What is the deal with phimosis and manga?

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japs aren't circumcised and they're also sexually repressed so they don't manipulate their foreskin enough to avoid it as pubescents

But they bath naked together all the time. They shouldn't have the type of mentality that prevents them from dealing with this problem.

my foreskin is super tight and I don't fap :(

That's why. I had the same problem at 11 but I fixed it myself in a few months.

So you just fapped furiously for months?

for some reason they associate long foreskin with boyishness

its cute, 'inexperienced'

an erect dong with foreskin covering is seen the same as a tight vagina

both of these are just bad anatomy, also Japanese like nearly all of the world doesnt circumcise

its cute

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>apply 3D to 2D
You faggots never learn

I've always found it weird that manga and hentai and shit just completely misunderstand what phimosis is. They always act as if phimosis is having a foreskin AT ALL. Like they'll look at a totally normal dick that has a foreskin covering it and go "ufufufu your phimosis is so cute" and pull it back. And it's like, dude, phimosis is a relatively serious medical condition. If you're fucking pulling back his foreskin and proceeding to have sex he doesn't have phimosis.

I always wondereded if that's just a mistranslation or nip porn artist genuinely don't know what phimosis actually entails. If you can easily just pull it back then it ain't phimosis.

Literally the most correct post.

It's not like they're writing phimosis, they're writing 包茎, which is translated to phimosis, this doesn't mean there's a 100% overlap between the words, among other things they have a sub class of 包茎, 仮性包茎, false phimosis, which I believe is when the foreskin is retractable, but it doesn't pull back on its own naturally upon erection. I do not know whether this subclass is also recognized in the west, I'm not a phimosis professor, but seeing as googling fake phimosis and false phimosis turned nothing up, I doubt it.

look at this fucking nerd

we got a jap foreskin expert over here boys lmfao

nigger you're browsing Yea Forums on saturday night, of course there will be foreskin experts at this hour

>Phimosis so serious I can't even shoot semen
>it just oozes out
>Been stretching for 5 months now

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Just be happy the Japs bother acknowledging the existence of your penile deformity. Never seen a hentai character with hirsutoid papillomas.

There is no other way.

God in so glad I don't have that problem. Does your dick smell? Imagine the smegma.

>Not circumcised

Just cut your foresking yourself with a pair of pliers

>A Girl Who Is Very Well-Informed About Weird Knowledge, Takayukashiki Souko-san

Is weird knowledge stored in the tits?

I have a 18cm dick and forced my frenulum to expand by daoly masturbation
I gotta admit dick cheese smell is kind of enticing and may understand why males portrait it as something alluring for women