Shingeki no Kyojin

Is Staceystoria a the worst? She seems to think so.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Gothkasa > Staceytoria

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How can dykestoria even compete?

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I miss Yumiru

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OP had a stroke

Historia is bi.

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if dubs, Mehmet will marry Ymir

>Q: Do you have a favorite character in the School Caste AU?
>Isayama: I feel like it’s Historia. I feel like I kept the joke going for about three volumes only because I drew modern AU!Historia.
Stacystoria is the best.

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Because I was born into this world.

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Gothstoria >>>>>> gothkasa

>better than anyone

She misses Ereh more

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By not being Bertmin's love interest

She's not even born yet!


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Why do we born? Just to suffer? What's the point of everything? I will be better if everything goes down. Just think about it. In a second, all this absurd universe collapses like a gigantic tower of cards, as if the solidity of his walls, weapons and prisons were nothing more than a bad dream.

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I want to kiss that hand

Buy her merch.

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how can a hand be so sexy?

Why is EH so kino?

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If Eren is the father, this will become my favorite shounen since Hunter x Hunter.

It's attached to this beauty.

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Buy his merch

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Do Eren and Hisu buy all of each other's merch?

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Endgame feels RIGHT.
Endgame is HERE.
Endgame is a BRO.

Endgame is right here, brothers.

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Did Eren know he was talking to his grandpa?

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She can't, but Historia is a perfectly respectable Second Best Girl after the Undisputed Best Girl, Annie.

Probably, he saw him in Grisha's memories.


I miss Hansi, bros

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Throwing away Kruger and Eren parallel and self inserting Historia. Nice cope


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Keep it up Hanji! Don't let him steal your case!

EH is cannon
EA is best pair
EM is trash tier pairing

The fuck are you talking about?

The harsh truth.

I love timeskip Eren so much.

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It’s some retarded fujo using Yea Forums buzzwords. Ignore it

EMdumblrina's daily cope. Just ignore her.

Based and fugging redpilled.


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She's so fucking cute.

What's the source for that quote?

No, EH is canon, EM was a strong possibility for a while and EA is something only for desperate Anniefags clinging to sunk delusions from seven years ago.

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You're in the wrong thread, lads.
Anti-/ourqueen/ threads should be ignored.

Real thread here:

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This thread is pretty pro-Hisu, though?


Connie killing Zeke when?

Dead meme

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Stupid sexy Yeagers

Not him but it was from the newest Isayama's interview that came out this year if I remember correctly. It's mostly about the S3 adaptation, and some random AW from twitter was translating it, I don't have links though

The OP is not and that's enough.

Latest guidebook that came out in April.


The OP is questioning her belief that she's the worst. I guess it can be interpreted differently.

I got this

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Hand it over.

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What's it gonna be like growing up without either of her parents and only uncle Zeke to keep her company?

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She'd run away to live with Mehmet.

based japanese giving white men good role models like eren yeager since jews won't allow it in white countries

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I want to marry the best girl in this whole anime
And that girl is Annie of course

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Gothic Historia > Stacystoria > Gothkasa > bad girl Annie > regular Historia > regular Annie >>>>>>>> regular Mikasa

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2B Hisu is cute.

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post comfy EH

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>anything better than bondage Annie
get that shit out of here

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Annie is boring.

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>Hisu instead of Mikasa
It feels very wrong

no character is more bland than historia dude
>muh perfect pretty girl who is good to everyone and so kawaii
>oh she's a queen too, and so pretty

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higher quality

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Eren touches Ymir before she executes Zeke's command, Eren experiences her past and why she has become a slave.

Ymir, holding the 'Attack titan' and being of royal blood was able to see eren observing her through the path he created by touching Ymir in the present. She spoke to him 1,820 years ago when she obtained the power of the titans and told him this interaction would awaken her the slave state she is in in the present. This is what was misconveyed as the 'Deal with the Devil' when she obtained her powers.

She tells Eren she will mend mend him (as she did with Zeke) but he has to assemble all 9 titans in one place and have them all touch if he wants his will to come true (this was the deal she made 1820 years ago with him).

She was eaten by her royal family 13 years after obtaining the power of the titans, starting the curse of Ymir.

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I would rank her higher if only she pops up doing something for once

You’re confusing Krista and Historia

>muh perfect pretty girl who is good to everyone and so kawaii
Krista sucks.
>oh she's a queen too, and so pretty
She is prettier than jew-nose Annie.

She's a hell of a lot more interesting and three dimensional than Mikasa or Sasha.

Don't try to fight with the Anniefags, they abandoned anything resembling reason and sanity seven years ago and only exist to shitpost about how Annie is better than everyone because they say so.

>jew nose
sorry but roman noses on women is the greatest feature a woman can have
same shit different name

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They're from 2013, what do you expect?

She is straight fuck off with your bi shit when she is currently pregnant and never showed any sexual attraction for a woman, whenever someone is calling you a friend it means they are gay? What a dumb logic

Kek, I love that style of meme. So subversive.
>to defeat the Jew, you must become the Jew


That thing, your...


Okay, kid.

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>same shit different name
Still rewatching season 1, are you?
I know but it's fun.


Keep seething Mankasafag

>Still rewatching season 1
not really, but I only read trough this shit once and everything between the betrayal and the marley arc just sorta blended into this gray boring mush

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Mikasa is boring too, as is Sasha.


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>everything between the betrayal and the marley arc just sorta blended into this gray boring mush
This is genuinely odd. It's like you were only half plebfiltered.

Mikasa is 2B though

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more like not2B

I know, Yui Ishikawa is best girl. Hisu is more like 6O.

>growing up
She will kill herself.


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Who is Mehmet really?
Why does he wear the fez?

Everyone is vastly overestimating his importance.


Stop being cringe Mehmet

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He is armong's son.



>armong's son
Who's the father?

*armong's wife's son

>Eren destroyed the world for this blonde midget

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Who's the mother?

>Is Staceystoria a the worst? She seems to think so.
Is this what mental illness looks like?

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>only to get cucked by a Jody

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Just like they do with Mikasa

Come on, user.
We all know Armong will never let that happen.

She's an incubator.

