Vinland Saga

New episode soon (finally)

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Just a reminder that the historical Sweyn was Christian, not pagan

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My thread is better, you fag.

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>Adam of Bremen depicted Sweyn as a rebellious pagan who persecuted Christians,betrayed his father and expelled German bishops fromScania and Zealand.

smug ari > everyone

Why is manga Thorkell's motivation so poorly written compared to historical Thorkell's far more interesting motivation? Is the mangaka a hack?

>The character of Thorkell in the Japanese manga series Vinland Saga is based on Thorkell the Tall.[17] In the series, Thorkell is presented as a large, charismatic warrior with outstanding physical strength and a thirst for war. His motivation for siding with the English was less out of disillusionment with his own men following the murder of the archbishop of Canterbury (which is not depicted in the manga), and more so a desire to fight other Vikings as a greater challenge.

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You forgot to copypaste this text. The German Adam of Bremen wrote lies about Sweyn because Sweyn preferred English and Danish priests

>Sørensen (2001) argues that Adam's depiction of Sweyn may be overly negative, as seen through an "unsympathetic and intolerant eye".[9] Adam's account is thus not seen as entirely reliable; the claimed 14-years' exile of Sweyn to Scotland does not seem to agree with Sweyn's building churches in Denmark throughout the same period, including the churches in Lund and Roskilde.[10]

>King Sweyn enlisted priests and bishops from England rather than from the Archbishopric of Bremen. This may have been a reason for Adam of Bremen's apparent hostility in his accounts. Numerous converted priests of Danish origin from the Danelaw lived in England, while Sweyn had few connections to Germany or its priests. By allowing English ecclesiastical influence in his kingdom, he was spurning the Hamburg-Bremen archbishop. Since German bishops were an integral part of the secular state, Sweyn's preference for the English church may have been a political move. He sought to pre-empt any threat against his independence posed by the German kings.[12]

Are you just going to spam this in every thread after people explain to you why you're wrong?

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Kek, you had to create headcanon to explain why I'm wrong

>huge headcanon
>waaahh sweyn isn't a christian because he said that being a fanatic might have made canute weak
What's next, christians who kill people aren't christians because bible says it's bad?

He literally mocked Cnut for believing in Jesus

>2 more hours until subs

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No he didn't. It was already explained to you in the other thread. I'm sorry that you have brain damage


Dude he wanted him dead as well, so what? Canute's brother was also Christian.

Go to sleep until then

How is it poorly written when it's in line with manga Thorkell's character? The manga was never suppose to be historically accurate. Fucking faggot stop posting this shit in every thread.

yes sir

Because "me strong" isn't a good character motivation

>and more so a desire to fight other Vikings as a greater challenge.
>me strong

You got btfo on both threads piss off now and make yourself a hxh thread.