Slayers Sunday

Punished Lina: A sorceress denied her oppai.

Attached: Punished Lina.jpg (837x627, 362K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck you guys

fuck you again

Who is more IMAGINE tier, Lina or Megumin?

New show WHEN?

Even as a Megumin fag I'd say Lina

Absolutely Lina. Despite being about 19 now she's still 4'10" and canonically flat. Megumin might mature one day, but Lina is permanently an underdeveloped runt who makes up for her lack of growth with hostility, explosions, and a fear of intimacy.

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Could you fuck off?! This is a Lina thread!

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Let's face facts. Lina & Naga movies/ovas > powergap > Lina without Naga tv shows

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only lina could use just a thread to cover her chest

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I won't disagree, but that's solely because of the animation and the comedic pacing! It's not because Naga is a show-stealing superior character!!

Lina is already perfect as she is! Breasts would detract from her finer features!

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How come Lina's chest is still so small even though she eats so much food?! Also when is she going to fuck Gourry?

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Spells require a lot of calories. She used too much magic and ate too little when growing up.

Also never ever ever.

She has an underdeveloped body because she's throwing Dragon Slaves like candy corn on Halloween. That much energy consumes a lot of energy, and her petite stomach can't help her surpass the calorie deficit. The end result is fairly obvious.

As for Lina and Gourry... Soon(tm). Even Araizumi-sensei is getting frustrated by the thirty-year sexual tension.

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Explain Luna, her more powerful AND bigger breasted sister?

Attached: luna.jpg (600x448, 22K)

She has a fragment of a dead god inside of her that allows her to carve up plasma dragons with a kitchen knife as a pre-teen and is capable of slicing a Dragon Slave in half with little effort. She is LITERALLY an ubermensch and her body shows her natural superiority.

Attached: luna serving up pussy.jpg (768x1024, 175K)

fair enough.

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Lina's too much of a sperg to have sex. The moment she sees a dick, especially one as huge as Gourry's, she'll collapse like Naga does when she sees blood.

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Attached: WHOA MOMMA.png (1075x1074, 349K)

LN volume 17 when?


But seriously we should be getting news about Volume 17 either this month or next month from Dragon Magazine. I'm pretty sure Kanzaka-sensei had to re-read his stories to even remember all of the finer details and think of where the plot is heading because the last thing he worked on before the anniversary special, which was largely independent of a major plot, was the spin-off Slayers Smash Vol. 8(?) back in 2008.

But if he does remember details we'll be getting some really good shit.

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Can't she cast "enlarge tits" or something?

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She's not that talented of a sorceress unfortunately. One could say she's a bit of a bumbling idiot.

She COULD, but that would be too noticeable and if she ran into Naga again it would cause her an unbelievable amount of humiliation. In today's day and age we have breast enhancement surgeries, and if a 4'10" little girl did something like that everyone would notice.

Attached: perception is everything.jpg (1200x960, 334K)

>unbelievable amount of humiliation
Only if she is still smaller.

Watching through Slayers Try for the first time right now. Guess I should read the LNs once I finish all the way through Revolution. The English translation for the LNs are complete right? I suppose they're on baka tsuki or something. Or perhaps I could challenge my N3-tier Jap to try and read them all in Nipponese. Should be fun albeit tough.

Naga can cast Flow Break, which will render her breast augmentation spell useless and revert her chest to her normal size. If Lina was wearing a top that fit her new bosom, it would fall off and reveal her boyishly-flat chest for everyone around.

I hope you enjoy TRY, and I hope you don't get turned off of the series by Revo / Evo-R.

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>If Lina was wearing a top that fit her new bosom
Magical form-fitting clothes probably can solve this problem.

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Look at how flat her chest is, thats so fucking hot.

In the official manga Slayers: Super-Explosive Demon Story, there's a special chapter where the group goes to the beach. Lina had purchased a bikini with an inflatable top to accentuate her slight cleavage, and after a while its air started to go out, causing it to slip off of the plane she calls breasts.

Even if you want to use the argument that it was for laughs, clothes don't conform to magical shapeshifting rules, especially since the only thing that could have ever been elastic in her wardrobe are her new spats.

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>clothes don't conform to magical shapeshifting rules
My point is that she should craft some. I remember her creating magical items in a first episode.

