Is Dr Stone isekai?
Is Dr Stone isekai?
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They're still on Earth retard
Kill yourself OP.
Doesn't check any of the Isekai bingos (that wasn't made by reddit)
But they're in the stone world now.
Falls into the subcategory of Native isekai
Anime where people go in a forest = isekai ?
Isn't the ramen item on any Yea Forums bingo? Anyway, that's maybe the only item that it would check
A Time Isekai to be more specific.
Reset isekai
Actually, it's the inverse of native isekai.
Where did the discussion thread go
>previously competent MC stays on earth and becomes part of a group that relies on each other's talents to get shit done
It's the anti-isekai.
But that forest is the entire planet. The people, culture, environment and geography are completely different.
How literal does the definition of "world" have to be? If you think "world" exclusively refers to the physical planet you're on then sure, but people use the term "world" to refer to places that are just really different all the time.
It's in-sekai
Yeah, it's a reverse native isekai
There's no forest on deserts and at sea user, Dr stone still abides by laws of nature. Geography changed, the earth axis tilted but it's still the same old rock
>Is Dr Stone isekai?
Yes. Characters getting magically transported to a version of the world that's very different from their own is fairly standard for an isekai.
Not yet
go away /r/animemes nigger
Is real life an Isekai?
Is Mad Max Isekai?
>unironically employing the "I can't refute them, so I'll call them reddit" method
It's OHAYOUsekai.
Yes. It's an isekai. The point of an isekai is to leave behind an old world/life. The planet may be the same but it's effectively a new world.
It follows all the rules as the initial earth and thus lacks the fantasy elements that characterize an isekai. Is robison crusoe isekai? It's kinda the same man vs nature situation.
>when the hero mysteriously disappears for years and suddenly comes back to a world that is substantially different than the one they left behind, it must be an isekai.
"Isekai works revolve around a normal person from Earth being transported to, reborn, or trapped in a parallel universe, usually a fantasy world."
No. Dr.stone is not isekai.
Isekai is when the mc switches world. The world stays the same so there's no isekai.
Where'd the discussion thread go?
He doesn't even lose consciousness the whole time. He's there during the entire intervening period.
That's like saying if you hole yourself up in your basement long enough, you too can be an isekai MC.
Post apocalyptic.
>It follows all the rules as the initial earth and thus lacks the fantasy elements
Except for the petrification and de-petrification. It uses this fantasy element to time-travel thousands of years into the future.
Kinda. The law of physics is not like ours since petrification exists.
Also what makes science a science is not the methodology to discover how shit works but how the physics in real life works.
It's post-isekai.
>It uses this fantasy element
Sci-Fi element, its a "theoretical future-tech that might not be feasible or might end up being feasible in some fashion" plot device, not a "This is just pure magic and things happen" plot device. Not to say Sci-Fi elements cannot be included in Isekai, just clarifying it doesn't have fantasy elements, it has Sci-Fi elements that the characters insist follows a real-world application, they even calculated how much the unforseen tech would need to give them in joules in order for their brains to keep functioning. More early Star Trek than Force-Heavy Star Wars.
You're so fucking wrong
10 billion percent.
It's a native isekai.
People in Narou writing webnovel shit is using isekai for the lack of knowledge in physics in general, quantum physics, chemistry, geopolitics, psychology, geology, geography, history, archaeology, computer science and every science the writer must know in order to draw a second world from ground up. To think anime picks up from them to make anime. What a shame.
Time passing =/= time travel. If I fall asleep for 8 hours, I didn't time travel, user. I wish I did though.
>The world stays the same
Retarded underage
>He doesn't even lose consciousness the whole time. He's there during the entire intervening period.
So he didn't get isekaied, but we the viewer did. Its clearly a viewer-isekai
Just by the fact of petrification exist, it already does not work in the same way as our real world. And thus, it is isekai, another world.
>takes place in the same world
>humans are still just regular humans
>zero magical creatures or whatever, animals are as they were
Doesn't fit the bill of Isekai in any way except for what made them turn into stone, and that's a one-time event.
>Native Isekai
I have to know who came up with this retarded term when the word "fantasy" exists for eons already.
But the people in Dr. Stone did not travel to a new world where petrification exists. It had already existed, they merely did not know about it. Thus, it is not isekai.
I love the people so frantic not to call Dr. Stone an isekai. Who the hell cares how you categorize something? Whether or not you want to call Dr. Stone an isekai is completely arbitrary but so many redditors have come to have a knee jerk reaction to anything isekai that they cant stand having their sacred show categorized with that label.
If a show is good its good. Regardless of how you categorize it in terms of genre.
