I want to watch Jojo but I’m afraid it may be too gay.
I want to watch Jojo but I’m afraid it may be too gay
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I watch and read jojo and im not gay...I think
not as gay as you OP
Then stop after Part 4 or 3. One advice, you shouldn’t care if something look/is gay or not. But you can drop it if you see that you can’t take the gayness, is your life man
Don't worry jojo is shit.
Bail out after part 3 is over and never look back, 4 is around the point that the undertones start becoming overtones and it just gets worse from there.
>jojo is gay meme again
Fucking fags and fujos man.
And insecure straight men.
Only people who think it’s gay probably have some sort of insecurities, or have not watched/read it
insecure faggots
4 is the best part
4 is garbage aside from Rohan
Jojo won't make you gay, but watching the davidproduction anime would make you a faggot
watch the 90s ovas or read the manga
no u a gay
The only gay male characters in jojo are Tiziano, Squalo and Pucci.
Don't worry, it's exactly the right amount of gay
It's not gay, just has very shitty writing.
Pucci is not gay.
>but I’m afraid it may be too gay.
>but I’m afraid
dont worry user, you are already a faggot
>this is gay
Yes he is.
No he is not. Your fujofaggot fantasies are not canon.
>drawing dio and pucci gay while simultaneously btfoing fujoshits by being coy in an interview
based lgbt araki
You can't get any more gay than you already are.
Well he's a pedo so he dosen't matter
8 Parts.
The first 5 have anime adaptations.
The first 3 have very defined male faces with edges and exaggerated bodybuilder bodies.
Everyone in Part 4 has smoother skin and is less bulky.
After Part 5, almost everyone has lipstick for some reason, everyone is a fit twink, everyone has weird clothing (sometimes sexually skin-revealing).
Part 1:
>Main character is a buff gentleman punching zombies/vampires to death. Needs to pose specific ways a few times to breathe in a way that improves his martial arts style. Nothing gay.
Part 2:
>Main character is a funny charismatic trickster. Aside from that, it's the same as before. I guess the villains in this are kinda gay because they are half-naked aztec bodybuilders
Part 3:
>Main character has black leather clothing and is some kind of revellious edgelord. Same thing as before, but different artstyle. Villain gets lipstick at the end of the season though
Part 4:
>Main character has a pompadour, clothes with a heart-theme and earrings and is kind but easily irritable. Everyone has a very smooth face with feminine eyes and eyelashes and short nose. Has the least poses
Part 5:
>Main character is a blond feminine twink with muscles and bright pink latex clothing with a heart shaped hole exposing the chest. Everyone is a twink here and 1/4 of all characters wear lipstick. Has a gay blowjob joke in it
Part 5 and after have a very gay style, if you don't like that, stop after Part 4.
But seriously, what's up with all the lipstick
>Points out gay blowjob joke
>Forgets that basically 1/3 of Bast's episode is a joke about it looking how Avdol is getting buggered by Joseph
just wait for part 6 and anasui's sex dungeon slave clothing for the "jojo is gay XD" redditors to implode
i have never read about the reason behind it, but i suppose for artistic purposes, as the coloured covers greatly benefit from that mixture of tones
Part 6 has Westwood which is fucking huge at times, but still not part 1/3 tier
jojo manga and anime adaptions are all good, except animeonlies ruined everyone else's view on jojo
see part 5 giorno theme, a really nice hype piece but ruined by "le epic jojo mems"
JoJo is at the point where if you're super concerned about it being "too gay" you're a closeted homo. If you were actually straight you wouldn't give a shit.
That episode is offset by Mariah's MAGNETIC TITTIES
The funny thing is that song isn’t actually Giorno’s theme.
Isn't it though? Jotaro and Josuke have their own fight themes too. It's just that in Giorno's case DP got lazy and used it for literally 2/3rds of the fights, even ones Giorno doesn't appear in.
>>Main character has black leather clothing
It's a school uniform you tard
Why would you even care? Unless it was explicitly homosexual the only thing you'd have to worry about is being a closet case and getting turned on
What are you gay? You're that insecure faggot?
