Utter. Shit.
Dio would have killed him in 10 seconds WITHOUT having a stand.
he has shit motivation and is basically a serial killer neet, and has nothing to do with Dio in his entire arc, kind of an ongoing important thing for the series.
Utter. Shit.
Dio would have killed him in 10 seconds WITHOUT having a stand.
he has shit motivation and is basically a serial killer neet, and has nothing to do with Dio in his entire arc, kind of an ongoing important thing for the series.
Other urls found in this thread:
Bizarre isn't it?
His motivation is literally to basically live a sheltered life without ever being noticed or bothered. Yeah, he has a job, but his motivation is virtually a neet's, "OUTSIDE WORLD SCARY'.
his motivation is to live a peaceful life faggot, it's just that the whole murdering women thing made that kinda hard
did you miss the whole "never stand out" thing to the point where he would let himself be bullied as a kid just to avoid confronting people, or how he consciously never got above third place?
Dude didn't just want to live peacefully, he wanted to be virtually unseen.
>he's weaker than Dio so therefore he's a bad character
>ignoring the fact that Kira has the most detailed characterization of any JoJo villain because you don't like his muh-tivation
People like you don't deserve JoJo.
>blah blah blah muh Dio
You're a retard, OP-san.
Dio's literally either appeared or had a link/relation to the plot and characters in every plot BUT this one. Dio's just as big a part of the series as the joestars.
When you go from a great villain to a weaker one, it kind of is bad progression. You don't have goku go fight a farmer with a shotgun after fighting piccollo.
except it's a different arc and cast, aside from jotaro who jobbed to sheer heart attack
DIO isn't even the best dio that belongs to Diego
Having a different cast doesn't excuse your new villain being worse than the previous one. You still want each generation/group tobe better than the last, not weaker.
>Dio's literally either appeared or had a link/relation to the plot and characters in every plot BUT this one. Dio's just as big a part of the series as the joestars.
Jojolion is better than most OG Jojo parts. Also Diego>DIO
I kinda agree, would have been an excellent side villain, but as a main villain something felt empty
You're completely missing the point of Part 4, retard. Imagine being too stupid to get Araki
Well your argument is that since he's unrelated to DIO, he's a shit villain. As if the whole series revolves around DIO. You're only half correct.
Agreed. Its really telling how much plot armor he had during the Jotaro confrontation. Jotaro punched dio so hard his entire body exploded, yet Kira didn't die or go into at least a coma from SP's beat down.
why does that file have 2 pictures with 1 being from someones screen
Nevermind the fact that Jotaro was literally one minute away from death with gaping holes throughout his entire body...
Kira's the only Jojo villain that is actually a person. He's a very real kind of evil, way better than Boipucci, Dio, Kars and Diavolo. Honestly, i'd be way more scared of Kira then of any of the other fags
Angry alphabet "man".
You are mixing Kira with Diavolo
>Powerlevel fag
Maybe JoJo is a little too hard for you. Go an read some shonen more up your alley maybe flavor of the month like Kimetsu is more for you.
Wanting to live a quiet life is a very good motivation. What a shitpost
>Infuriatingly stupid even accounting for character flaws
>Even more so when everyone says 'look out, he's smart'
>Any accomplishment he has is due to dumb luck
>For a serial killer, we only get one mediocre scene of him actually murdering a victim
>Killer Queen's potential is wasted on two automatic substands, with Bites the Dust being a particularly dumb power
>All chapters dedicated to his new 'life' are wasted when his personality becomes that of a generic villain
>Comes off as a spoiled manchild since his daddy does all the work
>Is as threatening as a shrimp, never once did I think 'oh, good move' or 'he's someone you don't fuck with'
>Relationship with the heroes is virtually non-existent - he kills a chick Rohan forgets about and has to be reminded of and killed a one-off asshole that Josuke and Okuyasu called a friend
>Hurt Jotaro and almost killed Koichi, Hayato and Okuyasu but since it doesn't stick there's no drama
>Tons of scenes of Kira being a slapstick joke
>Josuke vs Kira felt like an obligatory fight because Josuke is the protagonist and Kira is the villain - literally no reason to care about the fight and there's no mention of Shigechi or Reimi
>First and second designs are ugly as fuck
>Everyone praises him as well written because 'a villain who has humble aspirations how unique!' - originality isn't worth shit if the execution is poor
Kira is the worst main villain by a goddamn landslide, and quite possibly a contender for Top 10 Worst Major Villains In All Of Fiction.
The fact that Kira's is a so down to earth villain is what makes him great. He's not IM WANNA TAKE OVER THE WORLD AND KILL EVERYONE evil. Just leave me alone and let me do my thing in peace.
Only a low IQfag like op would perfer Dio over Kira. Not to say Dio isn't interesting in his own way.
Everyone seems to forget about this guy.
