Watch Dr. Stone

Watch Dr. Stone

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Other urls found in this thread:

No. The plot is dildos.

No u

It might be a contender for CAOAT.

>dat ed
>dat gorilla
>dat senku
>dat friendship
>dat science

It's perfect.

comfiest anime of all time?



I prefer reading it. One invention per chapter on average is all I need.


>he likes to be uncomfortable
Get comfy

I know watch it to hear that Moe voice of a lolli. Fucking adorable. The concept is really good, but some of the plot holes with astronauts annoy me.

only came in to say, i won't watch dr.stone

Not the biggest fan of the voice they chose for Gen but the anime is doing a good job otherwise. Suika's moment gave me some feels

i always feel kind of bad for the VA of Yuzuriha because she probably thought she was voicing th main girl and then they dropped her for the superior Kohaku.

The funi-Yuzuriha is coping saying "she comes back, so..."

Suika is precious.


Cute Jiji

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>The plot is dildos.
Stay mad Bill Nye this could've been you if you weren't such a massive faggot.
Oh wait you are and Neil degrasse Tyson stayed more relevant than you.

>comfiest anime of all time?
Reminds me of when science was cool. Unlike what we have today. Muh genders, muh spectrum, 1+1=whatever you want it to be

>meme TV "scientists" getting BTFO by Dr.Stone
The weak should fear the strong

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Is this an actual thing or are you just hornswoggling me?

>Is this an actual thing
Why do you think Bill Nye was shun when he made a comeback as the WOKE scientist. No one cared the guy wasn't a real one. I for one cared that he helped peak my interest in science for whatever it was worth. Until he pulled his stupid shit then again it is why they used him.
Then there's Cosmos with Neil.
Morgan Freeman's Through the wormhole.
As well as the big bang theory.
The west had ALL this time since then til now to make something at the level of Dr.Stone and didn't. Get fucked.

Regardless of the meme of nasa having technology being 30-50 years ahead. We rarely see progress where it matters and just straight up regression in other areas. Such as entertainment and music. The fact that Marvel is allow Japan to handle their shit now is hilarious.

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>we want the Rick and Morty audience
What did they mean by this?

Fuck no. I want another invention that takes another arc and a half to make like the antibiotic.

>What did they mean by this?
Rick and Morty is there for the violence. Dr.Stone will never reach that level.
I mean outside of straight up school nonsense for killing isn't the rest require the MC to weild a swords?

They do gas kikes later on

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>They do gas kikes later on
Yeah but it ain't gore as hell. It's very comical.
unless they manage to make it somehow equivalent to this scene from Rick and Morty

Dr. Stone is fundamentally the opposite of Rick and Morty. While the plot and character designs in Rick and Morty are heavily rooted in nihilism and pessimism, Dr. Stone is one of the most optimistic series that exists in modern fiction, especially manga

Science is still cool. I work in it and I've never heard those things your talking about. Don't get your scientific information from Facebook.

What do you do?

Does it get less cringy at any point? I just tried watching and couldn't get through the first minute and a half

What exactly is cringy about it? If you don't like Taiju, then he fucks off like 4 episodes in.

>Does it get less cringy at any point?
It improves a lot without Taiju, I didn't expect to like it to be honest, it's really fun and comfy to watch.

The scientist character talks like a 9th grader, also gasoline isn't even toxic to drink so it seems like there's a precedent of not having real science

I don't wanna hate if it really does get better though, just from the first minute it seems like it's gonna be about a quirky scientist who talks down to people

It needs a few criteria though.

If this is some ''power of friendship'' shonenshit show then no.

>gasoline isn't even toxic

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Makes me feel like I'm playing Minecraft, so yes

Is he really a doctor? What area of science did he make his doctorate in?

*Read Dr. Stone

You can drink gasoline and be fine dawg

Dr Stone is the nickname they give to the mineral-based panacaea they develop

It's not a good idea, you fucking abbo.


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Wow, lame. Someone who made that name must've been really... Stoned.

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Dr. Stone is soap and sulfa antibiotics
and the concept of petrifying people to heal their injuries and chronic illnesses

Ye but it's not gonna kill you, so it's a little concerning that the shows gets basic facts wrong within 50 seconds of the start

Is she related to Kohaku and Ruri?

Everyone is. it's a very small gene pool.

>Science is still cool
As long as we aren't talking about western science because all that science does is talk about "climate change", "muh gender spectrum", and "1+1=5".

It would have been better “only one solution, the final solution”

Not really

That's just what the media talks about


but memes aside I like it. feels bad that tsu who did(does?) nothing wrong is going to lose.

>That's just what the media talks about
And what my cousins bring back from school as well as my friends that have children. It's hilarious.

Probably because most fields of modern science are too complicated to understand without studying a shit ton

This. The manga emphasizes again and again why life should be cherished even in harsh environments and situations and how it's no good to quit just because the going is tough. If our unga bunga ancestors were all pessimistic nihilists who saw no value in raising families they would've just gone extinct

This is "chug turpentine to kill parasites" tier

Lose is a relative term, he gets what is most important to him

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You don't have to tell me watch the greatest Japanese anime about science there is. It's probably my favorite show of the last 6 years and I love everything about it. The science is impeccable and extremely valuable to the audience as a learning resource. I've taken IQ tests at the end of each episode and I can say that I've improved ten billion percent from when I started.

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>Senkuu gets a loli harem

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>the greatest Japanese anime about science
That's a big claim. What are the current themes of Dr Stone's story?

>pic related didn't tip him off about the falseflag post
>"what are the current themes"
In the manga?

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Are the same people who do the "hunterchad" posting trying to ruin this show aswell?


I turned myself into a pickle Taiju, I'm pickle Senkuu!

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Change Taiju to Chrome to adapt your shitpost to the current story Shitposter-kun.

>not pique
never change, Yea Forums... full of self-proclaimed intellectuals whose autism prevents them from even using the English language properly

but Senkuu spent several years doing experiments with Taiju, chrome would also make sense but Taiju is his oldest friend
what I'm looking forward to is Tsukasa being petrified and brought back to the story so he can nerd out with Senkuu

Dr Stone is almost nothing like Rick and Morty, don't know how this comparison started.

Stop getting your worldview from /pol/ and maybe your brain will start working again

Something wrong with dildos?

I can agree it's top comfy if you remove Tsukasa from the show.

