Yea Forums memes of yore
Yea Forums memes of yore
Other urls found in this thread:
Shiki can kill Servants. Discuss.
the game
FUCK you
A cat is fine too
Naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal user can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.
However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the jutsus, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole ninja faggotry and everything about the Naruto world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on revenge, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.
Naruto is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to Yea Forums, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every user to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Naruto threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.
I love Naruto but everything said about it here is true. In any case it was fucking cool to me as a kid and the first show i watched with real violence in it.
I hate it!
I'm okay with this.
Further proof that mods are fags.
DEEN/Stay Night was classic Yea Forums
nice boat
I feel like remembering some autist who'd spam white vs asian character cosplay threads on Yea Forums with a very spesific image design and fonts.
First of all, why the hell are these hot, busty, sexually active females don't get courted by a man? Because there's something wrong with them! And the primary reason being that they are really bad mother candidates. They're loud, like to get drunk, like to have fun more than being a dutiful wife, and just being plain unfeminine. They may have fucked with one or multiple chads at some point but why won't these chads marry them? It's not because those chads like to fuck around and not settling down, it's because DEEP DOWN THEY KNOW THAT THESE THIRSTY CAKES WON'T CUT IT AS GOOD MOTHERS. So what happens to them? Just pump and dump. Real chads know what's the best for them and it's maternal goddesses like Funabori that they would marry and make a big family with. Tl;dr cakes are worthless and you should feel bad for liking them
Best feud ?
efg was cool
go back to gaia faggot
Damn I miss this. It went on to evolve into "Can Shiki kill X" with X being anything, from Kaname Madoka to Gods.
But I still bet Shiki can't kill the Grail.
How many years have you been posting this pasta? 6 years?
I forgot, is this actually a recycled Yea Forums classic ?
Only classic meme allowed. nobody cares about new, quickly forgotten meme
Real talk, i actually miss pre FGO Fate, especially on Yea Forums.
I know that feel, I was a Fire Emblem fan.
Forever eternal in my heart, mods can go fuck themselves.
Who is this "Shiki" he clearly has nothing to do with Type Moon and its products like FGO.
So as a joke, I went to my friend's house while wearing Konata's blue wig and uniform. I could barely stop my laughter as he went as red as a tomato and looked at me from head to toe with a bit of drool in his mouth. The way he stared made me feel a bit funny too, but I decided to tease him more by taking off my clothes. He asked me, "Are you serious?" and I said, "Yup."
He went silent for what seemed like forever, so I asked him, "What's the matter?" He said he's confused, but then his boner got really hard, which made me take off his clothes. I expected him to scream, "Stop!" as I kissed him and stroked his cock, but he instead shouted, "Oh God, Konata!" which made me get a boner myself. Before I knew it, I was blowing him for the first time till he came.
His semen was so thick, it got stuck inside my throat no matter how hard I swallowed. He then said, "I want to fuck you now!" and seeing that we've already gone that far and we were both naked, I obliged. A few hours later, the jerk went all pale and said to me, "Why did we do that? Now I'm totally gay." But he looked so cute all confused like that, so I took pity on him and reassured while wiping his cum off my face, "Let's just pretend I'm still Konata."
Pic related. It's me dressed as Konata.
Flanfly is better than stinky old Sakurafish
That's a /jp/ meme, though.
And /jp/ is better than Yea Forums, what's your frickin' point?
I love me some spinzaku.
I miss pre-2010s internet.
who in their right mind
My "frickin' point" is you're being rude by posting off-topic content.
would frost a cake with their butt?
I can't believe japan predicted Hereditary
holy fuck lmao
Damn man, I was just thinking about how much of a feels train that was at the time.
>the only Yea Forums meme in recent years is IMAGINE
>Yea Forums or /pol/ or whatever faggot place is slowly gaining gaining ground with their shit
You know, I think we’re going about this the wrong way. Instead of focusing so much on shutting out crossboard shit, we should just make a bunch of memes and out meme them. Bonus points if it’s things that they hate.
IMAGINE isn't an Yea Forums meme.
It's a Yea Forums meme.
>Yea Forums
Yea Forums hasn't had a good meme in years, they spend their days screaming about trannies and using shit like seethe, dilate, and cope. They've become even worse drones that they used to be without any original memes or content whatsoever. Yea Forums is somehow worse than it has ever been and continues to degrade and get worse. I'll give you /pol/ since they're always shitposting and memeing, but Yea Forums, no.
