Lord El-Melloi

Am I supposed to pretend like I know what the fuck he's talking about?

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I'm pretty sure the part the anime is adapting is in the middle of the novel series and nothing is explained.

>Here's a mystery thats unsolvable since nobody knows what the fuck is going on

Its Fate though, will sell damn good

Can you mention some plot points that you don't understand?

It's genius, really. A detective story that doesn't require the author to set up a logical mystery since they can pull whatever explanation out of their ass and wave it off with pic related.
Reines is best girl

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I mean, they kinda emphasize this with Waver basically saying the only thing that matters in a magical mystery is figuring the "why" part of the mystery, since magic trivializes the "who" or "how" parts.

>Being a brainlet nonmagus

Pretty much this. All the cases were mainly about understanding "why", and it seems to me that Waver himself have said more than once that it is the only thing that matters.

I'm watching because i like the characters and the lore but there is no doubt that it is a rather convenient way to manage murders stories.

No, because as most people have already said, they're coming up with the answers to the mysteries out of nowhere. Most of those types of magic and their rules have never been stated in any canon information until now.


Fuck you!!!

Lol muggles amirite xD

Me after every case

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Why is Olga such a wimp with Adashino? I can't imagine her daddy to be intimidated by her.

Basically her loving, emphasis on loving, surogant mother died.

It's nearly basic occultism

I was so lost last episode that at a certain point I just gave up.
Can someone explain to me why and how the japanese lady thought the priest with the past eye was the culprit and how she said he did what he did?
I only understood the part that his eye might have made him lose his sense of self because of that case in the past, but her explanation of how he set up so the other lady got her head rolling with his eye mumbo jumbo got me fried.

When you find the murder weapon (his eyes) in possession of somebody than he is logically the first susptect of the murder.
His eyes have the power to drag past events into the present, so if he would make a slash days ago he could drag that slash from the past into the present, so it cuts of the victims head.
However his control of the eyes shouldn't be good enough that he could pull that off without the help of somebody.

Ah, now I see.
I thought he could only bring visions and memories of the past, not actual events, so I assumed it was just a leap of logic from the japanese lady.

How are these eyes not rainbow? That sounds like bullshit.

Well, considering that rainbow eyes include the MEoDP which make the user capable of ending the existence of literally anything, I'd say that his eyes still have a little bit of a gap to fill before they're on the same level.

Eye classes seem to be kinda inconsistent anyway, like rainbow classes sometimes aren't rainbow colored at all. I think they mentioned his eyes may also be rainbow class, but for whatever reason they are now jewel class. Maybe it's also dependent on how well the eyes adapt to the user?

Basically that, this is not really a conventional mystery. The moment Waver and Adashino admit directly that the existence of magecraft means that the who and the how are basically endless that doesn't work anymore. It's just a show about magecraft lore and Waver's growth as a person (escaping from the illusions of the past projecting their shadows in the present).

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Well as it was explained they have some limitations. They are busted but not Death Perception levels of busted.

The first one is that they are limited in the space axis, meaning that they can only bring back an event from the past that happened at that very exact spot. To make that work the cuplrit used the fact that they are in a train, meaning that the slash could have been done previously in another wagon and then activate the eyes when Trisha was at the exact spatial location.

The second one is that you need to actually see the place to activate it. A defensive measure against Mystic Eyes (like the thing Trisha had, that made people uncounciously avoid her with their gaze). Which leads to the suspicion Waver has about someone hypnotizing Karabo (using the fact that Karabo's mind is very fragmented due to his eyes) to do all that.

Rainbow means they glow in many colors basically. That's why the MEODP in the KnK movies glow like that.

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The main problem to follow the explanations is the fact that Aniplex subs are very trashy and all over the place.

His eyes can be rainbow class but for whatever reason they aren't probably because the bring to the present effect isn't 100%.

Heartless has eyes that can control all other eyes. That's how Karabo's eyes got taken over. Even on Divine Spirits.

He could easily do that shit to any eyehack user.

Yeah I know, but I think those aren't really explained until the last arc and in Rail Zeppelin itself it's just explained as "he probably used some kind of hypnosis".

