Buyfag thread
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read the guide
First new purchase in 2 months.
I like them.
Do you guys ever just buy girls from media you never watch or plan to watch?
Pfft no, who would do that ?!
Y-Yeah, who would do that?
Not me thats for sure
Does anyone know how they did the background in OP's picture?
No. I enjoy my figures because I have an emotional attachment to them. Looking at them sparks good memories of watching their show.
Yeah. Also girls from media that I can't watch because it doesn't exist. Knowing and liking a girl makes me more likely to buy than good looks alone, though.
just a guess, but I think they hung a patterned curtin, then put a blue light behind it.
Bought this
Better pic
made for hotglue
I imagined greenscreen + photoshop
Or a textured cloth with some LEDs.
My older sister went to Japan and got me this cool Yotsuba mug
It's really cute and I use it every day
>boring fig
>boring expression
>boring pose
>boring outfit
>boring fanservice ecchi
Why the hell every figure in the OP look so fucking shit? they doesn't have anything else to post except run of the mill fan service fig?
whats your favorite scale user
What the fuck? now people can't criticism OP anymore without some dick sucker interfere? who the fuck do you think you are, you fucking cunt?
Might want to check up your anger level my dude, wanted to see what kind of figure you deem good enough to be in the OP so i was asking about your favorite since apparently your taste is the only one relevant. Go ahead enlighten us with your valuable opinion, everyone is eager to see the marvelous scale you like.
Because that shit in OP is fucking boring as shite, with fucking boring horse shit face and stuck in dog pee pose, its a fucking sin to be this absolutely boring. Congratulation, homosexual. And fuck you gacha crap too, fuck off
Thats not what i asked mate.
Fuck off already SEAnigger. Every time you post, it's always because you have to whinge about something.
15 minute walk from Akihabara what do you recommend I do/buy? Why does Tokyo smell like an outhouse all the time???
Asked? fuck you eat shit
You are a fucking shitskin you fucking dick nose freak
>Why does Tokyo smell like an outhouse all the time
Its clean all the time, what are you talking about?
>look ma I’m cursing on the internet!
So you keep shitting on people taste but you cant even dare to show yours while cursing every 2 words, are you that mad every day or did your mom shit in your orange juice this morning ?
Are we talking about the same city? No more than three blocks from akiba and it smells like an outhouse. Yes it’s “clean” but it still smells bad a lot
Like a LOT
Why did it link to this post? It was meant for
>accuses other people of being shitskins
>is a SEAnigger who can't form a coherent English sentence
Don't you ever get tired of this routine subhuman-kun? Although it's always entertaining to see you have a mental breakdown.
Can't call others shit when it's you who smells.
>fishing for (you)
>weeaboo coming in like starving cocksucker to defense their beloved chink gachashit
Its too easy
Weirdly I like collecting figures of characters who I thought weren’t given good/happy endings to a show. I want to feel like they can be safe and happy knowing that I have them now. Yes I might be autistic
psttttttt don't tell that to them, other wise they might suddenly start sperging out chinkchong all over the thread
Imagine being that bored on sunday.
Does anyone use an Ikea Kallax to raise their Detolfs off the floor? I have three detolfs and I'm not 100% it would be able to take the weight.
I wallmounted a 1x4 Kallax horizontally so the entire shelf is eye-level. Since they're fairly deep I can have my books in the back row and figs in front of them.
I get people who want closed and lit shelves, but if you want eye-level I honestly think Kallax does a good job.
I have that exact setup, 3 Detolfs on a 1x4 Kallax. It seems perfectly stable, and I have never heard of one collapsing. Like literally not even one example, ever. So I think you're pretty safe.
I would do that if I wasn't renting.
Thanks for the help user, I'll be glad to finally get them off the floor.
Anyone from europe have any experience with playasia? They're selling a figure I want very cheap.
Go to melonbooks in akiba and it will hit you.
I was looking into buying bootlegs for fun and this painted Abby GK just came in. Can't complain assuming I don't get AIDS from touching it
Looks good. I want a proper scale of her in this jacket.
It's 2019 and people still post sideways oversized images
Would two detolfs fit on a 1x2 Kallax?
Okay so I'll be in Tokyo next week, what are some good shops in Akiba to check out?
>bought a vita 6 years ago
>played my first miku game 3 years ago
>bought my second figure today
It really is a slippery slope. How do I stop it?
Go to the Surugayas for funky deals on their sale racks. Also the Lashinbang building is pretty good
Figures have an absolutely retarded price now
Luka is the worst Miku
Not even clicking that shit
I have a few figures of characters from series I haven't watched. I "plan to" watch them, but as more and more time goes by, I realize that's probably never going to actually happen. I have some original character figures too, which I obviously have no emotional attachment to, so I think of it as sort of the same thing I guess.
You shut your dirty whoremouth.
ye or nah?
Nah, especially when that's her worst pose with her butt-boob and Ayylian head. Wait for her sister instead.
You're saying that like if she is getting a scale
Considering her popularity, she most likely get a couple
will get*
Looks good.
Why do all the AL boats have the same huge titties?
There are also some flat ones
You are not looking at enough of them
Cute and funny
Not if you are taihou
He's probably staying by one of the older stations that has the public restrooms above ground.
They've just got the windows open for ventilation.
You better stay away from London or New York if you're having a problem with Tokyo, hillbilly.