Again, Flow Break negates spells, including enchantments on magical items. In the Slayers OVA Jefferey's Knighthood, Naga used a Flow Break to negate the magical properties of the final bad guy's equipment, rendering it "mundane" plate armor.

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Step 1: You create a mundane set of clothes for base Lina
Step 2: You enchant them so an outfit could accommodate Naga+ with ease.
Step 3: Enlarge Bust.

Then it's always form-fitting, magic or not.

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But Lina can fight back while Megumin can't.

That's because Lina is absolutely fucking insane.

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More like Lina can cast a spell and still walk afterwards.

She's also cuter than jailbait witch, and is stronger and smarter and more attractive and sexier and more talented and has better hair which is silkier and smoother and feels better to run one's fingers through also she has a better complexion.

Attached: adorable.jpg (1080x1080, 138K)

You sound like a creep.

No, you don't understand...!

Attached: lina's panties.png (588x822, 217K)

Yes Lina, you are the best. I love you

Attached: cute lina.gif (800x771, 778K)

I never thought I needed to see this but here we are, punished Lina

Why does no one talk about Gourry?
>blonde hair / blue eyes
>huge dick
>dumb but affectionate like a cute puppy that follows you home

Attached: gourry is best boy11.jpg (1000x1200, 275K)

Zelgadis is more handsome.

Zel is bishi as fuwark
Gourry is handsome.

Attached: cured zel.jpg (1024x576, 49K)

I first discovered Slayers through playing Lina Inverse in Dota 1 in WarCraft 3 back in 2007. Started following the series since then.

I'm sorry to hear that, hopefully you got over DotA and are playing proper vidya now. And at least you have good taste in women, unless you still like the faker.

Attached: lina defeats lina.jpg (631x800, 351K)

I still play Dota 2 alongside other Japanese games like JRPGs, VNs and fighting games.

For those of you looking for an .mp3 repository for Slayers music, some of which can't be found on YouTube, I would kindly ask you to turn your attention to:

The only things noticeably missing are some video game and radio drama music, as well as anything released after 2000.

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For me Lina strikes that nice balance in between feminine yet boisterous; boastful yet modest at times; courageous yet cautious; and of course VERY CUTE! Also her synergy with Gourry is very amusing to watch. She's the female protag other female protags wish to be.

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It's because Lina is written as a girl first and as waifubait second. Other female leads are written as a means of giving the author the ability to jack off to their fanfiction instead of focusing on the plot.

That's not to say Lina didn't become an SS-rank waifu later on, but you get my point.

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>canonically flat
Her tits are almost as big as Amelias

In a world where every other woman has cowtits, Lina being a large-B / small-C means she's FLAT.

Attached: lina peace.jpg (792x1344, 241K)

Girls with Justice-boners are my jam.

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All of the justice retards are taken.

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She's only good at black/destruction magic, while being mediocre at everything else.

Lina has a mastery over Black Magic, a moderate amount of talent in Fire and Wind Shamanism, and a passing skill in White Magic with modest healing. She's not necessarily mediocre, it's just that her skill in Black Magic eclipses everything else she can do, like performing transmutations.

Lina is absurdly gifted. For example, she created a spell that draws every fish in a certain radius to her location so she can easily catch them and never go hungry while traveling on the road, and let's not forget she crafted Giga Slave after reading a fragment of a Claire Bible, once, at a distance, when she was a child.

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What's she gonna do, attack me through the TV box?

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>mfw used to have a crush on both of them back in primary school/middle school when Slayers was on TV

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You still can, despite being 30 years old. None of us will tell your boyfriend / husband.

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Hikari wo!!!!!!!!!!!!
*lightsaber sounds*

*nyeeeeeeeow* *clank clank*

*wet kissing sounds*

Well, for me it's just weird to talk about someone that looks like me.

Attached: Gourry Gabriev.jpg (600x600, 99K)

I bet Gourry can lick a dinner plate like a champ. If you know what I mean.

It's not weird to be attractive.

Attached: KISSU KISSU KISSU.jpg (980x1200, 221K)

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That's how it should be. Wonderful.

>Lina's intelligence
>Gourry's physique

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My wife Lina is VERY cute

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Your "wife" is already claimed.

