Just picked this up. I heard it's the Sakura Crisis of the Blueshift genre, but how do I REALLY feel about it...

Just picked this up. I heard it's the Sakura Crisis of the Blueshift genre, but how do I REALLY feel about it, Yea Forums?

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It went to shit after Mineral Race. Don't even waste your time.

It's just a yurishit with LE COOL BATTLES for redditors designed to act as a commercial for selling model kits and jew merch. If you're pleb enough to enjoy that, then go right ahead.

All you need to know is that Kizumi will win the MCbowl.

im still so glad that happened
childhood friend actually won for once, made me feel warm and fuzzy

The Keit-Ai Cinematic Universe just cannot be stopped!

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I dunno, the sudden shift to comedy and quips really killed the gravitas of having to talk to the AU version of your crush and using her knowledge to make your actual crush fall in love with you.

When Shemei pockets an exploding mini sun trapped in a time stasis field, you can guarantee her to pull it out 100 chapters later and nuke some Frozen Crypt to stop a Frozen Lord's awakening in the most spectacular way possible.

It starts off great but it gets really weird after the third cour of Season 2. There have been at least 5 genderbends since then and I can't tell if they're actually going somewhere with it or just trolling us the entire time.

Eh. Jumped the shark when they tried copying the Isekai trend.

Reminds me of SAO and their Not!Saber.

Attached: [Eclipse-SS] Keit-Ai S2 01 [720p].webm (800x450, 2.52M)

Already a thing.


>supporting childhood friend
>forgetting netorare arc
Used goods.


Am I the only one who got serious Ghost Slide vibes from the last episode? I heard the guy who wrote it is really good friends with the showrunner for this one.

>Blueshift genre
What genre is that, user?

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>used goods
the majority of humans lose their virginity in their teens, user
also >implying that matters at all after the confession
why would you deny their happiness. happy endings are the best, no matter how contrived they seem.

>fucked up the meme arrow
its too late for this shit and i dont wanna get any madder
childhood chads unite, bonus points for tsun twintails


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You guys need to stop watching every seasonal anime that comes up. be more picky about your anime and we won't get any more complaints from newbies about how anime sux and we need to go back

It'd be decent if the MC wasn't a fucking dyke.

the genre that involves a standard candle approaching you

Jesus Assassin looks dope af.

Where's the Tsukihime remake?

It would be forgivable if she got the bbm teacher cock before, but she was already dating the MC. She's just trouble and it'll happen again.

so what did the keepers of the deep have to do with land dwelling business?

I can't believe one of them arrived early.

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Huh. Satelight is coming out with 3 anime in the same season, huh?

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unfortunately the LN author was tragically killed in a truck accident before drafting the final volume so we'll conveniently never know and just be stuck with the happy ending
i'll rate your fanfic though if you post a link

From the makers of Konosuba?

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Never in a hundred years would I ever expect Ashleigh Ball to voice Marisa Kirisame, yet here we are.

at the very least you can be confident in her singing voice

i want to know when that joke list was made for symphogear s5 to appear as some wild and far off pipe dream

Threadly reminder that the voice of Spike voiced Shampoo from Ranma 1/2, aiyah.

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The LN author was isekaied but his he wrote a manuscript for an extended ntr arc. It got illustrated here:

Tabitha as Ran and Nicole as Yukari?

>watching dubs
Not even for nonexistent anime, no.

>instructed in his will for the editor to upload in the event of his death
that's uh. that's a new one.

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He was a strange man. Stranger when you realize the girl was his self insert

New chapter drops tomorrow. Looks like Dr. Flamingo's got a big fight coming up! How do you think it'll turn out?

Friendly reminder Rikuyo best girl.

>best girl
Best boy you mean. Fucking speed watchers.

Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot. We all know that Mumei's really gonna focus the new arc on Atnes. He's a literal joke character, but Mumei insists on sticking him in every damn chapter. The only thing worse than forcing Atnes into an arc is forcing worst girl Zadkiel in as well so Atnes looks like an alpha.

A Kuroinu anime where all the girls are saved and all the monsters and orcs are exterminated

>pasta becomes anime

When will the Navy Seals copypasta be turned into anime?

The gacha game unironically has a better story.

just watched it, was really good

>playing gacha
I don't care if the story is better. Gacha games are a blight on the industry and I knew this show was going into the shitter when it was announced that it was getting one.

Picked up.