This. Native Isekai
That makes no sense, they didn't travel from a world without petrification to one with petrification, or go from one without petrification to a world where people can be petrified, from jump that ability existed in their world.
What the fuck is Native Isekai?
For example: snk, shiki, steins gate, fma brotherhood are all native isekai.
It's a term used by retards to describe a non-isekai, normal fantasy setting like Goblin Slayer
Still Earth.
Them how could make petrification like Dr Stone possible in real life?
So, anything that isn't a documentary is an isekai then?
Native isekai is the best term to come from Yea Forums since timeflop.
despite what you read on wikipedia, genres are not prescriptive and are subject to change with popular opinion. genre fiction can be classified by themes or repeating tropes and not just it's namesake. that's why you can have a cowboy Western that doesn't have cowboys and isn't set in the American Western frontier.
whether Dr.Stone is an isekai can still be up for debate, but it's not excluded just because it doesn't follow some arbitrarily rigged definition.
snk is future earth though
Nanomachines, unironically. In theory if we advanced the tech to molecular level we'd be able to pull off something similar to what's in Dr Stone, I know that most people think that theory came from Meme Theory but its been around since pretty close to the start from people who talked about it.
In theory you could alter something on a molecular level without shutting off essential functions, but the tech would need to be much more advanced than what we have right now even on the horizon and it would need a lot of logistics as to currents in brain chemistry. Likely, if a real world application was made, it would outright fail and wouldn't work, but that's Sci-Fi for you. Roomy Spaceships and "Hyperdrives" work in theory not so much in real life.
dr. stone is future earth as well. they're all native isekai
I always enjoyed "forcedly remembered"
I wonder what happened to that guy
one punch man is native isekai?
Native Isekai is an oxymoron.
Why dont we ask the creators themselves at the animecon coming up in NYC
You want shows you like to be associated with garbage like pic related? "Who the hell cares how you categorize something?" is absolutely retarded.
Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni isn't an isekai though
The guy's just a moron who's using the term incorrectly.
"Native isekai" refers to stories where the protagonist is born into an isekai-esque setting (ie. where everyone has RPG-like skills and stats and shit). A popular example would be Danmachi.
But what does it mean?
>Native Isekai is an oxymoron.
there it is. the dumbest argument that keeps getting brought into these threads that only a child or some kind of ESL would think is valid.
Avatar is an isekai
So a fantasy genre
No you autist. How are you this fucking autistic. Native isekai is different.
I explained the premise of the show to my friend without mentioning that it is still on earth and he assumed it was iseki.
What you described is literally just badly written fantasy fucking lmao
Avatar and korra are a native isekai then
You can't have an Isekai if there are not multiple worlds involved.
is World Trigger an isekai?
Technically speaking don't we all come from another world? Think about how we are born, where were we before that? Everything is isekai.
Goblin slayer
>Aang's Air Affinity passive grants him a +20 bonus to Dexterity and Agility!
Goblin slayer is a dnd fantasy
I think you, and many people, are taking the word "world" too literally. What if an anime started out by the MC being transported to a parallel universe where everything is literally the same, no gimmicks. If that's an isekai, then isekai is a thoroughly useless term. We already have a term for a work set in a fantasy setting, it's called "fantasy". It would be far more useful to have it mean "person from our contemporary, normal world is placed into a new setting with fantastical elements, different to our own". The fact that its still earth is irrelevant. If a isekai revealed during its ending that the setting was actually a post-apocalypse earth where humanity had rebuilt, and somehow magic got involved, would that suddenly not make it an isekai? Of course it wouldn't, so why would something with that premise up-front be any different?
>hating isekai smartphone
unironically shit taste detected.
>If a isekai revealed during its ending that the setting was actually a post-apocalypse earth where humanity had rebuilt, and somehow magic got involved, would that suddenly not make it an isekai?
That's exactly right, it wouldn't be an isekai :^). In all seriousness though, I think that having genre labels be somewhat specific is important to maintain the expected norms of a piece of work. If you apply a label very broadly, it loses its value as it no longer sets your expectations as well as it could have. Many things that are dubbed "isekai" right now follow a relatively similar pattern or include the familiar trappings of the genre like cheat powers/items, fantasy RPG mechanics, etc. Specifically in the case of Dr. Stone I think that it is in fact NOT isekai on the grounds that if anything, it is a time travel story. Time travelling back to the middle ages does not mean that something is an isekai. It is simply a sci-fi story involving time travel.
>That's exactly right, it wouldn't be an isekai :^).
So, are you saying that genres are not based on common themes, elements, settings, and character archetypes, but rather, insignificant details?
>I can't believe it's all over, Guts.
