I'd give these two some volleyballs to play with, if you know what I mean

I'd give these two some volleyballs to play with, if you know what I mean

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I want to cum on Emily's glasses.

I'd let their mom pokey my volleyballs 'namsayin'

Attached: Mombod.webm (720x405, 1.26M)


>twin girls
>blue eyed blondes
>big chested
>one with glasses
Stop! I can only endure so many fetishes at once!

Attached: Claire_06.jpg (1916x1977, 1.85M)

what is this, some inferior volleyball anime?

Living in a post Keijo and Harukana Receive world is horrible.

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They are never getting a second season are they

Attached: General Tabira shocked.jpg (1920x1080, 576K)

This show was ass.


Attached: 1533065801354.png (413x381, 252K)

Even the minor characters had well-fleshed-out backstories.

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I want them to spike my balls so hard they rip off

>is she signaling where to put it?

Is the show any good?

It's ass.


Attached: Harukana Receive - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.13_[2018.09.07_17.36.00].jpg (1280x720, 420K)

>posting a thumbnail

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Still pissed they didn't win the last match in the anime. It made no sense.

Attached: tits.jpg (400x400, 44K)

>American flag bikini
God they're perfect

All the girls in this series were 10/10, even the idol girl.

Attached: harukana_scan.jpg (4083x5933, 2.14M)

I'm hoping the jet ski anime is Harukana+Valkyrie Drive.


Perhaps surprisingly, yes.

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Incestuous lesbians in bikinis.

They're made to be enjoyed together.


This show really needs more doujins.

It didn't even feel like summer this year without a true summer anime.

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>not being southern hemisphere

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Attached: claireYAY.jpg (1920x1080, 291K)

Dumbbells is basically a summer anime.

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is this an edit, did they forget to color in her swimsuit bottom, or is shequaser wearing a frilly skirt with her pussy showing?

I miss these sexy dorks.

Attached: Harukana sly.png (1920x1080, 2.73M)

I want to marry and impregnate Emily.

Attached: d39e714b400394224c4cda15fe2985b9.jpg (1500x2133, 3.08M)

Kanata shaving Haruka's pubes.

Sex with Kanna in the middle of the day at the beach when its busy while people watch.

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Attached: Harukana_Receive_70.jpg (1920x1556, 1.38M)

waku waku

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Wouldn't it be funny if she had done that dance naked.

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I think having a Christmas episode disqualifies you from being a summer anime.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.02_[2019.09.04_12.19.53].jpg (1280x720, 124K)

Jesus Christ

Haruka can only watch

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Attached: when_the_entire_class_can_see_your_pubic_hair.jpg (2172x1080, 575K)

Yet only one truly shocked face

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I think the worst part about living in burgerstan is the majority of blonde girls tend to be fatasses because they're from states like Kenfucky and Wisconsin

I cannot ever remember living in a place where a significant number of girls were both blonde and not obese under the age of 35

Is this perhaps the most intellectual shot ever in anime?

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Attached: big_confused_gay.jpg (1172x1025, 445K)

Mentally ill waifucuck deserve the rope

Attached: Claire_splits.webm (1280x720, 886K)


This show was so boring

Attached: lecturing_your_girlfriend_at_the_beach_in_front_of_everyone.webm (1280x720, 939K)

Attached: gayest_moment_of_the_show_as_of_episode_7.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Haruka is such a clittease.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Harukana Receive - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.29_[2018.07.15_14.19.53].jpg (1280x720, 555K)

Season 2 or OVA?

>This show was so boring
Fuck you.

Dumbbell sucks.

Dumbbell easily gets into top 4 of sports/fitness animes. The others are Harukana, Pingpong girls and Keijo. Contenders are Gurazeni and One outs. Fite me.

Attached: 1565188665197.jpg (1280x720, 474K)

Good to see that they don't neglect stretching

Harukana and Dumbbell are probably the best summer sports fanservice series you can enjoy every year of summer.

I still hope Harukana gets a second season.

I'll leave that up to your imagination.

Artist? Image search is no results.

Come on, user.

Unironically yes. I don't know if my opinion counts for much since I'm not a fan of sports anime, but I really enjoyed Harukana receive. It's charming and wholesome.

This. Both series are great. I'm currently reading Haruka's manga and will probably pick up Hibiki's as well.

Attached: Dumbbell_Nan-Kilo_Moteru?_volume_1_cover.jpg (265x375, 26K)


I really hope the manga goes into full-on yuri territory. Haruka x Kanata.

Attached: a9d41b9af7d58fe4b8efea93b08e16fb.jpg (1920x1080, 395K)

11 years old

*cums in sperg-kun face*

It's debatable. There's webm related, the swimsuit confession scene, and the scene where Kanata discovers Haruka was training in secret (and Claire asks Emily if she likes her as much as the main pair love each other)

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