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I want to protect her smile.

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but she does

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Hey now, Mikasa is INCREDIBLY important...

>(financially speaking)

Ugly smile

Cuter than anything the EHtards spammed in this thread, wow

That was before Chadren saves her from a bad reputation though (again he can’t stop himself from saving her)

I would kill to protect this smile

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I feel bad for Mikasa honestly cause she has literally been created to be the mascot of the manga but instead manlet took her place....

We know Jean, but you're not doing a good job


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I would rather kill to protect this one. Spoiler: that’s what Eren did.

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How ugly and fat

Seriously, this smile is ridiculously fucking cute.

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Eren and Armin did far more damage to Mikasa than manlet did.

Nah, Mikasa is indisputable the face of SnK, she is recognized by almost everyone even people who doesn't read the manga, her design is extremely popular

Literally why would Eren not say to his friends if he is with Historia? And how did no one notice him going away for, I assume, long period of time to see Historia?
This makes no sense.

>Literally why would Eren not say to his friends if he is with Historia
Because he couldn’t trust them? Remember when he walked in on Mikasa and Armin ready to transform at any moment?


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just stop posting this don't actuallybelieve Eren was ready to go titan on Mikasa and Armin and kill them right?


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Annie's going to be stuck in the crystal forever. Besides, Armin deserves someone of equal or greater IQ.

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Is so useless?

>Annie's going to be stuck in the crystal forever.
>Besides, Armin deserves someone of equal or greater IQ.
armin deserves no one since he will die in 9 years. yelena deserves my dick

I'd put her behind the CT for normies and behind manlet for the obsessive part of the fanbase.

Yelena unironically thought that it was a good idea to tell prisoners that she was going to kill off their entire race and expected them to be happy about it.

What is Yelena's deal anyway?

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Yelena unironically likes AMJC so she probably wanted them to understand

Unless you're Isayama you can't confirm that it won't happen.

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You actually believe this crackship could happen?

She is cuckoo and loves Zeke because she thinks that gods look like giant talking apes

They fucked once, she got pregnant and he got nuclear.

Literally anyone, even Mankasa can compete with a rotten corpse inside a rock

if Dubs, Detective Armin is confirmed

>Armin deserves someone (that isn't Annie)

I agree!
>t. pic related

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I can't wait until we go full time travel with this and it becomes Steins;Gate 2.0

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Annie deserves another Annie


>S E E T H I N G

Lol Zeke isn't going to raise anybody. If Historia dies it's all but guaranteed Mikasa will care for the baby.

Realistically, wha are the chances of Annie coming back and becoming significant to the story again without feeling like an Ex Machina

Annie deserves to go home and see her dad, and have some time to process everything that has happened over the last 8-10 years.

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>any post I disagree with is seething
You have to go back

I don't forsake everything you ever stood for for a woman you fucked once. You need to have a real relationship.

>wha are the chances of Annie coming back
>becoming significant to the story again
without feeling like an Ex Machina

How does learning the AT had a secret power help the story going forward?

Could go either way, it all depends on how Isayama decides to proceed. There is that piece of ancient in-world art that depicts the Female Titan paired with another titanshifter for some unknown reason so the "Eren saved Annie for something later" theory seems like it might have some legs after all, especially after his shenanigans 121.

>Literally why would Eren not say to his friends if he is with Historia?

Because they weren't dating.

>And how did no one notice him going away for, I assume, long period of time to see Historia?

The same way he snuck away to meet with Yelena unnoticed. They weren't spying on him all the time and it wouldn't be weird if they went a few days without seeing one another.

If you weren't seething so hard, people wouldn't call you out publicly on your seething, silly user.

It explains all the time traveling paths shit from chapters 1 and 89

It explains (partly) Eren's change in behavior and what is motivating him.

He wouldn't even need to sneak away if Jeans off handed joke about them trying to unlock new memories by handholding is anything to go by. Though it could have been just a joke.

>a joke means that he is seething
Why are anniefags so butthurt all the time? They have the humor sense of a rock

Anyone remember what chapter Eren was turned into a titan by grisha/ate grisha? I want to know where Eren was after obtaining the attack titan.

>I w-was only pretending t-to be r-retarded

Okay, user. I believe you. ;-)

Shadis found him, speedreader.

Lol you’ve never seen how japanese people react when they see Levi then.

Not a speedreader, it's just been years and my memory failed me.

Yeah, this just confirms anniefags are the cancer of these threads.

We deserves more Annie Cheerleader.

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He was forced to tell Historia cause she was a big part of the plan. And regardless they are friends there is nothing wrong about visiting a friend (and he was considered trustworthy before ) and Eren did manage to meet secretly Yelena.

It's been years since those handholding sessions though, I kind of doubt they kept at it all this time especially when it seemed like it wasn't working. Though I suppose they could always restart them.

Your right but Isayama either threw it in for a laugh or it was to set a precedent that such meetings were not unusual.

Gabi says be happy.

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I miss Historia

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This is you.

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We know Eren.

Why are you guys so obsessed with shipping ? you're literally no better than fujos

Depends the panel I guess.

>y-you get used to it h-heh

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What's next for them?

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EH is plot related

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Get undeserved happy endings while everyone else kills each other

He does this for his child who will born into this word.

Armin Conne and Jean will side together to stop Eren. Mikasa will remain neutral and broken. She won’t be able to forgive Eren for the atrocities he’s about to commit but unable to kill him either

>beats up his friends, betrays country
by the way im with Historia

Honestly going to be really anti climatic for you guys if it turn's out Eren was using her just so that there was no other chance than it being him and Zeke in the PATHS.

He didn't know how he and Zeke will get in the Paths.

even the real Hisu thinks she's the worst

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Yeah but it had to be Zeke otherwise he would never have been in Grisha's memories like he saw.

I need (You)s otherwise I feel like my post was wrong

So who is Helos? Is it Gabit or Zeke?


You know who.

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The friends we made along the way

Sorry, I meant to write Goblina

It must be Zeke since Helos is described as clever and cunning and causng fights within the Eldian community

And? They could touched in Marley and Yelena had the wine anyway.

Armong will be the "hero," of course.