His actual theme is youtu.be
This sounds a lot worse in the actual show.
JoJo's is good, but don't watch it if you're one of those types who thinks "lol KONO DIO DA" is funny and can't read into symbolism, themes or proper characterization. The signs of these people are
>don't like Part 1, 4, 5 and 6 (sometimes 8, but they'll be pleb filtered by this point)
>don't like Johnathan, Jotaro or Giorno
>think Dio is a two dimensional villain
>uses meme phrases like "Female Jotaro"
Speaking of, Purple Haze Feedback is such a good extension of Part 5. While Part 5 is about those who steel their resolve and work to the conclusion fighting those who skip to it and weaken their resolve in desire of the result, PHF is about those caught in the middle. Such a good read, and all the new stands are so good. It even makes me forgiving of stuff like the Tonio's brother thing.
I posted this image in a different thread, was rereading it while on my break at work
Liking PHF is a sign of someone who should be ignored and shunned.
Imagine not being able to into novels.
Gonna import PHF, Over Heaven and Jorge Joestar to spite you.
Imagine actually liking fanfics.
Not an argument against them. Being obsessed over what is canon shows somebody who can't appreciate media for deeper reasons. Especially in JoJo's.
>symbolism, themes or proper characterization
>Part 5
It’s not just about being written by a different author. PHF is just a badly done imitation of Jojo.
Considering you made this thread you're already there OP
So deep.
Stands commonly reflect parts of the users and evolve in response to their growth. Fugo can't control his anger and his outbursts are particularly violent, so his stand is something he can't control that comes with a killer virus that also hurts him.
Abbachio is remorseful for his past actions, so his stand replays events from the past.
Diavolo just wants the easy way to the result, so his stand allows him to see that "result" and skip to it.
It has become a meme at this point, but resolve is the theme of Part 5. Giorno literally has a speech about it at the end of White Album and there's stuff like pic related sprinkled in throughout the part. To ignore this to shit on one part is to discredit Araki's ability as a writer, and while he normally isn't good at keeping powers on a week to week basis, he has a general idea of how the story will go, this isn't Toriyama.
There's also the overarching theme of fate which spans throughout all of JoJo's and is a core theme of Part 6, leading into some of its best moments and one of its best fights, Made in Heaven.
>proper characterization
Every character is well established and consistent. Giorno is literally righteous Dio who wants to reform Passione, Bruno is the group's leader who follows Giorno because of the events that brought him into the gang, Abbachio isn't trustworthy of new faces until they prove themselves, etc.
But that's part 7
>It has become a meme at this point, but resolve is the theme of Part 5.
Yeah, a badly written theme.
In what way is Giorno righteous? He's a criminal. By definition he cannot be righteous.
Part 7s lows are much higher than Part 5s lows, and the same goes for their highs.
He doesn’t like drugs.
But all of these were specific ideas that related to events that actually happened in the story.
It really isn't. It's weaved into the part fairly well all things considered. Not as well as Fate and Gravity in Part 6 and not as complete as Humanity vs Inhumanity (as well as Johnathan's development) in Part 1, but it's still well done.
It's also why I enjoy PHF, as it not only serves to develop Fugo and explain Giorno's rise to power following Part 5's ending, but it also acts as an extension to that theme.
It's why I said "Righteous Dio". While Johnathan would never become a gangster, Dio would, and he'd want to run it. But he wouldn't care about the drug trade and would probably keep it going if it ensured his status.
He'd probably see some kid dying from an overdose on the street asking why this is happening to him and Dio would just say "Have you ever heard of gravity?"
People who get caught up in themes, symbolism etc in Jojo are idiotic. It's literally a bunch of fights back to back to back with amazing aesthetics, the narrative exists to serve the never-ending fights and not the other way around. If you have to pretend it's about "more" to like it, then you don't actually like it.
You really need to read more manga if Araki’s poor attempts to be deep impress you.