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You underestimate my capacity for 20+ years of mental gymnastics

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I admire a man who can ignore 20+ years of doujins for his waifu.

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It ain't easy but she's worth it

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Heroes Phantasia anime when ?

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Please no
Just give me a Slayers anime that follows Volumes 9-13 and then give me a movie for Volumes 14-15 where everything goes to shit.

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You can't derail my undying love, villain

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Coincidentally started watching this a couple days ago. When does the MC stop being a loud, obnoxious child?

Never. That's her thing. She's an upstart, vocal, violent runt who expresses her wanton frustrations with rampant destruction.

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I wonder why the guy who made Dota decided to put her in as one of the playable characters.

I hate your response and I won't answer it or give you a (You). I don't want you to die but I hope your penis becomes non-functional.

Attached: lina's legs.jpg (848x1200, 144K)


Yet another instance where the anime greatly and permanently changed the appearance of a major villain.

Attached: Volume 1 - Shabranigdo Reborn!.png (653x1021, 1.27M)

>Gourry's intelligence
>Lina's physique
Fixed that for you.

The Hellmaster arc fucking crippled me emotionally when I was like 12. I mean I'd never watched a show where main characters got killed off yes Lina dies in season 1 but she's Lina so obviously she would come back so the shock factor was really powerful for smallbrain me.

I wish Slayer had good and kinky doujins

Yeah, I felt the same. The entire end of NEXT was some really great stuff. I'd never seen anything quite like it before at the time.

Have you ever read the Slayers light novels following the Hellmaster Arc? Things got really sour in Volumes 14 and 15, especially if you're starting Slayers now. It's been 18 years since the light novels ended, so if you go in blind, the tension is even higher.

Attached: Volume 14 - Gourry's Hatred.png (825x1186, 979K)

Reminder that Dilgear is still alive

Reminder that his name is Spot now. Not by his choice, of course.

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Kanzaka already finished writing it last month, so it's on track for a release in October.

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Attached: wait a minute... these aren't my glasses!.jpg (750x1000, 53K)

When is someone gonna upload the JPBD of Next?

Attached: slayers_bd.jpg (3136x1498, 661K)

Well, we're at 100 posts, and it's a Sunday; it's doujinshi time! I have a special treat today, a whopping 80-page book that has three stories in one! This is definitely not the norm, but I haven't had a goddamn Slayer Sunday in about a month and I really need a fix.

WARNING: This is a comedic, non-H work.

They've all been released; TRY's date was earlier this month.

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Yeah, they were delayed due to the artist having heart surgery. But still, only the upscaled Spanish BD's of all them have been uploaded. I just want to know if the JP BD of Next and Try are upscales or actual remasters

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I have the screenshots of the BDs for Season One, and they look like hot garbage. But, I'm posting this now, so you'll have to wait to see for yourself.

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FUCK I linked to myself, sorry.

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>Is it out-of-character for Gourry to have an emotional attachment to Lina like this?
Not after they've both nearly died and she's the first person he's felt accountable for, and counted on, since he ran away from home. He is like a dumb puppy, but in the good ways.

Attached: [TP]slayersdj_triple_13.png (1076x1600, 221K)

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Lina & co vs Kazuma & co

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Amelia preaches to Aqua to stop her rampant degeneracy, Megumin clings on to Lina and begs to be taken on as her apprentice, the BDSM paladin chick or whatever she is I don't fucking know keeps trying to get Gourry to do things to her but he remains aloof and oblivious, and Zel and Kaz stand in the background, frustrated and annoyed.

Attached: [TP]slayersdj_triple_22.png (1076x1600, 305K)

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Attached: [TP]slayersdj_triple_30.png (1076x1600, 277K)

Flaws generate discussion, and Gourry is perfect.

This was also Lina and Gourry's conundrum at the end of Volume 8, and it was resolved the same way, with Lina promising to replace Gourry's lost sword as an excuse for the two of them to continue traveling together after the incident in Sairaag.

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Slayers thread?
Slayers thread!

Now, time for something else.

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Here's the AMV that got deleted after I posted a link to it in Yea Forums a few months back.

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Wow, almost an hour, and we're just halfway done.