Isayama even gave him his own sleeping beauty and everything.

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>fights within the Eldian community

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I still can't believe that Isayama pulled this Armin Annie thing out of his ass.
It's so out of left field and hasn't resulted in anything.

How the hell is she going to comeback?

It's not as random as you make it seem. Annie spared Armin and cared about his opinion of her. Armin has probably seen memories of her through Bert which led him to further empathize with her. Nothing has come of it yet because there hasn't been time.

To be fair, I thought that might be a possible direction after the end of the first season and was actually kind of in favor of it for awhile.
Then Armin was a cringey, creepy cuck for the next 6 or 7 years and now I absolutely hate the idea.

Remember that Gabi and Falco are the main character now

She will "hear" the call for the Rumbling (probably).

Don't compare this kino masterpiece to that NEETbait.

It's not really so far out there. It just needs more development

Armin is a Tybur?

He pulled it out from Blort's autistic stares and will probably result in whatever the fuck Annie's fate is

Literally who

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No, Eren and Zeke are. FG are right behind them, though.

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This is the most speedreader shit I've read all month.


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Does that make 21O Annie?

"Annie is a Tybur" has been a theory floating around for awhile.

>plot twist
>they're both Tyburs
>Annie and Armin are Luke and Leia, right down to the alliterative first names

louise sex with mikasa soon


Neither of them being Tybers makes any sense at all. Armin was born inside the walls and Annie was born in an internment zone. The Tybers are neither. They're also not even fucking blond.

Is this your first time with a "my favorite character is a secret member of a special snowflake bloodline" theory?

What are you talking about? The Tyburs are older than King Fritz so what stops some of them from going with the other Eldians to Paradis?

>Imagine being Armin

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strong,protective,values family,emotional AND has the smile of an angel

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When did Eren first start liking Historia?

Uh, I don't actually think any of that stuff is true, user. Please adjust your Shitpost Radar.

When she first started acting like Historia

Not long after Krista died.

The Tyburs have special status in Marley why would they give it up?

My guess is that it was intended to be Eren. Unless those are booby guidelines.

mankasa has no ass, she can't be 2B

Ignorance is bliss? Maybe some of them were swayed by the idea of having the memories of their ancestor's crimes wiped?

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They were guaranteed safety and luxury if they stayed on the mainland. Why would anyone from the Tyburs want to follow Karl the Cuck to a prison colony that could be obliterated by the outside world at any time?

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Based Historia uncucked Eren about Armin

Fuck off with your Yea Forums garbage


Historia is FAT

Leave Eren to me

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>Fuck off with your Yea Forums garbage
You're familiar with Yea Forums it seems.
Go back.

For the same reason that anyone followed Karl.
A ton of Eldians hated themselves and wanted to forget.

They are both autistic robots and sound the same

My whofu

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>posts image that's not anime
>hurr no u
Piss off, faggot

Historia in the post-timeskip uniform maybe...?

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>Not anime
What are you, 12?

>Implying I was the user you were talking to.
No really, go back.

Bitch, I don't even know who you are.

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the daily cope, ignore hir(hem)

ths reaction image has been around Yea Forums since forever, newfag

She never used a sword though.


Zeke must be on 5 levels of FUCK right now.

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Nino you're disturbing these people

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How about isn't their fucking business

>She never used a sword though.
She was in the MP, so she went through the cadet corps, so she used a sword right up until the day Kenny wanted a piece of that ass.

>that lowkey seething

Touche, still don't think it's her though.

Found Eren fucking around on the paths.

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>trips of truth

Good enough for me!

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>still don't think it's her though.
Yeah same

I’m going to fuck that hand

Guys, I can't remember
Is Onion Coupon still alive? What role is he going to play?

All right. Let's say that there was a Tybur cadet branch that followed Karl, despite knowing they or their posterity could be revenge-killed eventually. If they forgot their history along with all the other Eldians and changed their names, what would it matter if they still had descendants on the island? We've no indication their bloodline is special in any way, unlike the Ackermans. The family weas exempted from Karl's brainwashing because they were in on his plan, rather than because they had special immunity to the FT or something like that.

So why would Armin being a lost Tybur matter at all?

>Implying P A T H S don't exist purely for kino mind fuckery

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underrated post

It's Louise retards


He'll get to tell his grandchildren back in...uh, wherever...that he was around important people doing important stuff one time.

>I have some news for you, guys. First, me and Historia are together now. Second, I will be a father soon.

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>different hair
>looks nothing like her


It wouldn't I just thought the nose was similar to Willy and his sister. Same for Hitch.

>It's Louise retards
>Says user, as though he knows that's a fact
Prove it then if you're so sure.

>Armong will be the "hero," of course
he has to ask his therapist first

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He gonna fly da plane

I don't get it

Caring for his and Historia's child

give me this image but with a swastica.

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Man Isayana only has 4 female faces don't act like it's farfetched.

not the one but thanks anyway

>tfw author-kun is going to ship you canonically with Armin and there's nothing you can do to stop it

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Would would it be then?

Live action Attack on Titan. Produced by John Boyega with his Last Jedi and Rise of skywalker money. Screencap this boys.

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I don't know guys, I want to believe but if EH was true I feel like Isayama would've hinted at it already, especially during the memory trip.


Go read chapters 90-121.

How can he hint it during Grisha’s memories?

>Mikasa's face when

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You're replying to scarf-fag bait.

Why do people want Mikasa to be cucked instead of just moving on from Eren?

Those are interpretations, not hints. II don't deny this makes sense, but those are not hint. Unless I'm missining what you're talking about? But then it's kinda your fault, you're always vague.
No during Grisha's, during the "we travel memories chapters".

Any of the other options and more, obviously. Thing is, nobody knows. Including you.

What? Sh's pregnant and also looks nothing like Historia.

Because seeing Mikasa suffer is endlessly amusing.

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>No during Grisha's, during the "we travel memories chapters".

The only memories they visited were Grisha's memories, user. Zeke was trying to prove to Eren he'd been brainwashed by their father. Visiting non-Grisha memories would have been counterproductive. Besides, did you miss that crying timeskip Historia memory shard?


