To sink or swim ikinokoru tame ni

To sink or swim ikinokoru tame ni
Dog eat dog world da to iikikaseru

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Other urls found in this thread:

>chuuni garbage OP

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Based huntertranny

Attached: yikes.png (877x1300, 467K)

Shounenbaby is scared of reading a few paragraphs of text.

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Its a visual medium, dilate.

What went wrong?
(What went wrong?)

This shit gets funnier every time

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>Yea Forumseddit lingo
Kill yourself, crossboarder.

Cope and concede.

Vintrash Shitga

Blow me first

I just did, now cope.


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such a brunch of weebs

Survival of the fittest jakuniku kyoushoku
If it's the world that our wisdom will lead
Well, tell me what went wrong?
(What went wrong?)

I've paid my dues I've sold my soul
So tell me what is left for me
When I've given up everything



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Is this "anime only you watched" thread?

Yeah, problem?

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>the entire fucking point of this guy and story is about Christianity
>change the the Christian guys into pagans

>>the entire fucking point of this guy and story is about Christianity

Uhh no it isn't? It's about Vikings clearly animeonly-kun.

*Japanese dressed as vikings

>the Whisperfag says forgetting his series has OP/EDs performed by bands such as Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


Where is the fucking subs

great argument

Somewhere Not Here


Brainlet, thorfinn’s story leads to the rise of Christianity in their region with him and his son leading the way.

I've paid my dues
I've sold my soul
now tell me what is left for us

Well, I guess now their cuckoldry makes sense.

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Goddamnit they cut the rape scene.

They are fucking up this anime so bad it's sad.

the op that ruined an entire series

Orewa Owladd and this thread sucks

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I know it's a meme but do hunter fags really have to ruin every vinland thread? nobody likes you

>Yea Forumsincel saga
It's written by a hack who doesn't know anything about the historical era he's set his series in despite being an obvious vikangboo. What he ended up with is a convoluted mess of generic shounenshit action, poorly written dramatic scenes that fail to resonate with the viewer and faggy protagonist that goes from a revenge obsessed edgelord to a preachy wannabe cult leader pilgrim suffering from PTSD. Take Thors death for example, which was supposed to be impactful enough to serve as a turning point for the manga, yet you feel nothing. Just a big boar standing there like a retard giving his little speech about forfeiting his life, while archers put a dozen arrows up his ass. Yes, it's a fictional story and not everything should look realistic but at very least your characters must have some degree of plausibility to their actions. Fuck, it was a real borefest to get through the first 6 episodes of Flopland Saga. Even trashy isekais deserve more respect than this monument to the awful storytelling.

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Based nenpilled Hunterchad dabbing on the shitty pseudo-historical shounen trash.

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Canute is my new trap wifu. Motherfucker is so done he didn’t even bat an eye when Thorkell pulled the tent from over his sweet piece of ass.

>Flopland Floppa
>no sales
>viewers gone
>hype dead
>chinks didn't like it either
If there is something, no matter how insignificant, I can help with that would add to the ruin of vintards, I'm always glad to help.

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