People cant tell the difference between wholesome edutainment like magic school bus from meme shows that only use science or some other topical thing as a thin surface veneer

> "muh gender spectrum", and "1+1=5"
Not actual science. If you look for research papers on it it's usually bunk.

You can tell because they had to establish their own peer reviewing system to get it to work.

>"climate change"
Actually a thing but you can argue man didn't start it using post-hoc ergo prompter hoc.

However, don't make things worse by dumping garbage into the air and water.

Most of the kickback against the green movement is from coal monguls who got away with these horrible inefficient and clunky coal power plant and now whine that the economy turns against them when Nuclear and Wind produce more power per dollar.

Dude maybe if you watched less anime and didn't get all your news from /pol/ and maybe if you opened a textbook or two you'd be a little less retarded. Right now I'm working on siRNA / piRNA / miRNA ie the RNAi pathways which we didn't even know existed a few decades past. Turns out they're our oldest defence mechanism, critical to developmental regulation and needed to hold our chromatin together. We're able to create dsRNA complementary to a target gene to knock it out post-transriptionally by inducing RNA interference making it speed up discovering the function of protein. How can you compare this to gender studies ya cunt?

This series is apex comfy

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If you like the science in Dr. Stone, The Mysterious Island is basically this plus a cameo by Captain Nemo. Jules Vernes' characters only make it to reinventing the telegraph, but I suppose that was state of the art back when he wrote it.

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I want to cure loli Ruri

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Suika loves Senku

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We're finally getting fanart of this scene

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I'm 6 episodes in and I'm already sick of le epic science man with no principles or ideals fighting to bring back the dregs of humanity all for the sake of muh scientific progress and muh civilization. Tsukasa is the only good character so far and he is 100% right. Should I just drop it now and save myself the headache and the "all humanity deserves salvation" meme?

Yes. Stop watching anime.

Shouldn't you be in school Timmy

I think titan kiddos are mad that a better shonen is coming out and getting a much more deserved popularity on Yea Forums so they shitpost.


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Ironic you say that because only a fucking child could be entertained by this retardedly utilitarian idea that blindly throwing all effort into scientific progress will lead to a better world. The premise of that is so fucking retarded, idiots like Senku deserve to be publicly executed.

>t. anarcho-primitivist
I don't want to live in a cave. I choose Senkuu's side.

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Don't forget to do your homework Timmy

more like it's the same gaggle of retards that shitpost in every thread about every popular shonen while falseflagging as fans of [other series]. Console war faggotry should be an immediate permaban outside of Yea Forums

>any restraint on scientific investigation/progress is full caveman mode
One of the very first things Senku does is make fucking gunpowder, which alone is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of people throughout human history, all because "guns are cool and I don't want to admit I'm a weakling!" How the fuck can you support that kind of retard? Who brings things into the world that will inevitably cause mass amounts of death and suffering because "science is 10 billion percent cool, ze!". This show and its fanbase really are the Rick & Morty of anime.

>he doesn't go all in for science victory in civ games

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Any chance of magic being introduced?

I thought Abe wanted to have anime companies to produce more anime that would get people to have sex, rather than to study science.

Yeah let's just live in a cave


Guns don't kill people, people kill people

Before guns there were siege engines, bows, crossbows, etc

>he says this as he uses an electronic device that also caused many deaths
>science levels the playing field
Sorry about your grug power being useless in comparison to science. However it depends on how you use it, killing isn't the only use for science.

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I would rather live peacefully in a cave with a tight knit tribe with common morals and values and enough resources to support us than live in a world where le epic science man reinvents guns and revives all the niggers so you constantly have to watch your back for fear some low IQ retard doesn't shoot you because he wants your shiny rock or some shit.

>I would rather live peacefully in a cave with a tight knit tribe with common morals and values and enough resources to support us
why not go do that then?

Ok, have fun in your cave dying to an infection caused by a scratch.

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>Before guns there were siege engines, bows, crossbows, etc
It's a matter of scale. None of those kill people as quickly and effectively as guns. I'm not even an anti-gun fag, it's his insistence on reinventing guns combined with having absolutely no restrictions on who he brings back that is the problem. You're 100% right that people kill people, and he wants to bring back the types of people that would, while handing them the tech to do it effectively at the same time. He's a fucking idiot.

>I would rather live peacefully in a cave
Please go there right now and spare us of your retarded posts.

are you fucking retarded? He tried to build 1 (one) gun and then immediately stopped when it didn't work

>not reinventing guns means not pursuing medicine
This is the kind of black and white thinking typical of such a brainlet. If humanity were reset and people had the opportunity to pick and choose which tech to bring back, only a complete fucking retard would bring back firearms before medicine.

People said the same thing about pointy sticks once upon a time.

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>bring back 1 (one) gun
>use it to force Tsukasa to bend to your will
>go on reviving humanity indiscrimnantly
>one day one of the low IQ retards you revive finds your gun
>"hey lemme git dat"
>he realizes it can kill things fast
>he goes on a murder spree
>suddenly the world is ruled by Jamal and his god weapon
Real good plan there, science man.

How are you going to reinvent modern medicine in a cave with only a handfull of people?

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Revive former doctors and scientists and help them research it? If you're selective about who you bring back it would easily be possible.

>need to force Captain America into submission or get killed
>can create firearms
>chooses not to
Rip I guess

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>can't tell people apart
>wants to live in a cave but not really
So you choose Senku's camp? Tsukasa isn't going to revive anyone like that.

>yeah? Well what if literally the worst case scenario happens outside of all logic or reason?
great argument, you really got me

What if you where in a situation where you had to defeat a much stronger opponent?
Would you just roll up and die?

Tsukasa is right for not wanting to bring back corrupted adults, but like Senku, he's too indiscriminant. He has a retarded "all adults = bad" mentality and Senku has a retarded "all humans = worthy of life" mentality. If Tsukasa was just a little more selective and brought back the bright and good-hearted adults and put them to work, he would be flawless in his ideals. But this is a shounen anime for edgy INTJ teenagers, so of course such things wouldn't be written into the plot.

>Well what if literally the worst case scenario happens outside of all logic or reason?
If Senku succeeds in bringing back people of all kinds it is inevitable that he is going to bring back a bunch of low IQ retards who will ruin society for everyone and get himself and all his friends killed. This is an inevitability, not some slim freak chance.

