What do red backpacks signify in anime?

What do red backpacks signify in anime?

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Sex With lolis

Red means danger.

elementary schooler aka sex symbol

The red backpack is a symbol of their purity and youth. More interesting is the security buzzer attached to it, a symbol of how truly attractive lolis are that they need an alarm just to ween off people from taking them right there. I'm surprised they let them walk around advertising themselves like that.

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JS1 through JS6.

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>Microbikini+red backpack
Find me a better Loli combination

Sukumizu + randoseru

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Any non-slutty combination

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Disgusting. Like mixing minced meat and cola.

Shit taste

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Stop posting this image


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Keep posting this image

I have seen some newer doujins where the randoseru is censored with mosaics. Apparently censoring "grade schooler" by replacing 小 with 〇 isn't enough, they have to censor the backpack too.

This image

My fucking nigger

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Those backpacks are expensive. A good one made from leather and metal hardware is going to be $150-$200

Red is the color of fertility.

This seems slightly obsessive.

Tsugu-chan's channel is kinda dead

No Loli should dress like this

Typehatena killer her

why not?

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But her kickstarter VHS was just released

Closer to $400. It's a racket, just like uniforms.

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