David Bowie was into some gay shit man.
Be completely honest, Yea Forumsnons.
How old were you when you started posting here?
Posting I can't remember, but filenames say I was saving some images in 2003.
Like 14-15, I'm almost 29 now, thanks for making me feel old faggot.
They're two separate memes expressing completely opposite feelings (Yea Forums's expresses arousal, Yea Forums's sheer disgust).
They just happen to share a keyword.
not in full force until ~2012 when I was actually 18
The only meme that's still relevant in 2019.
When was Kimmospam a thing?
that's some greek level irony
now that it's actually relevant, it's banned
>we're 3 years away from Keit-ai
I mean, if it's relevant that means we like it.
How dated is this chart?
He was a gay man into some straight shit
Like a month before Chanology. The drop in quality made me stop posting until 2010.
This was a real bloodbath between Yea Forums and Yea Forums back in the day
19 in 2008, but I didn't start browsing Yea Forums until around 2010.
Goku vs Superman was/is far worse since Spics can't handle the fact that their surrogate dad gets wrecked by a farmer from Kansas.
Not sure why this got deleted but was lurking since 2008 and started posting in 2010
I would have posted earlier but I remember I said something stupid and everybody bullied me in the thread so I didn't post anymore for a while
Back when Yea Forums had any sort of culture of its own and was literally obsessed with Saber.
remember these? wish I didn't
I remember posting yukkuri abuse all the time and a few people getting mad at it. Fuck those ugly things.
I masturbated more than once to that doujin. Thanks for reading my post.
I discovered Yea Forums in 2009, didn't browse it much until a year later. I think I made my fist post in 2016, maybe 15. I still have never made a thread.
Yea Forums had that copypasta about girls shooting bows with their legs.
I’m saying Yea Forums wojak shit and all their dumb catch phases are gaining ground here, not that they have anything of legitimate value. Hence why we need to fight back with actually good memery to kick them out
Remember these?
We could always keep yotsubaposting and the moment they talk shit about her they get banned, Yotsuba is sacred after all, some faggot got unbanned in /qa/ because of it.
Low quality series, low quality memes.
Just report all wojak posts and everything with seethe/dilate/"OH NO NO NO NO"/etc on sight and file it under "This post is of extremely low quality". About 90% of the time they get deleted within 20 minutes for me.
Related to this, I might start spamming the "The quality of posts is extremely important to this community" part from the ban notifications whenever I see a low quality post.
>Implying the whole commercial isn't a meme
Lol Vic Mignogna
Pussy, the first thing you do on your first time on a board is make a shitpost in the catalog announcing your arrival, and then another one when the ban for the first one is over.
i lost it
How new.
I try to forget about the time before the catalog. The absolute lack of usability still gives me terrors on dark nights.
I don't remember. did Yea Forums had a catalog back in chaika days? I'm guessing no since it would make the whole front page thing moot.
When Yea Forums was much slower the lack of one wasn't as bad.
No official catalog but there was the one that had the same functionality
How long was chaika again? I started coming here around that time after suffering through Yea Forums for a year.
I started posting in 2006- I was out of high school then and I think I heard about Yea Forums on Something Awful, but I don't really remember.
I remember
Post the screenshot, please.
For you user
I wish someone would make a higher quality webm of this
So what are we doing here, educating the youngsters?
Those is no good anime to make meme on anymore, and the translator groups nowadays are so soulless, prove me wrong
Thank you, I'll save it when I'm home.
The flow of that thread just reminded me how much of a SJW place this has become, like with the KyoAni fire.
Most memes comes from twitter/reddit now.
Those can't even be called meme anymore. Just trash.
But they're. Not all of them are bad. It's just proof of our downfall.
Yeah, they're absolutely inorganic. There is no community effort that uplifts a meme and makes it a cultural addition that will stay relevant for years.
Instead of that, it's just exploitation of someone's idea by numerous individuals in their desperate attempt to gather upboats/followers.
They don't make memes, they just make jokes.
That by itself wouldn't be a problem if they didn't use places like Yea Forums as mines for this type of behavior.
As someone who took a 5 year break from Yea Forums, I have to agree that the place is different, although I wouldn't say it's -that- bad.