What do you expect from chink cock sucker?
It's 2019 and people still can't compare dimensions provided by a website.
I think it's this.
It doesn't look like a green screen. Look at how the patterns enlarge and go out of focus on the close-up photo. Not that it's impossible to do that with Photoshop, but I don't see a figure photographer going to those lengths. A patterned curtain with an LED light behind it would be much easier to set up in a studio.
Why won't she get a figure?
There is no backlight on that photo, its just a printed gradient. You don't want to shine colored lights form the back .
E.G. The guy who takes those photos uses a simple printed gradient on a paper sheet
You guys know there are exceptions to the resizing etiquette, right?
This example is showing detail of a bootleg GK.
t. nocameras
so i've 'quit' buying figs for the past 2 or 3 years. I've ran out of closet space and display space since before then, and i've gotten an order notice for the last fig i preorder literally years ago
anyways, i've haven't been checking these threads in case of temptation.
has anything notable released/announce the last 2 or 3 years.
So, you?
Your picture is just a generic low quality phone camera picture. Any dimension over 1000px would show plenty of detail
Those lights are pointing from the sides and front/top, you can see it on the casted shadows. Its just a simple colored background plane.
You could resize that by a half and lose nothing, the grain is a deal breaker.
What a shitty request post.
Here's some news for you:
Amiami's website loads slow as shit now, so post a picture instead of linking the store.
First, not my picture. I just edited and reoriented.
Second, I've posted hundreds more pictures than you have without criticism.
Literally, if you had ever tried shooting photos yourself, you would realize how wrong you are. Not even worth arguing about it.
There's a lot of lighting that goes into that photo. Notice how there are no hard shadows. Behind the curtain is an additional light, which is diffuse and blue. It's not a "back light." It's just there to light up the curtain. The only reason you can't see its reflection is because it's behind the figure at all times.
both wonderful and also worst crimson demon
lewd ones
The blue light is shooting from the right side, not from the back
I like it but not enough to buy it.
The same set has pics from an upper view, there is no blue light being casted on her form the back. The blue reflector is shining from the right side over an already printed gradient. The blue light can be seen reflected on the front of her base, and the back ridges should be slightly colored if it was pointed from the back.
Lack of shadows is just softening, multiple light sources with screens on them, yet you can still see the sources by looking at her skin
Was thinking of buying the rerelease bikini Isis from Kyonyuu. Did anyone get the first release to know how good they are? And how much of them are cast off?
Left one looks like a bloody stump in thumbnail.
and you can see the blue light shining at the white bottom as well, it would get blocked by the table if it was shooting from the back.
I thought so too.
Spent a over a hundred cubes and still haven't got her...
They're all either titty monsters or lolis.
How much does that equate to in real money?
Because these are the best ones
0, a couple hundred cubes can be easily gotten between event
Most of them yeah, but there's some exceptions.
AL is fairly friendly regarding gacha, main source of income are skins not the actual gacha odds.
I bought that exact same mug when I went to Japan.
ugh, Weekend just hit when shes in a sorting facility 1 hours from here. FML
She looks mediocre at best, some of you fags overpaid
not at all, great quality and details, two complete torsos and she was just 14kY
>these other cities literslly emit human feces into the air
>lol why don't you just get used to it hillbilly
I generally live in a clean city, Beaverton, Oregon. I'm not used to sniffing shit like you are. For shame, right?
That's a very cute foxy lady.
Who is this?
Jean Bart
I’m getting back into anime after some time away, who dis?
She's not from an anime.
Generic chinkshit mobage
It's not from an anime. It's Kaga from a boteslut mobile game called Azur Lane.
she might be soon since there's an AL anime next season
>got mine on Friday
>her box is still in the shipping bag from UPS because I'm remodeling my room
FUCK, I want to set her up but don't want anything happening to her.
now she is
>the doujin artist you really like is being hospitalized
>you're still a lazy (uro)poorfag
Its just a nihonese flu, he will be daijoobu
Delicious Jean Kart
You can send him a tweet letting him know he's got fans that far away at least. Being in hospital is always a shitty mood.
>my backwoods education didn't teach me the difference between piss and shit
Anyone got a legit website for Ishtar Rin?
the guide
Jealous? She's clearly one of the best this year and you have shit taste.
>It's not from an anime
Anime is coming out next month.
Because the Ray Romanos don't get PVC. Maybe the mobage will get some more attention for the series, but I doubt it.
If her face wasn't so fucked up I would've bought her.
lol faggot
pretty sexy, not buying her though, not that much of a fan of the series
She looks great.
I have two 4x1 Kallax both holding up 3 detolfs each. Seems pretty stable. I have the tops of my detolfs anchored to the wall with straps to keep them from possibly falling forward. I think I've had them that way for 2 years.
If you're worried about the weight, you can add in more support beams in the open cubes (you'd have to cut them to fit on your own).
No. I have a rule to not buy anything if I don't enjoy the source material. If I see really cute merch that I feel the urge to buy, I'll watch the show/read the manga/whatever beforehand. I saved myself some money when I really liked Alter's LL figures but watched and disliked the show, thus killing my interest in the figures.
I missed that figure, I fucking hate store exclusives and proxy services. Nap for a week, you miss it.
She was available for at least 4 months, even longer at some middleman sites. And she was made to order, so you could have placed a proxy order at any time without fearing of stock running out.
