is Steins gate worth seeing?
Is Steins gate worth seeing?
It's probably one of the best VN adaptations out there, it has some issues but overall it's really good. If you don't want weird "huh" things you need to play/read the VN.
Probably also a show you need to watch twice to take it all in.
If you like pretentious anime, then go ahead.
I watched it twice and felt like it was overrated.
Requesting that cursed gif of Kurisu dancing
Liked it the first time, then saw the fan base around it and it ruined my enjoyment
thanks, based
VN's a lot better, but anime's still pretty good. Try not to get too hyped up or anything, expectations hurt it.
Yeah it's good
watch it
The logic of everything is so bad
Just made me irritated because it's not intended to come off that way
I kept thinking of the actual right way to solve the issues using the universes logic
"I'm such a Nerd" - the anime
Stein's gate panders hard to the half-wit masses idea of being a nerd, giving it a pass. Okabe barely has any character beyond "HAHAHA Look at me I'm a giant attention whore but it's ok cause I'm QUIRKY xD" and what little is there is just "I need to save my retard waifu written" so sloppily it makes Maeda look like Hemingway. All the other characters are just JRPG /q/uest givers and have almost no relevance to the plot. Their cheap characterizations reflect that, having nothing to them outside of their tropes.
For a show that like to spew a lot about /sci/ence, it's not very logical. Everything only works conveniently to neatly fit what the plot demands, further complications are completely ignored. The ending is an asspull that wasn't built up at all and it's never explained why Okabe has the reading steiner despite that being the most important thing to making him work as a protagnoist. The romance is completely forced and feels like it only happened because he's the mc logic so of course the girl who has it all and should have a horde of guys prodding at her has to end up with him. Got to to fulfill that fantasy.
Watch it and form your own opinion. Quit asking Yea Forums what to watch or what to think of things.
I think it's great, the autists calling it pretentious haven't seen actual pretentious shit (or too autistic to follow a basic storyline), and the logic of it is really good for a time travel story.
Gotta be 18 to post here kid.
3 episode rule decide for yourself. Some find the starting episodes slow and only like it for the second half where things start heating up. Definitely worth trying to watch on the chance that you end up liking it at least because it's by no means a bad show.
So, you are trying various stuff to save one of your friends from being killed. You make the changes which kill the relative of a second friend and make the third friend significantly unhappier. The changes don't work and first friend keeps being killed.
Before trying to sacrifice just another friend, how about reverting the previous changes? They are irrelevant anyway, right?
>hurr think for yourself
>one second later...
>everybody who don't like muh show is stupid!!!
SGfags are garbage.
>Generic harem with 1-dimensional anime cliches for characters that deludes normalfags by being "not set in highschool."
>"Us otaku, amirite guys?" humor on the level of The Big Bang Theory.
>"I am mad scientisto! Is so cool! Sonavabitch!"- jokes designed to be shouted out of context by meme-regurgitating underages
>"Time travel" and other smart-sounding buzzwords, while the story and writing are completely braindead.
>Good production values.
It's a show perfectly designed to be considered a masterpiece by drooling retards. If you are a drooling retard than it's a must watch.
>not binge watching it in less than a day
Wow it's almost like you can tell someone to think for themselves then state your own opinion in the same post. Clearly I'm the retard here.
Binging and skipping through important plot points, such as the need to revert all the changes are different things user. Binged it over 2 days.
It's a masterpiece.
t. brainlet
Read the novel twice. Faris ending is the only logical ending, not because of the specific outcome, but due to a least bad way of making choices.
Asking if an already famous and highly rated show is worth watching can more or less be pointless here since you'll mostly get 200iq contrarian opinions from people who don't even remember the plot. Although it's lacking in character depth compared to the source material, at the end of the day it's a plot-driven show where the fact that the "characters are one-dimensional" more or less fits in with the time loop setting.
>Thng furself but u dum dum buhcuz dis
Read the VN. Can't believe Yea Forums is better than you guys on this.
Watch Steins;Gate, then read VN, then read a lot of side material(mangas/etc, you can just read about it shortly at least, it's very important to get full puzzle in SG0), then Steins;Gate 0 VN, then watch Steins;Gate 0 anime.
Skip movie, don't forget to watch Steins;Gate 23beta after reading Steins;Gate VN.
You can also watch 25th episodes for both shows.
Read the VN.
What's that a screenshot of?
>wow it's almost like
Every dumb redditor ever
You can't really say it's the best worldline since we have no idea what happens to Kurisu's research and how that affects the future. Steins;Gate is literally all about not taking the easy way out and keep trying till you find Steins Gate. The stuff they did with the D-mails was just not supposed to happen and reverting it is the same as returning everything to its original state.