>like with the KyoAni fire.
What because people were sad?
I'm surprised that dagobah is still up and running
This place was a no fun allowed zone for two weeks. Someone posting Eurobeat links to songs like Burning Up For You got bombed with the fierceness of a million tumblrwhales.
[x] Genuflect.
Does blue ribbon sakura count?
Who builds a telephone pole in the middle of the street?
And user wonders why I hate kyoanifags.
Yea Forums never was mindlessly edgy. No one would have laughed about Aniki's death either. 2011 earthquake was serious too. So you probably don't remember things correctly or was edgy teen back then
No need to bash stupid humour, though.
Except with Aniki, he is as sacred as yotsuba at this point.
Where's A TO Pig? I miss that motherfucker like you wouldn't believe.
I wonder what Mike is doing nowadays
From some point it can be case of board war paranoia. You know how we're rolling now with thousand crossboarders in shonen threads. "They" tried to shit talk Aniki's death for example in Yea Forums.
He got in to acting I heard. Here's an interview of him:
That didn't last 5 minutes, though, mods were very quick to act on that, I got curious and went to Yea Forums and check out how they took it, it was WAY worse there.
If someone was too busy to notice, the joke is working only if you watch from the part where the timestamp indicates.
I'd go buy lawnchairs at Costco with him.
I miss Hadena subs.
user, at least post the rest.
I'm going to post this every day until you hate it.
>tfw no Seacats threads in Yea Forums
This is sad. And new VN will be out soon
Same here friend, same here.
meesa likes this
now you can kill
*guitar riff*
the original of this was gold too
Good heavens, would you look at the time!
an ancient meme
Pls dont remind me
She looked so cute at the time.
If I see that fucking girl one more time...
Remember...once upon a time there was no /jp/
porkslope turkeyhandle has seen better days
I'd hit it
I miss those threads
What has Snacks been up to?
Where's the Yea Forumsversion?
>this was 4 years ago
what the fuck
>/g/ mods put Satania in their sticky
>Yea Forums mods ban Sakurafish
Seconding this, I only have one that looks like DVD quality. I guess it's not on Youtube anymore even.
I haven't even read past the scarecrow chapter. How much got released since then?
The fact that this picture made it on the Fox News "hackers on steroids" video still makes me laugh.
A couple dozen chapters. Mostly about Griffith. Important thing happened with Casca that mad me happy and then the latest chapter made me sad again.
>/g/ mods communicate with anons
>Yea Forums mods don't even watch anime and prefer /pol/
Okay, might even check it out later actually. I've only read VNs lately anyway.
Speaking of
>/g/ mods put Satania in their sticky
Was pleasantly surprised when I saw that. iToddlers BTFO
You are following a false prophet.
I should really finish that denpa alien girl.
That's the funniest version of that image by far, thanks for reminding me of its existence
Don't forget THE infamous one
not really, it's the usual shaft all animation no substance trash
Still best doll.
I miss TL notes.
That one will never get old.
Me too
I wanna try one of those weird triangle Swiss chocolates some day.
Interesting question, wanna to wanna know that now.
Based /g/ays.
That's the only good meme in the entire thread.
TL notes truly are a relic from a more civilized time
If we're so wrong then how come we draw more people than you?
Dumb weeb
user, I think it was too deep for you.
not yore but i miss memeyoiga threads
20 years later and Suigintou is still one of the best 2D girls ever created.
if I wanted to watch a show about autism I'd just maraphon my birthday tapes
Please post birthday tapes.
didn't those were recent one's
not anime or manga
No fun allowed.
This got a cop suspended.
Yes, cowshit must taste good too because it attracts 10^37 flies every single day.
Hell yes, thank you very much user.
top 10 things women will never understand
>11 years ago
Jesus fucking Christ
somebody post the franken fran chapter where a girl becomes "anime" and looks like an allien and ends up eating dogs/becoming a hobo. DO IT Yea Forums YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS!
>not having shitlouch filtered
>the feeling when the level of posts has become so low that Lelouch is now above average
rate of sages used to be high
now it doesn't exist
put your trip back on
sage still works, y'know
hell it even works with images now
post the code gayass slowpoke
I can't find it. forgot where i put it
>ctrl f ghost slide
>0 results
Fucking come on
This was amazing.