You still can't tell which adult is good or bad from looking at them.
I'm sure some 20 y/o neet will help with your medicine research, just to be safe.


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So question them when they wake up. Have some kind of interrogation process where you sort out the people who will be beneficial to society from the ones who would be harmful. Make the harmful ones slaves to provide the labor for making your hospitals and universities. Make them build the roads. It's not like you can't sort them out after you've brought them back.

>he thinks guns are at fault
>he doesnt realize steam engines and trains provided more massive armies
you could have heavy machine guns and they would never kill many people if there were no people transported on the battlefield in the first place brainlet
the only reason there never were really massive armies early on was because there wasnt a way to maintain thousands of people in the field for a long time

>Tsukasa wishes to destroy old world authority
>revives a military man and a policeman
What exactly his goal was with these two?

Yo definitely isn't an authority so Tsukasa was right

>doesn't want to bring back guns
>wants to bring back slavery
How are you going to keep your hordes of slaves in check without any weapons?

I bet you also watch pewdiepie

Oh, so you are a commie, should have said that from the start so people wouldn't waste their time arguing with someone lacking a brain.

>slavery can't exist without guns

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Tsukasa is Superman. Guns are his only kryptonite.

Imagine being so braindead to not want scientific progress and instead wanting to bring back slavery

With ever growing slavery population your crossbow just won't cut it anymore. You'll be forced to make something more effective, like say, a firearm

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How the fuck is being hyper selective about the quality of human beings and using the scum of society as manpower for the betterment of everyone else and the advancement of society anything like a communally owned society where businesses are owned by the workers and everyone is made artificially equal by redistribution of wealth and resources regardless of their worth as human beings?

>Falling for the communism meme

You're braindead OP, go visit Venezuela

Slave labor could be used to provide the facilities and gather the resources necessary for scientific research and advance scientific process at a far higher rate than Senku's utilitarian dystopia ever would. Being selective about which technologies you pursue isn't the same as not pursuing science whatsoever.

I fucking hate commies, what I'm describing isn't communism in any fucking way. It's a lot closer to something like ancient Egypt/Greece/Rome or the caste system in India than some commie bullshit.

clearly you havent read the manga or watched the show.melting iron and producing electricity was 100% slave labor

>falling for caste meme

People like you would be culled first


If the slave population is comprised of low IQ people with impulsive tendencies who would otherwise harm civilization, and they are properly restrained and kept watch over, there's no need for guns and bullets to keep them in check any more than an adequately trained group of guards with batons would be.

>all systems without equal rights for all citizens and a central authority are communism
You don't even know the terms you're throwing around. Open a book sometime.

Those people were free, chose to eat and repaid for the services with labor

>entering into a voluntary exchange of goods for services is slave labour
kys retard

Finish school first timmy

So now you need guards too, your population sure is growing from that tightly knit society you spoke of some posts ago. What if some guards go on a powertrip? How are you going to stop them?

>Dr Reddit

No thanks

Gonna need to feed guards too, support them with equipment meaning you'll also need craftsmen

That's literally how communism worked, yes. But I'm sure yours would be different from all that failed amirite?

>Implying communism ever even "worked" f

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>craftsman improves crossbow a bit too much and accidentally makes a gun
>entire system collapses instantly

Which applies to user's communism aswell

God I love Dr.Stone threads. The range of discussion is so wide, it never gets stale.

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I wonder how her primitive gorilla crotch smells like

So this is alien tech, right?

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Here's the stinktier - manga version

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No thanks, I'm not a kid.


I bet you watch precure you massive faggot

Can someone drawfag Senku as Dexter and Kohaku as Deedee wrecking one of his experiments?

Uhhh, precure is for girls
And girls mature faster than boys so a show for little girls is basically the equivalent of a seinen show.
And show for girl babies is the equivalent of a shounen

How much science does it have

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It's pretty sciency

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I guess there's no moeshit for retarded virgin like u.

So sad this wasn't in the anime

it's the only manga that teaches you how to make paper by boiling bleach

It was though irc

They go through every milestone explaining the processes. There will be multiple such projects. It does have action parts inbetween, so it's not a sol. The power system is pretty much irl science

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Drink it then you fucking retard you're gonna relieve your mom who's ashamed of you.

No they skipped it

It CAN kill, moron.

Record yourself drinking it then and post here

the side story wasn't. its basically just a few math problems

Solving time
>under 10 seconds
Smart enough to understand Dr.Stone
>under 30 seconds
>over 30 seconds

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Lmao, are you mad you know literally nothing about what he's doing and have 0% of his knowledge you retard ?

Literally impossible.

If you're a brainlet

sub 90 iq

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>he can't figure it out
I think you got the wrong manga, the Hunter x Hunter thread is two pages down

That was hard


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Fuck I meant 3 mins 4 seconds


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You did it wrong lmao

its correct

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Literally room temperature IQ

Here's the solved page
This is another solution

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i dont see anyone else solving it so technically im 400 IQ and you guys are 100 IQ only. here another example for you brainlets

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nah, it's gotta be nanomachines
It would be more fitting with the tone of Dr. Stone to have it build on a currently emergent technology that has a base in reality but no real depth yet than to have ayys

You went through the same way twice
I take back what I said here now that I took a closer look

There was a solution posted literally one post above

Also you did it wrong again

alright, i'm thinking he's based.

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>he needs a book to tell him the solution

Went through the same path twice.

show me where the red line overlaps itself. you can't

You can't go back on yourself, only a continuous straight line, moron

show me where the line stops and turns into two lines. because i see only one line that doesn't stop

What is so hard to understand about a straight line

The part where you went down a path, grabbed the stuff and exited same path. Only 1 line per path

Can't wait for the inevitable "I was only pretending to be retarded".

that just sounds like brainlet speak for "i couldnt solve it"

I have genuinely learned things I didn't know, relevant to my own immediate scientific research, from even cursory browsing of this show. Frankly it was a little embarrassing, but apparently noone else in the department had ever heard of nital either. A lack of knowledge of etching agents is in hindsight understandable given that metallurgists have notoriously shitty documentation and literature and everyone here is from a biochemical background.

>he's the one that couldn't solve it

i guess i have to do it three times to show you brainlets the true way to enlightenment...

