Do you guys think 3D anime will take over?

Like eventually most animes will be done in 3D and no longer in 2D?

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I don't think it will replace 2D.
But it will exist alongside.

Attached: rin confesion.webm (1920x1080, 1.72M)


I don't think so, but with people who actually care about 3D and put effort into it there's a chance it can grow and become more accepted

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Attached: rina duplicating.webm (660x416, 529K)

Tbh i fuckin hate the way 3D looks

only if they can get it to look perfectly 2d

Dude, weed!

Attached: smoke kemurikusa.webm (482x526, 654K)

When 3D 'anime' will take over it will be true end of anime. Personally I refuse to watch anything made in 3D. It's a soulless ugly cancer. So, if everything will be in 3D I just stop watching 'anime'.

>I've got you senpai
Also why can't english VAs get that nips don't pronounce J as jay but yay.

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