All the moe stuff was cringe, I feel it took away from the series
I'm not saying that it's the best worldline. I'm just saying that if I will get a task to save someone, I'll try to avoid the changes which are guaranteed to cause deaths and unhappiness among my friends. Instead I'll try to carefully sidestep the problem and make some unrelated changes. Maybe they will work, and maybe they will switch the world into a totally new state. Which is basically the Faris ending. They may have a bad end, but without a foreknowledge that's the best way to act.
The only way to avoid Mayuri's death is to jump to the Beta attractor field, and this requires the deletion of the very first D-Mail. Okabe knew this since episode14/second half of chapter6.
>how about reverting the previous changes? They are irrelevant anyway, right?
>need IBM5100 to delete the first D-mail
>Suzuha goes to 1975 to buy one, then gives it to the Akihas (Faris) and asks them to donate it to the Yanagibayashi shrine (Luka), who will eventually give the computer to Okabe
>Moeka's D-Mail informs her that the IBM is in the shrine, leading her to steal it before Okabe comes
>Luka's D-Mail turns him into a girl, who accidentaly breaks the machine (i'll admit that this one doesn't make much sense)
>Faris' D-Mail, with the intent of preventing her father from going to his business meeting, claimed she had been kidnaped and demanded a ransom. He didn't have much money at the time, so ended up selling the IBM
>Suzuha's D-Mail kept her from leaving before the rain could do irreparable damage to the time-machine. As a result, it underwent a major error when she arrived in 1975, leading to a crash in which she lost her memories of the mission, and not buying the computer in the first place
Based as usual.
meant for
Ok, that was a great recap. I forgot some of these connections, so thanks for reminding me all of them. I concede my first point then, it had a certain logic. Still by now I'll keep my opinion - it comes naturally from trying to avoid two equally bad variants.
Its good, not great, the science is laughable but decent. SG:0 is fucking trash, don't even bother.
Yeah it’s oretty fucking good even more so in dub. Okabe’s character and the voice acting that
went behind is just so damn intriguing, gave it this slice that I just couldn’t find as much in the subs. People say the first half is boring but personally I loved every second of it. You could also play the game, the newer one called steins gate elite.
Yes but its very overrated so dont expect too much
>i'll admit that this one doesn't make much sense
As a girl Luka's weaker than they otherwise would have been as a boy, so they end up dropping the IBN 5100 and breaking it while cleaning the storehouse.
>why is this sci-fi story based on internet conspiracy theories and IRL pseudoscience not full of accurate science?????
Is this one of those shows that people hate just to be contrarian and attempt to appear smarter than they actually are?
He's so eloquent in the dub, I feel like the sub would take away from that
>recommending dub on Yea Forums
>recommending dub over Mamoru Miyano
Chaos;Child is better than Steins;Gate.
I like the dub as much as the next guy, but this is Momoru fucking Miyano we're talking about.
>CERN Open Days happening right now
>most volunteers get asked about did they watched Steins;Gate
>As a girl Luka's weaker than they otherwise would have been as a boy, so they end up dropping the IBN 5100 and breaking it while cleaning the storehouse.
Can't believe i missed that, especially after rewatching the series less than a month ago. Thanks.
>most volunteers get asked about did they watched Steins;Gate
It can still be believable. SG skirts the edge of laughable.
What is with all these dub fuckers lately? Is school out?
Read the VN and get all the endings. You can read 0 too, but it's not as good. Still worth a read for Maho, shaman girls man and punished Okabe.
Yes. Every beloved, popular series becomes a target for contrarian shitposting.
I watched stream yesterday, and well, in comments there was Steins;Gate and some novel time to time.
Volunteer literally said "...and once again, i didn't watched Steins;Gate"
It's fucking shit, possibly the single most overrated anime on Yea Forums.
It almost builds up some interesting concepts but then it just devolves into a time loop story (like that totally hasn't been done before in VNs).
Also the protagonist is reddit incarnate.
Buzzwords with nothing meaningful in it. Why are you even bothering to post?
I liked it at first, then I watched the sequel. then I rewatched both seasons 3 times. Pirated the VNs, finished them 2 times, and the Linear Bounded Phenogram once.
Then I started hating it because I was bored by it -- for how many times I went through it, the fanbase also was a bunch of "le nerds" from mostly leddit.
Kurisu is still best-girl though.
>Nooooooo don't insult this anime we're all supposed to like, I will have to update my 3x3 otherwise!
>replying to the buzzword and lack of substance comment with a basedjak meme.
I give you the epic based and redpilled award along with this (You). Keep trolling those libtards.
finally finished it after dropping it early 2 times. despite hating anything to do with time travel I have to say it is top 5 for me. i think I would have liked it even more not watching 0 though.