How is that remotely relevant to fan art?

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cute ragetards

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I want her to understand her relationship with Eren is unhealthy as fuck and move on already but Mikasa "getting cucked" makes me chuckle.

Someoneon pixiv drew Jean with a literal horse cock.

What the fuck.


It's not even nicely drawn.

Why are you so damn dumb? I know that, what I am saying is that this moment where they can travel through memories would've been the perfect place. Of fucking course the chapter itself would've to change.

Holy kek they left the bandages on Grisha's hands in this one

If a certain theory is correct, then Eren's memories aren't the ones to reveal it

What theory?

Kek, all classic in front of a sunset too. And it looks like they used Keanu as reference?

>Historia.... Eat me....

Attached: 1568327168982.jpg (571x857, 441K)

>it looks like they used Keanu as reference?
Never gonna unsee that one.

>Seriously you think that Annie is gonna take that shit of "muh beta bertholdt memories? It's more probable that she ending up being a dyke.

Attached: 20190915_194952.jpg (1331x2048, 1.79M)

I notice you're disregarding my point about Historia's shard. By including it, Isayama encouraged readers to speculate on Eren's interactions with Historia post timeskip. That's a "hint" that didn't distract from the main focus of 120 and 121 (Zeke and Eren's relationships with their father and each other) or require Zeke or Eren to act out of character.

Every Yeager boy deserves a royal girl

Forgot to addres it. And yeah, that's a hint, but given what we know it could be so many things.
Might not even be Historia but a girl that ressemble her a lot from the memories of a previous AT holder (we have Owl, Grisha and Eren memories) for all we know.

>Might not even be Historia but a girl that ressemble her a lot from the memories of a previous AT holder

Attached: 1554688025407.jpg (289x280, 18K)

I wanted it because her jealous moments are hilarious but her heartbreak face in chapter 112 was so sad that I just want her to be happy now

Is that another of their kinks?

Do you wants Habsburg jaws?
Because that's how you get Habsburg jaws.

Attached: habsburg-jaw-of-charles-ii.jpg (900x578, 63K)

I miss BRA.

What? That isn't most likely the case but given the actual facts we know it's 100% possible. It was an extreme exemple to show how little we know.
Anyway, I'm really not going to discuss shit with a greentext+reaction image retard.

The Ymir theory


>Might not even be Historia but a girl that ressemble her a lot from the memories of a previous AT holder

Attached: 1568251657101.jpg (400x400, 151K)

>Might not even be Historia but a girl that ressemble her a lot from the memories of a previous AT holder

Attached: A7F80584-6CEC-4970-A35E-2F1BAEC44C56.png (333x162, 59K)


Pieck is a qt though.

>Might not even be Historia but a girl that ressemble her a lot from the memories of a previous AT holder

Attached: lol.png (420x401, 196K)

>Might not even be Historia but a girl that ressemble her a lot from the memories of a previous AT holder
pure art

Attached: the heart.jpg (365x500, 29K)

If you aren't trolling, you're overthinking, user.

Based as always

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EH is cancer
I will unblock all the EHfags the day their useless theory will be debunked. That day will be my mocking day

Attached: Historia.jpg (680x156, 10K)

>literally has to block people because they are in that much denial

Attached: C573C134-89EF-4EE5-8328-BDC20C99A7A1.jpg (614x921, 343K)

k keep me posted

Daily reminder Rico is NOT DEAD!!!

Attached: rico is not dead you fucking retards.png (375x224, 89K)

>filtered tags

What website is this?

Go back

Wow new level of cope

Wasn't his sister OK?

Damn she got ugly


Attached: RUMBLE THE TRANNIES.png (691x682, 595K)

>ebin reaction image spam
Sasuga Yea Forums.

The other day an EHfag did the same thing.

>>ebin reaction image spam
>Sasuga Yea Forums.

Attached: 1554576108199.jpg (296x324, 49K)

Kek, saved

No, they are cancer. Some tag EH post as eremika. Annoying


Prrrrretty clearly her, user. I used to shitpost that she was dead, but I think you actually just convinced me that she really is.

Trying too hard, cringe.


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Why can't you forget about this girl Eren??. You already have a wife and kid. Compose yourself as a family man. Dammit

Attached: eren.jpg (892x526, 135K)

thats his beloved sister, would you forget your relatives user??

It's funny that even at the age of 19 Mikasa can't be open about her feeling

Attached: Mikasa.jpg (335x139, 18K)

Congrats user I added your message to my file! Can’t wait for the next one

Attached: 98CC5060-28B8-44BE-AABE-77BF66981478.jpg (416x944, 317K)

>beloved sister
I wonder when beloved sister started thinking of kissing the brother. And receiving a promise in place of not accepting the kiss

How could he forget about his sister dumb faggot he didn’t forget Armin either and Sasha’s death terribly pained him. Still he did it and risked their lives

Attached: 12BC1598-51C0-4479-91C1-33A00CD0BE39.jpg (750x661, 281K)

>tumblr cancer calling other tumblr cancer cancer

The only thing that site was ever good for was fanart, and even that got ruined by mental illness and political astroturfing after 2013 or so.

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You ain’t learning us anything, regardless Eren considers her as family not as a possible wife, you know a motherly figure.

It's really a matter of life or death to you fags huh?

Nah, he still have feeling for her

Indeed I didn’t deny it , but still he risked their lives.

You're dumb. Learn to read.

Nah it’s actually very amusing and I keep track because once (and if) EH is revealed canon I will create something beautiful with these messages. You will see. I already have a plan

Lolz, these two don't look like siblings to me anymore

Attached: Mikasa.jpg (1022x694, 283K)

Wasn't Erwin canonically straight?

What do they look like?

Just like how he could have risked Historia's life if it will lead him to his desired future

You can’t defend yourself faggot, cope harder.

yeah, they are not blood related and mikasa is half asian. of course they dont resemble each other user

A man and a woman. Who have lived under the same roof for 4 years and no one knew how things progressed before Eren's departure.