Retarded excuses
>even longer at some middleman sites
for only 28,000 yen yea, only double the MSRP.
NY had her for 15 K for at least half a year, the price only increased recently after 8+ months
You are barely checking huh? She was nowhere near that for months
>Nap for a week
>a week
You mean, be ignorant for a few years. The figure was hyped for at least a year before POs went up, then she was available for months.
The art for this series is pretty nice. I love the way their eyes are drawn.
didn't think your standards would be this low
I literally got her on Fakku, the last one, on the 7th. Obviously I paid like 200 USD but still
Has anybody had theirs shipped by nippon jewsan yet? They sure take their sweet fucking time with "processing". First time using them since I waited too long to go through a proxy - don't think I will use them again.
>In b4 using nippon jewsan ever
Is she confirmed to release this month?
They usually send them on a first come first served basis. May take up to a week.
That's why I usually stick with BiJ for exclusives with fast shipping
Go being salty somewhere else
While trying to track down a random anime figure that was mail order only in Japan I made a weird discovery:
Newegg sells anime figures, I'm 90% these are bootlegs from random assholes but I am curious to find out. Would anyone here find that information valuable? The knowledge of whether or not New Egg is a safe place to buy anime figures?
>paying a toll to jews at fakku
At least this figure is worth it
Huh. Not the kind of figure I was expecting to find amidst a sea of cheap Minecraft merch and Funkos.
As long as you can determine that the seller is either American or Japanese it’s usually safe
>missed all the REX's (and variants)
>metal gear is a dead franchise
Learn how to plamo and build the Koto one
>Learn how to plamo and build
Yea that's pretty much what I was thinking, most of the figures were sold by Bonwell so I figure buy a cheap prize figure then buy a more expensive figure after delivery would be the best bet.
Says it's an american seller, but can't be verified...
They have an actual phone number and all of their copy writing seems very white people-y, so you can probably trust them unless they're accidentally buying wholesale bootlegs
Shame that women that aren't fat will forever look at me less once they see these in my room, but alas. I chose this life
Your personality is surely more of a turn-off than your figures.
Oh no!
Some nip is gonna get pinched.
Oh I know, I already read a good chunk of it. The motto of the day is always: Trust but verify.
Because the last time I did something similar was an eBay seller who just copied all the scripts from RACs and said they were in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Imagine my surprise when 2 months later I got a small package reeking of oil from Shenzen with a mutated husk of a figure and when I called the number to complain it turned out to be a dairy queen in Washington DC
Not if he never sells her
Oh, she a thicc girl
Is it gay to buy plushies of male characters? I want the KnY and Fire Force ones. In fairness, I would pound Arthur from FF's chuuni boipussi relentlessly, but I wouldn't fuck Tanjirou, Inosuke, or Zenitsu
>wouldn't fuck Inosuke
That's totally gay.
Sounds terribly gay
Rare actually decent swap.
The colors go well together.
I'm gay and even I don't have any males in my pile of plushies
I preorded my first scale.(the new Megumin) and wanted to buy a nendoroid. It's really frustrating when you are late and want so get one
So maybe that makes it hetero?
check for yourself, take 30sec
When are they going to show the rest of her?
Ages ago?
Are you blind?
>I collect these because they're cute and keep me company
>I collect these because the human form and character is more beautifully varied than anything else in nature
Instant sex.
Are there R18 acrylic stands? Or do I just not see them on amiami?
They are often bundled as exclusive bonuses for some figures
The fig with her regular outfit was better
So pathetic
How can a piece of painted plastic make me want it so badly?
Rate? I just started collecting by the way so I don't have much
Post a photo of your actual collection, not an mfc link you retard.
I'm still animeonly until the season wraps up, at which point I will binge the manga. He's chuuni enough to be cute, and his face is perfect trap material, but he's too ripped imo.
It's okay, m8, I'm going to get those Alphamax Gridman girls and glue the shit out of them for balance
Yeah, I'm gonna go with this guy's theory
What's the likelihood of a gray-haired variant of the thiccer chick? I missed the preorders for the original girl, so I got the blonde version, but then the actual blonde was announced
Not likely
Personally ill just wait for BINDING's saitom bunny
As I read some threads ago that packages of other beanboys were stuck at customs (for almost 2 months) I decided to test how DHL would work.
So far it's also stuck, hope it makes it out next week.
That better not be a figure, you'll have to get a special permit from COFEPRIS and have both waste your time at gov. offices and pay for taxes and paperwork.
And tomorrow is a holiday, so you are fucked.
seek help from the rulers of time
I'm gonna have a lot of saitom blondes. Hopefully if I keep spending money it will coerce someone to make a Pneuma figure
Chances of any company getting a Nintendo license are already abysmal, it was a miracle that GSC and co got the XB2 ones so any other company making Pneuma is pretty much out of the question.
Well, fuck.
Will they notify me if I need to do all that paperwork?
Well, yeah, by "someone" I mainly meant "someone at GSC." Sucks that they went to KOS-MOS first, a) because she looks kinda shitty and b) because I still don't have her in-game. But I have to get her in case they make T-elos, just as I got Homura just in case they were to make Hikari (which of course they did)
Yes, and if yoy have multiple figures on that you have to fill multiple identical forms. Also if you take more than a couple of days they will charge storage fees.