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Attached: [TP]slayersdj_triple_58.png (1076x1600, 261K)

Saw this one before. Interesting that Archive can bother with full Youtube videos, when sometimes they can't even save the thumbnails off the much less complex websites.

And now for ANOTHER story.

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If I had to guess, it's because the video was still active in 2019 and easily-crawled by Wayback.

Attached: [TP]slayersdj_triple_60.png (1076x1600, 285K)

Oh, by the way, there's children in this one if you haven't guessed.

Attached: [TP]slayersdj_triple_61.png (1076x1600, 342K)

Lina's earlier years I suppose

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Not just Lina's...

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Attached: [TP]slayersdj_triple_68.png (1076x1600, 351K)

Quick reminder that Gourry is about six or seven years older than Lina.

Attached: [TP]slayersdj_triple_69.png (1076x1600, 274K)

Another quick reminder that Lina was about sixteen, while Gourry was in his early-20s, when they kissed in Chaos at the end of NEXT.

Attached: [TP]slayersdj_triple_70.png (1076x1600, 340K)

Final quick reminder the reason Lina and Gourry haven't been dating is because Kanzaka is very old-fashioned and doesn't like younger girls dating older guys. In the Slayers Movie, it was implied Rowdy Gabriev banged the elf girl, but Kanzaka squelched that idea because he found a grown man banging a still sexually immature little elf girl gross.

So he's like the anti-Miura.

Attached: [TP]slayersdj_triple_71.png (1076x1600, 274K)

PS: Lina is eighteen or nineteen now.

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Zel and Kazuma probably would get on.


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The end.

Unfortunately, I don't have a credits page, but I'll post the team's information here:

Turtle Paradise Scanlations

As always, support the official stuff.

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The mysterious masked swordsman was the strongest character. Not like that idiot wimp Gaurry. I wish they would bring him back as a main character.

Attached: ACTUAL S1 BD image.png (1920x2156, 3.9M)

Why do I get
> Funny, that was your first wish
vibe from this?

How did you get something tragic from something sweet?

Attached: beautiful lina.jpg (846x1200, 258K)

I miss Slayers.
Try really wasn't that bad.

I liked Try the most.

TRY is excellent if you're not going to take it seriously, which is Slayers' entire point. It's the perfect blend of ridiculous character designs, unnecessary edginess, and surprisingly great animation despite being made in '97. It also had a strong ending that was ruined by Revo / Evo-R.

Attached: Slayers TRY.jpg (858x1200, 310K)

Are there no places to find the ost for Slayers Great?

I like the OVA's best. Why can't they make it with the same animation again?

For the upteenth time you can't have your old OVAs back because the world's gone from cels to digital, and the old masters who were fantastic at drawing details in cels can't make the jump to digital technique, while the young ones who can utilize digital to the fullest potential don't include the flaws that made cels so full of soul. Digital is a no-win situation.

Do you mean besides Gloria and Reflection, which are both in the repository?

Attached: gorgeous slayers.png (3453x972, 3.55M)

>Do you mean besides Gloria and Reflection, which are both in the repository?
The song at 1:30 onwards. I will look through your link again. Cheers.

I miss it bro. I like the digitals but the vid I posted is just max comfy. I can blast through hours with anime like that.

Attached: slayers is a gag manga.png (531x747, 381K)

There's that one where Lina and Amelia try to outwhore each other.


Attached: he's not a monster.jpg (495x599, 288K)

>Normal Zel
This is so insanely surreal.

I wonder what he'd look like in this, if he was cured...

Attached: femgadis.png (1920x3212, 2.24M)

WOW you're an asshole dude

Attached: what the hell am i looking at.png (1920x1080, 2.92M)

Holy shit user, get your shit together.

Let us not dwell into this territory.

But why not? I thought feminine dudes was the big thing on Yea Forums now?

Attached: zelgadis wants to be badass but rezo won't let him.jpg (741x850, 300K)

I like my half-golem dude as he is.


Attached: I implore you to reconsider!.jpg (1920x1064, 307K)

Post lewds of Amelia!

Attached: bitter.jpg (600x800, 132K)

This is the coy Lina being asked what she's doing after work.

If it's drawn by Araizumi-sensei, it's the real Lina.

Attached: kiss day lina.png (721x3834, 3.94M) this Lina being kissed or Lina approching climax?