>When you go from a great villain to a weaker one, it kind of is bad progression
Yeah that was a big problem with Part 3. You went from the ultimate life form to some dumb vampire
The guy with a stand with a penis
Gay thread, Kira is the best
/a has reached peak brainlet with this post
Anyone else really sick of all these Jojo OPs which are nothing but whiny, shallow, mindless criticism? It feels like they could be made by genuine fans who are trying to keep threads alive by sparking discussion with shit bait, as obnoxious as that would be it'd be preferable to genuinely being overrun with annoying, boring secondaries
Not him, but elaborate
Every single point he made was extremely shallow and or pretty much blatantly wrong in every way. He doesnt understand that every single thing he has a problem with is what makes Kira great to someone with an actual brain. He wants a shit shonen villain thats completely 2 dimensional trash.
this anime only fags gonna be real disappointed when he learns jojo doesn't revolve around Dio anymore
The beginning and the closure of the entire original universe revolve around Dio, so it's safe to say the whole relevant parts of the series revolves around Dio.
Kira is two-dimensional by definition.
If every contrarian got gassed this site be a much better place
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to realize how Kira is a deconstruction of shit.
yikes, go back to dbz for your infinite growing powercreep spic
he literally got a stand thanks to dio giving his father the arrow
the only villain pre part 7 thats completely unrelated to dio is diavolo
His father took the arrow from Enya
>He’s less powerful than DIO, so he’s shit.
I want power level fans to leave. There’s more to a character than how high a number is.
>Kira weaker than dip
>ignoring that dio would get destroyed by kars
You be a dumb dumb
>ignoring that jotaro was near death and that Kira even remarked on how weak jotaros first attack was
Stop speed watching
This isn't even speed watching. Its just an extremely low iq.
Dio isn't a great villain though
>I took your great grandfather's corpse and gave myself a stand Jotaro! WRY!
Dio had no relation to part 2.
Part 2 had the strongest beings in jojo multiverse.
>muh Dio
Kill yourself
There hasn't been a stronger vilian than Cars.
Based and brandopilled
Dio could beat Jotaro, even without a stand, had araki not gonne fully retard on that fight.
Part 5 is trash
At least kira doesn't melt at the sun !
Well this thread lack of good villain, here's one
Based and patriotpilled
>Jojolion is better than all OG Jojo parts.
any george bros here?
Dio would've killed most people without having a stand.
Jorge Joestar*
If he wanted to be virtually unseen, he would've never tried getting 3rd place in anything. He would've uhhhh idk, not try to get those awards at all.
His ultimate aim, to put it in other words, it to live peacefully in a means that he is seen and TREATED as a normal guy with others.
Diavolo wanted to be COMPLETELY anonymous while being TREATED like a king.
Jorge would beat made in heaven with his airplane only
so your typical HxH niggertrash basically then?
>being THIS retarded
absolutely pathetic 2/10 made me reply
Diegosaur was better
pretty much
the absolute state of kiradrones
>no real argument
absolutely pathetic. kek
I'm sure someone will defend Kira eventually.
>serial killer NEET
Projection is really shitty and obvious to anyone who is intimately familiar with the work you're flapping your slack-jaw about.
Yoshikage Kira had a job, you fucking crossboarder.
Based. Kira is a faggot and brings down part 4.
>deflects to HxH for no reason
Absolutely seething, Kiracucks fuck off
but is he really 89?
Damn, are you really proud of the fact that apart from anime, you're fucking illiterate??
Please like...read a book without pictures in it like a big boy, then come back and try to say that.
The virgin department store worker
>lust after women hands
>serial killer
>no friends
>constantly protected by his dad
>served an OP stand on a platter, still get found out due to his stupidity
>become a ghost janny
The chad ship doctor
>only loves his own hands
>bully serial killer
>even the guy he bullies think of him as a close friend
>took care of his mom
>weak stand, still managed to save his friend
>becomes a 4 balls chad
>Kirafags still haven't defended Kira are just lashing at those who don't like him
I didn't like part 3 because it was depressing. It felt like a manhunt for a mentally ill everyman who didn't even want to fight.
Anyone got the part 7 stand where it's whole ability is baiting people?
le ebin Kira meme my fellow Kira fan
Duwang XD, Killer Queen already touch that motherf*cking like button LMAO
where are the fucking leaks
We stopped getting any leaks early long time ago
>rewatch part 4 but skip every episode wich doesn´t have Kira in it
>show becomes better
Who would have thought
>the most detailed characterization of any JoJo villain
Fucking no. He has 2 quirks, "wanna live a peaceful life" and "I'm gonna be retarded on purpose so the protagonists can catch me". Remember when he had switched his face and they couldn't tell who he was, but he started yelling "I, YOSHIKAGE KIRA, WILL END YOU" in the middle of the street so that Josuke would catch him (nevermind that Rohan was around the corner)? We're supposed to believe that this imbecile survived as a serial killer for 15 years with none being the wiser.
Or, since we want to talk about writing, remember when he randomly got protective of his "wife" and even was confused about why, hinting at some new development for his character, only for Araki to completely drop this without even mentioning it?
Even Diavolo is better written than Kira. I mean, Kira had a cool stand, that's about it.
Kira is great because he feels like another protagonist in part 4. You see him living his life, trying to keep hide, stuggling with now killing women, etc. And his autism is very fun.
>Even Diavolo is better written than Kira.
Imagine thinking actually this, unironically
Has a job
>acting like jojo revolves around dio
I got some bad news
If you can read, you'll cry about the other parts too, faggot
So close but you're overworking the 3 brain cells you have left
this must be the work of an enemy stand
You are also mixing Hikikomori with NEET.
Good times, good times.