Pretty much no one uses private couriers for that reason, customs and sepomex can be awfully slow nowadays but you don't have to go through the hellhole that is official federal paperwork and burocracy. And just pray that the form is filled as the broker wants or he will just ask you to redo and go to COFEPRIS again.
On top of that, seems like DHL hire rabid bears as customs agents and they will tear through packaging without a single regard.
>want to dickbuy
>none of the characters you like have sexy figures
I guess if it turns into a bureaucratic hell I will get it returned to amiami and ship it with EMS now.
If that is even possible...
As far as I know DHL has no policies on returns unlike sepomex/EMS, they just consider it as abandoned after a few days and "destroy" them.
sorry i'm not home right now
argentine guy here, what are the best cheapest scales? must have good quality, and fit in SAL small packet.
Did anyone get these? Only pics on MFC are official
This is ugly
I’m curious, does anyone here order amiami exclusives pack? The one with the bonus items? Is it worth getting? And do the bonus items worth it?
Got Eldridge with an exclusive.
Not really worth it, it's just an acrylic keychain.
Yes, if you like the figure/character they are worthy usually. Still, they are never actually a good deal.
mfc link or name for that fig please
too much ass
You are too much of a faggot
Not sexy, wouldn't buy.
t. patrick
I see people selling their preorders all the time. How do I do that? There's an upcoming figure I can't afford this month and I don't want Amico to kill me.
thank you very much
I like Lillie. I don't like Persona. Your collection is pretty bad.
don’t worry, I cancelled 46k in preorders this month and didn’t get banned
but still gotta get your dose of peer validation on the road huh
What series is that figure from dude I see it all the time, and on amiami just said some random shit as if it wasn't a series. I'm still confused
Character is originally from Quiz Magic Academy , later ported into Bomber girl (game)
>Yea Forums garbage
Kill yourself
I'm mad she's 1/6. She's going to tower over all my other demon chicks.
it literally says " series title: quiz magic academy" on amiami though
Not worth it most of the time. It's usually an extra $20 for an acrylic frame or keychain. One time it was a mini character wallscroll which I opted for. Still wouldn't say it was worth it. But if you really dig the art or character then go for it.
Really depends on what it is. Sometimes things get a lot of store-specific bonus items too and I've usually never liked the ones AmiAmi got and wished one of the other stores was good to order from in the West. In general doesn't seem like AmiAmi gets the good picks most of the time, maybe because they don't really need it to boost business.
Is it today (16th) that GSC are dropping the big delay list?
That was also made by Kotobukiya and wasn't all that amazing
Yes, and
>so i've 'quit' buying figs for the past 2 or 3 years.
Selling everything, feel free to send me a pm
how much for that blue hair girl
Fuck if I had more income I'd buy your pokegirls.
Please contact me through MFC, I don't want to post more about sales here, thanks.
The website has been slow as fuck since the global site launched, the new design just makes it more obvious it's slow as fuck with loading animations.
I'll give you €450 for the lot, excluding shipping.
I'd like this more if her legs looked more relaxed or casual. Kneeling or straight legged would be better.
Are the tiddies soft in these figures or not?
you're gay and retarded
>How dare he criticize a prototype!
not him but the whole collection is worth at least a grand
Kill yourself, buddy.
Most of the time , no. With some exceptions
So cant read words or no concept of time?
perfect for hotglue
No U
The noses are bothering me.
>tiddies soft
Those figures' parts don't age well
Spics shouldn't be allowed to own figs.
How much for that Tamaki, Mea, and Miyu
That from a japanese blog, Tim.
Life-like texture ;_;
>Some spics don't live in japland
nice meme returd
What an embarrassing attempt at damage control.
Were you molested by spics or something? it's a japanese dude.
Now you're just reaching retard
Disappointing but I understand. Still, that Kaga is very tempting.
I feel like I'm on cloud nine, I never thought I'd find a full set, much less subbed. Extremely glad I got it all for $82 considering the other prices I've seen online just with individual tapes for the dubbed version.
Meme show for edgy contrarians.
>buyfag threads: lewd figures of naked girls that aren't in any anime or manga
Must everything be about sex and porn and naked girls?
Grats I have been trying to find my grail for $1k instead of $3k but no luck so far
Why are all my fellow country men crying in every fucking thread because of high prices and our shit economy?, seriously if you're too poor to buy figures either stay silent about that topic or get the fuck out of these threads you seriously won't be missed, it's getting embarrassing for the rest of us.
Needs more bad-assery. Shame the market isn't driven by cool male power poses but needs more of it.
>Shame the market isn't driven by cool male power poses but needs more of it.
currently is driven mostly by gacha crap, i'm still angry about the futa fad almost dead
I'm glad it died so quickly, yet I still empathize.
That depends, would you rather hear about my scaly fetish instead?
when are they going to appeal to us tilefags
Dragons are neat actually.
honk honk
yellow submarine for tabletop gaming stuff
doll point because dolls are cute
fruits de saison for a seasonal fruit parfait
I bought this girl a couple days ago and she's from an anime.
How does sizing work with clothing if you're a burger buying from japan? If I'm a medium, do I go XXXL or just one size up?
The fucking guide
One size up if you want an athletic fit, two sizes up otherwise.
I'm so used to seeing the post and link that it's basically white noise to me now
any other mon hun beasts? like the good ones pre gens/world? and not los/ain that's boring and gay.