So not knowing what's going on is a normal thing? I thought I was just a brainlet because I couldn't understand how waver figured everything out.

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They gave you enough info to piece who the culprit here is. The entire subplot with Luvia and Kairi was for that.

I still kind of think that the anime clues were a bit too thin about Caules being an impostor.

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With the magical part (the specifics) it's normal yeah, the logical part is perfectly solvable. It's just piecing some clues that point into a very evident direction (if you trust Trisha's feelings about Olga at least).

Heartless eyes are implied that they could be Rainbow yeah, but his aren't even natural at all, they are the result of a mutation due to Albion's juice connected to the inner sea of the planet.

Even Shiki's eyes? Kinda doubt it...

Also I'm pretty sure the answer to every mystery so far has been 'the dumb mage did it to themselves, now they're a monster, Gray go earn your paycheck'

Yeah but that was just for the anime originals and to build the setting. In the novels there is not a single mystery with that answer. Even Adra was more complex than that.


If they don't put this next episode I'm gonna feel a bit robbed.

They definitely have to do so, i mean next episode is Rail Zeppelin 6/6 and the last episode will be the epilogue + maybe anime original content?

Next episode should be just volume 5 chapter 5. I mean, there is a lot of stuff happening in that chapter so more than that would be too much in my opinion.

Also I want to see Olga doing an magical orbital bombardment to the Child of Einnase.

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>mfw watching this anime

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I just watched episode 0, why was everyone blatantly using magic on a freeway? I thought magic was supposed to be kept a secret from the general populace?

It doesn't matter that much when you have people who can delete people memories.

>someone records it and uploads it to youtube

In 2004? I kind of doubt that.

How would they even track everyone who saw it? It's not like they're standing around at an event or something, it's literally dozens of people driving (away from the scene).

And then people will just go "hahaha that's so fake, look at all this photoshop" and call it a day. Lots of views though.

The big mage families aren't just mage families, they are also part of the top One Percent and have their fingers in the government. Also there is an entire group (Policies) that basically investigates and supress all info leaks like that.

And without actual proof (conveniently eliminated beforehand), they would just be considered insane people. People are also very hard to convince that what they saw was something else.

And we are talking about magic. There are probably experts that using magic can track every single person there and make them forget what they saw.

>People are
People aren't

You didn't even pay attention to the tech they have, right? You should check the year it's set in.

So wouldn't they punish the people who brazenly break the rules and use magic in public then? Or am I supposed to believe that everyone is allowed to use magic in public freely because the magic janny is going to clean up with a smile on his face?

Well, Waver is a Lord so he probably has more ways to handle that kind of stuff.

They're only going to bother punishing those who leave definite proof that something physically impossible happened for a prolonged period of time.

Someone throwing a fireball or blasting lighting can be waved as a magic trick, hallucination or illusion. Localized zombie apocalypse, golem armies marching through cities, kaiju brawls and other stuff gets the church and clock tower hunters on your trail.

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Also Svin is kind of super fast so I seriously doubt people saw something more than a flash moving.

>heh I'm going to shoplift because the police are only going to bother going after murderers and the like

>watching el-mellon for the mystery solving and not for reines


I watch it for the occult magic autism and the girls. All of that is fun.

are fate/zero, el melloi case files, apocrypha and strange/fake all set in the same timeline or are they alternate universes?

Case Files is in the same timeline with FSN
Apoc is a different timeline from FSN/Case Files timeline
Fate/Zero is said to be a slightly different timeline from FSN timeline
FSF is a completely different timeline from FSN, Fate/Zero and Apocrypha. FSF itself is a weird world that has both elements of Tsuki and Fate.

Zero is considered a sligthly different timeline than FSN due to some inconsistences, but you can consider that what happened in Zero happened in FSN too.

Apo is a new timeline that was split from the Third HGW. The Einzbern summoned Ruler Amakusa instead of Avenger Angra Mainyu.

Strange Fake is a weird mix Fate/Tsukihime world but for all things intended the same thigs as in a normal FSN timeline happened.

