What's next for military moe anime?
What's next for military moe anime?
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Hopefully submarines.
yes, I need my submarine anime
I think submarine is actually a good idea.
Balkan war: The anime.
The Moe special forces.
did you skip this because it's also fantasy?
Hopefully no cg shit like the bottom one. And yes, cute girls suffocating or drowning in a sub with a engine failure.
Drone operator.
Moe Marines
Boot camp / basic training
asynchron guerilla fuckery deep in the jungle
Moe upper echelon, deciding the general war strategy.
The Moe Manhatten Project, creating the moe bomb.
War Hammer 40k!
Real combat or sport?
Real combat with something like >girls suffocating or drowning in a sub with a engine failure
Moe space force.
Moe Vietnam war
we already did that, not that it wasn't awesome, but still
Moeburg trials for cute war criminals.
gas masks as cute girls
whats the second anime in that picture?
I would love SW if they wear pants.
I'd like to see ancient military, like the Romans or Egyptians or something.
SystemSoft Alpha's MoeMoe World War 2. Gimme my Vendetta and Malicious and the superior non-gacha Bismarck.
>Belkan war: The anime.
Puchimas is already anime
Mongol Moe Anime
It's called Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha.
spec ops, splinter cell anime with cute girls
I mean, there was Release the Spyce but it was not enough actual covert operations besides that brothel episode.
Combined forces
More boats.
More sci-fi ships.
I want the jdsf navy to make some designs including a new age Yamato.
I want Kotobuki but with more planes
How can you have a WWII plane show and not even have a single Spitfire or Typhoon?
Infantry tactics
Anthropomorphized atomic bombs.
It's actually a slice of life about keeping them from getting angry.
Look like shit
Magical zeppelins.