I want to hotglue this so bad
God damn it don't tempt me into buying idol shit.
Butt user, its just 4.5kY
That makes it worse.
I really like her smile. Confident girls are so hot. She knows she's sexy.
I wish all scales had soft tiddies and ass...
Terrible base, terrible face.
Am i the only one that wishes all the figurines I have come alive and play or act out multitudes of scenarios with them..? I often day dream about this
Terrible post.
Second box this month
Unrelated to figs but
>04/09 get Utawarerumono Zan shipped from Germoney
>09/09 this gets shipped
>Zan is still stuck at a sorting facility in a suburb near here and probably only going to be delivered tomorrow
Utaha up for order when?
>Air SM leaves Japan four hours later than a Fedex package on Wednesday
>in the inward office of exchange on Friday and registered this morning while Fedex still isn't in the country
The 2-4 day couriers really are that in very few places
All of them? No, a number of them would probably try to kill me and would be largely successful even at 1/6-8 scale. Just having them animated at scale would be interesting otherwise, but I'd probably like it more if they were full size.
Anyone got a good price place to pick up the Akagi Swimsuit figurine which would be a literal sister piece to this Kaga one?
Plamo is fun retard. fix your taste or stop complaining.
I got too careless and sliced off Amico's forehead. Anyway, here's an Altair without the Holopsicon.
Chii delayed till November.
Altair herself is quite well done, even though there's a few paint defects here and there. The base though is just a generic transparent black piece of plastic which is pretty disappointing.
I recommend to use a hairdryer to attach her PPSh-41 so the peg just doesn't snap off.
Mandatory pantsu inspection.
>The dark and gloomy girl smiles ever so slightly
Why is this always so amazing?
I'd get any of these AL's if I could afford them now.
Very nice. Waiting for mine at the moment. Is the necklace in the second pic loose and twisted the wrong way?
Oh yeah, you're right. Completely missed that since I was in a hurry to get it done and packed on display.
>buy one thing on yahoo jp
>takes a few days to process and ship
>lurk and buy more
>proxy has 45 day hold
>end up spending 400USD
every fucking time
I'd get one of Atago and/or Takao but my mom visits me a lot and I'd have a hard time explaining to her that I hate women (she knows this) but at the same time I'm in love with two botesluts who are also sisters at the same time. I also don't have a display case on the more practical side of things.
Which reminds me, how do y'all niggas explain this to your friends and family?
I'd like to find the best price for the Kaga but I don't know where it's selling and for most of the Atago and Takao I know in about one year's time they'll be rarities like most of the figs I want, existing for like 3 seconds before being bought up.
I don't, I let them talk and gossip but tell them to zip it if they start going overboard.
I'm new to this and never really post here so it's surprising that figures can even get that rare/high demand. Does whatever company produces them deliberately limit production to ramp up prices or something?
Exactly that. And for someone with OCd fig buying is a fucking hellscape of limited editions, limited production runs, ludicrous prices, and camping out at your pc to slam the pre order button.
I have no money to start a collection but I imagine the hell it could be.
Man, being a buyfag is hell. I guess I won't ever get into it then. There's a few figures I see sometimes that make me think "owning one of those would be nice", but not enough to waste indecent amounts of money for a limited release.
It is insane where sometimes prices can be absurdly low when pre owned.
Or really fucking expensive for a fig from the same series and same size AND same quality.
You just but the pretty toy and you put it there
I've been to /gif/, I know what you motherfuckers do to 'em.
Still, roughly €70 is cheap? Dang, I guess this just isn't the hobby for me.
But pretty fig is expensive and I want multiple characters from one series.
>Which reminds me, how do y'all niggas explain this to your friends and family?
My friends and family are reasonable people who accept that someone else has hobbies that are not appealing to them.
My mother knows how much they cost and how much they earn and she likes most of them. She doesn't like when they have huge tits.
what’s a good place to find super rare tcg items or signed items in aki? Like limited boards and posters or signed items.
Is there a cheaper way for me to get the shinra kusabe statue without having to pay 52 australian dollars shipping from america
How viable would it be to get it from japan somehow instead, it's a lot closer so I assume it's cheaper to ship
>Which reminds me, how do y'all niggas explain this to your friends and family?
Most of the figures I have aren't very sexual so the handful of sexual ones just seem like a little oddity for variety.
My mom loves them. When I bought the chef Pochaco, she spent some time squishing her thigh and boobs while admiring her.
Isn't she suppose to have square pupils?
By not being an insecure little shit.
Poor Hiratsuka doesn't get a single fig despite being a better girl than Yui and Iroha.
>Which reminds me, how do y'all niggas explain this to your friends and family?
Lie and say it was a gag gift from a friend, and tell them that it was too expensive to refuse.
>explain this to your friends and family
Hide lewd shit in a sealable lewd shelf
Rest is open and I get away with it by being self confident and a normalfag with gf. Taking your hobbies nerds!
One of my other September order is holding back my Altair but can't wait to get her
I look forward to the inevitable story of the brutal divorce where you lose everything when the "lewd shelf" is discovered.
ok Mr Virgin
I just want this sexy bote
>getting married
She knows about it as we live together and has some doujins of her own. U mad?
