Another week, another episode - specifically episode 8, which is out now.

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It's time. Assemble bembros!


Monster group had cute interactions this episode

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it's taking me forever to download

finally Belo showing something resembling emotion, other than rage that is

Her desperate efforts to give no fucks were quickly thwarted.

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Shots fired

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/our guy/

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Nonsense, the MILF level here is off the charts

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I was a little worried there seeing him getting so blatantly shit on but this last scene probably upped bela's opinion of him by a lot.


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>nerdy guy has been flirting with her for a while and taking her on dates
>handsome guy says her voice is pretty and she falls head over heels for her
Never gonna make it.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bem - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.56_[2019.09.15_15.23.34].jpg (1280x720, 93K)

Like a proper witch, she mantains her youth by consuming girls

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bem - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.53_[2019.09.15_21.23.40].jpg (1280x720, 85K)

Unintentionally hilarious episode
This was cute though

Sloppy. Gather more intel.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bem - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.36_[2019.09.15_21.26.10].jpg (1280x720, 138K)

Ordinarily one would yell corner instructions at the girl, who is getting in trouble. But this is Bela we're talking about, so it's the bad guys that could use some running.

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>Yea Forums

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>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums

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I see what you did there. A monster made by combining all previous failures! Little did the Professor know that it's only going to be a bigger failure!

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bem - 08 [720p].webm (1280x720, 1.04M)


The singing was awful.

Based Sayaka Ohara.

Late, but still here

>practically NTR the whole episode then wins in the end because he's a complete monstergirl freak
Good episode.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bem - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.44_[2019.09.15_15.53.38].jpg (1280x720, 113K)

Cute Kouki laugh

They could make this character more subtle but they ended with "Yeah, monstergirls give me a monster dong".
But I guess this fits other characters in the show that are massive caricatures.

Wasn't feeling so good for this dork, but then the FEELS GOOD MAN kicks in

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bem - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.31_[2019.09.15_15.48.29].jpg (1280x720, 45K)

Why do monsterboys provoke gunfire, while monstergirls provoke erection? Humans continue to be a mystery, let us think on it and then report back results upon tomorrow's bridge meet-up.

Attached: bem.jpg (1280x720, 49K)

>Why do monsterboys provoke gunfire
They aren't sufficiently cute.

>making bela have instinctual feelings for chad

it's just Bela being a complete newfag in such matters, and not knowing how to react

Man of taste, right here

Is Belo not cute?

you would have to convince people that shoot the guy, not me

I think he could convince people if he tried hard enough

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bem - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.01_[2019.09.15_15.29.56].jpg (1280x720, 86K)

I love Belo so much!

I love Bela's thighs!

What are the chances that the three girls that hang out with Bela only tease Roddy because they want his dick?


How fucked is this series to reuse animation in less than 2 minutes?

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Noticed this too but I'd say it's to be expected. They already had numerous weeks of delays and even with that the animation was never particularly good either. I don't know how many episodes this will be nor whether or not they'll actually be able to air the full series without another delay so I'd say it's probably a disaster.

One of my favorite shows this season. Not even sure why.

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They're just mean girl bitches.

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Sexy pits!

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He's going to die isn't he?

Is it not weird that Bela can feel attraction to humans?

Why would it be

So does nobody care about her weird ears?

those are obviously perfectly normal ears.

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Why do Bela and Bem and Belo even want to be humans. Aren't they immortal?


they lack feelings and are overall unable to enjoy their lives
Bela blushing is a sign of them gradually becoming human

>gradually becoming human
literally becoming human, or just spiritually becoming human? I don't see what the benefit is of being human when you can be a cool body-morphing immortal, eternally youthful, cutie. So far all the problems they've had to deal with have been caused by them going out of their way to save people from other monsters, which they don't have to do.

She couldn't taste food, remember?

>can't taste food, presumably other bodily pleasures don't work either
>no feelings
>no sense of belonging since everyone you know eventually dies
what's the point in infinite life if you can't enjoy it

Tasting food isn't that bad if it also gives you eternal youth.
>no feelings
they must have feelings from what we've seen of them.
>everyone you know eventually dies
There are three of them.
I don't see why they should want to be human. Maybe it's just a matter of different principles.

all 5 of us

>18 ips

all me

I'm not you.


I watched this. Just saying. There's 20 of us.


I wonder if the old version of bem got anything about whether their human transformation bodypart is usable. Cant live on paizuri and blowjobs man.

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bem - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.59.739.jpg (1280x720, 416K)

Stop talking to yourself.

My fucking sides, the laughing bitches.jpg part afterwards was funny too.

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Dope flyover camera, I like it.

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I think this guy gonna be last to become human if his monster autism is this strong.

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Kinda feel bad for the guys.

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>haha time for sns

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Already wondering which holes to use.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bem - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.31.549.jpg (1280x720, 444K)

I will feel bad for him if the other two become human and he is still just going to the bridge alone, trying to become human and wondering what it is that he is missing

Not sure how the original goes, but I think the being human thing they want wouldnt be a full biological change, so the other 2 can always hang around with him at a human-er place like a cafe or something.But with this guy, I dont think he could feel anything, any wondering and questioning would end with "k." from him since he doesnt seem to be interacting with humans at all compared to the other 2 that goes to schools and play arcades and has friends there.Being Bem is suffering .

Bem is too busy idolizing humans and lurking in the shadows to observe them to actually interact with them. I mean, is he even going to manage to have a moment with the policewoman to say it was her bad for emptying her firearm into him? He seems like he's a good monster after all.

Nigga too deep into philosophy of human, I hope he gets to go chill at a bar or eat something with actual human if not the policewoman.

that isn't even animation. it's just dragging a srill