>this fag is still mad at Mumei
Just stop reading it faggot. Your single digit IQ brain can't comprehend how great a story teller Mumei is. Just stick to Keit-Ai.

Rugged, muscular, gravely voiced Navy SEALs don't sell anime. Cute novice girls with cute high pitched voices and big impractical looking swords do.

The token oppai blonde is a Navy Seal though.


I loved that scene in Prunus Girl the most. Looking forward to the adaptation.

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Will we finally find out who Googi Boyma is?

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Some LARPing retard from Graal.


So, what do you guys think of Vale's return?
The fact that he was hiding in Momoko's toe ring has truly fucked him up, he is a changed man now.

>can't comprehend
Sometimes I don't think Mumei can even comprehend his own work. Remember when he made the fucking squirrel the main villain of the Sumo arc?

Can someone tell me what the deal with the raccoons is? They showed up fucking everywhere last episode and it's like everyone is just completely ignoring them. Is it just 2deep4me?

get the fuck off of Yea Forums with your dumb shounenshit generals

They're Tanuki. Look up Tanuki folklore in Japan, transformation and disguises is their big thing. Basically it's a huge hint that something (or rather someone) is not quite what it seems.
Kimiko and Youji are the same person. And yes, along with everything that implies.

Mods keep deleting Keit-ai but Keit-ai will always find a way back.

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Any other YuShu niggas here? Also, Roland >>>>>>>>>>> M*rco

Already a thing.


inb4 30-day vacation

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Who cares about them when best boy KANG is back?

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Im sure A1 just gave the JCs 3 endings in a row just for the moe bucks jesus fucking christ

It's not so much anime that doesn't exist but instead an anime that mods want to erase from existence!

>ESL scanlators are still romanizing ウェスパ・プラエトリアン as "Wesper Prytollian"
You fucking retards, it's supposed to be "Vesper Praetorian". Mumei just thought it would be cool to use Classical Latin pronunciation with his name for some reason.

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What is the giant snake in the new OP supposed to represent?

jesus christ, while badass, this was such bullshit from a story perspective. Anyways, im a bit confused on what to watch after, there's so many spinoffs I cant decide.

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its still so fucking surreal they partnered with ubisoft for a one off character in a fotm show

No one asked for a Tom Clancy anime, yet here we are.

Well fuck, that ufotable Touhou anime is gonna get the Ocean dub. You know what that means? A fucking brony incursion. Brace for impact and prepare to return fire.

>Best boy KANG is back.

And what a way to return.

Hero arrives in the nick of time to relieve the besieged town and Save The Day.

Hero arrives in the nick of time to relieve the besieged town and Save the Day with a hundred war-elephants.

Hero arrives in the nick of time to relieve the besieged town and Save the Day with a hundred war-elephants suspended swaying underneath his fleet of airships.

Has anyone else noticed Kang has a weird thing where he likes to take metaphors or figures of speech or exaggerations and turn them into reality? Does anyone remember back in Series Three when the Sultan said "My army will flee a battle when elephants fly!"

Kang remembered.

>she actually won

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>literal roastie
Never in my life have I observed a shittier taste.

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I really don't know what's going to happen with Vale. I mean this was a man who said, and I quote, "The curves of a woman's body are pleasant to look on, but pleasanter still is the quiet satisfaction of a life well lived." And then the poor guy spends two seasons literally wrapped around the toe of Miss Sex On Legs.

It's like if you got a billion tons of super-cooled helium and dumped it into the middle of a small star. Maybe the two extremes will cancel out and he will just be a normal, well-adjusted Everyman now, hahaha.

Reiss was best girl, too bad she picked a piece of shit husband like Karom

I can't wait for Fall 2019.

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Already a thing.


Best shonen ever

Eat it, hero aca

I know people like to hate on it because MUH HOLLYWOOD, but am I the only one who actually thought the 2009 live-action adaptation was decent? It took some liberties but I feel like it really captured the essence of the series.


Little girl tells you explicitly how the show will end half way through the show

>that whole arc where they bashed fantasy Korea because Mumei's mail order Korean wife left him.

Yeesh what a cuck.

I just picked up that ongoing series about the kingdom of Bernicia. I think the historical detail is great, but what is with the horror elements? Who the hell is afraid of druids? I guess I'll stick with it for now.

I really liked the way it portray's gay romance. The boys are animated and drawn beautifully, and the sex is actually pretty tasteful...

I still jacked off to it though.

Kind of strange for them to interrupt the major battle happening now with a flashback to the beach episode.