El-Melloi is the very same timeline as FSN.

is there any evidence that fate/zero is a different timeline besides that one line in fsn where saber describes the finale of the previous war ending between her and archer in a sea of fire

That Nasu himself said it in the Strange Fake afterword. At first it was supposed to be exactly the same, but as people found inconsistencies along the years he decided to do that.

>weird world that has both elements of Tsuki and Fate
To be fair, Tsuki and Fate were set in the same world until FGO/Extella retconned it. There's a reason people constantly made casual crossovers between them in officially sanctioned spinoffs, while KnK always needed special excuses due to contradicting Tsukihime.

There are other inconsistencies. Saber says that Kiritsugu shot and killed Kayneth directly, and the summoning circle in Shirou's shed was supposed to be the same place that Kerry summoned Saber previously (rather than the church depicted in zero). Also both Kirei and Ilya's descriptions of Kiritsugu (particularly in heaven's feel) aren't consistent with the one depicted in zero (although this one at least can be explained as both of them having warped views of Kerry: Kirei because he believed he was his equal and rival and Ilya because of her abandonment issues).

And child Shirou seeing the black tower Grail as seen in HF.

Divine Spirits don't need to have Rainbow eyes. The only one with those is Balor, who has a version of the MeoDP and those are connected to Alaya. The other Rainbow tier belong to the Crimson Moon.

Not a different timeline but I found it hilarious how Butcher had to worm around to not contradict that statement from FSN that Kerry never talked with saber except for the command spells, so we got things like Iri "interpreting" between Kerry and Saber

FSN painted a far colder Kerry yeah, but I think that Butcher had no other way to deal with that if he wanted to make an actual main character who could be compelling. A 100% utilitarian edgelord doesn't work for the greek tragedy angle he was planning. All the characters in Zero are flawed.

>Tsuki and Fate were set in the same world

It was never directly said, it was just assumed because nothing contradicted that notion.

Nothing contradicted it and also there were crossover references from the beginning with Rin's jewel sword being made by Zelretch.

Yeah but that was never contradicted even with the separation. Zelretch is still a thing in Fate.

Even Zepia explains in Case Files that the Fate/Tsukihime separation happened 1700 years ago. That's basically around the time of the Zel vs Crimson Moon fight.

>It was never directly said
Okay, so it's not a retcon then

its pretty stupid that nasu has to say "oh actually its another universe" when tiny discrepancies appear between stories

should just let it all be part of the same universe unless it massively contradicts itself and chalk it up to unreliable narrators

Well, from the moment Zelretch was introduced the idea of a multiple timeline setting was there, so they just went with it. At the end the Nasuverse is not a single world but a cluster of worlds in a bigger tree.

>fate/zero is an alternate universe
>case files is the same universe
>waver's flashbacks of the grail way in case files are 100% identical to fate/zero

im confused

Because at the end of the day doesn't matter. The only reason why Fate/Zero was made into a different universe was because some small inconsistences, so the Fourth War in the FSN line it's basically still 95% Fate/Zero.

Wrong, the pact between Gaia and Crimson Moon never happens in Fate.
True ancestors are akin to a counter force but even stronger cause fairy bullshit and wouldn't allow any of the holy grail wars.

everything bad that happens in the nasuverse is the einzberns fault

We don't know that though. It's an assumption but nothing was confirmed in that regard.

We know that True Ancestors are a thing in Fate because in FGO the term was used (even if Hinako was said later to not be really one). Da Vinci even says it's common magical lingo for a very specific set of elementals who are also vampires.

They are cursed by the Rhinegold, what do you expect.

>Rainbow means they glow in many colors basically. That's why the MEODP in the KnK movies glow like that.

People still believe this? Go read the novels animeonlyfag

Pull up the exact quote where they talk about True Ancestors, I don't want to believe Nasu is going to reverse the system that hard.

I mean, Case Files also says that the split was after 0 AD so you ahve to believe that. The pact was far before that.

It's literally said in the explanation of the Mystic Eyes ranks that the reason why Jewel and Rainbow eyes are called that is because they refract light in a myriad of ways, unlike eyes who are a single color.