>Yeah. I guess getting hit by that truck back in Japan was fine after all.
All anime is isekai
kill yourself for being this retarded.
On the contrary, the proposed post-apocalyptic story does not share one of, it not THE defining characteristic of the isekai genre. The "common themes, elements, settings, and character archetypes" can often also be applied to other fantasy works, which is one of the labels I think would best apply to this hypothetical. In my opinion, its better for genres and labels to be more specific than not.
>On the contrary, the proposed post-apocalyptic story does not share one of, it not THE defining characteristic of the isekai genre.
I think you've misunderstood. I am proposing a story which is, in every way conceivable, an isekai. At some point during this story, it is revealed (not necessarily as a major plot point), that the world is not a fantasy world, but in fact an earth thousands of years after the MC was trucked or whatever.
Despite the fact that this hypothetical series is in, every other way, an isekai (MC from our world, transported via truck-kun, swords and sorcery, RPG elements, etc), you are claiming that it isn't an isekai.
In short, you are claiming that isekai is defined by "setting literally anything other than contemporary earth", rather than the common elements, e.g. fish-out-of-water protagonist.
technically. time travel is considered isekai nowadays user.
>I think you've misunderstood.
No, I understand the story you've proposed, and I'm still inclined to say that it is not isekai, as I am a pedantic asshole and the world of the proposed story is not "another world". I would claim that the isekai genre is defined by its other world setting in addition to the other common elements in contains.
In the case of Dr. Stone, it depends on whether or not time travel is isekai, such as proclaims
Technically, how far ahead do you have to travel in time so it's an isekai instead of being in a coma or something?
A month? A year? Twenty years like Rip Van Winkle?
Every story is an isekai, each moment is a new world. We're all in an isekai right now.
>I am an asshole
Well at least we can agree on something.
>I would claim that the isekai genre is defined by its other world setting
And if you read my original post, you are being too literal. You are claiming that the way the "world" works, i.e. customs, norms, politics, etc, is less important than the spatial coordinates. That is a far less useful distinction. The draw of Isekai is, at the end of the day, seeing someone who is a stand-in for the audience, with all of the thought processes of a modern person, having to deal with a fantastical setting. The fact that it is or isn't the same ball of rock around the same ball of plasma is irrelevant.
Unironically, yes. Early time-travel fiction and stuff like john carter of mars has the same core element: someone we can relate to being thrust into an unusual situation.
>The fact that it is or isn't the same ball of rock around the same ball of plasma is irrelevant.
You know what user, I actually think I agree with you now. As long as the setting is sufficiently different from the norm, it may as well fall under the same label. The metaphorical world is more important than the physical one. Have a nice evening, I enjoyed our chat.
I want to kiss Francois on her hands
Score 1 for reasonable discussion, I guess. Cheers for being big enough to consider others point of view. My apologies for that 'asshole' quip.
>My apologies for that 'asshole' quip.
No apologies necessary, I fully admit my previous stance was partially based on enjoying declaring things isekai or not based on a technicality. I won't, however, change my stance that "native isekai" is a retarded term used exclusively by shitposters.
they cant move for 3000
>"native isekai" is a retarded term used exclusively by shitposters.
Oh, definitely.
>stoun warudo
depends on your perspective on the nature of timespace
you could say we're all travelling through time 1 second at a time into the future
>categories are arbitrary
no shit retard
>you're taking a word too literally
that's what words are for, dumbass
No, words are for expressing meaning. The same word can be used to express different, but related concepts. This can be called a "metaphor" or "analogy", you may have learned about them at school, they weren't just there to add extra questions to the test.
oh i get it, it's like when you just wrote all that shit when you meant you're just a faggot
Is this whole argument the modern-day version of the old definition of "anime" semantic debate?
Because all those years going in circles was ten billion percent stupid.
avatar is not anime
Yes, but the debate about the term "anime" still happens from time to time
>dr reddit
Jesus imagine if Planet of the Apes was never even conceived as a story whatsoever until after the isekai bullshit trends and you get to the twist that they were on Earth the entire time.
No need to get defensive about your sub-par schooling, it's not your fault where you were born or how wealthy your family was. What is your fault, however, is persisting in your misunderstanding after having been corrected.
Yes, their world is different enough.
Why would a story about a Canadian getting lost in Japan be an isekai?
Is Inuyasha?
Is my penis an Isekai?
Isekai should only refer to series that uses game mechanics as part of it's world building. For instance, Danmachi is a native isekai. Dr Stone is not in ant way shape or form an isekai
>Going outside be an isekai
is time travel an isekai?
It's 'primal future isekai'
No, it's a "man builds shit in primitive world" story.
