[Anime name]

[Asking what his/her problem is]

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-15 at 12.59.06 PM.png (774x601, 31K)

[Witty answer that's also a clever pun]

[replys with fpbp no matter how shitty the comment was]

[Low effort shitpost]

[Never read the source material, but comments anyway]

[Shipping two characters who barely interacts with each other]

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-15 at 1.04.53 PM.png (852x708, 32K)

[Waifu posting]

i fucking hate [good thing about the show]

ENTER [insert popular character]REN

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-15 at 1.07.59 PM.png (843x660, 27K)

The worst part is [thing that works well in context of the show] is different than [completely different show in another genre]

[Complains about how mc is a faggot or why they're annoying]

[One word reply in agreement or disagreement]

I wanna fuck [female character]

[Copy post I don't like and add a drawing of a wojak]

[Antagonist or one note villain] did nothing wrong!

[Insulting every poster in the thread with generic buzzwords]

I want to [first part of anime name] her [second part of anime name, sounds like a reference to a female body part]!

[give attention to that wojak poster by telling them to off themselves]


Attached: spoiler.png (581x262, 19K)

[Insults poster and leaves a paragraph in why they are stupid and should off themselves instead]

[telling them to go back to l/e/ddit]

[Moves goalpost]

The Virgin [character that the poster dislikes] vs the Chad [character that the poster likes].

Attached: 1b0.png (2518x1024, 170K)

[copypasta about popular anime]

[Implies that the other poster is upset]

Attached: 1554223010045.png (439x549, 4K)

[comes into thread just to proclaim anime is bad]

[Completely off-topic post]

[Vague replying to above poster in an insulting manner]

Attached: randomnumbers.png (1028x438, 10K)

[Accidentally post in wrong thread]

[Post forced meme]

[Hunterchad invading yet another unrelated thread]

[completely useless character] best girl!

[Replies to himself to fake relevancy]

[unironic ironic shitposting]

i want to fuck [Insert gay character] so fucking hard bros

[Really good post that gets ignored because is not shitpost]

[Jojo posting out of no where]

[Provides hunterchad another humiliation]

[Post to bump thread even though thread was already on 1st page]

[Random rant about pol]

[Ask the thread to "post it"]

Fuck, that's too real. Does everyone do this?

[Greentext about anime protagonist asking for it's rival to kiss or copulate with it's formal romantic interest]

[Tries to derail thread by complaining about Yea Forums in general]

[Starts in depth discussion vaguely relating to source material]

[Reply with racial slur]

[Obvious bait post]

>C-C-C-Combo breaker
Yes. Sometimes using other ips or using edited prints.

[Falling for bait]

[Calls you a dog while writing furry fetishism]

[Posts screenshot with a really self-explanatory quote from a character] What did xhe mean by this?


[Manga name : Spoilers]

[mocking greentext to highlight how you fell for obvious bait]

[Also falling for bait]

[More falling for bait]

[Replies with racial slurs whine unintentionally showing that you're from the same ethnicity]

[Ironically not falling for bait]

[Obligatory "Here's your you" post]

[Too retarded to notice the bait]

This thread is like a guide to shitpost on Yea Forums

[talking about how dumb you guys are]

[shipping faggotry]

Attached: Untitled.png (490x194, 3K)

[bait you harder]

[Spam lolis related to the show that is the subject]

[Confusing you for bait poster]
[Yuri faggotry]

[Embarrassed for falling for bait but trying to play it off]

[telling you to cope/seethe/dilate fag/trannie/redditor]

[Tries to summon him by posting a really alternative and non-canon yuri pairing to kill the thread]

[Very angry blog post after falling for harder bait]

[telling you to have sex/yikes/cringe]

[Poorly made MS-Paint edition of a meme character with women, money and luxurious objects]

[ACK schizo post]

["X" force/gang/bros/chads, assemble]

[Acknowledging schizo poster]

[complains about yuri faggotry]

[Unironically joins in yuri posting]

[Posts more yurifaggotry]

Attached: spoiler.png (709x353, 7K)

[Bait post unrelated to previous bait post]

[ironically calling the schizo poster based and (X)-pilled]

[complains about yurifaggotry while calling you a nigger]

>[selective quoting]
[Oh NONONONO shitpost]

[Taking bait while leaving a lengthy reply]

[Fully aware of the rules on 4channeland saucenow, but ask for source anyway]

[asking for sauce]


[False flag as member of rival group to humiliate himself]

[demanding sauce]

[More yuri fags fags invade the thread bumping up the file number.]


