

Attached: mpv-shot0113.jpg (1920x1080, 183K)

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will anyone ever be able to get on okiura's level?

Attached: D4wjM3xUwAE6ra.jpg (1600x900, 132K)

It's not that hard to rotoscope.

he doesnt. he uses a combination of realistic timing and posing of key drawings which is why his work often gets mistaken for rotoscoping

Rotoscoping isnt bad, its just a tool, it all depends how you use it.

Attached: win_mukuro.png (239x192, 12K)

Attached: momo.jpg (1280x720, 175K)

> t. extremely butthurt KusoAnus drone who's upset about the fact that none of his favourite studio's trained monkeys will ever reach the heights of Okiura's ability
Must be painful to flock to an instagram studio, unable to appreciate true art.

I mean... I kinda get why it came up in the search, but still.

Attached: visually similar.png (624x364, 50K)

I'm still surprised this wasn't changed, did the guy just copy the design from comic lo or something?

Attached: A.Letter.to.Momo.e.no.Tegami.2012.BDRip.x264.FLAC-8thSin.mkv_snapshot_00.54.38_[2013.06.26_23.08.15] (1920x1080, 559K)

Attached: A.Letter.to.Momo.e.no.Tegami.2012.BDRip.x264.FLAC-8thSin.mkv_snapshot_00.22.23_[2013.06.26_22.35.20] (1920x1080, 223K)

He isnt, retard.
Okiura even regarded as few great realistic animator left by US animator veterans (who work for classic disney animation movie and such)

Honestly Kyoanus fags are buttmad lunatic.
They're so mad when other studio outperforming them.

Glad that their studio burnt to ashes. Devine retribution I guess.


Eh, is that all you have? You have no argument though.

My bad. I should be watching Violet Evergarden again.

Attached: veg.gif (540x304, 2.87M)

>He isnt, retard.
>Okiura even regarded as few great realistic animator left by US animator veterans (who work for classic disney animation movie and such)
>US animator
More like US anamateur, lmao

I love veg, but God that whole thing was retarded.