How is it sealed? I’ve been wanting to get a hideable display as well, but I want it to have glass protection when it’s open
Also, I have a bf (bi-fag) and we’ve gotten in long arguments over my shit even though the most drastic things I have on display are a couple bunnies, swimsuits and a (non-lewd) dollfie dream
Imagine letting a relationship determine which hobbies you can and can't have
Imagine actually considering dating someone that doesn't share the same hobby.
Imagine 3DPD.
What actually hurts is the sense of disrespect for something you’re passionate about from the person closest to you. He doesn’t get in the way of my collecting, just has a hard time getting used to the gradual escalation of plastic butts. But I won’t lie that it can be incredibly frustrating.
Very based. I am jealous
fuck you ive never met a guy irl who is into titty figures
its always western joint shit if anything
Needs paint so the mole is present again.
You can meet me.
Just got my B/B Nep delivered. Time to see if I rolled some nice numbers in the lotto...
Large dresser like bookshelf with close able doors. Not sure why a fag would be mad with degeneracy. Ur Bf sounds gay.
Well, she has some weird hair damage on one back left twintail (looks like they were attached and broke?), a scuff spot on her hair, and a scuff on her back leg, but otherwise seems okay... B- figure honestly. That said, how the fuck do I get these gauntlets on?
Refer to the instructions
Oh fug, didn't even see those at the button.
>Your order is now with our Logistic Partner.
>You will receive your tracking number within 48 hours.
Thanks nippon jewsan, but could you please hurry up? I need my phileena waal now
Not a lot of people realize how prevalent woman-hating is in gay culture. Plus he’s just kind of a normalfag, and vicariously embarrassed by how people might react.
He should be more embarrassed that he eat the poo poo and stick men penis in butthole.
Because only virgins like big asses, am I right?
Are you his sister?
I'd be worried about that because they would end up dirty from being fondled all the time.
>he doesn't fondle his figures anyway
It can only be an improvement.
>Next Purple barely fits in a detolf by herself with sword equipped
She's even bigger than I thought she would be...
Buyfag offline meetup when?
>spending money travelling to a buyfag meet instead of buying figures
Don't worry user, I'll give you a ride in my van
Anyone tried AOCS by toranoana? What's the catch?
What would you even do at a buyfag meet? Everyones figs are at home.
It'd be fine to like, chat and compare pics with other buyfags but.... literally that's this thread.
Massive crossdressing orgy.
I've used it. There doesn't seem to be a catch, although I don't know how the proxy fees compare to other options. Its super easy to use and they hold your shit for two months to do consolidated shipping. My only complaint is that their website lacks some important UI elements, like noting how long your items have been held.
Oh I don't, mainly because I do hard labor and get ultra dirty that my skin is very hard and most of the time I'm cover in grease and oils from the forklifts and other machines I have to clean up at times or when I have to do internal inspections.
It'll finally be an excuse to wear those nice cospa shirts.
>tfw you cuck someone out of a daki on YAJ for 1/3 of the normal price
Sell the figures you no longer want. It would cut the cost of shipping and you would get it on spot which is a plus, I've be worried about doujin selling without a black light and gloves but other than that would too.
Speaking of which, I used to say that I hope I never run into anyone from /buyfag/ but it's happened recently. The other user/guy doesn't know it yet though.
It feels great specially if it's a Comiket exclusive, downside is you have to worry about bootlegs if you want originals.
How did you know they were from here? You saw them browsing the thread?
If I say how, it'll give it away. But it's not because he was browsing Yea Forums. He does post pictures quite often though.
A beautiful romance will blossom between you two. Congratulations, user!
>tfw meeting a fellow buyfag sounds nice, but we probably wouldn't have the same taste and there isn't much conversation to be had about my addiction to plastic anyway
You saw Franxx guy’s tattoo too?
What's your niche as fuck grail merch?
What was your most shameful buyfag purchase?
>inb4 being ashamed of your hobbies, etc.
Mine was spending 58 bucks on a keychain and I'm only ashamed because I grew up as a poorfag, so spending that much on something that cost approximately three cents to be made in China hurts that human part of my soul. It has a picture of a character I love on it, so I have no regrets despite the instinctive shame.
My brain is ashamed of buying an onahole but my dick sure isn't.
Nemunemu's bedsheets. Basically a dozen traps printed on it
who’s idea of shame? If normalfag tastes it’s the mountain of loli doujins and lewd figures.
If my own shame it’s spending any money ever on nendos and figmas because I always regret the purchases.
Probably this GK. Honestly, I could probably sculpt it myself and I generally have no interest in doujin goods, but the fact that it exists makes me want to own it.
Alas, I am not a manlet, so Japanese sizes will never fit me.
Honestly, that's the biggest problem I currently have. Is there much conversation to be made out of by confessing that I'm from buyfag? Probably not.
God no.
Only your own shame matters. I'm sure there are a lot of people who would be ashamed of me for spending over 10k on assorted plastic anime goods, but it doesn't bother me in the slightest to have spent money on things I love.
>it doesn't bother me in the slightest to have spent money on things I love.
I agree wholeheartedly.
You can discuss figgie releases and casually mention preorders and plan a fren trip to wonfest.
I wish I had a buyfren
Meeting at wonfes is a simple thing to do.
I bought bootlegs and prize figures and overpaid for scales early on.
Lose some weight, fatass.
I can't lose my shoulderblades.