There's a reason the camera is angled too high to see the top of his head. There's definitely a fat hot glue hat going on up there.
oh shit I forgot about balancing sasuke
>AMDrones nest
>ctrl + F "jibun wo"
>Phrase not found
It's officially time for me to leave Yea Forums.
See you tomorrow.
Try looking at the pictures niggers
Invisible sage was a mistake.
this damn thing could balance anything
>rub a dub, thanks for the grub!
I forgot from where this sasuke figurine was? McDonald?
ain't no ghost slide you syphilitic spunk bubble
Before FGO I was always like “pffft how could a sequel ruin a series? The original’s still there!” and I was proven horribly wrong
holy shit I kek'd hard.
Holy shit.
that time when two army user meet
I've always fucking hated Fate but even I can agree.
How can one thread make you very happy and very sad at the same time?
Mou Ikkai isnin the latest Taiko installment, had a blast from the past playing it.
>sakurafish banned
>wojakc whatever the fuck and frogshit are MLP tier but allowed
explain this
Never forget
Blojak and frogshit are bannable. All you need to do is report them,
Its highlights from what happened on Yea Forums in 2013
there should be more but i only have one of those
hnnnngggg was cool, where did it came from, dont remember
Nighttime Yea Forums.
>tfw you will never relive watching Samflam with Yea Forums
Not sure if it was this.
Being the Europoor nightcrawler was really streching it, to reach night time Yea Forums you had to stay awake way over sunrise.
I like it
Fuck the mods
Anyone have a screen cap of the 25+ active Saber image dump threads from like 2009? That shit was wild.
Old people having heart attacks.
i lost, go fuck yourself
I always thought it was a guy trying to suppress his (heart)boner.
I still haven't watched the actual hentai. Going to download it now.
jum pour the me
I hate memes
I hate how everything gets called a meme now.
Anyone still have any shops of Shin from destiny screaming?
We used to edit that face on to everything.
I think the oldest iteration was a stock image of an old man with a pained face and his hand on his chest, though I don't have it.
that's just a meme
>Tell a shitty joke.
>Coworker says "are you memeing me right now?" unironically.
who the fuck decided Meme should be a synonym for "joke"
God damn we're old.....
Every fucking time
I'm too old. I had already forgotten that crap
>Shiki can kill x
That's decently old.
Old oldfags remember pre-fate VN-translations or anime memes were mostly tsukihime only like
>"cat is fine too"
>shitting on J.C. staff's Tsukihime anime about how Arc is at the park and random gets killed by a school kid with a knife before DEEN one upped them with their F/SN
>Curry butt
>Giant Akiha MB stuff
Some older FSN ones were:
>people die when they get killed
>Gae bulge v Rho anus
Cozier time back then within TMfanbase.
About a year until /f/ is permanently kill.
Thanks user, you saved me from the treasure hunt through pics salvaged from my old HDD. Though the one I saved had the text hnnnnnnng typed in Arial Black or some other similar font next to the man.
Has anyone seen my hat?
This will be forever the greatest gif in Yea Forums history
Back in the day they were more like jokes that just got reposted a lot, now they're these shitty low effort templates the unfunny drudges try to use to tell their own jokes. Basically everything is now like demotivationals and it's fucking shitty.
I remember when that dropped on Yea Forums too. VNfags were shitting on the animation QUALITY, going completely off books, and Engrish.
But most agreed that it was one of the better eps of that series. At least that BersVArcher was left out by Nasu in the VN. Him randomly being able to use UBW or it being able to kill Herc so many times is stupid AF, but at least it looked cool if you don't think about it logically. And the Deen FSN for all it's shittiness did have some good OSTs. It's "Emiya" being one of the best.
Forgot to add. It was cool seeing it, but many felt the way Archer used his UBW (actually picking up swords and fighting) was completely stupid and not how it works in according to their imagination and in the VN. Thank god Ufo redid it with shit being correct.
>This got a cop suspended.
Permanently? I knew he was punished for memeing but how severe was it?
Kyon-kun, denwaaa
Every time, this gif is a fucking treasure.
He's gone...
Even changed the font to match, fucking beautiful.
When did we lose our passion for this media, anons?
>There is literally nothing wrong with being jewish
This is you right now
I always wonder how James would feel about this picture
After being voted 10th sexiest female racing driver? Probably indifferent.
