Like eventually most animes will be done in 3D and no longer in 2D?
Do you guys think 3D anime will take over?
I don't think it will replace 2D.
But it will exist alongside.
I don't think so, but with people who actually care about 3D and put effort into it there's a chance it can grow and become more accepted
Tbh i fuckin hate the way 3D looks
only if they can get it to look perfectly 2d
Dude, weed!
When 3D 'anime' will take over it will be true end of anime. Personally I refuse to watch anything made in 3D. It's a soulless ugly cancer. So, if everything will be in 3D I just stop watching 'anime'.
>I've got you senpai
Also why can't english VAs get that nips don't pronounce J as jay but yay.
Anime is a style of 2D art. 3D is not anime.
Only good 3D is Guilty Gear 3D.
Everything else is shit.
Fuck are you on? The fuck is じ then?
Most anime? No. But the era of things like 2d mecha is coming to an end.
There's a difference?
Most definitely. CGI use in anime will only increase, and it should be cheaper to train all your animation-monkeys to do ONE thing rather than training them to do CGI and to draw, so eventually it'll completely replace 2d animation. Probably before 2020.
3D animation doesn't work on the same principles as 2D animation and won't replace it.
3D animation replaces stop motion animation and puppetry.
The same way Digital animation replaced traditional ink and watercolor.
I hope not.
>3D animation replaces stop motion animation and puppetry.
Subscribe to Crunchyroll.
Puppetry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CGI
Why can't Japan get it?