White Album 2

What are your general thoughts on White Album 2? And while we're at it, White Album 1.

Before anyone starts, let's just get a few facts out of the way:

Setsuna best girl.
Touma made her bed and should sleep in it.
Chiaki canon route.

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I'll let you know after I try it, babe

Setsuna did nothing wrong. It's not her fault that Kazusa is a beta loser.

The problem is the show never truly acknowledged Kazusa is a beta loser. He's "kind", which mean pushover under harem standards. Instead it tried to shift the blame entirely on Setsuna. I don't see really a big deal because teens are stupid and it's kinda realistic that a pushover bookworm like Kazusa would like the attention of a hot chick like Setsuna only for his ego and hormones but otaku writing is too restrictive

It made me cry a bit

The game was pretty damn good, actually. Sure, it's a lot of petty drama, but it's a decent experience and the music/effects really get you into it.

The fade-in of Coda after Setsuna Closing was incredible, I think it was the highlight of the effects department.

>The problem is the show never truly acknowledged Kazusa is a beta loser. He's "kind", which mean pushover under harem standards
Fucking retard.

Great OST. I wish they adapt more of the story.

ITT:Setsunafag circlejerk
>someone reads a shitty translation (by Setsunafags) of a part of the game where one of the two gets the spotlight and gets vocal about being a Setsunafag
You can have your opinion of best girl if you want, but that doesn't justify going full retard.
Also, every choice Haruki made towards Setsuna's end in Coda sounds like a sorry excuse everytime he makes it. But you wouldn't know that now would you EOP?
And Setsunafags, don't pretend Twinkle Snow doesn't exist. Maruto says that Setsuna will still fuck up everything ACTIVELY even if the two got together before she got to him. This is in contrast to Kazusa doing her best to leave the two alone in the actual story (but that's fucked up too by Haruki actively chasing after her).

Stay mad idiot. You're just fiercely loyal to your waifu.

What is it about "Chiaki canon route" you're too braindead stupid to understand?

>but muh canon
Stay mad fags.

I liked the first better. Shame he had to die for the story to progress.

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It was the perfect place for Mista to die taking him down

>White Album threads always end up as waifufag shit flinging.
Can't we just all just get along?

The first White Album's MC is such an infuriating man child that I can't finish either the anime or the game.

>starts the thread waifufagging
It was doomed to fail from the start.

Like the first 5 or 7 episodes of WA 2 were some of the most boring episodes I seen in my entire life. Til this day I don’t know how I got through, definitely wouldn’t be able to now. It was worth it I guess because the second half was pretty good yet heart wrenching. Setsuna best girl.

That's what you get when retards who haven't read the full VN make threads.

Just a reminder that event he Japs don't like the main character.

>Setsuna did nothing wrong
You can argue she did nothing wrong by dating Haruki. She did everything wrong after that. Kazusa tried to cut contact with them, because like anyone with 2 working brain cells she knows that reamining friends while being in love with her boyfriend is a terrible idea, but Setsuna insist in having her third-wheeling and literally pushing her into a naked bath Haruki. I honestly though Setsuna wanted a threesome ending when I first watched that scene, that or she was just sadistic and deliberately enjoying torturing Touma. Now I don't think she had malicious intentions, but was just really naive by thinking everyone feelings would just sort up for her best if she kept the three of them together. OP says Touma made her bed and should sleep on it, but Setsuna did the same by not letting Touma nor Haruki move on from each other.

>missing the joke
Fucking idiot.

>Like the first 5 or 7 episodes of WA 2 were some of the most boring episodes I seen in my entire life
Learn basic grammar before posting on Yea Forums you fucking moron.

Technically you are correct, though Setsuna did not try to stop Touma from leaving to France, Haruki did.

At the end of the day, Touma had like half a year to confess, which she didn't. She does not deserve to win, simple as that.

Taking into account the end of the anime/introductory chapter, neither Setsuna nor Touma should win, because they carry too much emotional baggage for Haruki. This is why Chiaki (one of the girls from Closing Chapter) makes the most sense, because she loosens him up and brings him down to earth. It makes sense for him to be more drawn to her.