>jimmy newtron and the flinstones crossover
It's native isekai
Post apocalypsys.
Going anywhere you've never been before is isekai.
>get hit by truck
>ambulance-kun isekais me to the hospital
How old is Suika? At least two years have passed in the manga since she was introduced and she's still fucking tiny.
I assume she is like 11 or 12 now
Game mechanics isn't isekai, it's just bad writing
Main basis of isekai is being transported in another world, if the character is born in it and not transported its just fantasy with cliché shit like game mechanics
I see people using game mechanics all the time in real life, does real life have bad writing too?
>does real life have bad writing too?
Irl is filled with asspulls. It's terrible writing
D&D is native isekai at best and actual isekai at worst
Its more of a reborn type shit which is generally in isekai with major generational skips
In another world with blue penis
No, anybody who says it is is just an isekaifag attempting to legitimise their trash genre by associating it with things that are actually good, same for the whole native isekai bullshit.
Holograms didn't exist when they first appeared in fiction and look where we are now.
Our world doesn't have crime detecting physics, does that mean minority report is an isekai.
Does that mean the lion the witch and the wardrobe isn't isekai because it has no rpg elements.
Did they ever explain how nuclear reactors didn't irradiate everything?
I guess Fate is native isekai since it uses DnD mechanics. Fucking retard.
no, it's not an isekai. it's a native isekai.
most reactors detect the lack of humans and shut themselves down
Some of the most famous isekais were technically still on earth.
I love this thread, anons. Keep up the good work.
Also the New Testament is an isekai.
>"Native isekai" refers to stories where the protagonist is born into an isekai-esque setting (ie. where everyone has RPG-like skills and stats and shit). A popular example would be Danmachi.
That's just normal fantasy you fuck wit.
it's forced realism
real world science removed, what's left is essentially shounen and isekai
>Also the New Testament is an isekai.
This guy gets it.
>god gets truck-kun'd and wakes up as a human on earth named Jesus
>Regarding The Time I Got Reincarnated as a Level II Trauma Patient
no isekai implies being transported to another world senku counted the entire time in duration, what you got is a post apocalyptic world.
>gets hit by a truck
>get isekai'd to the cold hard pavement world
Is Cowboy bebop an Isekai for Faye?
transported means leaving the world behind. Senku was there the entire time it changed, he counted how long in changed.
do you not know what Isekai means? What you said was an oxymoron.
Isekai is literally "other world"
Dr.Stone is post apocalyptic
The world is forever changed
Aspects and elements of the world, physical properties, rules, are kept in tact, the characters are just put in stasis until the far future.
If you're saying "Oh, its an isekai plot" then you're changing the idea completely. Isekai is entirely thematic of what their world is and how it relates to a new world, Post Apocalyptic is the world undergoing a cataclysm that forces a great change/huge eradication of life/civilisation.
Dr. Stone may have similar themes as Isekai stories (Crazy adept characters put in a situation where their skills are put into great effect or allowed to strive or potentially help great than the lack thereof (without Senku, Ruri would be dead, Magma would be chief, everything would be shit)...... but when it comes to the actual consistency of the world itself, it's Post-Apocalyptic and nothing more.
No its not Native or Same World Isekai, it's just a fucking Post-apocaluptic story that has similar themes to other Isekais that focus on the talents of the individuals since Isekais STRIVE on that kind of storytelling.
Isekai is literally other world
Other Dimension
Other Reality
Literally youre being summoned from a Mythological story called Real life Earth into some World where Dragons are cars or Magic is food or Machines are sex dolls or something
You're gone from your world and into another.
Simply hitting the world with a bomb and then forcing survivors who stayed in an ark to make do with the change isnt isekai.
Moving them to Japan cuz theres food there isnt Isekai
Putting them on the moon after earth got fucked isnt Isekai....
..... or is it?
Can the moon be classed as another world or is it just an extension of our own....?
>the stone world
>Prefix automatically means its different now
You're in a clown world now, did you isekai in the last 10 years?
>Afterlife is isekai
>Demon world is isekai
>Subterranean world is isekai
>Post apocalyptic world is isekai
>Future is isekai
>Another country is isekai
>Going outside is isekai
>Waking up every day is isekai
>Every second is isekai
What does Isekai even mean anymore?
Why would post apocalypse stories be called isekai?
It only would be if someone was sent to a parallel world that had already had an apocalypse, which hasn't happened here, or the apocalypse involves some gate to another world which still exists, which we haven't seen.
Is this post isekai?
Is Parallel Paradise an isekai even if it's set in far future earth?
There's no reason we can't have more plot twists that reveal it to be one again.
He doesn't live in a heptagonal city so no