Why does Ikuha(ck)ra repeat various scenes at least once per episode?
Why does Ikuha(ck)ra repeat various scenes at least once per episode?
>muh stock footage
This expression indicates Ikuhara's confusion and lack of understanding. When confronted with the task of creating drama or characters that make sense, Ikuhara mumbles, "muh stock footage" or "muh gay sex". This is usually followed by a transformation sequence and shots of staircases.
Do you not know what stock footage is?
not an argument
To cut corners. It was a bit more artistic decision to follow cliches of Mahou Shoujo girl genre in Utena's case, but Ikuhara's career is defined by Mahou Shoujo girls, so obviously he would simply utilize same production tricks he learnt while working on Sailor Moon.
Stock footage is filler content used to pad out the runtime of your weekly kids' anime that ran for years at a time. It's meant to save both time and money and stupid kids didn't care or couldn't tell the difference anyway. Why Ikuhara thinks it's acceptable to have in one cour shows, while taking crucial screentime from story or character development, is beyond me.
Ikuhara is so cute. He has my permission to do anything. I don't care.
The stock footages in Sarazanmai could be cut or reduced to save time for more plot after 2 episodes, yet I liked the earlier episodes more than the second half of the anime
Because there's no such thing as too much ZETTAI UNMEI MUKUSHIROKU or ROCK OVER JAPAN.
Utena could’ve been around 5 episodes shorter if the TWO MINUTES LONG SEQUENCE OF UTENA IN THE TOWER WASN’T THERE.
>2 minutes long
>20 minutes of episode
>39 episodes
39*20 = ~780 minutes
39*2 = ~78 minutes
780 - 78 = 702 minutes
An hour and 18 minutes of filler, approximately. The scene is good but I don’t want to see it FORTY TIMES. And that’s inexcusable because he kept doing the same on Mawaru Penguindrum.
Gotta meet the runtime goal.
The Toei Animation precepts on how to make anime are still ingrained in his brain. He hasn’t been forced to pay weekly tribute to toy makers nor worry about the economy of long-running productions for decades, and yet he’ll still rely on monster of the week structures and recurring transformations scenes. Regardless of the pragmatic reasons that started his focus on repetition, though, there’s no denying that Ikuhara’s tried to weaponize that approach. It gives his shows a unique rhythm, it serves to highlight particular themes via slight changes to the routine that feel huge to an audience who’d grown used to something, and it can also be a powerful comedic tool; the seizon senryaku in the aforementioned Penguindrum #16 remains one of the funniest moments in anime memory, in no small part because it twists a formula that already was emblematic by that point. This in addition to repetition being the way he represents the systemic, self-perpetuating social issues he wants to address, of course.
Why does Ikuhara keep refusing to collab with Anno?
Anno isn't cool like Ikuhara.
why is he such a lesbian fetishist?
Ikuni is tsundere for Akicchi.
Both are old uncool men now
Their works peaked in the 90s
>anno miserable
>iku happy
it should be the other way around
Same. You could cut out a lot of useless shit in the first half, but it was more fun anyway.
I ended up skipping most of ZETTAI UNMEI the first time I watched Utena, but never did it once during the rewatch. That song is too hype.
Is this why he keeps making the same anime over and over again?
Why would anyone want to collab with Anno?
it's a stylistic choice or he really really likes mahou shoujo.
He did work on Sailor moon for a bit as well.
Not even Anno wants to collab with Anno.
t. anno
Stop impersonating me, Ikuhara, you asswipe.
Anno's sex hair is cute
I hate broccoli.
Is Sarazanmai good?
It's fun,
It's ok.
It's better than Yurikuma but not as good as Penguindrum.
It's good but it's also gay as fuck which might be an advantage or a disadvantage depending on who you are and what you want out of this life
Because he likes dick
Yurikuma is far better then your gayshit arsehole
Yurikuma hss worse character writing, worse overall story, worse artstyle, it probably only wins in the music department
Repetition is one of the core principles of design. Pattern followed by contrast is a great way to achieve emphasis. The variations of Zettai Unmei Mokushiroku are a good example of this in one of Ikuhara’s works. Utena as a whole was very clever with its approach in repetition. Penguindrum felt less so and Ikuhara’s other works fell flat in that aspect for me.
t. Artfag
You're right about the rest but
>worse artstyle
Doubt It
He made the 3rd season of SM the best looking
His works have slowly lost quality. Utena was a masterpiece at theme handling, cast handle and visual direction. He hadn’t lost his edge and did Penguindrum, another masterwork from a stylistic stand point that also explored the sociopolitical themes properly. Then he did Yuri Kuma Arashi and felt like an insult to the girls that died in that accident, the directing was good still but from this point onwards, his works feel like arthouse masturbation with no meaning. The lesbians on Utena were there to make a point, but on Sarazanmai and Yuri Kuma Arashi it only feels like he wants to expose his fetishes.
Is SM S the third season? I haven't seen Yuri, but Sara felt like Ikuni was aiming to show how woke he was which fell flat for me because it really wasn't anything new and it was halfassed anyway.
Fuck this hack
Nips don''t give a fuck about woke-shit.
>Sara felt like Ikuni was aiming to show how woke he was
Because he can.
Ikuhara doesn't look japanese at all. I mean, you could say that he's from Bashkortostan and I would fall for it.
Its a concept
Its because he needs at LEAST 2 cour to plan and execute properly.
All of his better works have had at least 26 eps.
Fuck off, Shinkai
Because Anno is ugly.
Complaining about limited animation?
neck yourself
the avoidence of limited animation is the downfall of a good 50% of all modern anime.
Still the best ED of the year
It's to save time and money, but it's also an artistic thing. The staircase sequence in Utena ties in with so many of the show's ideas that you can watch it twenty times and find new things each time to think about. But most people stop paying attention to it because of the repetition and just turn their brain off and accept their understanding for what it is. It's a message about how culture uses repetition to enforce itself. It's definitely a cost-savings measure, but that doesn't mean it wasn't intentional.
Are there really still people who can't into Ikuhara? Must suck not being able to enjoy one of the best anime directors out there.
Where should I search for a RL copy of Himemiya?
so fucking good.
on a semi-related note, does anyone do titlecards better than Ikuni-chan? Feel like most don't put any effort at all into them, where be makes them a gut punch right after the episode (Utena aside, but even then the titles were fucking phenomenal).
Don't ask me, ask Schick/The Kiss/Sanrio/Round 1.
Yeah, it's one of the best shows in the last few years
No fucking way
ur gei
No U, I'm anthysexual.
It's nowhere as good as Utena or Penguindrum, but no other anime that got released about same period was nowhere as interesting to me as Sarazanmai was.
He's right though. It's easily one of the best original animes of the past few years
Anthysexual and gay, we got it
Sorry, what other originals are on the same level/better than it?
I'll wait.