[Anime name]? ...
More like...

[insert very angry rant about ""moeshitters""]

Attached: spoiler.png (658x328, 6K)

[Starts thread with twitter screencap]

[Telling that something is not canon]

[angry reply about how your kind should learn how to get sauce for yourself]

[complains about yurifaggotry more, making the thread hit bump limit]

[post requesting to add this one to a screencap of the thread]

[Answering cope/seething/rent free]

[reddit meme]

Attached: tumblr_pducecHoFU1vwl1l5o1_500.gif (350x85, 4K)

[complains about twitter claims everyone in thread is from reddit]

[angrily responding to your spoonfeeding]

[comment insulting your use of reddit]

[Raging about dub related content]

[asks how to get past the chinese bear]

[Tomboy glorification]

[telling you to go back]

[posting the C word]

[lul faggot]
[reddit spacing, image filename]
[rant about dub VAs and localization]

[expresses degenerate desire]

Attached: master1200.png (577x215, 4K)

[Claims that anyone who defends the anime is a dick sucker]

[Keit-Ai reference]

[hot loli yuri barely acceptable on a making janitors seeth]

Attached: maxresdefaultforimagename.png (669x636, 13K)

[Hunterchad dabs and wins as always]

[Gigachad posting about something you like]

[call for mods]

>[greentext about finding a fan of an anime series i dislike]
god i hate [insert anime]fags

Attached: frog.png (491x258, 4K)

[Hunterchad receives a single(you) and get ignored for the rest of the thread]

[calls you a newfag]

[post padding thread to try to hide picture and cries for jannies]

[tells shonenfags to off themselves while being a full blown moeshitter]

[Obligatory Finds a Way]

[unironically replying to everyone]

[Posts a Yea Forums Superhero to bait]

[Kyoani post and claiming how moe is ruining anime]

[best thread on Yea Forums right now]

[gets mad and initiate a war against the janny]

[reminding people that this is a blue board so think of the advertisers]

[Upset answer followed by a report]

What the hell is going on here?

Attached: idk.jpg (300x168, 8K)

[ironic communist meme]

[orders everyone to check post number]

Attached: [].png (952x139, 6K)

[post about wishing moot were here]

[post completely unrelated to the thread]

Attached: spoiler.png (500x164, 4K)

Attached: spoiler.png (360x361, 4K)

[Post British Goku picture with greentext]

[linking to Yea Forums]

[complaining about being off by one]

[greentexts "announcing report"]

[time for /pol/ baiting]

>[telling a story about my life with only a slight relevance to the topic]
[concluding point]

[3.99 MB fail.png]

[Describing image as disgusting or lewd]


[response mocking poster for inability to get digits]

[spoiler comment that expresses total and utter disgust]

[Laughs at failed attempt]

[hyperlink to /pol/]

[Base form Goku showing what a single is]

[posts e-celeb video that's mostly screaming]

[comment about the post having a 5]

[laughs in the future]

[request you to delete the picture]

[posting a frog]

[Super Saiyan Goku telling what doubles are]

[point out e-celeb and the directions to Yea Forums]

[Asking what the replied to post was]

[over reaction and meme response]

Attached: linkedtotumblr.png (669x636, 9K)

[argues digits weren't ever a part of Yea Forums history secretly hoping for digits.]