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OP how does it feel to breathe through your mouth

>seeing loli get glasses motivated me to switch to manga
>blitzed through roughly 110 chapters in an evening fueled by pizza and autism

Had a good time. The anime has a lot of potential given the source material.

I do think the author needs to nut up and appreciate one of the most historically significant drawbacks of rapid scientific advancement.

>a lot of people die because the risks/dangers of adapting technology to everyday life are not fully understood

holy based, how does he keep getting away with it?

Sorry, still wrong

you could call me the senkuu of real life if you will
show me ur drawing then. i bet you can't solve it three times like i did

Bruh... You're trying too hard to bait

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>I do think the author needs to nut up and appreciate one of the most historically significant drawbacks of rapid scientific advancement.
chemical and radiation poisoning are only problems because people DIDN'T know they existed. With Senku around there can't be any problems like that as long as he supervises any work with toxic byproducts

sounds like cope from a brainlet to me

cope, retard

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>he's pretending at this point
Must've been pretty embarrassing when you did it wrong the first time, so you just double downed, triple downed actually.

The retards are multiplying

seething brainlet

i just felt it was necessary to let you know that you were a dumb brainlet two times because i effortless solved the puzzle three whole times while you couldn't solve it once

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Cope, retard

>effortlessly solved it wrong*
Thanks for admitting you're pretending

Fear me small brains for I BIG BRAIN have realize that there is 3 gatherers not 1

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cope from two dummies who COULDN'T solve a puzzle for 10 year olds. LOL!

Def retarded

senku is real and he is in this very thread

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>as long as Senku is around you've got someone to check any new scientific advancement for safety
>lets hope he never leaves or that he's left enough instructions to keep people safe from themselves

How good would it be for Senku to receive a grim reminder of how dangerous science is in the hands of the ignorant?

Is this fear you exude small brain?

>he's hoping if he screams loud enough his wrong answer will turn correct
Still wrong

lmao okay brainlet

>coping this hard
This is incredible

Your answer is still wrong

>Senku just takes a nice walk through the cave without picking anything

the cope is hard.

Still wrong user, check again

Smartest character in the manga
>Gets locked up for a year and continuing

Why do i get the feeling that the retard shitting up this thread is slavic

holy KEK this guy is mad

>locked up with a girl that worships him
I don't think this is a punishment

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So you admit you got proven wrong, okay.

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where did i get proven wrong? if anything u got proven wrong since i solved the puzzle and you didnt

Right here
>admits he solved the puzzle wrong
>admits I didn't solve the puzzle wrong
Correct, good job user.

thats only one solution. the other three solutions are the ones i posted, which are all correct and there are probably even more ways to solve it.

You already admitted your solutions are wrong. You never did the right solution. Thanks for playing.

>You already admitted your solutions are wrong
they are all correct. what are you talking about


You already stated otherwise
Right here you admitted I supplied proof that you are wrong.

thats not what my comment implied. i implied you are saying "HERE IS PROOF YOU ARE WRONG AND WHY IM CORRECT", which is what you were crying about.

>all this cope
You should've just left the thread after being exposed by a superior mind such as myself and now you're paying the price.

based actual scientist

>n-no u
i am the intelligent poster in these threads by solving an "impossible" puzzle three whole times without even using a fifth of my brain power


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Doesn't look like it, when you solved a childrens puzzle wrong 3 times kek.

I'd prefer even "dr. bazinga" shitposting to whatever autism is going on in this thread right now.

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No thanks reddit, I'd rather read an instruction manual.

looks right to me

I tried, I had to drop it after a few episodes.

Well obviously when you're a brainlet.

Maybe I don't know what to do
Hurry up my mind is on the move
Fly a way where the wind buh loo

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>all because "guns are cool and I don't want to admit I'm a weakling!"
That's not the reason, though.

>Kohaku crying for Senkuu to fuck her
>shoving her ass in his face
Why is she such a slut?

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Nah, this is far more entertaining.

She is a deconstruction and critique of a modern woman
>wants to be seen as feminine while being masculine
>says things without an afterthought and wonders why people see her as weird
>acts cute when she gets exposed for being less intelligent
>wants a guy that's not from her tribe

Finally did on Saturday. Ended up marothoning through the manga.
>kohakus type is Senku

Did you like it?

Attached: EEmaoJWVUAEmI4k.png (600x800, 850K)

now THIS exhilarates me

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It seems like even shonen magic school bus was way too much for you to comprehend

It's fine when arcs culminate in an invention, but he needs to invent smaller things that lead up to the big invention every chapter.

Speed watcher looks like a dumbass again
Color me surprised

It's the only anime I watch every week nowadays because no JoJo or Made in Abyss.

Dr bazinga lmao shit show

You can't do this
Not in this stone world

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What did Suika tell Senkuu?

Attached: sensui.jpg (462x568, 88K)

I loved it which is why I marathoned the whole manga. Surprised it took me so long to recognize boichis art style.

>Boichi's art style
The crisp art was what lured me in and kept me interested through the prologue. Following since day 1.
We get an early release this week. Should get a new chapter on Thursday. Look out for the manga thread.

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ok Tsukasa


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Is there someone good at engineering here?

Can you please explain how the trigger mechanism might look in the Senkus crossbow from episode 3?

I remember when this chapter came out. I went on niggerstream and saw they used this panel in their "newest" tab. They sure fooled us into clicking.

Attached: EEb3LW1U0AE-D00.jpg (1378x2039, 248K)

badly written garbage
I'd rather watch a trivia show

Are there really no DIY crossbow videos or something? Like there are whole channels dedicated to unga bunga tech and shit.

Some user posted link to blueprints of a crossbow (without iron) a long time ago. You'd have a better chance looking it up yourself.

dr cringe


>he doesn't like to be comfy
Go sit on broken glass

Attached: D9Ap7IsVAAARx1V.png (808x662, 886K)

This is cringe af how do they even make gun with powder, everyone knows it's with steel and bullet you make gun fucking retarded

This anime cured my depression

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What are you gonna do once it ends ?

>Rick & Morty the anime
No thanks

Go on with my life. I don't understand the question.

must be nice being a half-wit

Why are you mad now? I'll catch up to the manga obviously, but other than that, no other anime really captured me like Dr.Stone, so I don't plan to watch anything else.

Why do people seem to hate the OP? I think it fits the series perfectly.

i dont think anyone does
its just extremely memeable

Technically that's a fairly recent loan word from the French language, but the point still stands.