Attached: F57E15BF-685F-4323-BC7B-844C0465F273.jpg (1723x5860, 3.87M)

Wow because he’s sad it means... it-it means .... EM IS CANON xd

>go back to tumblr

He didn't look sad to me before Mikasa called him out

>and no one knew how things progressed before Eren's departure.
It went something like this

Attached: FC39C8E8-9B8C-4789-99DB-E4CF854E547B.jpg (680x530, 127K)

>dreams of seeing the ocean
>literally the driving force for all of his actions
>finally does it
>doesn't even smile

What happened?

Attached: 1565822787944.jpg (1358x642, 94K)

It better be something creative because the thought of wasting your time cutting out every message disapproving with a theory and plastering them together sounds kind of desperate and sad.

>they are not blood related and mikasa is half asian
That's all I need user

Does every fucking expression and panel have to mean something in the grand scheme of things? Is nothing just the way it is presented in a specific moment?

Attached: 2992E3C9-F5BC-4428-B42F-1A0C8BEA1C66.jpg (765x913, 458K)

>It went something like this


Attached: 0053-028-clip.jpg (1066x490, 490K)

>That scenery

Attached: 1567911549832.jpg (1197x741, 111K)

>said he forgot
>has a a whole cathartic speech about it
>Isayama explaining the difference between Armin's and Eren's ocean
>speereader-kun : "why he not smile ???"

Eren didn't say the truth to AM because he knows they don't understand him.

Is that by Isayama himself or a EHfag who have no single reading comprehension

You have to be delusional to believe that Eren is in love with Mikasa

he left the walls of his town, to find walls of enemies around him.

you're going to do it every single time? Had lest try to have more than 2 images.

Yes, he was in love with Nile's wife.

He could have but he didn’t actually, instead he waited 1 year before revealing the whole thing only because he didn’t feel ready to sacrifice Historia even though Marley could have attacked they couldn’t know after all they only had the information Marley was dealing with another enemy later thanks to Yelena (even though he was already in possession of the future memories and knew what he had to do) then he waited two more years for Hizuru answer instead of acting (again) because he didn’t want to accept the 50 years plan... 3 years wasted when he perfectly what has to be done... why?

Attached: 84EC9A9C-AC99-40F6-A3AE-B65C17EC679B.jpg (750x657, 297K)

EHfags have no life. It's obvious
Or rather, they are not important to his plan

Just a nightmare.

Attached: 1568153229398.png (969x615, 179K)

In an interview it was said Eren never gave a shit about the ocean like Armin. He just wanted the freedom.

Eren never cared about the ocean itself, he simply believed that he would finally be free if he could reach the ocean

He found that the ocean was just another wall

I believe it. Shit your pant user. You don't even know Eren's characterization. Eren's is the type to say "I love you" in coded words like I will wrap it around you as many times as you want, NOW AND FOREVER. It's only fools that take these words literaly

sounds extremely plausible

I hope they'll use Linkin Park as the soundtrack for the last season.

Try not getting triggered over a joke, ESL-kun

Of course because he cares about her, you aren’t learning us anything, and i’m glad he does after what he has done, he forced all of them to attack a dangerous country and cucked them in a very bad way disrespecting totally their feelings.

He obviously loves Mikasa as a sister just not as a woman

>literally takes one second to screenshot a message

Are you really that dumb?

Historia was never the one Eren needed to fulfill hsi goal. It was Zeke.

^ speedreaders, probably watch reaction videos
Normal people, actually reading the story they discuss.

We can say the same from you emwhales

have reading comprehension retard, these post have the same meaning

Keep thinking user, the process is not done yet.

Eren has never shown the slightest romantic interest in Mikasa, he loves her as a family but Eren always found her annoying because of her overprotection, he simply learned that Mikasa doesn't overprotect him because she believes he is weak and that's why he stopped getting angry, but he never found her as the kind of woman he would admire or wish to be as a romantic partner

You aren’t contradicting me here actually , if Eren already knew what has to be done then why did he wait one entire year for Hizuru to give the answer instead of doing the things he has to do? If it wasn’t about Historia there was no point waiting for them when you perfectly know what you have to do? + the plan could have been perfectly fine anyway if they used Historia.

Wished he had the same face when he met Armin, Hange, Levi and co
Lolz, he obviously wants Mikasa in his life. But he clearly doesn't know which role she would play, Sister or Partner. It's and undefined relationship moron. Eren even tells her "I'm not your kid or your brother" but he can't let her go off his life

It's try to + infinitve or try not to + infinive

It bothers me more that there are people who consider this comic as a high quality work

I think you don't know what the meaning of the scarf even is, it's not a romantic one, it's literally the family bond Eren gave her after she lost her's

He did have the same face when he looked at Reiner.

ok where were you when that one poster made a collage just like this one with the false memories meme theory? it seems to me you are rather biased against the content of that user's work

cope and read

AMbros... why didn't she mention Armin as a source for her strength?

Isayama has already said that Eren sees Mikasa as a mother figure, he never saw her or will see her as a possible romantic partner

>but he never found her as the kind of woman he would admire or wish to be as a romantic partner
Total head canon
He loves her as family and will like to share a house with her, right?
I wonder how many years two full adults who are not blood related will keep playing brothers and sister with the full knowledge that one has romantic interest in other

Are you retarded? & are making the same point as . The ocean represented freedom for Eren, but by the time he reached it, he had learned he was a still a prisoner on an island penal colony. The ocean became another figurative wall to him, separating him from a world full of enemies on the other side of it.

>I'm not your kid or your brother
Not that user but it's pretty pathetic and somewhat sad you just take quotes out from the manga and twist them like you want to imply shipping.

Eren has known Mikasa for a decade, if during all that decade he never showed the slightest romantic interest in her then there is no reason for him to suddenly fall in love with her, not to mention that they have lived together for almost all that time and nothing happened either

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Not there because I don't visit every single thread? Sounds pathetic too though.