You can enjoy the fights in addition to finding something deeper. JoJo's is fairly well done in the writing department for a Shounen.
I read many manga, Araki isn't the best, but his style at least has substance, which isn't true for a lot of manga.
Or is this going to be the next new meme, "JoJo's never had good writing?"
It's what happens when people become obsessed with fanbases and their own self image. They're desperate to find any excuse to separate themselves from the rest of the pack.
>It's why I said "Righteous Dio". While Johnathan would never become a gangster, Dio would, and he'd want to run it. But he wouldn't care about the drug trade and would probably keep it going if it ensured his status.
But that doesn't make Giorno's actions righteous, in any way. Actually, what you've just said is completely unrelated to the concept of righteousness.
I don't even think Dio ever wanted to be a gangster, London had gangs and it wasn't something he showed any interest in.
>Or is this going to be the next new meme, "JoJo's never had good writing?"
Sometimes it has good writing, but sometimes it doesn’t.
>But that doesn't make Giorno's actions righteous, in any way. Actually, what you've just said is completely unrelated to the concept of righteousness.
What Giorno wanted, which was to essentially clean up the mess Diavolo made and reform Passione, is righteous. Bruno was loved by his community, gangs that keep the streets clean of drugs normally aren't seen as awful, but what Diavolo was doing was bad.
>I don't even think Dio ever wanted to be a gangster, London had gangs and it wasn't something he showed any interest in.
It was more of an "If he was in Giorno's place" idea, sorry about the confusion. I'll say though, if he hadn't been adopted into the Joestar family, there's a chance he might have joined a gang, didn't really have much else going on and was a competent fighter.
>JoJo's is fairly well done in the writing department for a Shounen
It's not particularly above mainstream Shounen.
While we're on the topic, have you guys played the ps4 game? There are barely no physical copies and I was wondering if it was worth the purchase on the ps store.
It's not exactly above Death Note, but I'd say it's on par with and sometimes better than HxH, which is better than the big 3 and the current few mainstream ones (never got into Promised Neverland and Dr. Stone though, so who knows about those ones).
I'll say Devilman is better, but the only JoJo part I'd actively compare to Devilman is Part 1.
There's another manga I want to say is better than JoJo's, but I think that's purely fanboyism for the mangaka, that being Gambling Emperor Legend Zero. It's one of FKMT's weakest works (and of course it was published in Shounen Jump and he left in on a 7 year cliffhanger as of writing), but it's still somewhat good in writing. The golfing arc was fun.
Eyes of Heaven is kind of shit, mindless "fighter". Good for fanservice and if you like seeing Jotaro's cock get sucked in the most fanfiction-ey JoJo's story ever written. Also birthed DIO Over Heaven.
Play one of the RPGs or Heritage to the Future instead. I'd even say GioGio's Bizarre Adventure is also worth playing more, just for the OST.
>What Giorno wanted, which was to essentially clean up the mess Diavolo made and reform Passione, is righteous.
No, it isn't. You don't know what righteous means.
> I'll say though, if he hadn't been adopted into the Joestar family, there's a chance he might have joined a gang, didn't really have much else going on
Right, he wouldn't have many other options in that scenario. Giorno didn't have that kind of life though, he willingly joined the gang because he idolized it and thought it was cool. He wasn't raised on the streets or in poverty, in fact he was attending a nice cushy boarding school before the story began. I can't see Dio as being the kind of character who would idolize a gangster and throw away his education to become a criminal.
>gangs that keep the streets clean
Aka idealistic fantasy gangs that can only exist in idealistic manga for children, such as Jojo.
You are already gay.
>No, it isn't. You don't know what righteous means.
Wanting to make a bad situation better for everybody, even people you don't know, is righteous.
>He wasn't raised on the streets or in poverty, in fact he was attending a nice cushy boarding school before the story began
He had a bad home life. The reason why he joined is explained in his backstory, he saved a gangster, and that gangster in turn made his life better. First person who helped him and it put him on the right track.