Yeah smashing old people is great because only the young are pure and can be saved from the awful, evil idea of distributing resources by mutual consent rather than through wars or government force, with a heaping helping of enforced ignorance through tyranny.

Mad? How did you get me being mad from that post? Are you actually a full-wit?

Last thread was cool, are any big brain anons still around to tell us about weird science and history stuff while imitating Senkuu?

Attached: dr stone mafia.png (1779x1300, 1.05M)

You try to insult people when you get an answer you do not like. It's fine user, I'm above this petty talk now. Enjoy the rest of your life.

Are you retarded?

Would Dr.Stone be more popular on Yea Forums if Senkuu was a little girl?

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I just want to know what particular mechanism he used since there's a whole bunch

>"Eeeeeeek, Tsuka-kun, you can't just go around smushing people baka! You don't even know if they're a good or a bad person, it's rude!" *angry puffy face*

Would certainly be more popular in Japan

I'm not that user in case you wondered, was just curious about how you would answer, lol.

> (You)
>>he doesn't like to be comfy
>Go sit on broken glass
> Anonymous 09/16/19(Mon)21:03:26 No.193262976
You don't even know how gunpowders work ? Is this really the level of retarded dr stone shitposters ?

>193262209 (You)
Did you just reply to yourself lmao

Were you dropped on your head as a child?

the knoled is diversed between a lot of diferent fields, so i dont know the accurasy of a lot of thing they teach
but as a recently graduated medic i need to say that i didnt know pretty much anything from a great amount of things they do, apart from history facts or common knowled, i dont have big complains, it was nice when senku just admit that making penicinile would need pure luck so is not an option
its obviouse that the show makes shortcuts and have inhuman characters to compensate for the lack of manpower they need (god level craftmen for example) but its a necesary compromise


When will senku make an ar15?

Doujin with little girl Senku when

Nah I was trolling with the dr.cringe stuff but there's actually a retard shitposter who answered seriously to it

i dont hate it
but i dont think is good in anyway, just a plain boring forgetable OP

Probably this week in the manga, judging by what happened last week when they stoned his future wife he might just go kill everyone.

Attached: shippu.jpg (377x568, 87K)

i dont know what mechanism senku used
but JoergSprave upload videos to youtube about how to do any type of crossbow from the most normal and boring one to "semi-automated" once

HUH? We can't make that Gen! An AK-47 is ten billion percent cruder and more suited to operating in the stone world!

But see Senku-chan, an AR-15 would cause increased amounts of psychological damage according to who our little enemies are, kay-ohhh? Leave that decision to the mentalist.

> Thread theme

Attached: Dr. Kino.jpg (700x430, 168K)

You know what Gen? Fuck you. Fuck your whole dumb cutesy sarcastic routine. I ten billion percent don't care that your daddy beat me and gave you an aversion to what you perceive as machismo but is in fact just normal human male behavior. Straighten your back and get that lilt out of your voice, you stupid faggot. Getting your shit pushed in does not make you an expert on human motivations, and wasting days at a time acting like a fucking gay car salesman when you could just simply ask someone you already are working with and trust for help isn't just useless, it's detrimental. Hey, you know another thing about messing with people's heads? It doesn't work when you're about as subtle as a global petrification pandemic about it and never shut the FUCK up about how clever and tricky you are, in front of everyone. When I need about a dozen dicks sucked real clean, and Ruri is already busy, THAT'S when I'll "leave it to the mentalist". The TV show that made your "profession" popular was a bunch of illogical shit, the very pinnacle of the "smart people written by dumb people" copypasta, and your entire idea of self-worth is about obsessing over obvious things 80% of the population already knows about but doesn't center their fucking lives around. When it comes to guns I will ask exactly two people, myself and John Motherfucking Colt, what the value of each model is, and you can take your palm reading and your therapy sessions back to preschool. If I catch you trying to find an excuse to imitate, dress up as, or apply makeup like a girl one more damn time, I'll leave the role of target to the mentalist when we test the AK-47s I'm making.

Attached: senkuu mad.png (1426x1454, 1.18M)

*beat you
I fucked it, oh well

Random user here but the interaction you guys had was great

>John Colt
>not John Moses Browning

Eat a snicker senku, better ?

Ahhhh~ Senku-chan with his straight talk again. Surely there are times when even you have to let go and let your emotions run free.

>John Moses Browning
>not John "the Baptist" Hi-Point Glock
uhhhhhhh yeah the hydrocarbons will make my brain ten billion percent less likely to order me to kill everyone around me, science bitch!
Kukukukuku~ of course not, Gen, I was just seeing how you'd react, as a mentalist. Don't be ridiculous, I'm ten billion percent focused on our goals, don't worry. Now go tell Minami I'll give her a pile of Dragos for some candid pics of Kohaku bathing in the hot springs, I ten billion percent need them for a special experiment.

Ahhhh yes, Kohaku, whatever would you do with her I wonder. I know your secret Senku-chan and it would be preeeeeeety awkward if say Chrome or Magma found about that, rrrrright?

Attached: illust_76796721_20190916_225649.png (900x1259, 451K)

>>not John "the Baptist" Hi-Point Glock
I don't think Senku has access to the high explosives needed to make a Glock right now

>649 pt Dr. Stone
More like Dr. Flop uWu

Chrome and Magma ten billion percent want Ruri, I know you swing the other way Gen and I know the mangaka drew them almost as clones, but I'm talking about the gorilla, not the pneumonia kid. She doesn't have ultra-reflective lips, instead she wears instep-shattering action sandals and in some panels she has a ten billion percent cleft lip. She's the perfect subject for my experiments in hormonal attraction and later breeding because everyone else is ten billion percent petrified of her, pardon my pun in this stone world.
Looks like we're going to have to find a way to create C-1 in this stone world!

Attached: senkuu eating some plasma.png (1920x1080, 2.58M)

What's those points about ?

Blue ray Disk (BD) pre-order sales. Symphogear is topping the charts. Other notable entries
>8,887 pt Symphogear
>1,571 pt Arifureta
>649 pt Dr. Stone
>547 pt Granbelm
>434 pt Vinland Saga

Probably WSJ popularity contest or something

However, that's not the point of why this secret would be awkward...
>pic related but replace "Magma" with "Senku-chan"

Attached: EEmX3QlU0AUi34Y.jpg (547x748, 139K)

Fucking symphogear topping, I guess nips are fucking virgins that only like anime with only waifus, fuck I wanted a season 2.