[Super Saiyan 2 Goku showing what trips are]

[posts a single word "retard" as a reply]

[Super Saiyan 3 showing what quads are]

[Post about the anime]

[comment about the since4pass]

[Mocking a tripfag]

Attached: spiral.png (250x158, 5K)

[tripfag and passfag]

[posts a Tyrone youtube video mocking tripfags]

>implicatively quotes without saying anything else

[requests to be included in the screenshot]

[Can X defeat Y?]

[Actual serious post by an outsider of Yea Forums, perceived as an attempt at shitposting]

[tells you to kill yourself]

[all hail dubs]

[three greater than symbols]

[complaint about powerlevels]

[congratulates everyone for participating in epic bread]

[Shirou, Yui and Oberstein posting]

>why yes i like [SoL anime] how did you know ?

Attached: giga chad.png (1085x204, 5K)

[Post about an anime girl that ended with the protagonist of the show]

[Shaggy Utra Instinto Perfeccianado]

[declaring that the said anime is aoty]

[any anime that isn't moefaggotry is pebbit]

[Contends that the bread was actually terrible]

[posts interracial pornography with a snide message mocking white males]

[Upset answer from a person who wanted that another girl ended with the protagonist instead]

[ironically congratulating reddit for epic thread]

[complains on why anime girl should have not gotten together with anime protagonist]

[bitches while pretending to have been rooting for another girl hoping someone will bite]

[Calls everyone who disagrees on best girl retards and accuses them all of being THK]


[posting sales figures]

[ass posting]

[pretends to understand what it means]

[argues with figures without providing any proof]

[ironically agree with crank ship]

[Picture with student guy that uses a big pompadour with common delinquent phrases]

[calls you're waifu a shit, claims that my favorite girl is going to win]

[Hot glue tributes]

[girl 1>girl 2>girl 3>girl 4, objectively speaking]

[newfag trying hard to fit in]

[obligatory complaint about FGO and Prillya ruined the Fate franchise]

[overly verbose or intricate question to other anons that really just boils down to asking for recommendations]

[Happily claims another season won't be made]

Attached: [large index number].png (644x229, 5K)

[Yea Forums for little girls meme]

[Yotsuba edits]

[being told that it's objectively wrong and lists girl 3>girl 4>girl 2>girl 1 instead]

[claims to only like 2d lolis and not 3d]

[80's or 90's thread with everyone being cool and politely chatting about old shows]

[posts picture of anime girl completely unrelated and claims that they are best girl]

[being called out for being right due to dubs]

[actually provides on point recommendations]


[calls you a retarded shitposter, girl 3 a shit, 1 a best and a winner]

[tells (you) thst sales does not equal to popularity]

[Single zoomer enters and insults everyone while getting ignored]

[Complains about how everything used to be better in times were he didn't even know what Yea Forums was]

[Picture of robot in school uniform, suggesting that it is a robot]

[checks trips of truth]

[Skeptical post pretending to be FBI]

[asks to be included in the screencap]

[calling you a pussy and posting certain images of Yotsuba]


[dubs guy with gun on mouth, pointing how the post was off by one]

[Submessive with almost no personality female character fans versus asshole tsundere female character fans]

[Do you miss him, Yea Forums?]

[Insulting assertion that OP has an attraction to the same gender]

['quality' written in allcaps]

Attached: ['quality' written in allcaps].png (757x215, 11K)

[Debate is still happening after decades]

[posts 80's era art and expresses how they want cel animation back]

[ironicly answering "who"]

[being questioned about capitalizing moot]

[claims to have been mobileposting]

[sudden announcement on Asuka > Rei]

Attached: 23354wfw34t543.png (800x600, 28K)

[Unknowingly calling you a newfag]

[unironically asking "who"]


Attached: [Roll Chart].png (1127x777, 38K)

[EOP arriving to demand a translation]

[complain about all anime being garbage while moe and yuri post]

[calls the japanese owner of the site the peyorative term for korean]


[Post about childhood, couples or sex scenes]
[Post kid Guts getting raped or his rapist]

[copypasta of fan translated WN chapter showing MC confessing to other popular girl]

[rolls for 22]

[condemns them for mobile posting]

[claims your WN translation is actually a fanfiction]

[Random Astolfo posting]

[Rolls and praying for a cute loli]

[posts more WN fan translation copypasta to prove you wrong]

What exactly is going on in this thread? Why is every one putting everything in brackets?

