Dragon Ball Super

>first new form that works as a set up for the next one in Super:
Works like SS but stronger than any previous forms. It's not completely replaced by the next one since it's more balanced and stamina-friendly, and it's even more useful before Goku masters the next form.

>first new form that works as a set up for the next one in GT:
Works like Ozaru but stronger than any previous form. It's IMMEDIATELY and completely replaced by the next one and Goku never uses it again, not even when he holds back, since it's exactly the same as the next form, but stupidly bigger (which makes you a bigger target)

>second new form that Goku uses most of time in Super:
Works like SS3 but not so draining, making it usable despite not being suited for long fights. Its great but unstable power reachs an even higher level the first instants after transforming, but without a proper training the user can't just spam this form at will or the transformation will consume most of its power, this forces Goku to choose carefully when to transform and, later, develop a technique that keeps this burst of power all time (in exchange of his body's health the more power he pulls out)

>second new form that Goku uses most of time in GT:
Works like SS but as strong as the previous new form, only difference is the body size.

>enlightened state above any form in Super:
The apex of Goku's life work as a martial artist, combining everything the great masters teached him resulting into a state of mind based on the bunshin (or "no mind") where Goku's body acts on its own, automatically defending himself and neutralizing every physical threat without resorting to brute force.

>enlightened state above any form in GT:
Goku says "I can't die before kill you" so he can't die, he can just eat whatever you throw at him and he won't be damaged at all. How? You will never know.
How can GTards defend this? Just because they are furfags and like how Furryku looks?

Attached: Gokus Super vs GT.png (428x642, 568K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I see CHADhan haters are in full cope mode, attacking when i was away... but no more! Let me tell you one thing, Tardkus and Vegeturds, you are nothing to CHADhan, and neither are the irrelevant side characters not even worth naming.
>G-Gohan is irrelevant
No, CHADhan is the 3rd most popular character despite being shafted, imagine his popularity if he wasn't. Not to mention that he's Blue level in anime and Blue x20 in Manga.
>G-Gohan is a bad character!
No, CHADhan is one of the few characters in DB that aren't one dimensional, he has to balance his life of ordinary and his fighting one, which sometimes can be hard. CHADhan is a deep thinker, his reasonings and character traits are simply too complicated for Tardkus and Vegeturds to understand, this enrages them. CHADhan is a complex and deep character. His development from a scared little kid to an actual responsible adult was amazing and superior to all other DB character's journeys throughout the series, especially considering his parents being Tardku and WhoreChi.
>G-Gohan is a-
They have no arguments, Vegeturds and Tardkus are not human and have sub 80 iq. Their ramblings are barely coherent and not worth listening too. In the Cell saga CHADhan was the most popular character, in the Buu saga he wasn't even top 5. Currently he is 3rd, do you understand what this means? CHADHAN ALWAYS WINS BABY

Attached: Based.png (1311x737, 1.41M)

Don’t mind me, just posting the best Dragon Ball villain since Freeza

Attached: 97E75E9E-CF32-421D-A83E-345405F3DEA4.png (720x1080, 252K)


Attached: EEOvZGmUUAAn1oF.jpg (2048x1535, 443K)


Attached: EEOkmErU4AEogY0.png (740x570, 255K)

V-JUMP cover.

Attached: EEQo7KYU8AAfQqC.jpg (900x1292, 420K)

Enter CHADro

Attached: Moro_youth_restored.png (560x720, 315K)

>DBH heroes cards alongside.

>belt buckle is golden
Huh, I expected it to be silver/grey. The other colors are fine

DBH cards appear in nearly every V-Jump cover, even when it's not DB related, toeiturd

Attached: 257px-VJMP-2018-6-Cover.png (257x371, 197K)

Goddammit he is so good looking

Attached: Moro_smug.jpg (2048x1188, 192K)

So canon colors for El Cabron?

>t. furrie

DBGT was fucking shit but DBS was even worse, can't believe that piece of shit is still followed by people.

>literally no rebuttal after being BTFO by facts
Super > GT

Gohan is a jobber, try arguing this.

Wai if we are getting the V jump cover this early does it mean we'll get early spoilers too?


GT was great
Putting your convoluted lame post from last thread as OP won't suddenly make people give a shit about it.

Based CHADren, even entering different franchises.

No, but nice try, Juan. Take the (You) and leave already. Or change the bait at least

Attached: yawn.png (194x596, 37K)


Attached: Roach.gif (426x240, 1.32M)

That CHADly card looks great.



I win, apparently.

>the toeishill is having another meltdown already
Why? Leaks won't come out until the 18th or so

Too goddamned based.

Attached: latest.png (244x378, 124K)

Enter CHADren.