This user pretty much states the general consensus. But I'm a symphofag so these salty tears are a fine enough consolidation prize.

Attached: shirabe saving the day.png (1920x1080, 2.96M)

Forgot to link the post.

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>shitposters are Sympfofags
Should've guessed

What the fuck are you doing in this thread anyways?

>science-nigger fan
>having opinions

People still watch that shit?
How have you not dropped that steaming pile of garbage yet.

Because we're not virgins into moeshit, you pathetic subhuman ?

Why would I drop the comfiest anime of the year?

Attached: EEnXwj5XUAIsAVm.jpg (1152x2048, 299K)

because all the characters are fucking shit, the story is garbage, they pull random nonsense shit every 5 minutes, the reactions are over the top.
there's not one good thing about this show.

Nope, can't agree with that.

Attached: illust_76726143_20190910_230927.jpg (900x1273, 913K)

You have 2 IQ user, can't help you with that.

>How have you not dropped that steaming pile of garbage yet.
cause it's the second best anime airing this season, and will probably be the best anime next season unless something great I haven't heard of starts

Here are their heights

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Why is he advancing so slow? Every episode feels like filler to me.

What's the best for you?

Because things don't always work on the first try.

Joshikousei no Mudazukai

Then you should probably move to one of those threads.

Attached: illust_71552933_20190915_195656.jpg (700x767, 96K)

He doesn't even try. Half of the episode was shitty fan service to pedos.

He needs to gather the materials user. Sideproducts will always exist. That's the point and message of the series.

Attached: illust_76507200_20190914_184130.jpg (2205x2756, 1.02M)

>you can only discuss your favourite show of each season
that's not very scientific user

If you believe that was pedo fan service then you must have some issues or be a pedo yourself. This episode was great and people with actual glasses could relate to how suika felt.

It’s shonen jump, user, of course it’ll get a second season. More actually, quality may vary though.

Your life must be miserable user

I hope so, plus with the fact that the 2nd cour will end in the middle of the war it wouldn't be very fitting for an anime ending.

Because he's a scientist not a magician and every single step must be thorough?

Being in a thread where you hate everything isn't logical either. Are you trying to like it?

Why are only people of Tsukasa's kingdom here with random Senkuu and Ryusui?

I think the fanart was a 2-parter but can't find the other

user I think you misunderstood my post. How does saying that Dr. Stone is my second favourite anime of the season imply that I hate it?

My bad, I confused you with the guy that hated everything about it. Here's a gorilla as apology.

Attached: illust_75394417_20190915_194936.jpg (600x785, 56K)

Thank god, given one of the next big science threats has a fun recent history in Japan with respect to suicide.

Anything is possible with science!

There're all related. But what makes no sense is that the people of treasure island all look dar-haired. while they supposedly share the same ancestry as the village.

tfw no gorilla pusi

Blonde hair is a regressive trait.

>"Hey user, want to come to my village and make babies?"

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No way fag


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Magma x femGen when

4 out of the 6 astronauts were light-haired. And so far none of the treasure island inabitants have light hairs, it's either black or dark brown.

>inb4 they're all harem girls Mozu fucks daily

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It is important to appreciate spearbros.

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Fuck off brainlet


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Okay, but I'm ten billion percent only doing this out of scientific curiosity to see if neo-primitives and post-petrifieds can still interbreed and produce cute babies together

All children are disgusting


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She's so cute. Fucking gorillas, it's not wrong, right?

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Haha, noticed Ginrou got to be a main character this arc, even after being in basically every page as a gag character. I, uh, I get it's a funny joke to reduce my interesting and unique personality down to a lawfag meme now and again for similar laughs, a-and that's how you get the panels, right?
So, so I was uh wondering if maybe I could get the chance to you know, fight, or help out with a science project, or something? I haven't done that much since I got these glasses as a side note to Suika getting her lenses.
Anyways, I...I'm here when you need me, writer. Would love to help out as more than Ginrou's memories. N-not dead yet, you know.
All children are a scientific miracle.

Attached: kinrou.jpg (183x275, 10K)

I hope they unstone Kinrou by the next chapter, I want to see his berserk mode when the news arrive.

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of course you will have to repeat the experiment multiple times to verify the results

>Haha, noticed Ginrou got to be a main character this arc,
I don't think he's enjoying it very much

Attached: jafar.png (891x1300, 549K)

your little brother is a SLUT

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Some guy in Japan killed himself with sulfuric acid?

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Of course! The average married couple requires an average of around 40 separate sessions of copulation to get pregnant, and I'm ten billion percent not leaving it to chance! You can't make it in science without being willing to do the hard work and grind for it! Grind, Kohaku, grind! First we'll need some of that soda to keep our energy up, and then we'll need to make some 10 billion percent fantastic lubricant in this stone world so we can keep on grinding longer and stronger!

>japanese rick and morty

No thanks

What will his battlepower be when he breaks the - rulu wa rulu da- limiter?
Kinrou with clear vision should have around 1000 battlepower. That's not enough for Mozu's 3500~.What kind of weapon should Senkuu make him?

honestly its pretty cringe but im still enjoying it. feel like it wastes a lot of its assets though - the music is great but theres no direction, they seem to just stick it anywhere instead of using it in any kind of intelligent way. it also has the classic anime problem of ruining all of its emotional moments with shitty unnecessary comedy

Not even, the furthest they've gotten is jarring and cold storage, there literally could not be a pickle Senkuu at current tech level

Anime unironically ruined Kinro to me.

i thought it was pretty cringe at first, it does get better but it never really stops being cringe. its still fun though.

I like this anime/manga because it makes Yea Forums butthurt.

Drone shurikens, you throw then and they explode and deploy nano mouse rovers into the opponents bloodstream and then they return like boomerangs.

>The average married couple requires an average of around 40 separate sessions of copulation to get pregnant,
The fuck? What is wrong with human reproductive organs? Most animals get pregnant after a single copulation, or maybe a few of them, not fucking 40.

It might actually be 20, but I genuinely dunno. Maybe it's because babby taek so long to be borned and then taek a billion resource and time to care for, we didn't spec into birthing quantity at all. For what it's worth, rape increases conception chance, so probably some hormonal stuff at play too.