That's Lina yawning.

Lina is so cute and adorable.

Is this Lina about to lick an ice cream, or is Lina getting it raw from behind?

With Araizumi-sensei, who knows!

Attached: OwO.jpg (576x1024, 59K)



Attached: rui being a madman.jpg (600x1066, 97K)

Damn that is lewd.

What would Phil say about this...not to mention Amelia.

It's ice cream obviously, his works aren't THAT lewd, an occasional nipple slip of course

My heartboner violently disagrees with your assessment!

Attached: 2.png (1094x1600, 263K)

Is this anime where dota Lina the Slayer comes from ?

You should get The Blacklist some time. It's only... eh... about $100.

This is the reason Naga isn't included in the story, because if things like this happened the Slayers universe would actively implode.

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Speaking of which, how does Lina look in that bikini?

She put on her blackbelt in dicksucking in this outfit.

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So with the new LNs, Zel will surely find the cure he's been searching for this time. Right? ...Guys?

He... actually might!

Zephilia has one definite, and one supposed, very important thing within its country. I'll start with the supposed one, for explanation purposes. There is, purportedly, a copy of the Claire Bible, or at least a partial of it, within the capital of Zepheel. Whether or not this was a traveling manuscript, I couldn't tell you; however, we do know that Lina was able to catch a glimpse of it as a child, with which she learned how to cast Giga Slave. If this manuscript is still within the city, then Zelgadis might have a chance of reviewing it.

At this point someone may ask why Xellos hadn't destroyed Zephilia's copy, provided it does still exist. The best non-canon explanation I can give is that Luna, a Knight of Ceipheed, is dangerously close, and while she's remained largely inactive we have no idea what might trigger her to action.

However, the one thing the city definitely has is the Eternal Queen. While Luna may have a fragment of Flare Dragon Ceipheed's (aka God's) power, the Eternal Queen possesses a fragment of power and has all of the knowledge of Aqualord Regradia. Aqualord Regradia was a subordinate of Ceipheed, similar to how mazoku like Hellmaster Phibrizzo and Chaos Dragon Garv are subordinates of Ruby-Eye Shabranigdu.

Aqualord Regradia is also the author of the Claire Bible.

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Stop Anonymous, my hopes and dreams can only be raised so much.

You just have to trust that Kanzaka re-read his notes, has gone over his world's expansive lore, recognizes the fan's desires and is willing to cater to them since he's an old man and Slayers doesn't have much more to go, and that he's not a fan of Faustian tragedy.

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TRY is my favorite season honestly
I get why some people didn't care for it as much but I really liked the lore of the world outside the mazoku barrier and the other-world shit with Almayce and the darkstar weapons

shit I liked everything about it

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this is another unpopular opinion but I also think it had the best OP

I liked how nuanced the plot was. When I was a kid I didn't understand it, but going back over it as an adult I can see how well it played the "nothing is ever black or white" moral dilemma. You've got mazoku killing golden dragons during the Great Koma War, who demand the ancient dragons to fight, who refuse because they're pacifists that have seen the "bigger picture" in the shinzoku / mazoku conflict, which causes the golden dragons to attack them in a fit of rage, who in turn seal up the most-potent Weapon of Light as an act of spite, preventing the golden dragons from being able to properly fight and leading to the death of the Aqualord.

On one hand you say that the golden dragons are the bad guys for committing an act of genocide, especially on other shinzoku. On the other, you have to say they're good guys because they fought as hard as they could to prevent the end of the world. It was their portrayal, specifically the dragon elder's, that had me find it so fascinating. Even asking the question, "Why does everyone fight?" and Xellos getting butthurt about it was nice. It made both the shinzoku and mazoku look like pawns, rather than the invisible hands moving the white and black pieces.

Then there was the scene where Dugradigdu was starting to envelop the planet. Fantastic animation. The stakes legitimately felt real, unlike in Revo / Evo-R against Zanaffar 2 / Rezo-Shabranigdu 2: Electric Boogaloo.

I won't say Breeze is a bad OP, it's just that Give A Reason has a huge weight to it with how many light novel references it includes and being both brilliant and stupid in spoiling the entire season in the first ninety seconds.

