Yama no Susume

New Yama no Susume anime project confirmed. Not yet clear whether it's another season or something else

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They announced a new "project"
tfw it's a mobage or pachinko

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You forget about recap movie

Inb4 it's a movie.
Great news though, but I hope the wait is not too long.

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I miss them so much

Well, it didn't take long for me to get an answer.
If it ends up being next year it could be a pretty good start to the 20s, with more YnS and Kirara.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yama no Susume S3 - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.08_[2018.09.17_21.13.41].jpg (1920x1080, 771K)

For once I think a film would be better than another series, shame about the wait though.

Fuji-san arc would work great as a movie. The wait would be a pain, but it's still worth it.

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Fuck yes

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can half tengu spawn get pregnant?

If half tengu exist, why not quarter tengu?

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That's dynamic as fuck.

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I really hope they go back to the season 2 formula. Wasn't a huge fan of 3.

>"We can fit this many!"

Yama no Susume will outlive most anime.

Please be anime. Inb4 pachinko.

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Can Aoi finally take revenge against Fuji-san?

Attached: [Doki] Yama no Susume Second Season - 11 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [E7F22651].mkv - 0004.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

What is that picture from? I know it was posted on twitter.


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>yama musume
>all flat board chest

yama no susume autumn fes


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Never have hype for anything ever, only retarded faggots who haven't lived long enough do or say such things.

where is my feminine jc girlfriend

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Does anyone have the webm of the bra fitting scene?

thats a big mountain i want to climb

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Alternate world YnS Isekai probably.

But we had that already

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I just want another season t b h. Preferably one that follows Kokona on her JC compensated dating adventures.

Camera boy paying her every night for compensated dating.

So happy for this yay.

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fuck yeah

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For being so disliked, S3 sure had some great shots.

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how can i get the same job?

>S3 sure had some great shots

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Attached: ghost hinata.webm (1280x720, 2.45M)

I would make out with Aoi if I had the chance.

Attached: shy aoi.webm (1280x720, 1.97M)

Really? It was so good though.

nobody disliked it though

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yama no Susume S3 - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.56_[2018.07.30_16.05.13].jpg (1280x720, 158K)

See I've seen comments like this every thread.

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The S3 OP and ED are so stellar, especially with lyrics.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yama no Susume S3 - 13 [1080p].mkv - 0027.jpg (1920x1080, 262K)

will they climb mountains or has the series eternally sank into full CGDCT mode?

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they have to wait for fujisan to open

Episode 13 was so good. One of the best anime episodes I've seen.

Attached: ep13.webm (960x540, 2.97M)


I like how the opening from S3 shows every mountain they have gone to. Even in s3 there were plenty of yamas to susume. youtube.com/watch?v=YGJUjfy_rJw

Attached: best girl.webm (620x720, 542K)

If this is another shallow Princess season they can keep it. They also better kill off the poorfag so I won't have to listen to her voice.

i'm in for the climbing and more-or-less related stuff.
don't want to gobble the cgdct slob, there's already countless other series for that.

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Was the drama in S3 anime original? I thought it was pretty bad and didn't fit the show at all.

Season 3 was absolute dogshit and anybody who liked it never like Yama no Susume for the right reasons. All you wanna see are le qt girls. There's dozens, hell, hundreds of other shows for you to jerk off to.

Totally not a cancerous samefag.

wow I thought I liked Yama no Susume
thanks for enlightening me
maybe one day i'll be a real fan

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Can we have more of these? Especially by this artist

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think what you want if it helps you sleep.
unlike the other user, i don't hate kokona but her voice is a little to artificial indeed.

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S3 was amazing, the only flaw was that it was too short

S3 has
>amazing production
>incredible animation
>cute and heartwarming moments
>emotional and powerful scenes
>super cute yamas
>wonderful art and backgrounds

Almost the entire show (S1-S3) is anime original.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yama no Susume 2 - 19 [720p].mkv - 0003.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

While it would've been nice to get 2-cour it won't be too bad if this announcement is for another 1-cour season.
It at least managed to wrap everything up nicely in that 1-cour and I'm pretty sure it was only the episode with them buying shoes that I didn't think was really good.

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It's definitely not as good as season 2, but come on. That Natsuiro Present karaoke scene was a real highlight.

Forgive me Father but I can't stop lusting after Asumin even though she's married

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Have you done your part to fund season 4?