Attached: 17337297-0257-4A2D-B5FE-F1943D9DC6F6.jpg (1024x576, 63K)

[Complains about phoneposters while phoneposting]

[laughs at Guts getting raped]

[retarded opinion]

Thread is moving so fast nobody will notice i am [embarrassing thing]


[complains [insert shota] isn't on the list]

]vaguely hint at something lewd pertaining to the pictured characters situation]

What did he mean by this?

Attached: echk.png (418x384, 7K)

[disagrees for retarded reasons]

[claims that you have told your mother that you have posted it again]

Attached: 23354wfw34t543.png (800x600, 26K)

[notices fag]

[Complains about low quality thread. States that sage goes in all fields]

I have no idea lol. I just came here from reddit

[replies with a Pixiv image that's master1200]

[mocks you for your typo and leddit spacing while posting a meme posted to animemes earlier that day]

[calling you a newfaggot retard and telling you to go back to [slightly altered version of the word reddit] for not agreeing with the retarded opinion]

[I'm not an Xfag but...]

[complains about you ruining the thread]

Attached: spoiler.png (474x224, 4K)

[shows newfaggedness by asking what words prevent bumps]

[Baited reply]

I want to [Female character] [Female character's] [female characters]

[claims to have been here for a long time without specifying the exact period of time and therefore calls you a newfag]

[range banned]

I want [female character/trap] to sit on my face

[Calls your favorite anime shit]

[Sees all the other posts taking the bait and anons insulting them, takes bait anyways]

[image of a girl notifying her brother about a phone call while sitting in abnormal manner]

[Picture of an ass]

[pointing out that it's just too much ass]

[complains about the size of the ass]

[post ironically asking who that is]

[Claim picture related character as his/hers waifu/husbando]

[Post asking for an even larger ass]

[one word shitpost: based, cringe, yikes, dilate cope, have sex]

[unironically confused filter with range ban so /g/ devours my soul]

[Calls everyone that dislikes that ass a faggot]

[picture of a large pair of breasts]

[participate in casual reproductive relations]

Attached: have sex.png (418x384, 7K)

[note that the poster must be Irish]

[Closing the tab and being embarrassed for the next few hours]

[Fart sound]

[posts same image but at twice the resolution]

[Inhaling through nose]

[inquires as to the reason for said girl sitting in aforementioned abnormal manner]

[laments the presence of fetish posters]

[Evangelion female characters debate about superiority]

[mandatory doctored image from GochiUsa talking about how flat she is, god damn she's hot]

[questioning the reason she sits in that position]

[imagine the smell]

[The letter 'C' with no context whatsoever]

[Posting picture about debate going on for 20 years]

[image of a blonde girl sitting in bed looking depressed and aloof]

[comment about how that Reifags have questionable taste]

[Poiting and announcing a new thread]

what in the green fuck

[being called out for starting a new thread when the existing thread isn't saging]

[This male/non-human/background character is best girl]

[links straw poll to decide who best girl is]

[announces sage]

[suggesting that my actions have resulted in her current state]

[hyperlink to Yea Forums]



[being called out for having more than one waifu/husbando]

[disdainful comment about the anime in your post and a belittling comment directed at those who watch aforementioned anime]

Attached: 1552390163371.png (1056x740, 15K)

[answers that there are no generals on Yea Forums so that's okay]

[pointing out that perhaps her rectum could be in pain]

Attached: 3dpd.png (358x302, 3K)

[image of character from gochiusa who goes by the name syaro, sharo or sxarp sitting on a bed with her legs in front of her in a manner that implies her sexuality may have been recently compromised]

[Calls Asuka worst girl and posts picture of Rei smiling]

[Reminds that we've entered literal Rei's age in Japan so the debate is settled]