I know that Tohno and Ryogi eyes are said to be blue, but or that has been retconned or as theirs are a weird hybrid psychic power they are different in that regard.

the word 真祖 gets dropped like 15 times in lostbelt three.

From her profile
>The incarnation of an Elemental, a vampiric creature that makes a living by draining energy. Different from both Magical and Phantasmal Beasts, she was born in the inner sea of the earth in order serve as a surface terminal of maintenance. While closely related to those labelled as “True Ancestors” in the magus world what with how similar their developmental processes are, their very existence is that of a different kind of bloodsucker. Not even she’s aware of her true origins, though, due to the fact that the fae and zhenren mentioned in Ancient Chinese legend didn’t become self-aware of their own existence until far off into the future.
Also read LB3, everything after Hinako's true identity got revealed (section 11 or 12 IIRC)

>Da Vinci:
>Absorption of life force, mana metabolism……no way, this shouldn’t be possible unless you’re a bloodsucker!?
>No, even if that’s the case that’s a Servant you know!?
>Completely draining a Heroic Class spiritual core, that shouldn’t be unless it’s a True Ancestor……
>Akuta Hinako, are you actually……!?

>Da Vinci:
>That is a True Ancestor, a spirit of the world incarnated in flesh! Well, I didn’t expect there to be a True Ancestor produced in China, though!
>Fighting her is just like trying to trade blows with a tsunami or a hurricane!

There's a LN chapter that reveals the mages association has a giant fucking server that just shitposts fake news and false flags into the internet all day

no, I'm not kidding.

Why is he doing this?

Grail war PTSD and a massive inferiority complex to Iskandar

Waver? He wants to win. He feels like he undermined Iskandar's chance of victory.

>she also gets summoned as a heroic spirit
Nasu you absolute hack I see what you're doing.
You're trying to set this up for a Tsukihime event where you can summon Arc.

Urobuchi you mean. The last chapter of LB3 is literally QSH convincing Yu to go to the ToH.

This series is him literally learning to let it go and focus into the present (with him deciding to skip the HGW to deal with Heartless).

It turns he did well because the Heartless thing had the potential to cause a problem as big as the HGW.

nasu overseas every single chapter and he and takeuchi tell writers to put retarded shit in all the time.

Yeah, but Urobuchi is responsible for every dialogues about QSH and the overall plot of LB3, not Nasu. Nasu said he was laughing while reading the script from Urobuchi.

Urobuchi has been playing FGO all this while, so when working on the latter half of Part 1, Nasu suggested to him: “I’ve been thinking about such a story for Part 2, so how about you try writing for it without caring about having to tie in the main story?”.
>without caring about having to tie in the main story?

an excuse for why hinako becomes a servant is not the main story

they don't even bother explaining why she doesn't infodump everything she knows

>an excuse for why hinako becomes a servant is not the main story
like that user said, the last chapter of SIN
>Qin Shi Huang:
Oh what, and I thought what kind of terminal repentance you're thinking here, even if there is one easy solution to put an actual stop to Xiang Yu's sorrow over this matter.
>Xiang Yu fell into despair over how your future would end up. If that's the case, you have the choice right here to decide how Xiang Yu should end if you do not wish to see him fall further into despair.
>Become a Heroic Spirit, O'fairy. If it's you, who resembles closely to a Spirit here, then you should be able to choose your own ideal conclusion. Switching to side with the Counter Force shouldn't pose a trouble to you after all, am I right?"

>they don't even bother explaining why she doesn't infodump everything she knows
this is definitely the most annoying thing for sure. even in yuga kshetra when we told pepe about hinako's case, he literally said "oh i already know that girl's not a human the first time i came to chaldea so don't think much about it" and then her interlude is just about how stupid she is.

>he literally said "oh i already know that girl's not a human the first time i came to chaldea so don't think much about it"
This. Pepe thanks us for not killing Kadoc and making a proper burial for Ophelia but when we tell him what we did to Yu in LB3, he goes full "she is not a human so it doesn't matter"

The immoral things I want to do to Reines.