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>want to climb fuji
>hate going to japan during summer
so this is suffering

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>Season 3
>No Kaede
>Replaced by a boy

Why isn't there something like this for fitting briefs or shorts?

I'm so glad this hag barely appeared in season 3. Worst character.

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Ahhh, what a cute boy.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yama no Susume S3 - 13 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.54_[2018.09.25_02.28.50].jpg (1920x1080, 796K)

Too much pointless drama. A little bit is fine, especially since it contributes to character's grows, and add dynamics, but there's a line you shouldn't cross, and S3 did.

There was literally no severe drama. The miscommunication that did happen (note: singular, not plural) was solved within a single day. The insecurities that caused that issue had been present since the very start of season 1.

>but there's a line you shouldn't cross
What? What line? Try explaining yourself instead of listing buzzwords.

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No. Season one and two were almost the entirely of the first four manga volumes.

>draw JS
>say it's JK
Yeah, I think I'll pass.

Not him but I do agree that the drama was too much. They made the girls almost end their friendship over stupid shit. It felt a bit forced and very much out of place in a CGDCT show. I just want to enjoy cute girls, please keep the drama out or to an absolute minimum. Don't throw serious stuff at me when I just want to take it easy, relax after work and look at girls.

You don't fuck with someone's knitting.

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Would you wear it?

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why are my yamas so WIDE

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When two species can interbreed, the hybrid offspring is almost always infertile - for instance, mules and ligers. The genetic information is compatible enough to code a new offspring with some features from each parent, but not enough that the offspring's own reproductive system is viable.

I would neither wear a skirt, nor would I admit to liking anime in public.
Because I'm not a fag.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yama no Susume S3 - 07 [1080p].mkv - 0024.jpg (1920x1080, 219K)

What if Aoi-chan wanted to have sex with you in the classroom after school?

i would probably wake up before it could happen

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Is it wrong that I want to make a kid with this composed, adult woman?


Mt. Takao still has a Yama poster

When your balls are 1kg each then maybe we can consider it.

>I've masturbated to you, too

>YnS, NNB, YuruCamp, and Gochiusa remain the biggest and longest lasting comfy cute girl SoLs of this era
What went right Yea Forums?

These gay potatoes are up there too.

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>drunk from root beer
stupid cute chi-chan

Holy shit yes

What? It was great.

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Hinata was a bitch

Fuck cocona.

Attached: the coconut strikes.webm (1280x720, 250K)

They're ded

This image makes me feel a certain way

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What you're experiencing is "mountain fever"; the desire to climb a mountain. Humans were never intended to live a sedentary life, but to conquer all hills and valleys.

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Possibly, I'm going to need more similar images to be able to determine if that's the case

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When do we know whether it's S4, or pachinko?

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Attached: Yama no Susume Second Season 23.mkv_snapshot_10.43_[2019.09.15_21.32.34].jpg (1920x1080, 160K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Cop Craft - 07 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_08.27_[2019.09.15_20.31.52].jpg (1920x1080, 114K)

who did it better

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Attached: tengu.webm (1280x720, 257K)

My only real issue with S3 was the strange sense of drama it got towards the tail end. I don't mind a small misunderstanding here and there for an episode, but the Aoi/Hinata dynamic was strained for far too long at the end.

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Gotta go full Telenovela now that the chinks are cutting down on anime imports. Only Latin America remains.

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I feel the uncontrollable urge to masturbate whenever I see the yamas.

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Hinata is so pretty.

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Is Cocona not being a virgin actually canon?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yama no Susume S3 - 10 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.49_[2018.09.03_23.42.31].jpg (1920x1080, 608K)

climbing kaede's mountains

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Please respond.

Kaede is a good girl with a lot of sex appeal. She gets bullied too much in these threads.

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She looks a bit old compared to the other girls...

That's her appeal. She's the oldest, most experienced, and has the most bombastic body. She also has some cute personality quirks that make her looks even more appealing.

Personally, I want to suffocate under her sweaty ass after she's spent a long day hiking.

Attached: [KN] Yama no Susume Second Season - 6.5 OVA [BD][720p AAC].mkv_snapshot_09.52_[2017.04.29_13.54.07]. (1280x720, 434K)

Is it gonna be about mountain hiking this time

Me and you

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I like all the yamas

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I wish there were Yama fap threads.

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yama no Susume S3 - 08 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_02.13_[2018.08.20_23.03.00].jpg (1920x1080, 616K)

There were a couple times on /trash/ that were linked from here

Cute boy.