Low semen count, years worth of "no baby" pills, christmas cakes

> it also has the classic anime problem of ruining all of its emotional moments with shitty unnecessary comedy
I think "emotional" moments are pretty clearly separated from "comedic" ones in this one.

I'm a pharmaceutical chemist.

Yep all us scientists go to work every day and only talk about climate change, the gender spectrum and 1+1=5. How moronic do you have to be to believe this?

>ywn have a taste of gorilla wine

Attached: 1566634209269.jpg (408x956, 209K)

When he have invented schools

did they pee in it to improve the flavor?

yeah but a comedic moment can happen directly after an emotional one which can ruin it a little. IMO, anyway. tbf tho i find almost all anime do this so my bar for it is high I guess

How would that improve it?

There was a whole "kinrou is blind" scene inbetween sunflowers and Senkuu's Child labour

Punctuating levity with serious/dramatic moments is a literary resource as old as recorded narrative has existed.

im not saying it happens all the time, but its happened enough for me to notice. i dont feel like many of the emotional moments have really hit me because of this. ive been more affected by the headcanon versions of scenes ive made up in my head desu.
shows i think managed the balance really well (off the top of my head) are ATLA and Scrubs

you still have to do it well, though. personally i think you need a decent level of separation to be able to take emotional moments seriously

Same way their bare unwrapped feet improve it, makes it kinkier.

Give an example

id have to go back and rewatch episodes, at this point ive accepted it and dont really take the show seriously. i think most of them though.

You mentioned there's a lot of them, surely you can remember 1 (one) with that big of a list.

yeah youd think so, but theyre not so bad that theyre memorable for that, theyre just not good. but every time they do that evil senku thing right after he invents something or does something cool it ruins it. i guess the ramen episode is a good example of that

So you can't even name 1.

How would one even go about making modern ammo? Like, how would you make the propellants and primer, casings etc?

hey man, im not a critic. all i know is that i personally dont really care about any of the more "emotional" plot points because they havent landed for me. im working backwards to figure out why, im not reasoning out each scene before deciding how i feel about it.
and i literally did give an example, so good reading comprehension retard

also sorry im not sheldron coopler, able to memorise every scene of every episode and recall it at will to win an argument online

I have trouble believing you're not a troll when you can't give a solid example
Ramen wasn't emotional, try again.

Primer is easier than you'd think, they already did basically a method for it when Gen made the ten billion batteries that Senkuu later wore as an armored vest for some reason, just that but with primer which Senkuu could probably make with the stuff he has access to now.
The hardest part is reliably extruding the shell casings to the right shape and weight actually, then getting a good solid crimp. They'd have to make...well, I think it's just called a casing extruder, a big specialized machine. It would be mostly a lot of trial and error after that to get casings and chambers which work well together and don't jam coming in full, shooting the payload, and going out again empty.

they'd need to make more miracle water to be able to manufacture nitrocellulose

>mentions something he doesn't like
>he can't even remember what he didn't like
555 come on now

They can just use nitre as a starting point honestly

read why would i remember something i didnt like? i dont remember the plot of every shitty anime i watch 3 episodes of, why would i remember the worst scenes of a show that I kinda enjoy and watched weeks ago?

Are we talking about electric or chemical primers? How would one go about making basic, crude chemical ones?

Chemical. I honestly don't remember what modern primer is, it's something that's a pain in the ass to make even with access to a drugstore for a regular person, but with Kaseki and Senkuu it should be very doable, especially at the mobile lab tech level they've reached.

Because you're trying to discuss it. Might aswell know what you're talking about.

I'm trying to look into modern primers but god damn I'm too stupid to understand anything.

Is there a chemist in the house?

not everyone requires a bibliography when casually discussing shit online, this is on you. the anime is airing weekly, meaning that the all but the most recent episode were watched weeks ago. i dont have a perfect memory.

>haven't even read the manga


Only if you want to prove your point. I'm going to say your assumption is wrong and it will carry just as much weight as yours.

>he didn't read the manga

Probably it would be worth skipping straight to all-in-one cartridges, centerfire goes without saying, probably Berdan design, little easier to manufacture by hand if harder to actually reload for reuse.
As for the chemistry, it would be a blast, no pun intended, to watch Senkuu and co recreating PA-101:
>lead styphnate
>barium nitrate
>antimony trisulfide

But probably more realistic and by that I mean simple and not at all true to actual science, but very entertaining, if he just used 100% potassium perchlorate.
Of course the chapter before that would be flintlocks/black powder, then a few test firings of a percussion cap model which blows out its wrapped-steel barrel, leading them to make molds and cast the iron parts.

i mean ive already admitted its a personal thing, so i dont really care about convincing you. if you have the emotional capacity of a child and catch feels from this average-at-best show, more power to you

the show really isnt good enough for that boys

Stop blogging already you fucking idiot, you're anonymous and don't need to defend your pride or stupid opinion about keeping things separate for your autism.

And the rest of you, stop replying to this blog shit.

>he reveals himself as a shitposter

Why does he look so good in Armani?

Attached: 1567531747108.jpg (1900x1224, 190K)

So how close is Senku and co to making modern weaponry? They have the lathe right? Can that not be used to make molds for all weapon parts?

>not wearing Yuzuriha
lmao poorfag, out of Dragos?

why is it blogging? what are you fucking talking about? is your definition of blogging "not citing sources for every single claim made"?

everyone on this site is a shitposter faggot

No point in that, they can already make muskets if they had gunpowder. Just a big iron tube filled with gunpowder, some sort of wad, an iron ball (or even rock) and a hole in the tube for a string

They could have already done it, they could have done it before the car honestly, probably before the radio depending on definition of modern.
Then fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from, honestly, your contribution to this thread is retarded unrelated drama.

also fucking kek at you accusing me of trying to defend my pride when youre fighting tooth and nail to discredit my opinion that the show isnt perfect. someone really likes dr cringe, huh? someone doesnt like their favourite show to be criticised, huh?

no, its my genuine opinion. if youre too thin skinned to take that without insulting me then youre a bigger faggot than most of the people on this board. not everyone likes the shit you like, get the fuck over it

Quit having a meltdown you stupid faggot, I've been reading about primers the last ten minutes and just finally got sick of your shit, your name here is "Anonymous", that means you have no dumb fucking honor to defend, get that through your 90IQ skull and fuck off, your posts are pure garbage and I'm trying to talk about making guns in this stone world through all your weepy spam.

again, how am i trying to defend my honour? i just put my opinion out there and youre crying about it and trying to pretend like you dont care. this is honestly hilarious.