>I can't see Dio as being the kind of character who would idolize a gangster and throw away his education to become a criminal.
Dio before getting adopted didn't have an education did he? It was 1800s London and he was "tending" to Dario, so I doubt it. I'm not saying he would be a gangster, but he'd probably be an outlaw of some sort. Doubt he'd gain the cult of personality like he did in Part 3 and 6, that'd require a century of thinking about life at the bottom of the ocean, then around 4 years of hanging out with a priest and just reading.
He was also depicted as an aristocrat, wearing clothes lined with feathers and such while walking around after the timeskip in Part 1.
>He had a bad home life.
Which he was able to escape from through education, but he decided to throw that away in favor of the mafia.
>Dio before getting adopted didn't have an education did he?
But after he did get adopted, he would never drop out of school to become a gangster.
Gelato and sorbet too, but they aren’t relavent
>Wanting to make a bad situation better for everybody, even people you don't know, is righteous.
Being an immoral criminal is not righteous. That goes against the very definition of the word.
>He had a bad home life. The reason why he joined is explained in his backstory, he saved a gangster, and that gangster in turn made his life better. First person who helped him and it put him on the right track.
The point is that Giorno wasn't someone who was pushed into a life of crime. He could have gone to school and graduated and became a law abiding citizen. In fact, the gangster who saved specifically didn't want Giorno to join the world of the gangs. I brought this up in response to your comment about how Dio might have joined a gang if he hadn't been adopted by the Joestars, because in that situation Dio wouldn't have very many options for his future.
>Dio before getting adopted didn't have an education did he?
I meant if Dio was living in Giorno's situation, he probably wouldn't choose to become a gangster.
>He could have gone to school and graduated and became a law abiding citizen.
You don’t get it. Society’s laws are evil, while gangsters are good as long as they don’t sell drugs to kids.
>Which he was able to escape from through education, but he decided to throw that away in favor of the mafia.
Well user, that's because he had a dream.
By that point in time, his home life was already better and it was made obvious that his main goal was infiltrating and overtaking Passione, as he was already involving himself with people like Luca, who are technically a part of Passione.
That's why his goal is righteous. He threw away a more mundane life to pursue his dream of getting rid of the drugs Diavolo brought into Italy. It just has that little Dio sting at the end where he adds "Of course, I'll be in charge of the gang when I'm done."
>But after he did get adopted, he would never drop out of school to become a gangster.
Yes, that is very true. I was talking in a theoretical where Dio didn't get adopted, he'd probably be a criminal, as his main goal was to attain power, and he'd throw away his humanity to do it (as he showed in the manga).
>Being an immoral criminal is not righteous. That goes against the very definition of the word.
Righteous goals attained through immoral actions.
>In fact, the gangster who saved specifically didn't want Giorno to join the world of the gangs.
Source on that? Just a screenshot of the panel, I believe the interpretation was that he just wanted to make Giorno's life better as a thanks for saving him.
Anyways, Giorno did put himself into the gang, but I already explained why. He could've been a law abiding citizen, but that wouldn't have helped the drug problem, as shown with Abbachio and Bruno, who both took two different routes of solving it, and both ended up failing and had to take out the root of the problem.
>I meant if Dio was living in Giorno's situation, he probably wouldn't choose to become a gangster.
See above. Dio (Part 1), wanted to be above everybody else, which is where Diavolo was, he was so above everybody, nobody even knew his identity.
>That's why his goal is righteous. He threw away a more mundane life to pursue his dream of getting rid of the drugs Diavolo brought into Italy. It just has that little Dio sting at the end where he adds "Of course, I'll be in charge of the gang when I'm done.”
Being the leader of a criminal organization is never righteous, even if you don’t sell drugs to kids.
>Being the leader of a criminal organization is never righteous, even if you don’t sell drugs to kids.
It's a righteous goal to remove the drug problem. A lot of drugs are illegal for a very good reason, and to take control of the largest gang and put a complete stop to it is the most direct and effective way of doing it.
That is righteous.
