Why is battle shounen so popular with spics and normalfags? Is it just a low IQ thing?
Why is battle shounen so popular with spics and normalfags? Is it just a low IQ thing?
yate vi dum
It's funny how out of place Gon looks.
Yeah, because his character art is more dated, but trust me he is right where he belongs.
At least spics are honest about their taste unlike you pretentious faggots
You forgot to add SnK and BnHA
Why is Gon there? He belongs to the Soft-Seinen category
Because he is out of place there.
Because spics hate anything cute or funny.
Pretty much which is why they obsess about their favorite being "high IQ"
only burgers like this
It's the only anime worth watching desu
shut up spic
Wrong, it's popular in Japan to.
Probably for better reasons than it is for it's Murrican popularity
its way behind all big shounen nekketsu even TPN beat it
You tienes que tener a really alto IQ to comprender la high complejidad of the shounen genre
I'm not that smart and I like it, so it's quite possible.
Because it's popular. Normalfags consume everything that is popular. For example, If One Piece somehow wasn't popular but was still the same manga then normalfags wouldn't care about it.
spic IQ es muy bajo
>tiene que use google translate
As esperado of un EOP bebe
no se gusta estudiar tu idioma y no se necesita google translate
Because it's one of the only anime genres left that doesn't cater to otaku, so they're actually allowed to be fun instead of a dripfeed of fanservice and self-insert wish fulfillment
He looks like a Pokemon trainer npc.
then what is popular in America outside of battle shounen MHA?
Sure moenigger
There is people who belive 90% of animes is this, I was like them before, and after you realize battle shounens are just shows with shitons of episodes which are mostly shitty fillers.
>Is it just a low IQ thing?
Yes but it's also about having bad taste and being mentally immature, all 3 are linked of course but deserve individual mention
TpN is only big in manga sales MHA beat it on overall popularity.
now THIS is what i call an epic fail of a post
> Amerimutt
not the case in big manga country
>stealth series war thread
Why do autistic permavirgin neckbeards love moe so much?
Even in japan MHA have more popular anime,fuck tone of doujin, Big presence in social Media while TpN already forgotten after its anime ended. TpN is just like Kingdom it sells big but pale in every way
Aprende a escribir, retrasado
Learn how to write, retard
It's embarrassing, but the seineniggers I meet at cons tend to be even worse.
Can't believe no one bothered to report this shitty bait thread.
TPN is too edgy and still recent compared to MHA, wait until 3 season and a movie happen
Cons are the worse, more in a shithole like Argentina
The only good thing is that you can get really good creepshots bc all the cosplayer thots there and it gets better in summer when you can feel the sweat from her ass and the strong smell
>pictures of thot nigger
Just imagine the smell
uma delicia?
>He fell for the IQ meme
Probably because it is a visual medium that takes advantage at showing lots of action visuals.
I personally do enjoy slice of life manga/anime but I deep down don't know why it ever needed to be an anime/manga.
Meanwhile these 16 year olds are having green auras and summoning a giant dragon punch and I'm think "yeah this works as needing to be a manga/animated story".
OK so what shows are popular on Yea Forums and with elites?
probably because he's the only one they put effort enough to seem like a person
why people complain, its the same shit with video games when you have normies only buying FIFA and COD every years
Normal people have real grilfriends, so they're not exactly interested in your favorite genres.