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Traitor chuuni.

That spoiler. Care to explain.

Why do you think she had so much money to throw in the auction?

He somehow dislikes his apprentice's face, while she already has the best possible face. Is he fucking retarded?

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Grey has a fetish for being told her face is terrible, its just foreplay.

Even Melvin points it's very suspicious.

>He somehow dislikes his apprentice's face
Not really. He has PTSD of Saber after the 4th HGW since he thinks Saber killed Kayneth. The important thing is this
>My master already knew this much. You could call it a preamble. Something we talked about the first day we met in my old home. When I had made that request.
>"Please...keep hating my face."
>Thinking back on it now, it was really a cruel thing to ask of him.
>I don't like it, so please don't like it either. Was there anything more selfish? I was just so happy that, unlike my family, someone had responded to seeing my face with fear, but even that was no excuse.

Watched a few series. So basically this guy solves the case and than Grey beats the crap out of villain, right? No way there is more to it, right?

All the case of the week eps before Rail Zeppelin were anime original setup, the second half of the series is one big case.

That was them imitating the first arc in the novels in the anime originals. The arcs before that end up differently and then a bigger plot starts that spans 3 different cases.

Not really, unless they change it this one should not even end like that.

>Its Fate though, will sell damn good
Tell that to Last Encore

Last Encore did almost 3k, it wasn't that abd either. This did 3,7k first week so it probably would get to 4k or maybe 4,5k.

Apo did 6k so we should know that Fate spin-offs do around those numbers.

LE was so bad not even the Fate name could save it. I'm surprised it sold anything at all.

LE sold decently for what it was because the release date was held back months, giving it time to gain more preorders.

El-Melloi actually it's the other way around, I would say they released v1 too quickly.


If you want some whodunnit, go read conan or something.

>he thinks Saber killed Kayneth
...She did.

It's a mercy kill though

Even in Conan they pull out the explanations out of their ass. People should start accepting the idea that mystery shows that are actually fair are very uncommon. Even in the actual novel mystery genre it's not as usual as one whould think, not all authors want or think that mystery should be gamified. That's a common misconception.

Needs more Kayneth.

He is dead Jim.

I don't care, he's still my pathetic, tragic, gap moe husbando.

Give me his ghost or something.

he lives on in our hearts user

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Well, you got him in a dream here.

>The first one is that they are limited in the space axis, meaning that they can only bring back an event from the past that happened at that very exact spot. To make that work the cuplrit used the fact that they are in a train, meaning that the slash could have been done previously in another wagon
This really doesn't make any sense to me, ok let's say the slash was made on wagon 2 then the train moved and materialized on wagon 3 cutting her head, but in that same time, the earth itself not only rotated in its axis, but moved around the sun, and around the galaxy, and the universe. The slash Adashino did to cut the apple also stayed in its place when she did it, so why does that one stay and the other move from one wagon to another?

The cut Adashino did was just a visual demonstration. It's not working on the same idea.

Anyway if we start to add science to magic of course it's not going to work.

I'm still hungry.

My man's going to become a Pseudo-Servant one of these years (Cao Cao???), but until then, I hunger.

this is by far the best image to come out of el maloy getting an anime

Oops, meant this for and

Why was she abandoned?

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Yes also to bully anyone who doesn't do that.

Magic sees the world as a fixed system (like the leylines, the fixed stars etc) and if you perform location bound magic, the location is than also fixed in what we perceive as our world.
Think of it like the GPS: the slash is made at a certain point on earth, and this location is fixed and does not change because of the position of the earth changing,

God YES.

>he doesn't understand modern magecraft theories
Lmao, that's like the easiest field available. Why don't you study geology instead? I'm sure that will be easier to understand since you are as smart as a rock.


This is very true, unfortunately.
I could forgive that the translator mistranslated a phrase that was a reference to Parmenides from the sewer episode because it was easier for me knowing the original quote.
However, the same kind of mistake where an adjective is inappropriately attributed is incredibly common and some subs end up making no sense.