>read VN
>skip movie
Correct. Everything else is optional.
Gonna have to check that out. Hope they archived it somewhere.
although i think the true ending twist in S;G was better than the one C;C, i agree. Shame it got a bad adaptation.
Senri is best girl.
What's wrong with the movie?
Fanservice cashgrab.
It contradicts canon and also
How so?
Only if you like pseudo-intellectual pretentious anime
It's the best
I didn't understand what the fuck you wrote until I mentally replaced "they" with "he"
>Went to sign up for one at my uni
>Have to put in an application
>Wrote fucking SERN because of S;G
Stop asking contr/a/rians.
>is Steins gate worth seeing?
I didn't like it much, but:
Make up your own mind!
You should never ask something like this about any anime, user.
Best case, it saves you an hour or two that you might have needed to try it out yourself.
Worst case, it will keep you from watching something you really enjoy.
Or it might pressure you into watching something you don't enjoy.
And if you decide to watch it anyway, you will do so biased with other peoples' opinions.
None of that is a good thing. So, don't ever go around asking other people to form your opinion for you.
Don't you mean Serika?
Its plot is some BS about Okabe getting retconned out of time due to all the time leaping he did, and Kurisu saves him by travelling to the past and kissing him when he was a shota. This anchors his existence in time again somehow.
Funimation fans.
Nice bait, but nothing for (you)
Are you ESLs?
Read the VN (the original version, not Elite), then watch the anime if you liked it. The anime is a legitimately good adaptation of the VN and a good way to re-experience it quickly (~12 hrs vs. 50 hours), but by itself it would probably be just an above-average anime. A lot of the little details they had to leave out are what brought the VN to life, and the first-person perspective of the VN is more immersive as well.
As to the story itself, it's the best time travel story I'm aware of, and does pretty well at capturing the spirit of scientific discovery. While most of the character archetypes are cliches, the protag is pretty unique and he drives the story so it doesn't matter. The science is pretty accurate for what it is, though I wouldn't describe this as "hard" science fiction.
TL;DR - yes, but read the VN first
This is legit good advice.
t. speedreader or baiting, the whole point of Okabe's character is that it's all an act that he increasingly struggles to keep up. I won't deny that S;G is marketed in the West as "LOL qUirKy nErDs XD", but that's because they're trying to slot it into a standard bin they believe will appeal to their target market. Some of your other criticisms are legitimate (particularly the generic character archetypes and the fact that it does kind of end up being a romance story), but I see these as the authors relying on tried-and-true VN tropes for some things so they could focus on the important and difficult parts.
Anyways, if you're so convinced that this is an incompetently written scifi VN, recommend a better one. I'm looking for a new read so I'm open to suggestions.
>taking copypasta bait even remotely seriously
Just watched it last week finally, it's good. Go watch it.
Watched it without knowing anything about it other than the /pol/-bait title. Was quite good. I imagine the over-hyping it has these days hurts it quite a bit unfortunately.
i genuinely tried to give it a chance due to everyone's praise and recommendation, but i dropped it after 9 episodes. i couldnt stand it anymore. normally im pretty good at a general "suspension of disbelief" and just letting things happen and have the story tell itself, but the problem was that nothing made sense. okabe is a clown, ok, but WHY though? what is he hiding? nothing? he's just a clown and thats it? fucking weak. what the fuck are his credentials? how does the team make ANY money? why does the team put up with his retarded bullshit at all? what the FUCK was he even trying to make with the microwave thing in the first place? it became a time machine thing, sure, whatever, but what the fuck was the original objective? none of this shit makes sense. characters are one dimensional and retarded. zero history is developed or explained. sure, some of the goofy moments were kinda funny on an individual/isolated level, but the work as a whole is absolute fucking garbage.
>quits less than half way through
>going 9 episodes without giving a SINGLE character any kind of meaningful explanation, context, or background. especially our MAIN character.
kill yourself, pretentious faggot.
In stein:gate's defense, it was originally a visual novel. Meaning it was paced for people with the patients to read words.
if it doesnt address those issues in however many chapters or whatever those 9 episodes of "content" covered, then its a shitty visual novel.
speaking of VNs, fucking FATE has better explanations and context in its animes, and thats SAYING something considering how generally shitty fate shows/plots are.
Source on that pic?
He's just some kid that decided to larp as a scientist after getting out of school, not every character needs to have a deep and intriguing backstory.
even a sentence like that would be more than what they ACTUALLY gave us.
Phenogram anime when?
Except it isn't which you'd know if you actually read / watched the thing.
Worth for this sexy girl.
The artist is gy / ghettoyouth on boorus.
this the dub is fantastic, but skip season 2
Yo, 0 is fucking horrid don't read it.
too late
Steins gate = Real Shit