[Logical but unnoticed post about an how X is better than Y]

[complains about your complaining]

[asking about the source of said pain]

[remarks disgust and disdain for that poster]

[calls for mods in caps]

[angrily post about how Japan has bad taste]

[Newfag trying to fit in ironically says 3dpd gtfo while saving picture]

[image of a man looking very amused and smug]


[complains about your complaining to their complaining]

[replies obscure VN image]

Attached: 1555105179078.png (1600x1200, 1.65M)

[hyperlinks to /jp/]

[Misatofags dabs on both by posting hot and canon pics of Misato. Calla them pedophiles]

[Make a retarded essay on why you're dropping the anime]

[irrelevantly asks how you are today]

[Discussion about which of these 5 female characters without any significant flaws is the worst of the bunch]

[shameless self reply]

[cites Japanese age of consent]

[comments on why 2d is superior]

[Picture of girl biting a white fish]

[expresses the anticipation of seeing you in these threads again in 7 days]

[calls the third sister bland otakubait and therefore claims she is the worst]

[reminds you why it's all bullshit posting a link to a web article]

[posts the image with the age of consent in several countries]

[Loves it]

[ Claims Kaworu is better choice]

[posts an image with a blob of text]


[predicts something that is obviously going/not going to happen and then requests you to screenshot this]

[screen caps it]

>[Greentexted portion of said essay]

[Poorly thought out argument attempting to disprove essay]

Attached: image.jpg (1038x897, 109K)

[picks a side and starts arguing why she is in fact the best girl without ever seeing this anime before just to bait]

[hates it]

[Knowingly calling you a newfag]

[hates it]

[points out that this character has sexual preferences toward men of color]

[unironically complains about fatefags]

[off topic remark and not an actual spoiler]
[actual spoiler]

[repsonds with a single "yikes"]

[is indifferent to it]

[posts a one word insult]

[image of worthless failure of a mangaka]

[dub > sub comment]

[responds with a single "cringe"]

[fucked up spoiler tags][/spoile]

[hates it]


[post for digits[and fails]]

[argues that sub > dub and rants about doublefags]

[Agreeing with comment just to stir up outrage]

[gets angry, rerolls]

[makes fun of you]

[post mocking his lengthy ongoing hiatus]

[Comes into thread and makes wild response without reading the rest of the thread.]

[Asks for recommendations]

[a rant falling for the bait]

[ignores ]

[calls you a baby and dabs]

[redirects you to /wsr/]

[spergs out over mere existence of a dub thread]

[recommends gay shit]

[agrees by responding "based and [girl 1]-pilled"]

[tfw no 2D sex]

[Calls you a newfag and tells you to go back to mainstream social media site]

["greater than", "greater than", "greater than", "slash", "w", "s", "r", "slash"]

[calls you a filthy creme that deserves to be genocided]

[insinuates that his manga will soon get axed]

[Intentionally recommends the worst anime they know of]

[doll in green dress saying japanese copula excessively]

[shit bait]

[Fishes for dubs]

[suggesting the world's first shotacon anime]

>[Greentexted response highlighting and lamenting the current state of 4channel's Yea Forums board]

[Contemplation and regret of being here]

Attached: image.jpg (1429x769, 144K)

[completely off-topic, irrelevant post made without reading the thread]

[8 year cruise]

[outrage placing blame on a certain demographic]

I want off this ride lads...

Attached: 1542016577301.png (162x181, 33K)

[calls you a newfag]

[begs for (You)s and is embarrassed]

Attached: very cute anime girl blushing.png (587x474, 15K)

[post en español]

[reminds you that you're here forever]

[cute couple babies when?]

Attached: Untitled.png (568x367, 19K)

[Posts it again]

[Posts in google-translated Portuguese]

[Derisive response over this user's inability to follow the thread's format]

[gives you a genuine, warm reply]


[suggests you return to the DBZ thread]

[remark about repeating digits]

[Picture of welsh-american actor Christian Bale]

Attached: supcp.png (352x286, 4K)

[Shows picture of naked sister while she's sleeping]

[suggestion to return to country of origin]

[Patronizing post warning users to simply report and ignore.]

