Single-handedly devise the most ingenious plan to take down the most rigged machine known to man

>single-handedly devise the most ingenious plan to take down the most rigged machine known to man
>win 700m
>somehow end up with nothing
What the fuck is his problem?

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>let's fucking tilt the building with water
I wouldn't say it's ingenious, it's just it's so crazy no one predicted it.

He's too good for this world.

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At least in the current arc he's been able to fuck over Endou by outsmarting him at every turn. Probably won't last long though

It's painful how soft he is.

I was rewatching the anime with the intention of continuing the manga. Not reading the spoiler but I hope he stops letting everyone fuck him over.

If I watched season 1 and 2 where the fuck do I start reading?

3 picks off right when 2 ends

I hate this fucking arc.



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Endou is a greedy cunt, plain and simple.

Kaiji is an adult's manga and most Japanese men spend hours a week at pachinko parlors.

He's absurdly clever when the chips are down but is also extremely susceptible to people taking advantage of him

At least cards, tight rope walking, and tissue box was actually exciting. You are basically watching 10 episodes of an old hag at a casino playing slots.

Bog was 15 episodes of endless ejaculation, I don't understand why people dislike the arc so much.

How he managed to beat the flipper was ingenious as fuck

cute feet

dude...I want to read a manga about a gambling god but I don't want to read about him gambling
give up, the ass pull in the mahjong arc would cause you to kykys

I wish I could do intense labour on him.
It's weird to me in the western fandoms that I see so much Kazuya wankery but dropping the ball with Seiya. Kaiji's variation is what makes the long run so more enjoyable to run. Even though I'm an escaped /jp/er even Ten began to drag on when it was just pure mahjong.
Tonegawa and The Bog was a cute little interaction too.

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How to derail a kaiji thread in one fucking panel, I'm out. Fucking moe fags man

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Kaiji is already moe though, he blooms harder than Saki.

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you are the worst type of person

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>that scene with the bowing machine

I wasn't fucking ready for something that batshit. It was right then I knew this was something special.

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your derail makes me depressed

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>Moans about cute Seiya posting
>Posts the fujobait part
I do hope Kazuki becomes relevant and we actually see the Hyodo brothers duke it out. It feels weird to leave him just hanging.

FKMT produces so many top tier men. (And Mikoto is a blessing) Even Tonnegawa is completely endearing eventually.
Minus Endou.
Fuck Endou.

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Kaiji is a genius, hands down the best anime strategist. I gave a standing ovation seeing his plan go into execution to the point where he revealed he tilted the building.

I made it to the end of the arc where he loses to Mr. Peanut Nose.

Does it ever get less depressing, or am I in for more and more of the same constant progression into deeper and deeper despair?

It's a ride of up and downs, enjoy the gambles.

>lose 700m
>end up with 2.4 billion

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I thought they spent all day at work and then drinking with their bosses.

>most Japanese men
Its mostly retired old farts at pachinko parlors

>immediately gambles them away
Sometimes I find hard to root for Kaiji when he outright makes retarded choices

>10+ episodes with a pachinko machine

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As lovable as he is, you shouldn't forget that he's still trash.

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>he wasnt here when we got subs a week or so after the air date
Man that was the hypedest shit ever

>best anime strategist
excuse me?

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season 3 when?

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