Lolz. The funny thing is how people take those words at face value. If you have read fairy tail last chapter, when they were pairing up with each other. Natsu and Lucy dialogue were almost the same as Mikasa and Eren. Not a single "I Love you" was exchanged but it was clear they were more than friends. Learn how to express love in Japanese culture or do you think that Eren mean't he will wrap the scarf for Mikasa every morning or once a week. Has Mikasa ever required him to wrap her scarf for her. Those words are deep, deeper than your cliche high school "I love you"

They look like brothers now

>tfw autistic shipperfags ruin the thread

Attached: download (9).jpg (225x225, 15K)

It’s one autistic EMfag

I'm not AM
The same Isayama that said that Mikasa saw herself as Eren caretaker and usually makes comment like "what a troublesome child". The same Isayama made her want to kiss Eren..ok

it should be considered avatarfagging when you can identify an user from the way they write

Save us Annie

>Total head canon
Are you really using this argument when almost everything you've said has been your own headcanons? All your reason for believing that EM will happen is your own interpretation of the characters while ignoring everything that shows that your vision of their relationship is wrong

Funny you say that cause Isayama revealed Eren considered Mikasa as a motherly figure at this specific moment and no dumb faggot, stop living in your headcanons wrap the scarf = wrap the scarf, it means he cares about at her yes, but this is not a wedding ring like you seem to think

Put it in context then
That's the more logical reason to fall in love with her. This is not some high school cliche shit. If Eren wants Mikasa to be his partner, he doesn't need to be start being romantic like as if he just started crushing on a girl. They have lived together before so it's a normal thing to them

>comparing fairy tail to snk

EMdumblrinas always reaching a new low.

I agree that Eren does not need to start his relationship with Mikasa in a romantic way immediately, but to believe that he will fall in love with her after a decade in which he did not show the slightest interest is simply stupid

Lolz..fuck off
Sorry user but it's the same culture
>Eren considered Mikasa as a motherly figure at this specific moment
Which year was the interview?
>>wrap the scarf = wrap the scarf
Oh sorry about that. I guess you're among the dumb faggot that take words literally. I wonder why you didn't believe that farmer is the father

If he had lived forever with her then he considers her as family dumb emwhale. The context is pretty clear actually Isayama emphasized it once more by showing Grisha calling Mikasa his daughter: she is family to him. This is how his own father was seeing her, this is how she has been called by Isayama himself (motherly figure) this is how Carla was thinking of Mikasa, she is his adopted sister.

>Eren even tells her "I'm not your kid or your brother"

What word for "brother" did Eren use in Japanese? Was it otouto (little brother)? That would have a different implication than Eren rejecting Mikasa as a sibling. Genuinely curious because I don't recall the wording.

>he will fall in love with her after a decade in which he did not show the slightest interest is simply stupid
To believe that Mikasa will fall for Eren after all the punches and throws when they were kid was stupid.

What are you talking about, Mikasa fell in love with Eren because he saved her, and because of that she created an idealized version of him

Isayama made himself clear. Realistically, it's either Hisu or nobody

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He can't consider himself to be the older brother since she is older than him

Because we didn’t get Historia’s pov when we perfectly know Eren’s feeling regarding Mikasa? “Motherly figure” Gekkan Shingeki no Kyojin, Volume 3 around 2016

>saying you want to break up
>your waifu
Who made this and how did they misunderstand the concept of waifus so badly?

Attached: 1529873149463.jpg (720x720, 99K)

>Grisha calling Mikasa his daughter
Unfortunately Mikasa never called him "dad" and Eren always used my dad when talking to Mikasa
Mikasa is older than Eren though
It was clear she didn't fall in love immediately user. It was also stated in one of the guidebook that "Mikasa's feeling are growing (towards Eren)

Reminder that Eren showed more interest in Historia after knowing her for 15 minutes than he has ever shown to Mikasa

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Why are these threads so shit? Not a ruse, honest question.
This manga has a fairly decent to good story, so why do you care so much about where the MC is going to get his dick wet? Why is that so important to you?

She literally fell in love with him when he gave her the scarf, if she had fallen in love at another time then they would have shown it to us in a flashback, but instead the scarf scene always appears when Mikasa talks about her feelings towards Eren

Don't expect me to take you seriously if you're unironically comparing garbage tail to snk. SnK isn't even limited to apply only Japanese culture.

Go back to tumblr.

This and unironically, can probably add Annie as well.

Lolz... that's just your head cannon. LMAO
I wonder why you keep mistaking posts, dumb EHfurry.

>the readers are the attack on titan

She actually called him dad. Now what you gonna say?

Attached: D4F0598E-21EC-4C15-8918-18900A3271C7.jpg (588x861, 396K)

>to believe that he will fall in love with her after a decade in which he did not show the slightest interest is simply stupid

It's actually pretty typical for series like these, where the MC is dense and doesn't realize what their love interest feels for them. I'm not saying EM will happen but if it did it would likely begin with Eren realizing Mikasa is in love with him, which could lead to him reevaluating his feelings for her.

Why won't Isayama's portrayal be satisfactory for readers?? Because Mikasa will still be stuck between Eren and Armin idealogy.
Mikasa's "growth" probably involves separation from Eren. "Growth" not Endgame

So what was the attack titan's power again?

Wait no she actually calls him dad in the French version any translator here

Attached: 3B5BFE25-6327-4B12-A698-A937102124B6.jpg (750x346, 165K)

>if she had fallen in love at another time then they would have shown it to us in a flashback
Sorry I don't think you know how love works. The scarf was the beginning of her bond with Eren or falling in love. How old was she when she received the scarf?

"your dad" not "dad"
Even Eren said "my old man"


These threads were never great, but there's been a recent influx of refugees from other sites who think Yea Forums is an appropriate venue for this shit despite being told to fuck off repeatedly. Also, even the native shippers are going into overdrive since the story is ending and the MC has no confirmed endgame pairing.

I corrected myself it’s in the french version. Here she calls him dad. I don’t know which one is the correct one but she definitely does so in the french one.

Is it possible to fall in love with a fictional character?

Attached: 1567809852773.png (800x565, 554K)

Not that one.

Characters have interesting motivations and personalities, mikasa doesn’t have them so calling her a character is wrong

Remember that since Shiganshina, Levi only character trait has been "muh erwin" and "muh promise".

I want to impregnate Annie!

