>shitty character is called a "pleb filter"
>despite the fact that kimetsu is the most popular show of the year amongst normalfags who frequent social medias
>does not filter them at all
Mm. Nah. Sorry, I don't buy it at all, kimetsutards
>shitty character is called a "pleb filter"
>despite the fact that kimetsu is the most popular show of the year amongst normalfags who frequent social medias
>does not filter them at all
Mm. Nah. Sorry, I don't buy it at all, kimetsutards
They’re both faggots
is this another dr flop discord tranny false flag raid again
>editor-san, I have a great idea for my next manga, but I need a bit of help to put some shitty elements in so not too many people will like it
Nah, it's a Black Clover shitter who's eternally assblasted over the series being a financial flop.
This is their way of coping over the inevitable axe soon.
absolute state of nuShonen
and people here dare to say bad things about Bleach, which was CHAD compared to this
But left is a main character who is meant to inspire and the right is comic relief
Behead Zenitsu
>Yea Forums tier console warring but with shitty battle shounens
im glad im not invested in this shit you seem like colossal faggots
This is why shounenshit should be banned.
I'm glad I never picked up either of them
Kimetsufags btfo
and yet they're both shit
its just shitty anime filtering all the plebs. neither of these shows is even as good as the original big 3, let alone actually good shows
>eternally assblasted over the series being a financial flop
Thats why the anime got extended again?
>as the original big 3
it was called big o
Welcome to nu-Yea Forums user.
Based OP. Expose the hypocrites.
execute the shonen shitters
>liked Kimetsu before the anime was even announced
>never liked Zenitsu
I honestly thought it was just me all this time.
But Zenitsu is not a fag like Dekuck
I guess Zenitsu gets better, but the animation really hurt his character. Recovery arc Zenitsu is fucking faggot and should be killed in a fire
Fujoshits think he's a fag.
>outcast activities are insanely mainstream among normalfags because clubbing isn't fun anymore so they had to invade outcast hobbies realizing it was more fun this whole time
Every anime including SoL is watched by normalfags. Nothing filters anyone anymore.
like every other character?
Fujoshit is shit
Reminder that Kaigaku was right
and dead
that's you watch shows made for actual kids or take the toku pill