The most direct and effective way would be to rise to the top of a law enforcement agency and use their power to try and stop organized crime altogether.
>being this insecure about your masculinity
>Righteous goals attained through immoral actions.
Righteous means moral. Anything attained through immoral actions cannot be righteous.
>Anyways, Giorno did put himself into the gang, but I already explained why.
I think we're getting confused here. This half of the conversation is in response to what you said comparing Dio to Giorno. You said that if Dio was in Giorno's place he would want to join the gang and run it. But Dio would never care about the drug trade, so he would not join the gang for the reasons Giorno did. You also said that if he were not adopted by the Joestars, he could have lived a life of crime and maybe got involved with London's gangs. But that (hypothetical) situation is not the same as Giorno's situation.
Only Golden Wind and Jojolion are gay, rest are pretty straightforward.
Jojolion is the most hetero part.
>Righteous means moral. Anything attained through immoral actions cannot be righteous.
Righteous means "morally right or justifiable; virtuous."
Giorno's goal is morally right and justifiable, the actions he takes to get to those goals are what is questionable.
Also, thank you for the screencap, I found the page, and the text following that justifies why Giorno joined Passione.
>But that (hypothetical) situation is not the same as Giorno's situation.
I acknowledge that it isn't completely comparable, I mostly just threw the idea out there. I apologize for any confusion this caused God I sound like a homosexual
Don't watch it, it's pretty fucking gay. It's also bad.
just skip part 5, then.
I really like this show. I like adventures. It is neat.
Thank you.
Gappy is the most manliest chad of Jojo
Just watch it
Please tell me thats a male
you're too insecure to watch jojo, you dont belong here
Lipstick's the pleb filter
Read it then fucker
>After Part 5, almost everyone has lipstick for some reason
>But seriously, what's up with all the lipstick
Colored version, the monochrome original art doesn't have colored lips.
Not him but all of your replies demonstrate a deplorably shallow view on morality.
>everybody raves about poses and being gay
>not a single person even raves about the suspense and horror
>Being the leader of a criminal organization is never righteous, even if you don’t sell drugs to kids.
This is your subjective opinion.
But this isn't how the world works, and both Araki and Giorno knew that. Did you even pay attention to Abbacchio's backstory? He was a police officer who valued justice and righteousness and actually being in the force broke him, because a lot of law enforcement is just as bad as criminals/the mafia and, historically speaking, law enforcement gets very involved in mafia activity. Which is why so many mafias are able to evade punishment, they're so deeply routed in the structure of Italian societies that the law ends up being on their side.
user he already said he was gay why are you repeating it
Why do you list a lot of thematic and appropiate elements of a well told story?
>symbolism, themes or proper characterization
>part 4
I would argue Part 5 is fine, it looks the gayest artistically but is saved by Trish and Giorno being cool.
Mista belly shirt always bugged me but whatever.
Part 6 sucks and Part 7 is overrated. I had no desire to read 8 when it ended, especially with this sailor suit shit.
I mean, yeah some parts is just fight a lot (part 3 and 4) But there are others with have themes (part 1 and 2 is about humanity, part 5 is resolve and fate, part 6 is gravity and also fate). Some are worse written (part 5) and some have a good pacing and comfy feeling despite being just a collection of fights (part 4) but in general is more that just fights with cool design. I’m not gonna to pretend neither that jojo have a kino writting because, it really isn’t, or that Araki doesn’t make tons of flaws, but the writting is there, you can like it or hate it.
Sadly this
i wish bruno bucciarati would breed me
you don't even know what symbolism means you humongous brainlet jesus christ read a book sometime
Why didn't Josuke just heal Kosaku Kawajiri's corpse so that his face and hand were ripped from Kira and returned to his body? It's already established he can heal corpses with his grandfather.
Bad writing
So the correct answer isn’t to purge the corruption from within, but to join the source of corruption?
>So the correct answer isn’t to purge the corruption from within
That's literally what Giorno was doing, retard.
Stands are naturally symbolic of the mental state of the characters.