Attached: 5ecffff32e153975fb409d6b63862b6a.jpg (600x790, 108K)

The problem is twofold:

1) The series is almost over and thus it's the time in a normal series where characters would get start getting paired off with their endgame waifus and husbandos.
2) A popular but unconfirmed ship (EH) prrrrobably has massive significance to the plot, and the proponents of the main rival ship (EM) do not like thinking about this and thus lash out whenever someone attempts to discuss plot theories that even remotely involve the aforementioned unconfirmed but probable ship.

The remedy for this won't come until Isayama confirms the identity of the father of Historia's unborn child and, unfortunately, that probably won't be for several more chapters.

Post AA / AFT

>Might not even be Historia but a girl that ressemble her a lot from the memories of a previous AT holder

Attached: 1533493626082.jpg (300x395, 31K)

Okay, Eren.

Why is she making that expression

According to Mama Carla, you're great for being born into this world. You don't need a grand dream like the MC

Shonen always attracts the worst kind of self inserters.

Not that user but let's not pretend like this is typical dense MC, all these type of characters have shown through the manga a shown interest, glimpses to protect them at all cost above any other girl. Eren pretty clearly doesn't fall in this category and actually take more emotions with Historia and Annie as some already pointed. Also this discussion is pretty pointless since Isayama has shown he is working different from other mangakas.

This, but the mankasadogs can't process it

How many time does Eren need to reject Mikasa before this stupid shitposting is over?

"However to Mikasa, it would be a wonderful thing to be with Eren forever".
I just noticed what makes Isayama a great mangaka. The way he separates his characters from himself brings them to life in the mind of the reader. The man is truly great

>typical for series like these

Attached: 1433284714153.png (224x176, 41K)



>Also this discussion is pretty pointless since Isayama has shown he is working different from other mangakas.
Armin falls down from50 meters high with burnt wound and survives. Yeah, he is working different from other mangaka's

she can predict when Eren cums inside her to reach climax immediatly

A wonderful thing isn’t necessarily a healthy thing, for example I love alcohol and cigarettes, it’s a wonderful thing.

Shut up. I'm talking about the way he speaks. The way he separates himself from the characters and bring forth their inner mind

Armong was a mistake


You're going too ott with your impression.

And I got it but we never know with you EMwhales

Don't compare Alcohol and cigarettes to Eren and Mikasa
If the feeling is mutual, it's not a problem

Well it's not mutual so I guess it is for the shippers

I love my wife and it will be a wonderful thing for us to be together forever.
Compare it to alcohol

And that's why you can never tell

Every last one of you shipperfags should be gassed for what you do to these threads.

Attached: 1566611350763.png (1272x1088, 1.79M)

You guys care so much about the ships, all I want is to see Armong die a horrible death. I hate his type of moralfaggottry.

I'm yet to even take Mikasa's feelings for Eren seriously when she plainly sucks at understanding him let alone the other way which is nonexistent


Guys what if zeke ends up using the power of the founding titan to force Eren to see the images of the future that he wants to see? That way the stable time loop now works against Eren because the only thing in the future that must remain true is that Eren sees that imagery. If Zeke did this he would effectively turn past Eren into his slave because the thing Eren was following was the memories of the future. Those memories could turn out to be a carrot planted by future zeke so Eren hasn't won yet. There's too possible futures right now.

Attached: 1543284162708.jpg (600x600, 208K)

I can compare it because their relation is unhealthy, Eren’s way of thinking is totally different from Mikasa’s. Mikasa’s opinion of Eren is/was literally “you are a good person caring about people you wouldn’t hurt children” which proves how much the image she has of Eren is inaccurate.

Imagine if it was Armin that killed those kidnappers that night. Mikasa would have been guilt-tripped all her life because Armin will be shedding new tears everyday reminding the girl of how she took his innocence

Attached: memories.jpg (948x1520, 520K)

See (Mikasa isn’t Eren’s wife in case you don’t know btw)

You're going to wind up disappointed, user.
Armong is going to be the "hero" in the end.

>you are a good person caring about people you wouldn’t hurt children
And truly Eren was a good person till memories started fucking him up. Don't act as if there wasn't external influence that made Eren change

What is that face trying to convey?


>good person
>Mikasa literally repressing her own memories because she doesn’t want to admit Eren is a ragetard and psychopath

Sure sure

Attached: A7776078-3D59-43F6-930D-CF75D1594B31.png (750x1334, 1.03M)


Eren is a good person. Mikasa isn't though. That's the point of this imagery. It's to show that Mikasa is a whore who wanted to be raped and used and she was upset that Eren prevented her genes from being GERMANED

Attached: 1441472249537.gif (500x400, 1.69M)

>good person
Saving a girl from kidnappers now makes you a bad person??


the fuck

Not him but that's literally her representation which is that Eren is a scary person and not the good kind guy she deludes herself he is.

Attached: 1540390636653.jpg (421x419, 163K)

No she realizes she was MADE for eldian cock and is upset that Eren is a good person. Stop speed reading.

>>Mikasa literally repressing her own memories because she doesn’t want to admit Eren is a ragetard and psychopath
She isn't repressing anything. The kind side that Eren showed her repressed the bad side. The bad side started emerging after what she saw Eren do in Liberio

Stop trolling user

Yes when you are a 10 years old child and you are literally stabbing a dead corpse like that there is definitely something wrong about you user.

Attached: 655D7B1E-C8DC-45A6-97F8-02C134EF47BE.jpg (750x1042, 786K)

So she repressed her memories that’s literally what i’m saying kek. Thanks for repeating basically the same thing i’ve said though

Did you read Isayama's comment about that scene??
What triggered the memory was Lousie salute. The hand is always placed to the heart which is exactly where Eren stabbed those men

Attached: when the fujos wake up.png (375x413, 244K)

No she didn't. Two different factors are in play here. The good side and the bad side. If the good side is more visible, the bad side diminishes

Yes and I'm sure that scene was added there just for the keks doesn't take a genius to see that she was deluded and only saw the good part of it and ignored the fact a kid went berserk to kill them which scared her.

Who cares anyway? She was repressing it because her ackerautism was forcing her to do so you can call it the way you want it was definitely weird and unhealthy

She literally deleted the bag side from her mind, even her face in the flashback gives it away she was terrified of him.