[shouts for attention of moderators]

[posts about how this user has "beaten me to it"]

[complain about captcha.]

[Suggests to return to the kennel]

[claims it's not the case if it's 2D]

[sopa de macaco uma delicia]

[post mocking administrator and site admin for his incompetence]

[express disgust and calls for mods after downloading image]

[Tells you to buy a pass]

[open archives website]

[Repetitive and unfunny brazilian jokes]

[asks for more]

[cites age of consent law in Japan despite the image depicted is obviously not Japanese]

[Disappointed response in defense of subjectively superior girl]

Attached: image.jpg (910x1678, 193K)

Attached: blanco el diablo.png (640x480, 35K)

[Curse word][Racial slur]

[complains about redditors ruining the thread]

[Mocks the quality of spanish-speaking countries memes while being from one them]

[buys pass]

[Unoriginal meme mocking Spanish speakers]

>breaks the meta

[Dios Mío]

[smug remark about the site admin stealing your ancient Israeli coins]

This very thread is the proof that Yea Forums is inhabited by autists

[mocks post for stating something very obvious]

[post calling user a neurotpyical who should go back to social media]

[Asks Yea Forums if everyone is okay with this turn of events]

Attached: screencap.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

[ridicules his lack of self awareness]

[points out that poster is part of the board aswell]

[calls attention to disparity between number of IP's and number of posts in thread]

[Post pointing out that the a in Yea Forums stands for autism]

[condemns user for streaming]


[Claims to be behind every post regardless the number of posters]

[expresses distaste for purity-obsessed otaku]

[smugly points out that said anime in OP isn’t as good as Madoka Magica]

[remarks how it's a thing lots of "normies" would find funny and mocks the post for proving to be the biggest autist]


>[Greentexted attempt at dark humor implying that said picture was enjoyed, appreciated and will be saved for personal usage]

[Rectification that the above greenposted text was an attempt at humor, followed by a call for action from the mods]

[remarks that meduka is shit]

[deflects conversation towards worms]

[takes opportunity to post unrelated Madohomu yuri]

Random, obstructive post that breaks the meta

[claims user hasn’t watched Madoka magica]

[post mocking use of normie instead of "normalfag"]

[Casually points out "autism" as the main cause for said discrepancy]

[tells you to enjoy your used goods]

[Schizo post worried about shills in the thread]

[essay-length diatribe on why Madoka is the greatest story ever told]

[makes actual interesting well thought out point only for it to be ignored]

[ignores above post breaking the combo]

[Attempts at baiting by saying that HxH is the greatest manga of all time]


[claims Madoka is the worst anime ever made without having ever seen it]

[calls you a newfag and tells you to lurk moar]

[post relating to one of your favorite but obscure series and gets overshadowed by everything else posted in the thread]

[falls for shonenshit bait]

[ironically falls for the bait and rants about how it is a shit anime in an attempt to bait you]

[Nonchalantly replies with the word 'cope']

[realizes the threads ruined and leaves]

[yuuriposter post list pt.1]

[yuuriposter post list pt.2]

[Calls you a seething one piece fag]

[shit late effort on derailing thread]

[paragraphs long essay on why Madoka isn’t actually a true magical girl anime]

[idol anime shit]

Attached: 1563464469250.jpg (800x800, 258K)

[smugly posting tldr]

[Angrily redirects you to /u/ and suggests you to never come back]

[yuuriposter post list pt.3]

[actually gets mad and rants about how the post was actually ironic]

[Doujin of a slice of life series but with a depressing or violent tone]

[posts pretending to be ratarded meme and goes to bed assuming the argument is won]

[agrees unironically]

Attached: 1540420563945.png (292x282, 168K)

[counter response by raging Madoka fanatic on why Madoka is a deconstruction delving into philosophical and epistemological frameworks. References to Kant and Hegel may be made.]

