Lord El-Melloi

Am I supposed to pretend like I know what the fuck he's talking about?

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I'm pretty sure the part the anime is adapting is in the middle of the novel series and nothing is explained.

>Here's a mystery thats unsolvable since nobody knows what the fuck is going on

Its Fate though, will sell damn good

Can you mention some plot points that you don't understand?

It's genius, really. A detective story that doesn't require the author to set up a logical mystery since they can pull whatever explanation out of their ass and wave it off with pic related.
Reines is best girl

Attached: magic.jpg (800x450, 84K)

I mean, they kinda emphasize this with Waver basically saying the only thing that matters in a magical mystery is figuring the "why" part of the mystery, since magic trivializes the "who" or "how" parts.

>Being a brainlet nonmagus

Pretty much this. All the cases were mainly about understanding "why", and it seems to me that Waver himself have said more than once that it is the only thing that matters.

I'm watching because i like the characters and the lore but there is no doubt that it is a rather convenient way to manage murders stories.

No, because as most people have already said, they're coming up with the answers to the mysteries out of nowhere. Most of those types of magic and their rules have never been stated in any canon information until now.
