Why do anime viewers have such low standards? Garbage anime like DITF, Parasyte and Kill La Kill are all highly rated, when they are pretty fucking garbage with childish writing.
Why do anime viewers have such low standards? Garbage anime like DITF, Parasyte and Kill La Kill are all highly rated...
Most people just don't take cartoons that seriously and are just happy with something that's mildly entertaining
However Kill la Kill is on another league than something like Franxx
Kill la Kill is honestly okay because it doesn't takes itself too seriously, so alright
Extremely cool concept, great starting episodes ( like 4)
Characters become mentally retarded and the story become an autism fest.
The episodes involving the cops were one of the dumbest shit I've ever watched
Parasyte is overrated as fuck
Franxx had a lot of potenti since the mysteries were well set up and information was fed slowly but it went to shit.
Anime is no longer a hardcore/niche medium in the West. Since more people are into it now more varied opinions can surface, but since most people simply do whatever is deemed popular, it only takes a small few with the knowhow to sway everyone to their opinions on what is or is not "good"
Essentially normalfags have shit taste
That's what i am saying
When I look for movie show reviews ( viewers, not critics), on IMDB for instance, actual good movies are rated high, while garbage movies are rated low. That's talking in general.
Not saying all anime viewers have shit taste or that all movie views have God tier taste.
I wonder. It's like 'babby's first mecha anime' or something.
maybe that should tell you something
>childish writing.
its almost like its made for a certain demo graphic or something.
Oh Christ, you are really this much of a crossboarder newfag. That's not what "animeonly" means.
Lurk moar.
>are all highly rated
How does one even casually incur into these supposed "ratings" without actively looking for them? Fuck off casuals.
Literally never posted here yes.
Just wanted to ask anime faggots why they have garbage taste
Kill La Kill is one of the best action anime ever made. Parasyte is one of the only good shows of the decade. If you are talking about overrated things, at least choose actually bad anime, retard.
>Violet Evergarden
>Madoka Magica
>Your Lie In April
>Attack On Titan
>Made in Abyss
>My Hero Academia
Calling good action shows and tributes to retro overrated trash really makes you look like you don’t like mindless yet well done shows. Enjoy your pseud bullshit with flower symbolism.
>Parasyte is one of the only good shows of the decade
>attack on titan is overrated
Comparing Violet Evergarden to the timeflop that is Darling in the Franxx is embarassing. Do better.
>fire flop vs time flop
Seems appropriate to me.
AoT has a 9.11 on MAL. I know you are going to say “LE MAL TRANNY XD” but it’s an example.
DITF is also an awful show. That’s why I didn’t mention it in my original post.
The manga is really funny, intentionally or not.
Most people who watch anime are teenagers or casuals who only watch anime that get popular with other casuals, no wonder they think literally every anime they watch is great.
Sorry, I should have used japanimation instead
Came here because I literally started watching DITF this morning, having never heard of it but seeing 02 posted everywhere in memes.
It seems like a very B-Tier anime so far but is there some fuckhuge problem with it? I’m 3 episodes in, and all I know so far is it’s pretty explicably horny and a far cry from Evangelion
Kill la La kill is fucking retarded.
You proved my point. Raise your standards you dumb troglodyte.
Attack on titan is certainly overrated, but it'd 10000x better than kill la kill Kill or parasyte.
Main issue with AoT is how slow it's, and how it takes ages for the story to move on. A lot of unnecessary rambling and stretching for no actual reason.
It has a decent plot, character development and good story telling. ( Yes eren was a faggot, but he is alright now)
Also one of the best soundtracks in anime.
Its good until ep 16 then it turns into an absolute shitfest
Do the pilots discover sex? That’s gotta be it, they start fucking so there’s no point in fighting the magma monsters
Yes, it obviously cater to horny teens.
I also started watching it because of the zero two memes. I thought she'd be a good character.
The show show is a cringefest. I never use the word cringe, but this show is the embodiment of cringe
17 and 18 were alright. 19's backstory shit and 20's AYYLMAO killed it.
>Attack on titan is certainly overrated, but it'd 10000x better than kill la kill Kill or parasyte.
Have another (you)
By the way, nice shit taste
>Chooses DITF, Parasyte and Kill La Kill over actual overrated shit like BnHa or AoT
Well one of them does at least. Should be pretty obvious which after a couple of episodes.
these are 6/10 show at worst user. There are way less competent anime out there.
SOL shit, after ep 15 dragged out longer than it should. Resulting in possibly the most rushed out, painfully written arc + ending I have seen in quite a long time.