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I know, I love Give A Reason it's just that for me personally Breeze takes the top spot
I know that's unusual

It's not unusual, everyone has their tastes. When Slayers songs were being discussed a long time ago it was evenly split between Get Along, Give A Reason, and Breeze on Yea Forums because each OP has a little something for everyone. Even if you analyze the guitar work alone, Get Along has a fantastic solo near the end, Give A Reason has that great bass line throughout it, and Breeze has solid Spanish-inspired plucking that really emphasizes the acoustic.

That's the good thing about Slayers. Something for everyone.

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I agree with everything you said about TRY
The only worthwhile elaboration I could add is to this
>the "nothing is ever black or white" moral dilemma
I felt this the most from how Almayce and his allies had a fundamental split. Is it really OK to just dump Darkstar on this other world? And then for Xellos - how far is he willing to go to save this plane of existence so that HIS OWN race can later destroy it?

I mean, you have to view Mazoku as a kind of inversion of Life as we know it. Life wants to spread and grow - and reproduces by propagating itself into stronger generations. Mazoku do literally the opposite of this - striving to destroy existence and only reproduce by splitting themselves into progressively weaker parts. Yet you can't exactly fault them for this, as it's simply their core nature as beings.

This actually the first time I've actually seen darkstar's full body in detail. Excellent find

He gives me a real Xenogears boss vibe, if that makes sense

One thing that continues to stand out to me is that when Lina was considering the Giga Slave, which would destroy their world anyways, Almayce was interested in seeing it fire just to experience the Lord of Nightmare's magic, referring to Her as "our Mother". That kind of writing, where you're writing the CHARACTER and not a walking trope, is so rare these days he always stood out to me.

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Yeah, the fact that both Shinzoku and Mazoku seem to have conflicting religious beliefs regarding exactly who (or what) Lord of Nightmares is

I like Kanzaka's joke answer, that She wants everyone to be engulfed in Chaos because She's lonely and wants everyone to come back to her.

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Even as a joke it has some depth to it
>all is void, a sea of chaos
>LoN gets bored
>creates shit
>gets lonely because all of that shit was part of LoN
>wants to return everything to itself
>simultaneously does not want that
It's a weird amalgam of both a creator and a destroyer God, and is one of the few examples in fiction that to me actually feels like how a higher level deity would operate

To put it another way, Shinzoku and Mazoku are like opposing halves of LoN's personality and wishes

One thing I need to point out is that LoN didn't actually make reality. Reality accidentally happened. She didn't even know reality was a thing until the shinzoku and mazoku started fighting each other. How reality accidentally happens, I don't know, but this is also the same woman whose true name is Lucifer in canon.

One fan theory I do like is that, at least in the anime, she'll grant anyone's truest desire without a cost. She destroyed Phibrizzo because he wished it, she saved Gourry at the cost of Lina's life because Lina didn't care what happened to her to get him back, and she returned Lina when Gourry was begging because he needed her.

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FUCK not "without a cost", "WITH a cost", since she completely erased Phibrizzo, took Lina's body, and erased both of their memories while they were in Chaos in exchange for having each other again.

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That's real fuckin' cute.

What was the cost to Phibrizzo then? That ONLY he got destroyed? She monkey paw'd him

oh nevermind I'm stupid, you said it already
that he was completely erased instead of being returned to chaos right

She monkey paw'd him because he was acting like a total dick. When the Giga Slave didn't do what he presumed he did, he figured that Lina was "containing" LoN's power, so he attacked what he believed to be "Lina". He realized too late that he attacked LoN, who was so ticked off by this that she ripped him out of the Astral Plane and undid him.

This is absolutely one of those, "It was at that moment he knew he fucked up," moments.

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I like how Xellos' true astral form is just a black cone
something about the fact that the truest representation of him and his power is just a simple geometric shape is cool to me

>photos taken moments before disaster

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Generally speaking, the stronger the mazoku, the more complicated their Astral Form can be. It's why stronger mazoku use more grotesque forms, to try and represent how powerful they are. Xellos, being just one step removed from a subordinate in terms of power, could have any form he wants. He instead chooses the simple death machine that can also become fragmentary cones that kill things from all directions at once.

It's the juxtaposition of his sweet demeanor with his absolute ruthless efficiency.