Lmao @ this guy coping his heart out. Fuck your opinion, it has no basis. Fuck off.

Ryusui is best boy
fight me
desire = justice

Dumb senku, the AK was never called "AK-47" after 1950

doesnt have to have a basis. im just telling you what i think of the show. i dont have to back that up just so a faggot like you agrees with me. my opinion isnt gonna change because you said some mean words to me. sorry i dont like your mediocre show

Imagine how good all these chapters with him and Francoise could have been if they hadn't done that horrible nausea-inducing slogan or that autistic Japanese pseudo-explaining of "greed" as "greed for other people".
Why do Asians not properly understand honorable profit-based endeavor and the camaraderie it creates in a society of equals?

Ryusui is #2

Attached: illust_76081435_20190807_214153.jpg (1500x1057, 647K)

It still is primarily called that worldwide.

Awesome, fuck off now

Learn graph theory, bitch.

The fuck do you need graph theory for? Just use your eyes.

Well its WRONG

Attached: 1529172651143.jpg (865x598, 84K)

>she will never cook you a good meal

Attached: illust_73764668_20190915_195132.jpg (978x1080, 128K)

ahem, it's "they" and "literally perfect"

anyone with sense could see that. Greed is best boy in FMA, so the Greed rip off would obviously be the best boy in any other series

probably just under 30s. trick is to work backwards

Attached: puzzle.jpg (1331x2047, 570K)

Already confirmed a girl

Attached: illust_73014758_20190915_195144.png (436x436, 297K)


That's cheating. You want to accept the challenge.


Big girl eyes in the recent chapters

Attached: 1563478184418.jpg (1738x2000, 460K)

>look Yea Forums if I work backwards I can do a puzzle for kids
>duhhh anyone can if you're smart you'll do it front to back to prove you're just as smart as the average child

To measure your ability, you need to obey the rules of the game

Attached: 1543781013262.png (500x300, 52K)

like just start at the start and walk through it step by step? do you only get one try?

Here you go, faggot

Attached: 12_13.png (1786x1300, 1.07M)

Are you unable to visualize where your line is without actually drawing it?

Yes, that's the entire point.

no, of course not. im responding to the guy that was saying my method of solving it was bad faith or whatever

since when is that the point of any puzzle? and isnt it basically pure luck unless youve done loads of similar puzzles before?

By modern I mean at least like a revolver at best not some black powder musket shit. Would love seeing a colt 1911 though. This is just my newfound gun autism speaking though.

Personally, I just wanted him to cap Tsukasa's ass.

>pure luck
user do you have the brain damage?

by luck i meant purely the weird additional challenge of starting from the start, one try thing. if you only get one try you cant look ahead because that would be an extra try

chrome has big eyes too, chrome confirmed a girl too

How did senku make saltpeter? I'm too dumb to understand

It was never shown, Senku just said he made Potassium nitrate in advance because it takes a long time.

What I'm asking is what's the chemistry behind making saltpeter from calcium carbonate and nitric acid?
You can use wood ash and urine + time

>thumbnail is a man
oh well

from a quick google, calcium carbonate is a byproduct of saltpeter production
either the writer/researchers got it wrong or Senkuu was intentionally testing Tsukasa

Yes but manga mentions those two materials so I was wondering how it would be done with those two particular ones

Well in the video lime is used to balance the pH, so assuming you can just swap nitric acid for urine the process would be the same (I don't know if it actually works this way).

Same,I could handle tsu chan being really strong for a high schooler, I could handle him one shotting a lion with his bare fist,but I’ll be damned if he catches an arrow with his bare hand. Wanted Senku to blast him asap.

>a huehue
>talking about health

How did senku make calcium nitrate to combine with potash though?

My knowledge of chemistry is incredibly limited

>calcium nitrate
I'm not a chemist so if anyone is reading this please stop me at any time, but wikipedia says Senkuu could make it using miracle fluid and shells

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-09-16 20-14-36.png (1220x132, 18K)

Isn't that shape impossible to make or something?

Attached: mobiusstrip.jpg (1721x841, 238K)

What? No. Between this and the kid's puzzle I'm starting to think all of Yea Forums is brain-damaged. It's an "unsolvable knot", just a mobius with one extra lobe. You make it by tying the knot, then attaching the halves of the string together, or in this case, the nanites.

I've also read that but where did he get ammonia/how did he make it to neutralize the solution, or what could he replace it with?

He tasked Kohaku with just drinking and peeing as much as she could for a week straight, then isolated the ammonia.

You can get ammonia by collecting your piss. Pretty simple really.

I don't think drinking more water would increase nitrogen excretion, plus he hadn't met her at that point (obviously I know you are joking though). Maybe he went to the lion's den and scooped up dirt containing their ammonia-rich piss?

Is there a video or something about hoes its done and could it even be done without lab equipment?

Like, how does one even extract ammonia from urine?

He tasked Yuzurika with just drinking and peeing as much as she could for a week straight, then isolated the ammonia. If she drinks more the pee becomes more diluted, but overall more urea is still excreted than if not, if only a little more.
Step 1: Look up "peeing into a bottle video" or something
Step 2: Look up condensation collectors
Ammonia evaporates.

very carefully

>stop having fun...NOOOOOO!!!
Every time.

>do you only get one try?
>Yes, that's the entire point.
>since when is that the point of any puzzle?
The whole point of BIG BRAINING is that you can follow the rules and come out on top.
Just like many others you have neglected something very crucial. THERE'S 3 people. There's 1 basket, 1 sack, 1 ladder, and they all have flashlights attached to a headband.
You are showing how SMALL BRAIN you are by trying to doing things backwards instead of using this information to your advantage.
Also you do realize walking backwards means you can't see where you are walking especially in a dark cave?
You defeated yourself even further by trying to cheat.

This is your brain on /pol/

>This is your brain on /pol/
Don't know what pol is. Tried looking for it on the categories and it doesn't appear.
Only thing I bother with is Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /vp/, and Yea Forums and most of that crap came from Yea Forums and Yea Forums.
Yet believe what you will. Making assumptions with such accuracy is your super power. Since we obviously don't even live in the real world.