Why is he blushing so much?


Ok EMwhale keep living in your delusions whatever bullshit you wanna say but this was not normal and this is definitely proving Eren is not a normal person, a child shouldn’t do that, he has never been normal and the way Mikasa looks at him definitely shows she is afraid of this side.

Nothing can describe my intense hatred for mikasa. She has a young boy literally save her life from pedophiles and rapists and she pretends he's psychotic. Both mikasa and armin before the ocean were willing to do what it takes to kill their enemies but once they realized who their enemies were both of them became gigantic giga cucks.

Fuck her she should have been raped to death.

Attached: 1559932496180.png (500x280, 119K)

Because he was crying and crying is for weakling according to chadren

Greetings from Japan. It is a personal opinion. I wanted to write somewhere...
Yumil's existence was suddenly fantasy and seemed to disappoint my child. I got used to the pattern of the artist's way of carrying, so I could see the point and lost interest.
The eyes of adults who are accustomed to the banquet and who can forgive anything look normal and are interesting.

When I thought it was a political giant, I started to donpachi this time.
I lost my mind to read.
I will not buy the next volume.


user... this child definitely has a problem... you don’t stab someone like that when you are 10... I would be afraid too seeing such a scene

>Eren wanting to fuck an enemy soldier

Attached: 112-022.jpg (1066x1600, 410K)

>She literally deleted the bag side from her mind
Because you're inside her mind
>>She was repressing it because her ackerautism was forcing her to do
She wasn't repressing it, The memory had no need to resurface since he hasn't shown that trait for a while. He even hesitated to kill Annie. It's not like Eren has been going around killing people and she has been repressing it
Everyone will surely be afraid of the bad side. Even his father was shocked. Whether he is normal is up to debate since he hasn't shown that trait for a long time. Even hesitating to kill Annie and crying when Reiner betrayed them

>YHcuck is here
Eren did nothing, he is a hero and will save the world.

Prove it

The child is BASED. Society is the one with the problem. Literally Eren is one of the few non psychotic people in the manga.

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You don't handle mindless Titan and intelligent/civilized human being the same way


1. Not just mindless titans. Titans in general got Mikasa's and Armin's full wrath. "In order to defeat monsters you must sacrifice your humanity" etc etc
2. I would handle mindless titans better because they have no choice. They are innocent victims. Humans would be much more deserving of wrath because they are intelligent.

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>Humans would be much more deserving of wrath because they are intelligent.
Well, humans are more intelligent, so the tactics you use matters a lot. Look at how Willy used Eren;s attack to his advantage.

And Willy is dad and burning in hell and all the people not on paradise will soon follow him.

I only wish that I could personally watch as he's tortured by demons.

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She was repressing it. She never accepted the truth regarding Eren, but his behavior has never been the one of a normal person , I could show you many panels proving it, his general rude behavior towards Mikasa, how he was about to eat Annie, pushed Annie in a church full of civilians in Stohess, said he desired to destroy the world several times in Stohess and in front of the sea, ragetard attitude etc...

And Annie was his friend no wonder why he hesitated (and possibly had a crush on her still uncertain). Same for Reiner.

There is definitely something wrong about him and since the beginning, and she definitely repressed it all this time, Eren didn’t have so many occasions to show this side simply because his hatred was directed towards titans and he was focused on it. This is the only reason why this side hasn’t been showed a lot.

I ain’t a YHcuck i’m actually a EHchad and Eren is definitely a ragetard to me but I don’t mind. Historia is the same a bit less psycho though

He’s retarded.

How is he retarded for defending himself?

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>his general rude behavior towards Mikasa
How is this connected to stabbing a human being? Two teenagers arguing over whether one should be protected or not
>>how he was about to eat Annie, pushed Annie in a church full of civilians in Stohess,
And you forgot he never wanted to fight her in the same place
>>There is definitely something wrong about him and since the beginning, and she definitely repressed it all this time
Nothing till the time skip. Eren was always the little boy he was. It's not like he have ever threatened her with a knife or shown any act of violence towards her before. Remember Mikasa tried taking Eren into bringing Annie down
>>Eren didn’t have so many occasions to show this side simply because his hatred was directed towards titans and he was focused on it. This is the only reason why this side hasn’t been showed a lot.
Well, it was 1 year from when he saved Mikasa to when the wall was broken down and guess what?? He was pretty normal throughout those years and the one to come

user there is a difference between normal people actually fighting for themselves defending their countries, Mike is a good example, Nanaba too, Hange , Jean , Pieck, Porco, Sasha and Connie

And there are psychopaths, Eren is one of them no honor, ready to kill children to reach his goal, manipulator, liar, stabbed on a dead corpse when he was 10 , jumped on a crowd of civilians, killed innocent children, forced his best friend to kill hundreds of people, poisoned his own army and I could continue...

>no honor
lmao yeah you need to be honorable to the enemy when they declare war on you and their intention to eradicate you and your race off the face of the earth.
>kill children
Those children were killed by marley and the rest of the world when they declared war on paradis.
WAHHHH WAHHH WAHHH why doesnt eren just lay down and die?
>stabbed a corpse when he was 10
Its called double tapping.
>Jumped on a crowd of civilians
after they just declared war on him and was cheering for his extermination
>muh children again
second verse same as the first.

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His shitty and rude attitude towards her when she only wants to protect him is definitely a lack of respect when she literally sacrificed her own life for him, she never desired to join the SC, everything she did, she did it for him. His behavior towards her has never been a good and normal one (pic related).

Still he tried to eat her there is nothing normal about it, but this was simply one example among other and as I said he considered her as a friend, pretty normal he didn’t want to kill her there is nothing surprising about it.
You forgot the rest of my post how he stated he was going to destroy the world in Stohess, his attitude was already weird and unusual.
And as I said he didn’t have so many occasions because his hatred was directed towards titans and now guess what? Humanity is the problem still Eren is treating them the same way he treated titans: with cruelty.

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You’re definitely a retard lacking of objectivity user.

lmao ok pussy pushover. I cant wait to see the rumbling drawn so I can spam images of little evil non-paradis faggots getting squished at you

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