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I understood it more as "the more powerful a Mazoku is, the more CONTROL they have over what form they take"

Like, lower lever mazoku that try to incarnate always end up looking monstrous. Kanzel and Mazenda were able to look mostly human etc.

As I recall, Xellos' closed eyes and even the way they look when he finally opens them are a deliberate choice he made in terms of his appearance

We might be saying the same thing in different terms. When Zelas and Dolphin appear in the light novels to witness Lina and Gourry fight Shabranigdu, they're in human forms. However, we know that Zelas' true form is a gigantic beastial werewolf in spiked plate armor with leathery wings. Just a few chapters before that Dynast Grausherra's true form is described as a gigantic mass that fills up an entire throne room.

What I'm saying, or hope I'm saying, is that Xellos' true appearance is his way of flexing on others. He doesn't need to appear demonic or intimidating, nor does he care to.

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>We might be saying the same thing in different terms.
Yeah, we totally are
Xellos chooses to be simple as a reflection of his personality, whereas most others choose a more monstrous form as a means of intimidation or THEIR form of flexing
Xellos is just a really stylish motherfucker

Guys like Spiderman from Season 1 couldn't choose - he had to be part-spider when he manifested

oh another good example of Mazoku forms is Seigram, who could barely hold a humanoid form at all

As I understand it, he got a lot more development in the light novels
Always been a favorite of mine

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Seigram is a legitimate threat in the light novels, as he appears over the course of four volumes. Unfortunately, two of those volumes weren't included in NEXT, but they were adapted following Seigram's death in the anime... as Revolution / Evolution-R.

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>your explanation...

So...thats why LoN is a woman?

>you are approched by a naked Lina hair flowing like OP pic, what do?

She's a woman arbitrarily as far as I can tell, though Kanzaka might enjoy femdom since he routinely lets L-sama beat the shit out of him and Lei-Shabranigdu in the afterwords of the light novels. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course.

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I don't think LoN is really a woman in the traditional sense
It's more about her being the "mother" of all things

I really doubt it has a gender
Mazoku don't, because they don't reproduce that way

HOWEVER, Lina IS a woman! And she has female parts that are both fully-functional and aesthetically pleasing! She is also capable of reproducing!

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why is the series called slayers?


Lina has killed bandits, demons, ghosts, orcs, trolls, goblins, beastkin, and dragons. So, she's a "slayer" in the sense that she kills everything she comes across like the rabid little animal she is. It isn't until Volume 15 / Evolution-R that Xellos gives both Lina and Gourry the titular title of "demon slayers" until after they kill a second fragment of the Great Dark Lord Ruby-Eye Shabranigdu.

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Sorry, like Taiga, birth for her would be...painful.

Yes, she is also my wife

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*bass guitar riff*

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that might be the only thing that could get me to play Smash

Who would cast the most powerful explosion?

Same here for me, funnily enough. Never played any Smash in my life.

Thanks so much for this story time. I'm having a shitty night and this made it a little bit better.

Lina can unmake reality, so I think it goes to her

Roast Beef or Hot Pot?

Roast beef is my preference, but is also a bit higher in terms of likelihood of containing carcinogens and hence increasing cancer risk, so hot pot once in a while is fine.

>worrying about trace nutritional needs when you'd be trying to eat meat with lina inverse
you're thinking about long term survival when you should be thinking short term

>liking flat chests

>disliking flat chests


>thinking about chests at all

filthy neutrals

Having a chest/no chest doesn't make up for being a bitch.

I don't really understand what you're trying to say, I just know that I like flat chests

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Just putting personality over bust size, that's all. Didn't intend it to be a jab at anyone Slayers related.

yeah but personality is its own separate metric just like you said
ergo, Lina having a great personality AND a flat chest makes her my wife

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>not liking all the chests

Man of culture I see.

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Nice long thread, see you guys next Sunday I guess.

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It's now or never. The VAs for the Slayers cast are getting old; the more we delay a new show the less likely we'll get it. Also you ruined my "see you next Sunday" post by bumping the thread ;_;

The wait is suffering.

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Ah... I fell asleep... I'm not as young as I used to be. At least the thread is still alive...

Will the thread be up in nine hours, once I come home from work...?


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Post the cutest Lina art you have in your folder. Onegai.

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Pretty cute, I guess, though not in the way I expected.