>been to wonfes three times with a friend who hasn't even bought a scale figure
It's because of shit like this that I don't post my figures here.
I can post my stuff on MFC if I want and nobody cares, but posting them here would be awkward as fuck AND some idiots here would just reverse search the picture and complain that I posted on MFC before posting on Yea Forums (shit like this already happened in buyfag threads)
Hardly no one bitches about MFC picture posts, they do only if they are on reddit/facebook
Not with that attitude.
Oh no some Yea Forums HAXXOR will post your face after stalking you then get banned for doxxing! Oh no!
I understand completely the community here really shits up threads sometimes like after jeebus had a gf but kept doing waifu Xmas music and anime would constantly fuck the threads etc and I’ve seen the MFC complaint as well
I'm sad too cause some of that Cospa stuff is really cool and I'd love to have it, but I'd want it as wall-art instead, both because of sizes and because Cospa is kinda way overpriced. But I guess they hang onto their designs exclusively and won't allow them to be printed on other things.
I just want approval from anons so I only ever post my pictures here, and sometimes on Yea Forums buyfag threads.
Don’t you know? Asses are a gateway to homosexuality.
>in contact with mom
>hate women
My mother sometimes like to come by and look at the figures. She doesn't care that I own them because I bought them with my own money.
It's true; men have asses.
You could have them alerted.
So I've been outta the buyfag loop for a while and was wondering, has any other Canadian been fucked by customs opening their packages when sent by rsal?
There's a figure I want and she's flat and turns out she's cast-off, though the box shouldn't be explicit. Do people still get fucked at customs for that?
>they don't already wear their expensive as fuck anime shirts with lolis on them in public
fucking normies.
The most they do is open the outter box, stare at what its inside and let it go. They usually wont go to the extents of getting every single piece out of the box and playing with your naked chinese cartoons
They still care about hiding their power levels and giving off that normie appearance. At the very least, it is beta as fuck.
I'm not sure that wouldn't leave them horrendously butchered, not to mention even more expensive. I mean I get getting the legs on a pair of pants shortened, but adding a bunch of shoulder room to shirts seems like you'd have to get that extra fabric on there somewhere and alter the stitch.
Okay, thank you! I guess I've just been spooked cus I read recently about that guy who got fucked at the border regarding the onahole but that box actually had genitals on the packaging. I don't think q-six does that, it's all censored from what I've seen?
It's not beta, I'm just a shape shifter.
The word you're looking for is normalfag, faggot.
>not being comfortable with a single, constant form
Sounds pretty beta to me.
>being this pedantic about Yea Forums insults
Fuck off.
Is this the new >xD
I fucking swear noone gave an absolute fuck until recently and it feels like newfags trying too hard to fucking fit in.
That's what it feels like to me too. Calling people normies has been the norm, no pun intended, for a while now, and I've been here a decade.
I've been here a decade.
I usually post here first after editing before uploading to mfc.
Basically quit submitting things to reddit because of how well received low effort garbage is there.
But I've also got buyfag specific accounts so that there is little worry of overlap in viewership.
>and then he goes on to use emojis on 4channel
Then you would know that normie is just a way of saying normalfag on twitter.
Fuck off.
Really anywhere but here.
Can't say fag in any context in the current year.
Google even removed the guide not too long ago because of it.
Regardless if you were from here then the common term is normalfag and normie is the normalfag way of saying normalfag without offending normalfags.
You've got to be delusional to think this is the only sekrit klub where everyone uses faggot.
Then why don't you use it faggot?
Look at this dude
>tfw still can't decide if I should pull the trigger
He's the postman.
I don't give a fuck about what normalfags think or what a triggered snowflakes think about what's "proper" language. Might as well stop using fucking English.
>tfw I always regret when I don't
Don't be me, user
A dude within a dude within a dude.
Because I find the word offensive and hurtful.
>Release Date: November 2019
I'm going to scream
You're a retard.
Drugs/alcohol, crossdressing+hotglue bukkake. Don't say you wouldn't!
I don't feel compelled to use fag or faggot every chance I have because I'm not some underage trying to fit into the sekrit club.
That happens when you buy from shit sites, she is released tomorrow
Calm down effing rword the bad fword muh nword without the hard r.
Look how you go full damage control when found out
No. Post 2016 newfags from twitter Facebook phlebbit etc came here and started using normie. Same fucking retards that argue about dubs being good and Hero achedemia and use the word pedo. Fuck I hate the post 2016 migration more than any.
Dragged this around for most of my Japan trip
What is it with this crossdressing meme
>im too good for local customs and practices
Pretty much this. I'll use normie because it's more concise than normalfag and buyfag because it's more concise than buyfriend. Who the fuck gives a shit but edgelords trying to fit in with m-muh board culture.
t. '14er retard that thinks he's special
You're not impressing anyone here that has been around substantially longer than yourself. fuck off.
Are you curious and maybe want to know more?
>You're not impressing anyone here that has been around substantially longer than yourself. fuck off.
I don't believe you.
Any chanche to find a good maka figure at not retarded price?
Normie dates back a decade, faggot.
yes, completely not a post 2016 twitter “normie”.
not on Yea Forums it doesn’t. It was a way to post normalfag on sites where “fag” would get you banned. It’s complete cancer. Keep using it I can’t stop you but it outs you as a fag in one easy step.