[posts "Well, user?"]

Attached: [png].png (390x201, 10K)

[Expresses his love for (insert idol's name)'s breasts]

[types something about liking cute anime girls in all caps attempting to be a special snowflake]

[posts how this post will be the last post in this shit thread]

[posts how THIS post will be the last post in this shit thread]

[expresses love for [idol]'s thighs]

[Derisive reply due to failure to understand said well thought-out post]

[Ad hominem attack questioning the poster's sexuality]

Why is [character who did something in the discussed episode] so shit? She ruined the whole episode.

Attached: [[release group]] [title] - [episode] [720p](hh_mm_ss.ms).jpg (1280x720, 99K)

[reaches bump limit]


[Attached manofculture.png file]

[posts to cheer bump limit.]

[posts uncensored hentai image of popular anime girl out of nowhere]

[bumps thread again even though the thread is on page one and past the bump limit]

[tangential post about [release group]'s sub quality]

[makes new thread]

[melancholy post reflecting on ephemeral nature of threads]

>[Greentexted post highlighting the thread reaching bump limit]

[Genuine surprise at thread reaching bump limit]

[Disappointment at the current state of Yea Forums over the fact that the thread reaching bump limit]

[lets thread 404]

[complaint about generals]

[$IDOL's $IDOL's!]

[expands on that reflection and expands on how life works this way]

>Over 500 posts
>Less than 70 posters
This isn't healthy, guys.

Attached: 1474778502570.jpg (1280x720, 210K)

[claims to be able to bench press more than everybody in the thread]

[overused copypasta in reddit formatting]

[post calling out passfag]

Who else would would take part in this thread but midnight owls bored out of their mind.

[Wonder why, given how everybody seems to realize how bad this board actually is, nobody is willing to do anything about it]

Attached: 1545866128956.png (676x534, 13K)

[counter argument about how the pass supports the site and how you should be thanking said user]

Continues to break the meta by partaking in off-topic chitchat, discussing the state of this thread

[check em]

I want to see the faces of everyone who participated in this thread. あびゃー

[claims the dub was better]

[calling you out for being poor] which you are

[points out subject of reaction image and accuses you of being part of the problem]


[gets platinum pissed because you didn’t watch it the same way as everyone else]

[forgot image]

Attached: 1566685232068.jpg (1314x1122, 112K)

[Tells you in a not so kind way to go back to the place where all the biggest faggots come from]

[reasoning with user and saying that there are some good dubs like bebop]

[Posts Moot's pic]

Bebop was the exception, not the rule. Most dubs are shit

[proclaims that this post is bade and dubspilled]

[posts image of smug anime girl with no context]

[asks who user is quoting]

[post accusing user of being a moe-fag]

[Post pointing out the naivety of thinking people who browse Yea Forums are capable of change or escaping their respective comfort zones]

[points out the biggest faggots come from this very board]
[also point out this board and the place you're falsely accusing are the same]

[Becomes sad]

Yet another irrelevant post that breaks the meta but by someone who has been following the thread from the start

Attached: 1550028504530.jpg (431x618, 44K)

[Post making fun of the current state of Yea Forums, implying that the poster is from Yea Forums while actually never really stepping foot outside of Yea Forums]

Attached: image.jpg (868x728, 105K)

[post pointing out that the same comment was made several posts back]


[user who just got here claiming to be OP to get credit for the thread]

Attached: 1554294833149.png (680x427, 390K)

[derailing comment]

[says "unironically best thread on Yea Forums"]

[loli haet pizza post]

You got to enjoy the slow breakdown as the thread slowly sinks to the bottom.

[user who usually just reads threads and doesn’t post deciding to take a chance and post something about the topic of the thread.

[suicidal vent unrelated to thread]

>[try something new]

[post complaining about quality of other posts and lamenting the state of Yea Forums]

[post expressing resigned acceptance of this fact and reminding other posters that we are stuck here forever]

Attached: 1568527097720.jpg (1600x1200, 177K)

[tries to talk about the anime in the op to bring thread back on topic but misspells two out of every five words.