Part 4 has characters that function on "they're retarded when they need to be".
This is why Rohan and Jotaro are the best characters out of the main cast.
By becoming the head of the source of corruption and letting them continue to operate?
He wasn't letting them continue to operate the divisions that he found morally wrong, and was probably directing them to pursue "jobs" that were more centered on combating the corruption already within Italy (ie. hits on bad politicians/other gangs, cleaning up the streets, and what not).
>literally killed the entire hitman team sans 3 guys who Diavolo killed before joining
>probably removed the human garbage Diavolo employed
>removed the Narcotics team, and if we go by PHF, they were fucked up too
>also from PHF, he partnered with the Speedwagon Foundation
DiU has a lot of faults, but it's still the part that made me cycle through emotions more than any other part. Probably why I have such a soft spot for it
>Josuke learning he can't fix death
>Keicho and Okuyasu finding out their dad was rummaging for the scraps of a family photo in a box for ten years
>Shigechi's death
>Okuyasu's "death" and Josuke refusing to leave him
>Okuyasu's afterlife dream
I'm also easily influenced by music, so Part 4's incredible OST just made these parts sadder to me.
If Araki wanted to convince us that the gang suddenly became good under Giorno, he should’ve shown us what Giorno did and how it effected Italy.
Man, I've got the perfect book for you.
>can’t get basic numbers right
>uses their own vague speculation as evidence
>uses a fanfic as evidence
I mean he did everything to imply that those were Giorno's goals with joining Passione, user. He assumed that not everyone reading it would be as retarded as you are.
>can’t get basic numbers right
Diavolo killed 3 members of the hitman team.
Unless you want to argue details and say one was a suicide.
>uses their own vague speculation as evidence
Giorno doesn't like people like Ciocolatta or Polpo, we know this from his actions. When he gains power, he'd probably remove them.
>uses a fanfic as evidence
Commissioned by Araki and drawn by him.
Araki should’ve concluded Part 5 within Part 5 instead of leaving it to a novel by a different author written over a decade later.
this guy doesn't realize the mafia basically runs italy anyway and police are glorified enforcers
>Josuke learning he can't fix death
Too bad he could reverse Hayato's and Okuyasu's.
Still sad, nigga.
You're probably responding to one of the anons who makes posts questioning why Giorno fucked up Cioccolata so hard
It really wasn't, at least in the manga. Maybe the anime handled it better.
Questioning how Giorno is supposed to make organized crime good instead of just turning our brain off is retarded?
>Diavolo killed 3 members of the hitman team.
But he only killed two of them before Giorno joined.
>Commissioned by Araki and drawn by him.
Still not written by him or a part of the main series.
>So the correct answer isn’t to purge the corruption from within, but to join the source of corruption?
The inclusion of music and voice acting always increases the impact. I never really feel anything reading mangas, but this was some good shit.
He isn’t.
>Questioning how Giorno is supposed to make organized crime good instead of just turning our brain off is retarded?
It's not hard at all to imagine how Giorno could make organized crime good, as me and the other anons have already pointed out to you. You have a clear black and white view on morality and have even considered law enforcement morally just on the basis of their career, rather than assessing that dirty cops were committing so many atrocities that good cops could barely do what their jobs were supposed to entail.
>Still not written by him or a part of the main series.
Not him but I'll reply to this too, since it was commissioned by Araki and drawn by him, it's safe to say that Araki considers it to be canon to the universe as a whole which validates its contents.
I should get around to watching part 4's anime.
>You have a clear black and white view on morality and have even considered law enforcement morally just on the basis of their career, rather than assessing that dirty cops were committing so many atrocities that good cops could barely do what their jobs were supposed to entail.
If you actually think that, you haven’t been reading my posts.
>Not him but I'll reply to this too, since it was commissioned by Araki and drawn by him, it's safe to say that Araki considers it to be canon to the universe as a whole which validates its contents.
