>my favorite anime of all time is Evangelion
What type of person do you imagine?
My favorite anime of all time is Evangelion
What about Manga man
Any person that has functioning eyes and a working brain.
A weak depressed person.
Someone who hasn't seen more than 10 anime
If he's a zoomer: Someone who watches whatever's popular on netflix
Evangelion is actually around the 100th anime I’ve seen
>my favorite anime of all time is Gundoh Musashi
What type of person do you imagine?
Someone who's either watched 5 anime or 5000 anime
You're 14 years old that thinks the ending was profound and the deepest thing you have ever thought
Cringe wojakposter.
Shounengenerals are in the opposite direction user.
You are based
Someone who truly understands anime.
Evangelion isn't the best anime, it is the only one.
Either someone who has only watched like 5 shows or someone who watched enough shows to feel like they don't need to list some obscure show to validate their own tastes.
A normie because Eva is literally normie-tier.
>my favorite anime is oniisama e
What type of person do you imagine?
This, I don't know why so many fags get a superiority complex over liking some shit anime made in 1981 and thinking people actually care about it.
>my favorite anime of all time is Evangelion
a man of culture
>and favorite girl is Asuka
a Gentleman and Sage Man of Culture
>and favorite girl is Rei
a mom-issues faggot ignorant
A man of proper taste
>literally "n-no u"
Because pretentious people always think you look cool and unique if you like something barely anyone knows about.
>Imagine caring this much over someone preferring a drawing over another
unironically kill yourself, retard
Settle down, schizo.