I thought it'd be a fun little thread, never expected to get 550+ replies


[why is this even allowed]

[calls user an esl]

[decides to keep lurking and to not post in a while even if he feels the urge to contribute with his opinion]

[mocks you for your typos]

Now make this thread a reality by following the blueprint (this thread)

This whole thread IS based on the reality of Yea Forums, user.

Attached: :a: in a nutshell.png (1036x664, 176K)

That would kill the soul of the thread.

[requests archival of the thread]

[post calling user a retard]

[eleventh hour on-topic post from newfag unaware of bump mechanics]

As user grow older they feel the existential dread of nothing being unique, everything that could be said has been said. Every thread is literally just repeat of the last no


[shameless self reply to keep the thread on-topic and on the front page]

Attached: 1545095454129.png (96x101, 28K)

[post mocking newfriends for being unaware of bump limits]

[being explicitly given a (You)]

[i am starting to fear my own strength pasta]

[Calls out the samefaggotry]

[ironic bump]


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-15 at 3.52.24 PM.png (286x358, 141K)

[obligatory Chiyodad post]

[Fucking weeb]

[statement about x years since founding of Yea Forums and user still couldn't read Japanese]

[post requesting someone to translate chicken scratch]


[calling poster an EOP]

[posts Dekinai-chan]

[The pleasure of being cummed inside]

Attached: 1547425606742.png (95x115, 2K)

[my wife [anime girl] is so cute]

[calls your wife a shit girl]

This is the reality, Yea Forums
This is what we're going through every day.
Is it bad? Hell no. We're talking about our hobbies. Don't feed bad about yourselves.
Thank you for the keks, anons. It gets to show how we can make fun of ourselves.
Now let this thread die peacefully.

[no u]

>[greentext mocking you for not understanding the humor in badly cropped screenshot]

[Declares your post 'based']

[post claiming to be the last post of the thread/lpbp]

[he tries to be deep]

Attached: 1537165182942.png (158x208, 27K)

[[anime] is truly the Madoka of Evangelion of anime]

[posting screencap of funny joke from anime]

Attached: vlcsnap-[year]-[month]-[day]-[hour]-[min]-[sec].png (1426x1184, 39K)

[deletes own post]

Well this was a fun thread. We should do more fun threads like these.

Attached: comfy computer.png (322x586, 153K)

>in Yea Forums

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-15 at 3.59.59 PM.png (855x611, 37K)

[asks what was the post about]

[Complains about how only nips and some tryhard western weaboo can find this funny]


[post that ends up deleted]

[traps aren't gay astolfo post]

every once in a blue moon

[replies to deleted posts without giving any context]

[wistful and melancholic post capping a long meta thread and sharing a final moment with anons]

Attached: neverforget.jpg (717x7098, 1.22M)


Think harder Yea Forumsnons are we talking about our hobbies or are our hobbies making us? Those in woodcrafting and other creative hobbies craft their and mold them to their design. Are other men, women shaping us by proxy?

[questioning the feasibility of an user not only having children, but grandchildren in the future]

[arguing that traps are gay]

Man, even for a sentimental faggot like me, this image will always make me feel i dare say, cringe.

[girls can't love girls.jpg]

[argues that traps aren't gay]

[accusing Touhou as not anime]

[talking about degenerates on Yea Forums]

[complaint about frogposters shitting up Yea Forums]

[posts quote that is peronally considered to be based]


[greentext comment on announcing sage]

[claim for last post even though it's not on page 10 yet]

[saves the image incase the Internet does get abolished]

[calling out that the image is master1200]

Free will is a myth. Religion is a joke. We're all pawns, controlled by something greater. Memes. The DNA of the soul.

[VLC screenshot]


[Citing MAL score]

[post calling out user for using vlc]


[user defending streaming]

[yikes/cringe/have sex]

[disparaging MALfags even though he uses MAL too]

Based and wokepilled.

[The virgin X, the chad Y]