Fuck you I lost
I hope she and Shirou call their son Joe Brooks and he brings them home delicious fish
Also fuck mods
Yea Forums died after the ban.
It isn't that bad. Both have had their terrible downsides but at least we have gotten more Fate titles and more FE games. I quite enjoyed animated UBW and soon HF and while Awakening was not too good, every single game after has been pretty good.
Blast from the past. I first saw that shit during my homo days on a certain homo website before I came here. Little did I know, this was the gayest place of all.
Who else not watching the sequel?
The movie already came out.
Upon finding out that Lelouch is alive again (some C's world bullshit left him braindead for a while, he's kinda sorta immortal now, maybe) Ohgi attempts to commit suicide in front of him as an apology for RUINING EVERYTHING.
Lelouch stopped him though.
Also Lelouch takes the name L.L. in the end.
came here to post this, what an image.
>there will never be more pie threads again
All good things come to an end, huh
>Also Lelouch takes the name L.L. in the end.
>300g of carbs, 65g of fats, and 50g of protein per 100f of serving
Truly Hyper-Oats
Nothing gets me more then these, so fucking stupid but so funny.
>Released in 2005
A magical place.
Is there a yumechoke2-4?
What the fuck happened to collages? They just stopped being made one year. This one is 5 years old, almost 6
He never recovered.
Here's 2015.
Why was this banned?
FUCK I miss moot
that's not Yea Forums at all...
That was Yea Forums, not Yea Forums. Good choice though, Yea Forums was a great board on that day. Always a first for everything.
Wheres the one with panties
Pompeiian shitposting from the bathhouses is more funny to me.
gg was best
2014 was NOT almost 6 years ago
jesus that show was the definition of a clusterfuck
God, Kampfer was so shitty.
gg was the best set of subs for that show. On the other hand, Hadena was absolutely fucking terrible.
>filtering anything
The only noteworthy thing that has happened this year was sadpanda
>When did we lose our passion for this media, anons?
When simulcasters killed the fansubbing scene.
Little did user know how accelspammer would redeem himself.
Be nice...not all the 5 year olds posting here can count yet.
Nice reddit meme
>They just stopped being made one year
This is wrong,
Thank, you, user, I've awaited a long time to finaly save this.
>thread is not yet deleted by faggot mods
We do behave pretty well on sadpanda threads.
Because they think it’s good enough of an appeasement to back off or get away with more faggotry in the future.
we all do user
God I miss Accelspammer.
Everyone has been a victim for sure, but it was incredibly satisfying seeing a shitfest being completely shut down by this man.
How is that a reddit meme? That template is years old.
there shall be no peace in my heart until SakuraFish is returned to the fold
It's a good idea not to respond to people whose posts have less than 5 words.
He sold us to a terrible admin, he's just as bad ;_;
What an amazing episode.
Would YOU sell out your friends to go to Japan and do jack shit? I know I would
Enemy of all cats
I love the SICP version so much
Even Majikoi threads are ~5 years old now.
What fun is to be had without your friends, user?
Just the other day I was discussing this with a friend about how refreshing it is to have a Fate anime(Case Files in this case) actually take itself seriously and not just be about the waifus.
I just spent half an hour searching through my archives for this same picture, oh well.
Majibros can always talk about their VN on their native land of /vn/.
Poor Pedro...
How did Sobor even get started?
You know the original source material of the entire franchise was a hentai game, right? Why were you fucking with the franchise for that long if you wanted anything else?
Speaking of wich, can some kind user show me what saberposting was like back in the day?
>that 4kids one
man, 4kids is too lazy to ever bother editing the food like that. The most they ever do is make stuff vanish or add circles to the end of a cigarette and call it a lollipop. Usually they just leave the food as is and call them something completely different. friggin donuts
Generals are source of circkejerk. /vn/ is bad. If anything VN we should raise discussions again in Yea Forums. To revive old culture
Overrated trash.
>what is fireden
SADER was started thanks to a very very poor knockoff figure.
There's poor knockoffs and then there's that thing. That has to be intentional.
A relic of an era long since passed
Next year will be ten years and this will deader than desuchan
Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama
I'm a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days playing superior Japanese video games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)
I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it has been folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on Earth. I earned my sword license two years ago and I have been getting better every day.