>Garbage anime like DITF, Parasyte and Kill La Kill
This is garbage? I'd like to see your completed anime list and how you rated them. These are solid 6-7/10 shows. I'd be a happy man if the average series was on this level but instead it's irredeemable zoom*r/r*ddit garbage like Zombieland, Asobi Asobase, 5-toubun, Takagi-san, Kaguya-sama, Bunny Girl, Classroom of the Elite, Gridman and the like. And don't get me started on all those trashy neckbeard shows with JK girls that Yea Forums pretends to like for a season then immediately forgets about them the moment they are over like Release the Spyce, Pastel Memories, Toji no Miko, Anime Yell, Revue Starlight, Comic Girls, and Granbelm and Machikado Mazoku from this season.
It goes to shit at the end of ep ten, with 13 and 15 tricking you into thinking it could recover and just gets worse.
>Garbage anime like DITF, Parasyte and Kill La Kill
Never watched Parasyte, but other two are ok.
I have no doubt at this point. If people give these garbage 9 and 10s, I really wonder how bad are the ones with 5 and 6
Ok, kill la kill is not garbage. I was being too harsh when I said that. I gave it a 7.
Parasyte started good, became retarded. Gave it a 5
DITF started out retarded continued being retarded. Didn't rate it, but I'll give a solid 1.
>mentioning a pretty faithful adaptation of a classic manga, even liked by Miyazaki, in the same breath as those veritable trainwrecks
I figured when blue haired girl kissed protagonist, it would become harem shit. I don’t know, I’ve only watched a bit, it’s obv 02 and protagonist are the key love interest but blue haired girl is some sort of unrequited love person. But then one of them made the comment that she and protagonist could be siblings, so idk.
I was working in junction with watching this
>even liked by Miyazaki
Is this supposed to be a reason to like something?
Blue hair is annoying and cucks the shit out of the blonde boy who actually likes her but she never had a chance of winning the protagbowl, as he has a one track mind for oni-girl.
The way you space out your posts annoys me
Won't do that anymore.
>Watching anime for mature writing
Yeah okay dude. But don't put Parasyte in with those other two
ditf was great for btfoing fattyfags
The only thing that stuck with me was fats mcgee getting cucked. Shit was hilarious i wish it would happen more often
I don't think Yea Forums "pretends to like them", we just understand most anime is light and disposable entertainment and take it for what it is.
Did people like klk that much? It got shitty by ep 7 or 8 and the animation fell off around 6. Nudist Beach shit was absolutely fucking insufferable and the ending was god damn retarded. The Ryuko vs Satsuki fight scene sucked fucking ass along with most major fight scenes in the second half of the show. Senketsu's/Ryuko's 2nd form and Satsuki's mom raping her was also cringe but didn't really detract too much from the show I guess so that's just personal opinion. The only good parts about it were the fact that the first 5 eps were godly, it wasn't retardedly generic shonenshit, and good character designs. Also good music. 4.5/10
Parasyte manga is great.
KLK and DitF are trash.
It’s my favorite show because I loved it when it first came out. I don’t want to rewatch it because I have very good memories about it and I don’t want to break the ‘illusion’.
Because anime is by nature an escapism-providing medium and 95% of its audience are either bullied children or maladjusted manchildren. Plus the storytelling is super tropey and just doesn't teach you to analyse the shows critically. There is a reason the only serious anime criticism you can find is done by random non-anime watching people like movie critics etc.
You have to be over 18 to post on this board.
its just cartoons bro go read a book
TF are you on about? They're trash and everyone knows it
Most people have no problem gobbling up shit, so a lot of shit gets made.
That being said, you aren't any better, OP. You've gathered up a bunch relatively popular anime and judged them all based on one aspect, even though anime is an audio-visual medium, in an attempt go establish a misplaced sense of superiority and get the attention you think you deserve.
Well, you're a faggot and you should go jump off a bridge.
Nope . I still have tons of waifus that need to be waifed by me.
Do yourself a favor, watch to episode 15 then pretend it got canceled.
Do yourself a favor and stop wasting you time watching it and use that time to watch better shows (not really hard to find something better).
Can you leave now no one likes you
Go fap to some lolis
>i consume garbage out of genuine interest
Give me a break. You're not even denying that these are bad shows, but you force yourself to watch them, despite there being better entertainment to enjoy, all so that you can fit in with the "cool" weebs on Yea Forums. It's worthless garbage. They have no artistic value, no vision or original story. They're made with the single purpose of pandering to turbo neckbeards in Japan and they all follow the same checklist of cliches.