Reminder that this is official art by Nakamura.

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>What are your general thoughts on White Album
I genuinely believe White Album 1 is better than White Album 2.

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>At the end of the day, Touma had like half a year to confess, which she didn't. She does not deserve to win, simple as that.
That's a really shallow argument, who dictates the deadline to get together with someone?

That's one way of admitting you're a hipster brainlet.

Quite frankly, Setsuna. Touma chose to wait 6 months, Setsuna did not. Don't like it? Too bad, suck shit.

And Haruki then choose to cheat on her. We can't really make arguments on "who deserves it more" because that's not how relationships work. Yes Setsuna went for it first, and Touma wouldn't have any right to complaint about Haruki choosing her. Does that mean Setsuna is entitled to Haruki for doing things "by the book"? You can argue the morality of it, but it simply doesn't


It's pointless trying to argue with setsunafags. The only winning move is to not play.

>shift the blame entirely on Setsuna
Maruto actually keeps saying through the omakes is that the 3 of them are the ones to blame, Setsuna for being self-centered (always wanted them to be together even though it is impossible), Kazusa for being too much anti-social yet have no backbone to pursue haruki, and Haruki for treating Kazusa like an idol who he cannot reach, while also treating setsuna like a normal girl which in turn made setsuna attracted to haruki

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the author pretty much write this as a love letter for soap opera dramas, but then again even his past VNs like damekoi is also drama

>Setsuna did the same by not letting Touma nor Haruki move on from each other
Also reminder that Haruki is also fucked up in the end, he even wont let setsuna be with an another man in the omake


The only thing good in WA1 is Rina. Everything else is shit.

>tfw CODA adaptation never ever

I second this.

>he even wont let setsuna be with an another man in the omake
Who's the lucky dude?

>ran out of arguments

>Who's the lucky dude?
Tomochika, Haruki's friend in college
also might as well provide a quick summary if anyone's interested:
after the fiasco in IC. Haruki decided to ignore Setsuna hoping for her to hate him but alas it has no effect in Setsuna and in turn it made Setsuna kinda "yandere" or (maybe obsessive is the right word? ) to Haruki, to the point she kinda priortize getting info about Haruki from his college friend, Tomochika. Now after hanging around with the guy just to monitor Haruki, Tomochika got attracted to her and confessed in her birthday which irritated the hell out of Setsuna
her mind set goes like this (from the omake):
>Why does someone who knows nothing talk about just me and Haruki-kun?
>Why does someone who doesn't know about us three talk about us two?
then after tomochika leaves, setsuna saw haruki waiting outside then got angry why it seems haruki is letting the guy confess to her.
after a month, Tomochika talked with Setsuna about her answer to his confection which Setuna rejected, then after accepting it tomo told her about what happened to him and haruki.
Haruki helped tomochika with his ill mother and it seems he need to transfer to a state university for cheaper tuition and Haruki punched him after that breaking their friendship
>However, I don't want to see another guy make Setsuna happy right in front of me...!

also a reminder
setsuna masturbated after hearing the story how haruki punched his best friend

They've seen better days. I was close to NOPEing right out of here after sticking my head in.

I still need to catch up to the VN, partly because my computer's died twice in the last couple of months. I was thinking of naming the new one "Setsuna" since I had to settle for the 15" model instead of the discontinued 14" version I really wanted, but that seemed a little too mean-spirited. Then I learned that the Purchasing lady had taken matters into her own hands and ordered me a completely different laptop without checking back first, and wouldn't let me cancel it. I had to work up the nerve to escalate the issue to our boss and insist on the features I wanted/needed, instead of just quietly rolling with it to avoid rocking the boat. So now I'm definitely naming it "Kazusa", and carrying that extra 15" weight with pride.

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Setsuna was outclassed.

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I found the overall plot a bit underwhelming, but I do think the characters are some of the best written in the medium. Sadly I've only read through CC because I can't read nip well enough yet. Plus I think my text hooker had issues with it meaning I'm still probably a year or two away from trying to read Coda