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I missed them then. I miss when Yea Forums used to have fap threads. It was always a good time. I'm not much of a fan of fapping alone, but I don't always have people to fool around with.

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Mule pregnancies are indeed rare due to genetic reasons but instances of mule pregnancies have occurred.

I want to destroy that tummy

Isn't loli banned on /trash/?

It was fun, lots of Yea Forumsnons jerking it together with to Kokona.

The Yamas are highschoolers, and mods don't exactly patrol trash so constantly since it is mostly for content they don't like.

tfw no Yama fap buddy.

Attached: DbzPReIUQAMMrYI.jpg orig.jpg (2149x3035, 520K)

That sounds fun. I'd fap to Hinata with other Anons.

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>The Yamas are highschoolers
Except Kokona.

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Yeah, that's exactly why noone finds her sexy on Yea Forums. I'm glad my pure daughter is not lewded like the rest of the gang.

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Sadly we never got any tributes or hotglue.

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Shame I just fapped otherwise I'd be up for posting Hinata lewds.

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Isn't it a bit weird that Kokona is the youngest girl among the Yamas and yet she's the only one that already had sex?

That's a shame. She could do with some white on her tanned brown.

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I'm pretty sure your picture is about brown on brown.

Cursed image set.

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What the fuck!?


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They finally released an uncensored scat version too so Kaede's crusty anus at the end is even better with the flecks on it.

Cursed post.

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Post some sexy Hinatas around this time tomorrow or earlier then! Lewding Yamas sounds fun.

Attached: 7342b41a0ef60e7a76b592102db9f3c9.jpg (2048x2048, 222K)

If this thread lasts that long maybe someone can make a thread on /trash/ and link to it.

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Attached: yande.re 302176 aoba_kokona bikini cleavage kuraue_hinata megane saitou_kaede_(yama_no_susume) swims (5942x4088, 2.76M)

Official art is the lewdest, especially that onsen one.


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That was good.

Attached: 3DDDCD01-6E8B-4C8B-9B13-C54E94DE1100.jpg (1280x1850, 327K)

She would be perfect for oyakoudon.

Shitty artist. Shit art, shit anatomy, shit stories. I like how he draws hair, though.

to be fair you need a really high iq to understand yama no susume

Not a good idead to open this thread on public,i have a need now

The urge to climb mountains?

The urge to pitch a tent.

Specifically Kaede's.

Why is it so relaxing?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yama no Susume S3 - 12 [1080p].mkv - 0018.jpg (1920x1080, 558K)

They're trying to lure you into a false sense of security and comfiness. Next thing you know you find yourself doing a pilgrimate to Japan, then dying under a cloud of ash on the slopes of Mt. Ontake, or being infested with parasites after drinking from a stream.

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S4 will never happen guys.

K2 when?

Attached: [Zero-Raws]_Yama_no_Susume_S2_-_01_(BS11_1280x720_x264_AAC).mp4 - 0002.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

Yamas desecrate the sacred peak of Gangkhar Puensum when?

Attached: 511.jpg (1133x633, 248K)

The only thing you need an above average IQ for is that season 2 was a genuinely well structured season with proper character development and heartwarming arcs, world building and struggle, while season 3 was otaku pandering dogshit liked by no one with horny incels, as can be observed by this very thread.

>this kind of trolling again, from the same retard
Just kill yourself already, moron.

Ah yes, I am sure. Please go flock to some flat chested 13 yaer old somewhere else. Kokona isn't that unique of a washboard for you to jerk off to. There are plenty of alternatives.

>lolis freezing to death or falling off and getting mangled
I can only get so erect, yes!

Realistically, how expensive would it be to date Kokona for a day?


Probably not much. She's poor and as a child she probably has no idea how much she's actually worth.

At least 4 grotes.

For me I'd rather Aoi not getting anywhere near the top of Fuji anytime soon, in fact preferably never ever forever.
I really like that the show isn't afraid to bully its characters

Attached: sad crepe girl.webm (854x480, 1.85M)

3 Saitama mascot keychains.

No, man. That was horrible. It hits much too close to home. I want to see cute girls having fun together, not deal with complicated emotions.

I wish Kokona and Aoi would help me pitch a tent.

You're a cute girl with twintails?

I honestly liked the drama. it was kind of refreshing for once to see girls act like actual girls