I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their Bushido code, which I follow 100%.
When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or even a video game designer!
I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.
Wish me luck in Japan!
Not in 2007 it wasn't.
I sure as hell wouldn't. Yea Forums is such an important cultural landmark, I don't know how anyone could walk away from that. And the comraderie here, too. Fuck, we really are here forever, aren't we.
I've been here since 08. Tried to walk away and couldn't, because you fags are the only people I talk to outside of work.
I love how it became more valuable than the real thing.
Glad he's alive in the end desu
See you later Yea Forumsnons.
I wish I was around at 2008 and knew proper english and had a decent bandwidth connection.
This was a good thread. It was nice to be reminded of old Yea Forums.
These threads always bring the oldfags out from hiding. It's super comfy.
Gonna try to remember everything that is in there from memory alone.
Maou sama goes work at Mcdonalds Yea Forums loves it.
Sakamoto is a guy who is cool in everything like a shoujo character but he is actually really cool so Yea Forums loves it.
There was a day of Naruto meme believe it I don't remember why I guess this shit was about to end or there was a very stupid chapter or moot did something.
Gay man swimming on a pool the show was called Free if it were today you would hear about this shit on Netflix and on the pleb tier channels.
Prison School was at it's peak on Yea Forums an the birth of the ass gentleman meme happened.
Hachiman saves the day somehow I think there was something about the culture festival and he took the fall for something.
Very shit cosplay from Touma wouldn't remember if I hadn't saw in another thread.
Punpun was still ongoing and most of Yea Forums got addicted to suffering.
Snk OP sticks with everything meme. A used to really love that shit.
There was a show of vampires from outer spaces and surprise rape nobody saw that coming so imagine the state of Yea Forums.
Hanagai anime ended with no one winning I guess it was years later that the novels showed that he choose to become celibate in order to not lose his friends. Yea it is as dumb as it's sounds.
It's is not my fault was good and relatable and had great ahegao faces so Yea Forums loved it like no tomorrow.
Moot still cared.
Kill a La Kill happened. If you are going to watch a season anime always watch it with Yea Forums that was one crazy ride.
Date a clock.
Hiroyuki is a treasure.
Part 2
Kill a La Kill happened. If you are going to watch a season anime always watch it with Yea Forums that was one crazy ride.
Date a clock.
I guess the head is Akame ga Kiru or something.
Aku no hana legendary rotoscope trash faces.
I think the moe girls are from Yuru yuru and Yushiki.
I think the based samurai is from Gintama.
Bakemonogatari season whatever.
People were still following One web version of One Punch.
Witch little academia I guess it was the time of the movie most of Yea Forums found it perfect.
The girl under nigga naruto is from a hentai the third or fourth epi of it was released. It is fucking great fap material.
Evangellion something happened and MC even gayer.
Other are self explanatory no idea about what Hyper Oats was through.
You disgust me.
Anons, I hope you're doing your party at taking care of Yea Forums and not letting crossboarder memes, jokes and buzzwords taint your home!
Remember to use "ntr" instead of the ugly "cuck", okay?
And use the goddamn report button. It works.
Gimme a have some always fucking gets me
I use based and chad. Zoomer/boomer sometimes. Sorry.
Don't do that here.
Old Yea Forums was shit
Zoomer time B)
Hey, that doesn't belong in here!
Okay what the fuck happened to based? I remember it wasn't use for shitposting years ago.
When i first got into Yea Forums it was desu memes all around I got so curious that watched Rozen Maiden just for that. Now newfags will never now what Rozen Maiden was like.
Wait a minute... I recognize that bulge.
I wonder if any oldfags use these terms. I hope not. It's a shame we've been forced to adapt to these new-fangled words.
Your webms may have more resolution...but they never have more content.
Newfags will never know perfection.
>recognized a bulge in one of those remove-the-thumb threads
I wonder if bulgeanon looks down from the sky and smiles at us
Newfags will never experience the shitstorm that was AMV Hell.
Well based existed for long. But don't know. Maybe some e-celeb shit or /pol/. A lot of old buzzwords becoem viral because of soem event in /pol/ or Yea Forums or in twitter.
You mean real oldfags from 2004? They're dead. They not bad in context unless you spam them like in Yea Forums or /vg/.
>AMV Hell