Attached: [all of reality starts trembling].jpg (859x1153, 88K)

Enter SMUGku

Attached: tumblr_mt7guciZiL1rt1aelo1_1280.png (1280x723, 794K)

Enter bejita-sa- AHAAAAAA ARETE FATHER!!!

Attached: 1568157692737.jpg (1753x1236, 291K)


Attached: aXY25N6_700b.jpg (695x439, 86K)

Kek what the fuck

Samir had a troubled upbringing


Attached: Samir34.png (686x1434, 1.05M)

Isn't he the fag who doesn't trust dragons? Fuck him.


That makes no sense. Unless goku threw that at mach 54

GTfans, Superfans, Zfans, Originalfans.
We can just all agree that Dragon Ball has being milked too much and it doesn't matter who milked it.

they gave a almost 20 years gap between GT and super
let it be milked

Broly is just too based

Attached: goku_PERFECT_IG.jpg (700x741, 329K)

It doesn't matter if you milk a cow once and then after 20 years.
It's still milked


Favorite vegetable?

Mine is Kale

Attached: 1540147314891.png (1552x612, 658K)

He's right you know

Manga Kale is a blessing

Attached: base Kale is based too.png (739x3220, 2.48M)

Cucku sucks at throwing

Enter CUTEgeta

Attached: Princess_Cutegeta.jpg (975x1300, 276K)

Enter the humanforce.

Attached: humanchads.jpg (576x432, 38K)

DragonBall Multiverse is not a manga!
It's a comic made by a frenchie!

Reminder Chad Instinct is back

Attached: based Goku blanco.png (208x286, 59K)


Where is CHADhan?

She's even perfect in her Legendary Super Saiyan form

Attached: HUMILIATIONNN.png (955x1400, 465K)

in yamcha's nutsack, he hasn't been born yet

i love how she was stronger than mssb goku and golden frieza

Hey Vegeturds, CHADhan has never lost a fight against Vegetard. CHADhan delivered the final blow to Vegeturd

Attached: CUTEgeta.jpg (975x1300, 189K)

She seems a much better character than her whiny bitch anime version.

She was second to none but Jiren

Attached: IMPRESSIVE.png (954x672, 191K)

tfw you will not getting punched by lssj Kale
Why did God made me live in the Kale-less universe?

Attached: a09.png (680x708, 387K)

Unironically discarded

Wait, how did people guess his colors so closely?


Anyone else here absolutely love laughing at spic lore? It's one of my favorite parts of the threads.
>Attack UI
>Super Saiyan White
>combining Blue/UI with SS3
>muh ebul angels/Grande Padre
>that one retard who insists Vegeta is going to Yardrat to learn SS4

Offensive and defensive UI was a huge thing when the anime was airing.

H-Herochads are beating us again Dragonballbros.......

You aren't worthy

Attached: Kale wants snu snu.png (453x196, 93K)

Only a dumb spic would think that incredibly easy-to-read and easy to digest post is "convoluted". What's wrong, Pedro, can't comprehend English words that are more than three letters long? ANDELE!

Gohan (forma capsula) was the best

>not in the new movie
>not in the new arc
>did fuck all in the ToP despite supposedly being the "strategist" and "leader"
>17 (the winner of the tournament) literally had to tell him to stop being so fucking retarded
>got his dad killed
>got Trunks killed
>got outsmarted by bubble gum after calling it a retard
Your move, Pedohan.

You're right, bro

Attached: 1543075401841.jpg (743x1024, 72K)

Where did Tacopacofuckocuckotaro trace this from?

What do you mean?

Ever since their spicfiction got cancelled Toeipoodles have lived to seethe.

filtered you obnoxious retard

>literally threw it directly at him
>RETARDhan literally had to take a few seconds to figure out what someone yelling "CATCH!" and throwing something at you means


Attached: pokehan.jpg (1678x1534, 518K)

>hiding behind a filter like a pathetic little bitch
Toyocucks, everyone.

>implying this is original
just wait, in a couple days a Tweet will pop up showing that Cuckotacofuckospicotracerhackofaggoqueerotaro traced this from DC

Haven't come here since Super ended. Is the Manga still canon?

>is a promo manga canon
Do you also ask if the promo Heroes anime is canon?

Oh whatever I guess the war is still going.

That's right, Toyopup. Flee.

It was over long ago, don't give attention to this pitiful shitposter

Of course it's

better than canon

>Of course it's
Fucking Toyospics, I swear.

Too right it was, Toyopup. Too right indeed.

Attached: PROMOTIONAL BOOK OH NO NO NO.jpg (712x185, 46K)

oh god toyobros... y-you said there was no proof the manga being promotional...what...WHAT THE FUCK DO WE DO NOW??!?! NOOOOOOOOO!!!

Damn who’s that absolute CHAD in the middle? Looks like he could shit on both Jiren and Broly at the same time!