That still doesn’t make it part of part 5. Parts are meant to stand on their own and not rely on spinoffs in order to be complete.
the other user already answered that, giorno joined passione as a means of taking down crime from within...how is it that we all understood that fact but you didn't?
Yes Kosaku's face attached to Kira through another stand will just detach itself to return to its original body even though it's now part of something else.
1)He did it fast enough so that Hayato wasn't dead yet.
2)Okuyasu had a NDE and came back on his own.
Guys am I cool for complaining about the writing in a part that's older than I am and no longer indicative at all of how Araki works?
Yes? That's literally how his stand operates.
>X is "broken"
>Crazy Diamond activates power
>All components of what is "broken" return and reform into a fixed state
Kosaku's face being flawlessly attached to Kira's face is irrelevant, it's a component of his original body.
>Josuke proceeds to send back literal beams of energy to their origin point from Superfly's damaged surface
Why is every criticism of Part 5 met with accusations of not understanding it? I know very well what Araki’s intentions were.
>Giorno is a good person who can make crime good. He’s the leader of the mafia now so the mafia is good.
To me, it didn't complete it. You needed to have the effects of Giorno as a Don for it to be a completed part for you? It wasn't about that, so why would it include that? There's many things the other parts didn't include that you can infer based on other things established in the narrative.
I recommend it. Of course it can't magically fix the problems from the manga, but I really digged the color choices and the music. Unironically my favorite adaption next to 2.
if the mafia is what controls italy, and you realize that you have to control the mafia to accomplish your goals/get things cleaned up, and you join the mafia and can control it now, does that not mean that you have a better means and collection of resources to help italy than if you were a lowly cop or just another politician in the puppet show?
I’m sorry that you can’t handle manga that you like getting criticized.
>You needed to have the effects of Giorno as a Don for it to be a completed part for you?
Giorno making Italy a better place is the main goal of the part, and we don’t actually see it happen.
If Giorno can take over the mafia so easily, why wouldn’t he be unable to gain significant power in the government?
>Giorno making Italy a better place is the main goal of the part, and we don’t actually see it happen.
No. Giorno making Italy a better place is his character motivator. The plot and journey of the part was the process of taking down the former boss.
because the government is controlled by the mafia anyway, and also operates on politics and being educated, etc. while the mafia hierarchy operates differently
Again, refer back to Abbacchio's character arc. He realized he couldn't get anywhere in law enforcement, and could make a bigger difference in a crime organization ultimately.
We’re supposed to be on his side because he wants to make Italy a better place, so shouldn’t Araki try to convince us that Italy will become a better place under his leadership?
The mafia operates on trust and loyalty, but Giorno just uses brute force to get to the top.
He only ever tried to be a lowly policeman instead of actually trying to change the system.
>I’m sorry that you can’t handle manga that you like getting criticized.
No one's criticizing my favorite parts, since they came decades after Araki got better.
So why are you so opposed to people criticizing Part 5?
JoJo is so straight that plebs like you perceive it as gay because you aren’t on the same plain of straightness.
He couldn't fix Okuyasu's dad, and Anjelo and Enigma guy are both permanently fucked. Kosaku's face is now Kira's face. There is NOTHING to fix.
Jojo is literally about breeding the next generation
I agree it is the best DP adaption but the manga is better. The pacing and directing is completely inconsistent so that short arcs like the Lock and Surface drag on, while the Lock and Ratt episodes get better quality treatment than Kira's fucking intro.
part 3 was garbage i couldnt get through it. I had to skip to the last 20 chapters.
cause italians
>We’re supposed to be on his side because he wants to make Italy a better place, so shouldn’t Araki try to convince us that Italy will become a better place under his leadership?
Just because it wasn't in your face, doesn't mean it wasn't accomplished. Giorno made progressions as a character and demonstrated his loyalty, goodness, and helpfulness in subtle ways. Mostly in his care toward other characters throughout the part (specifically the other members of Team Bucciarati since that's who he's primarily seen with). Araki doesn't need to spell literally every single thing out, but I guess since he did in the first couple parts, it's what a lot of Jojo fans expect. Then they get angry at parts like 4, 5, 7, and 8.