I spent my last few years of Yea Forums playing games with /vg/, so either one is pretty much standard. Sorry I took a break from Yea Forums for 6 years and used some words that triggered your autism.
There is only a handful of you that actually believe this, and everyone else sees that you're the biggest newfaggots here. Just shut the fuck up already.
Bought this because it was less than 1500¥ and I though I was getting Llenn
When I came back to my country I found out it was a surprise box of the set of three, I want the other two but it's gone everywhere and fags want to charge 80+ bucks for the set of the 3 figures
I enjoy your retardation. Re read your own quote.
>Yea Forums
you just keep digging a deeper hole nigger. Stop anytime.
Nice filesize.
He's a cool enough guy, I just didn't expect to run into someone from buyfag out of all people. Perhaps I just dislike the idea of having someone recognising me when I post pics.
Why would it be awkward? I only post pictures here so there's nothing to tie my identity to them. It's just that it's exponentially harder to have complete anonymity if you coincidentally happen to run into another person from buyfag who knows who you are.
A bunch of skeletron and fatass anons dressed up as magical girls gluing lewd figgies together. The last to finish becomes a figgie!
You've somehow made the worst post in the specially terrible thread.
I think it was in the buyfag thread, but years back, I remember someone posting a picture of his Miku at a park bench at night with time stamp for whatever the reason was, and some other guy said he saw him while driving by, and then turned back and they had a nice little chat. It's a small world.
No, the posts above it are much worse.
So I've read the guide and I'm still trying to settle on a display. Only have a few nendos and a few figures.
Detolf seems unstable as hell and I also want a place to put some books, manga, and vidya.
Anyone know of a compartamentalized shelving/display unit? Maybe some pictures for suggestions?
Depends pretty much on how you plan the setup to be, if it's only a few you can just put them on your desk.
Normie sounds autistic as fuck. It's utterly repulsive.
You should have sliced harder and hit the shitty figure.
Very nice. This is what I was most interested in.
Has the Uzaki chan daki been delayed? anybody know whats going on with it?
IKEA Billy bookshelf with Morliden doors.
Having a bad day?
You get triggered faggot?
i wish there i knew other buyfags so we could discuss figures
im too old to go to conventions too to meet any
Do the baseball bat case full of nendoroids and your books and scales on top.
I'd be down to meet anons at wonfes
You seem excessively more triggered user.
You from facebook or something? We here to hold your fuckin hands and talk correct and pretty for you? Get with it newfag.
I have one for my manga. works ok
Yep. Supertriggered.
Why you gotta be so mad little buddy?
Did your parents take away your video games?
Elaborating on my reccomendation I have three Billy+Morliden, for media and figures. I like how they look and how functional they are. They look like they belong in a modern house (as opposed to curio cabinets and store-grade displays), and they're a decent depth with adjustable shelves for having several figures per shelf.
I also have a detolf and two different Kallax units. I don't recommend getting any shelves that don't have back on them, or in the color black, for figure display.
Now you're just being pathetic.
when i need a new bookshelf ill def get a billy/ morden though, could use something about 3/4 its size but stil with doors
Last time I checked, there is the option to get half-sized (height) Billy+Morliden. There's another IKEA bookshelf that's about 3/4 the size of the Billy as well (both height and width-wise), made from the same material, but it does not have door options.
What's the best figure with removable clothes?
Really depends on personal taste.
And you've calmed down.
That little tantrum must have tuckered you out.
Basically impossible to answer, so I'll just post a recent nice one as an example.
Few there.
Shut up faggot
This is pretty much what I like, the clothes pressing on the skin but is there a thiccer character? I'm not too much into short girls if you catch my drift.
My face is literally scrunching up with a literal cringe face with how pathetic you are being just because I didn't cus in 1 post. That shows you aren't from around here and are singling the cus words out because they are your sole focus which is what is triggering you, faggot. Your newfaggotry just keeps growing. How about you go back
or maybe keep going to expose yourself further
Thanks this is what I was looking for.
old hag
>I didn't cus in 1 post
I never even went that far back in the chain.
Did you Google how to spoiler parts of your post?
Why did you censor faggot though?
And where should I go back to? ytmnd has been dead for a long time. It sucks that ebaums survived somehow.
Alternatively, how could I "expose" myself? You're not getting a dick pic no matter how nice you ask, gaymo.
Post your most recent arrival!
Haven't opened mine yet though
what should I put on the bottom shelf of my detolf?
it's on the floor so you can't see what's on it that well.
any figure that is lying down
A large item that would be somewhat more visible than a smaller one, or figures that you don't care as much about, I guess. Only put free-standing items in detolfs.
The bottom shelf is where I have all my plushies and random stuff.
>nothing scheduled for september
The boxes, of course
It's an endless cycle for me and keeping shit stored in Japan.
Castoffable gamer bunny.
>I'm not too much into short girls if you catch my drift
Lol, what a homo.
Reminder she's overrated. Look at the hair up close
Is that the sept ami card? It's really cute.
What stage of grief is this?
Denial or bargaining?
Let the blood rush out of your dick, please. Then try again.
Was there something that started this half shirt suspender devil dresscode I've seen on figures lately?
So let me try to understand you better, you're saying that we shouldn't buy things that evoke lust or makes us sexually aroused? Hmm sounds to me like you just hate fun and care too much what others spend their money on. Maybe you should just leave the threads and go project on people who care.