Another night watching love scenes and pretending it's me

>another night watching love scenes and pretending it's me
does it get better, oldfags?

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34 here. It gets better, than it gets bad again, then it gets better a bit faster, but then it gets somewhat bad again, but finally it gets better for a while and just sometimes a little bit worse, but only briefly and generally better.

kinda expected something like this
well I guess some nights it's even comfortable, but I hope one day I can feel the real thing, still

I'm 20 and fully committed to becoming a wizard, but I feel like I'm making a really big mistake. I imagine myself in 30 years all alone and it frightens me. Then I think about the responsibility of being a husband and the statistics of divorce and alimony payments and that frightens me too. I'm not interested in romance or sex but I don't want to die without having truly affected anyone and without leaving anything behind.

I gave up on relationships like 10 years ago and my life has been fuckin great

I just turned 19 so I'm kinda in the same boat; I get days where I'm so horny I just want a girl to fuck and get on with it, but that I can manage, what really brings me down is when I get feeling like I do now - where all I want is a girl to hold hands with and we can curl up and I'll show her the things I like and she shows me the things she likes
The saddest part is I've slowly come to think that my mindset is foreign and unusual to a lot of people and I can't tell if it's me putting myself down or not

Shut the fuck up, kid. Child.

It's easy to get "being in a relationship" and "the idea of being in a relationship" mixed up.
A relationship is a whole fucking lot of work. And it's more than I'd be willing to put up with. Not a virgin, so I've got that crossed off my list at least.

>tfw i've been posting on here since I was a freshman in hs
fuck you i wont do what you tell me

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Yeah, when you stop fucking self-inserting.

25 here, you just kind of live with it. At least this medium can help you forget and heal as well. I try to stay away from romance stuff because that gives me undead holy damage.

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Well I was actually in a really good relationship a while ago, I like people a whole bunch so it wasn't that bothersome to me, but it didn't work out
It didn't really hurt me but I want to feel that with someone who really means it

Don't worry. Like all of us, he too will look back at his 19 year old self in ten years and cringe.
Protip: You will never stop cringing about the you from 10 years ago.

It only gets worse for me because everything else is also fucked.

I'd honestly recommend killing yourself.

It gets increasingly worse.

Dude, just start going to church until you can believe it. Most of those girls are simple and will never divorce you; in particular if you're Catholic.

t. former NEET now married because I went to church

Churches are nothing but elderly now.

Wrong. The young people are mostly female now, in fact.

>t. former NEET now married because I went to church
Was it worth it? Do you still have the time/freedom to practice your hobbies?

Hmm... yes and no. I really cannot overstate how exhilariting it is to share your favorite hobbies with someone who loves you and cares about what you say. Here at Yea Forums, we like to bemoan normalfags ruining the medium, and while I agree -- it's nice that most are at least aware of what anime is, and it isn't something that just repulses people instantly. They're willing to be interested. As for the lack of free time? eventually I got used to the grind; though I hate wageslavery, what makes it worth it is having a reason to do it. I know exactly why people prefer to be NEET, and I do reminisce on those days. But the lack of free time makes catching up all the more fun.

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go to a mormon church and find a "young single adult" ward, you're welcome

Lol, it does, but only because you die inside little by little.

I cried when I watched the first episode of Eden of the East, because I knew I'd never experience something so nice

That makes you cancer at the very best.

It might. It might not. It's a total crapshoot. The smart thing to do is become a person who can survive whether things are good or not.

Speak for yourself turbo-dweeb

Media portrayals of relationships are romanticized anyway. Relationships in reality are primarily a vector for reproductive habits. Unless you actually want kids it's really more work than it's worth. Don't confuse your sexual and emotional worlds. Your Nakama are all you need to get through this life. Not having a powerful Aniki to watch your back, that's what you should be afraid of.

t. old man who dug the gate together with his old fool friends.

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ah damn I saw a great feels webm of Higashi no Eden on wsg a while ago I wish I'd saved it