arda
Elves are just a another type of Fey no different than Trolls, Gnomes, or Fairies. They are are neither Angel nor Demon, but a left over of the heathen gods during our darkness of ignorance when we were Pagen. But now? We are much wiser thanks to the glorious light and wisdom in our Faith in the One True God that gifts us our salvation. His blessings allows us with our very hands to forge our weapons that can harm them back after centuries of being tormented by their whims. Silver maybe effective to the undead and their Fel allies, but Cold Iron when processed through mortal hands is our weapon against our ancient foes that ruled nature and cordoned us to our cities. The Elves will know the wrath of Mankind. They will know that we are the Sons of God and the masters of His Creation.
FLAT elf best girl.
Tits too big
Does that maid offer more than just something to drink?
You mean miracle
I’m not surprised your misbegotten kind found itself here.
If you are unable to tell the difference between the front and the back of a girl, you are either a fag or pedo. Which are you user?
She can cook too.
What about helping with baths?
Fire wine for me & anything but milk for the girl. I don't want she turns bigger.
Only if you are a blonde cute girl.
Oh shit, my buddy Pelinal is coming to dinner.
Feanor, get the fuck out
Why? She doesn't seem to have that big of a problem with nudity.
It's a matter of taste and she knows you can bath by yourself.
>flat maid
Yuck, she should be nowhere near food. Let her stay in bed instead.
Right,she should be near the drinks
>homosexual time-travelling mary sue
But how could she work in bed?
vegan food only
You want her to suffer forever?
Gimli pls
Alright, listen to me you knife eared piece of shit
She looks a bit green. Is she sure she's up for this?
She is pretty experienced, though.
She does know that reading lewd magazines doesn't count as experience, right?
Maid for rape.
I was talking about archery, what were you thinking?
How does archery help her be a better maid, other than the strong grip and we'll muscled arms that is?
Balance in case she needs to carry plenty of stuffs and a good eye for cooking. She also spent 2000 years learning "womanly arts" just not the kind of lewd things you were hoping for.
Balance, you say? What's she going to be balancing on?
Elves are for rape
I want to warm my hands between her soft thighs after coming in from a cold winter day.
Epic meme.
Lies made up by dwarves.
But dwarves don't want to rape elves. Humans do.
Humans are the niggers of fantasy.