He looks like Wyald, betrayed Metsudo, insulted Yamashita and hit Koga. I can't wait till Agito goes full autist and murders him in the ring.
Kengan Asura
I feel he's so set up to be hated that there has to be a twist
El macaco
I miss Ouma.
Dude reminds me of that ape-wolf apostle from Berserk: the first one Guts almost killed all by himself until Zodd came along and finished the job.
I hope he uses monkey kung fu.
Who will he fight in the tournament? Raian or Hollis seems too obvious, I think a Kure will just be there to freak out over him before the inevitable Raian fight later.
I think he'll have two fights. My prediction is Waka and Raian. I'm assuming he's gonna have some Toguro ass gimmick where he can go beyond 100% removal.
>Karla will never get impregnated
Worst manga ever.
I'm leaning toward Wakatsuki too and agree on the gimmick. Inb4 removal + possessing spirit combo
He will reveal he has a frozen sample of Ohma's semen after crushing Raian
Karla will proceed to just shoot him in the fuckin heart to take it from him
That would be wyald the one OP mentioned.
If Agito jobs to literally anyone I'm dropping this manga.
Wonder if Agito has been training, don't think he has been fighting
I'm sure he's skillful enough to make up for it if he hasn't been.
I just don't want any of my kengan assoc. bros to lose, I know some will have to but still.
Removal vs removal would be boring. I want to see someone normal in terms of strength fight him, maybe Gaolang or Okubo
It all a setup. Metsudo make him betray him, to destroy Purgatory, make the "third" faction comes to light and recover a way powerful and matured Agito.
Holy shit so that's why his face was so familiar to me, he looks exactly like Wyald
He's clearly a fake top bad guy, someone else will be introduced as the real final boss
Agito and Raian are top tier. I'm supposed to believe these new fighters can stand a chance against them? Because I honestly don't.
He's evil Andre the Giant.
>killed popular main character
>fixed problem by introducing his literal clone
Maybe I speedred but who's the current fang?
Raian must be like so fucking OP right now, a reminder that Raian was basically a stupid teen when the tournament happened and he didn't even used a single Kure technique, and he was easily on the top 10 stronger dudes in the tournament, imagine him actually giving a shit about winning.