>The mafia operates on trust and loyalty, but Giorno just uses brute force to get to the top.
Objectively false, Polpo's philosophies operated on trust and loyalty, of which he actually contradicted IN narrative by only ever wanting to use his underlings as mindless pawns to get him to the top. Though, Giorno did put his trust and loyalty into Team Bucciarati, and it's because of other characters like Bucciarati, Mista, Narancia, Trish, and Abbacchio that he was able to defeat Diavolo and become the Don.
>He only ever tried to be a lowly policeman instead of actually trying to change the system.
It's nearly impossible to change the system without the means of resources and people under you. Having control over the mafia means that you can control it within, have access to resources, and have a plethora of people working under you to help your cause. It's like when a business gets a new CEO, the goals of that business' operation will change to focus on how that new head nurtures and guides it. Plus, that indicates that you can directly control the source of power in the Italian infrastructure. Why go through a middle man like the law when the law isn't what ultimately runs Italy?
when will bruno bucciarati breed me to ensure his next generation?
When you bend over
wish bruno became the don instead of giorno, he had better leadership abilities and he's just sexier
>Giorno made progressions as a character and demonstrated his loyalty, goodness, and helpfulness in subtle ways. Mostly in his care toward other characters throughout the part
Being a nice person and a good teammate doesn’t automatically make you qualified to run the mafia and use it to save Italy.
>Though, Giorno did put his trust and loyalty into Team Bucciarati, and it's because of other characters like Bucciarati, Mista, Narancia, Trish, and Abbacchio that he was able to defeat Diavolo and become the Don.
And then after beating Diavolo, the rest of Passione automatically accepts him as their leader.
>Why go through a middle man like the law when the law isn't what ultimately runs Italy?
Why couldn’t he change the law from within so that it actually can run Italy effectively?
>Being a nice person and a good teammate doesn’t automatically make you qualified to run the mafia and use it to save Italy.
But it does uphold Giorno as having the trait of righteousness, which you were originally arguing against.
>And then after beating Diavolo, the rest of Passione automatically accepts him as their leader.
Because he's using Diavolo's anonymity to his advantage and making them believe that he's been the boss the entire time.
>Why couldn’t he change the law from within so that it actually can run Italy effectively?
Do you know how legislature works?
>But it does uphold Giorno as having the trait of righteousness, which you were originally arguing against.
Not that user.
>Because he's using Diavolo's anonymity to his advantage and making them believe that he's been the boss the entire time.
Not stated within Part 5.
>Do you know how legislature works?
According to you, the government is useless, so is it suddenly not useless in order to fit your argument?
Why would any Italian be under the impression that their government has more of their best interest at heart than any mafioso thug? Because they "run" their country? Are you forgetting Italy's notoriously fascist past? Ask any native Italian what they think of their government/police and they'll tell you that they're a joke. Just because you trust your government and think that the law is the most chaste way of getting anything, doesn't mean that's a universal truth and every person/character has to see it that way too.
>Why couldn’t he change the law from within so that it actually can run Italy effectively?
because araki wanted to write a mafia story, not a political one. case closed, stop posting
It's gay, mainstream, overrated, and edgy and cringy. Also for normalfags.
Once again ignoring what I actually have to say. I’m going to stop posting because I don’t think that either of us is getting anything out of this.
Giorno didn't join Passione to stop crime. He IS crime. He steals luggage from innocent people for personal gain. At the end of Part 5 he's sitting on a throne in a lavish mansion, how do you think he could afford that? He's no hero.
you missed the mha thread, friend
It was all according to keikaku
I think the beginning was Araki trying to establish Giorno as a more morally grey character than what we've seen, kind of extending from the portrayal of Josuke being a lovable scamp. This pattern just continued in 6 & 7. Though what worked with Jolyne and Johnny being portrayed that way was that they weren't trying to outlaw crime while doing crimes, so...weird writing on Araki's part