Pic related. "A commonplace past" makes no sense whatsoever. What Yvette meant is that the kind of eyes that can see the past are fairly common.

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>magic professor schools magicians and muggles alike
>muggles and magicians become butthurt they can't follow the professor
Next you'll say, magic professor needs to be put to death for making fun of them.

I'm not sure if Kayneth actually wants retards in the Faculty of Mineralogy.

that's how dumb people write smart characters
Just spout advanced sounding shit that has never been mentioned before and introduce mechanics that never happened or mattered

Yes, they are implied to be Rainbow Eyes. They can control all other eyes.

Heartless eyes are implied to be rainbow, user kun.

>LB3 is literally QSH convincing Yu to go to the ToH

what even? >that feel when you are a secondary despite also being an og hipster.

is this a reference to something?

Waver is a Lord. He can do whatever the fuck he wants. Just like the chosen ones in his class.

It's peasants like Rin, Shirou etc who have to watch themselves because they have zero political or economic power.

please stop Kayneth you're supposed to be dead

Ilya retcons her description in FHA, like includes how he used to play with her as he did in FZ. And retcons her mother being left behind to going with her father, because Nasu isn't a consistent writer.

Hinako is Consort Yu, a historical/legendary figuer (she's the tragic heroine of "Goodbye my Concubine"). The Throne like the True Ancestors are part of the Counterforce. Once she is dying after QHS and Chaldea chop the tree of fantasy she merged with, she's given a choice: give into her grudge and become a restless wraith, or join abandon it and accept to be summoned to fight for humanity too, guaranteing the memories of her beloved husband would also be recorded and would join the Throne. QSH who understood her the most peptalked her after he bitchslapped and she reluctantly did the latter before she faded.

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>they don't even bother explaining why she doesn't infodump everything she knows
Because she doesn't appear in the main story, user. She's dead and counted as dead when LB4 starts. Plus she's a bitch.

Fun fact: Hinako is the only Crypter so far who fought Chaldea to her dying breath. All the others ended up on their side at least briefly to fight someone else and didn't honestly hate them. Even Kadoc was just projecting his own self hatred.

Bad hair.

If they ever get to adapt the next arc (Atlas Contract) I wonder how they are going to handle that, given it goes into a very Higurashi like thing with a loop going on.

Based hotwheels

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and apocrypha

Next month's fate probably will sell alot if they include an ingame reward

hot weels would be proud

>Why don't you study geology instead? I'm sure that will be easier to understand since you are as smart as a rock.

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Last Encore and Apocrypha are really shit though. It's making me not so keen to pick up other Fate material since I read F/SN then Zero and tried 2 random side stories (those) and they sucked dick

Apocrypha was particularly offensive in having a great concept and completely wasting every single character and having a focus on two shitty ones. I hope that asshole mary stu never reappears in Fate

So they got a /pol/ server?

/pol/ is real news, go summon some more golems you yid fuck

Apocrypha boxes gave ¥420 million in total. With those numbers it definitely wasn't a flop, even more given that I seriously doubt that Apocrypha had a budget that high in the first place.

The same goes for El-Melloi. The budget seems kind of low and if it does 4k per volume it should give profits.

>not full of shitposts and false flags
are we browsing the same board?

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I don't think that term means what you think it means

probably just more anime original stuff retreading the premise over and over

Maybe, but the setting it's kind of limited given it's Gray's hometown in a loop inside Logos ReAct.

Kiara when

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well it was confirmed that the fbi posts there

Not useful.

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Not as pretty as Kirsch, plus annoying.

FBI posts everywhere tho

I hope someone does a corrected translation when all the BDs are out.

Does that ever happen?

Yeah it's not that uncommon. It even happened with Last Encore.

Didn't LE lack any simulcast so it had to rely on fansubs in first place?

Yeah but those were terrible. It also got the netflix subs later.

should I rewatch Fate/Zero?

It's relative to the earth because of leylines and shit. Space doesn't have leylines, only earth does.

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I mean the answer to that question's always yes regardless of context, so yes

>inb4 space leylines

Her replacement is hotter.

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Are you a chunni if you actually have powers?