Enen no Fire Force


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Fire bugs can't melt steel abs

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no new power

For me its asspull done rigth, shit was hillarious.

They literally said this is his overheat.

Even better, we need more badass characters without any powers.
Also the last pillar is going to be someone more relevant to the story, it has to be that way.

This character is popular with gay elevens.


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Guest chapter by Dumbell mangaka.

>easy going
Yeah, I wonder why hes appealing to fujos and faggots. Its littealry "I want to be like him" type of character.

Who is the best Pillar and why is it Inca?

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Its Haumea actually

>Making moralfags seethe since her introduction

What a fucking chad.
How can I be like captain

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How do I achieve this form?

I just caught up on a few episodes, why were people saying that the lucky lewd catslut isn't gonna be lusting after Shinra's dick when she's basically gushing after he saved her ass?

Inca > Haumea > First > Shinra > Sho > The Kid

By the way, is there a reason First looks like Iris? Or is it just a coincidence so it's easier for her to manipulate Shinra?

Because Juggernaut.

Catslut is for chink potato farmer dick

Probably coincides with the reason she didn't become infernal at the church while everyone else did

He's a meme with a one sided crush on her though. Regardless, the closest thing to a main love interest that Shinra has is still Iris.

I get the feeling the first pillar will end up blessing Shinra sooner or later. We already saw that the evangelist isn't the only one capable of giving blessings a few arcs ago and the first pillar is likely capable of doing the same. She while technically allied with the white cloaks out of similar interests isn't really part of them, she just wants to kill everything because she's pissed at being locked inside Amaterasu for hundreds of years.

I can't unsee the hatchings as seams, it looks like his muscles are stitched together

Shinra is pillar himself. The black lady from Oasis was able to grant divine protection cause she was otherwordly too.

I want this bitch locked in a plane of nothing where nothing happens for 10 billions years

Very based

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And even she could manage 1 second. The evangelist is something else handing out time stop and lightspeed like candy.


That might be achievable natty

Man, I fucking love her.

Will Shinra follow through?

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The hate sex will be violently glorious.

She cute

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Based captain

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Where are the scans for the next chapter?

Wait for Wednesday

cat best girl

t. Juggernaut

Can this happen to Shinra and Arthur too? Or at least some way to get them to do a fight shirtless.

That might be a chance for Dragon to blow off Arthur's shirt so cross your fingers. No idea about Burns v. Shinra though.

I want Obi inside me no homo

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I will cross them but both of them are wearing too many layers that I doubt it’ll happen for now at least.

Picked the fuck up, hopefully he appears a lot.

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Fuck off exShaft.

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It's mostly played off as a gag since he's working out every day due to not having any super powers to rely on so he just uses peak human condition and weapons to survive.

Is Joker a zoomer?

The Evangelist faction was probably the ones who locked away the first pillar.

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