>charged ahead to act as further promotion for the chadnime
Based Slavetaro doing Toei's bidding.

Toriyama can't keep getting away with it.

Attached: 1479487554907.gif (500x283, 1014K)

Sugoi, Toyotaro-sensei.

Attached: EERy8x1UwAEOlG6.jpg (1345x722, 130K)

This Toeichad is a relentless commander carrying this war on his shoulders. Well the war is actually over, he's just sweeping the land in search of surviving rebel groups.

Hontouni sugoi!

Attached: EER3p2LU8AEROqE.jpg (1364x1058, 189K)

Enter CHADditz

Attached: DcNNEcqW4AAkos8.jpg (638x475, 45K)

T-Toyo...Toyochads... W-We... We're no match... I must submit... G...Gomenasai...

Attached: the chad toei vs the virgin cuckotracer.jpg (900x1300, 170K)

>began as a promotional tie-in
Citation needed.

Pathetic, Toyopup. I expect you to try harder next time.

Attached: Pan_Judo_Throw.jpg (555x414, 140K)

Exactly, are you dumb? Where is the source?

>Calls Moro uninteresting while praising Namek saga Freeza
>Calls Merus power bad writting even thougu it has been heavily foreshadowed that there is something special about him
>Calls the third wish "fake tension" while making a complete false equivalence between the wish and stuff life the attic from SNK
>Calls the wish itself non sensical even though it accomplished exactly what Moro stated in previous chapters i.e "i dont need to fight you anymore"
Why do people watch ecelebs again?

Attached: 0190912_152053_357.jpg (1280x630, 87K)

That is the source you fucking illiterate dumb fuck. Are you really begging for a source within a source? Is this the fucking depths of your damage control, you disingenuous, desperate little taco-gobbler? BEGONE.

Moro has basically just been a rehash of the main beats from the King Piccolo and Namek arcs though. Like fuck that e-celeb fag but he's not wrong about that.

Post more Pan!

Attached: D3MuqJxVYAAoA6i.jpg (793x2048, 292K)

Im not saying that he was wrong about Moro being a simple villain, but doing that while saying "OH FREEZA WAS MUCH MORE INTERESTINGA" is borderline hypocritical

Piccolo and Freeza wish they had Moro's unique abilities

Attached: Moro (forma Jojo).jpg (2100x2100, 507K)


>he took obsessive thread shitter's "GT is better" bait seriously
calm down, OP

>That is the source you fucking illiterate dumb fuck
No, that's not a source. That's not how sources work. You can provide a piece of information without providing a link to a source that confirms it. That's why there are things like pic related all over wikipedia. Also, no, Kanzenshuu is not a source of information. It is a fan site. Please learn the difference.

I feel sorry for your parents. it must be hard for them to have such an autistic child.

Attached: 1280px-Citation-needed.svg.png (1280x145, 23K)

> You can provide
You CAN'T. My bad.

dont pretend like you dont know, scum

Attached: dbz4-46.jpg (640x480, 62K)

>You aren't worthy
You're right!
Kale should punch me because I am not worthy!

FAKE. They are.

Attached: Screen Shot 1000.png (566x395, 583K)

Why the fuck would you try to have a civilized conversation with this clown? Just ignore him.

GT Pan hould have looked like this, instead both her and Bra dressed like teenage sluts.

You either die a martial arts girl or live long enough to become a house wife or slut.

Gohan's final bout theme is kino. Sounds so heroic.

still doesn't ring a bell

No, she will just kiai you, you will die without even touch her

Attached: Kale, the legendary demon saiyan.png (528x218, 98K)

Attached: grin.jpg (295x312, 37K)


I don't mean the villain himself, I mean the actual arc. Moro as an antagonist is one of the more unique ones we've had, especially in Super and especially after two straight-up boring walking power levels.

Just fucking cope, Toyodog.

>Seething because his shitty goat is trash and weaker than so called "walking power levels"

Based Chadllin and Yamchad.

Attached: 1551483074593.jpg (143x328, 22K)

>Another character walking in a bland gi 24/7
No thanks. I'm glad they took the creative route.

Where the fuck did you get the idea that I'm "seething", you illiterate retard? I blatantly called the arc a rehash of two previous arcs and then said Moro is a unique and interesting antagonist that isn't just "ME PUNCH HARD ME BIG NUMBER". I fucking hate Shitrenfags so fucking much

>this reading comprehension

But this IS GT Pan? Where do you think this screenshot is from?


Attached: pan___judoka_by_chaosemperor971_dcfkgz2-fullview.jpg (1024x768, 47K)


>no argument
That's what I thought, you retarded shitposter. Pipe down.

Concession accepted.
Learn from your defeat young one, and know not to cross with a Jirenscholar like myself.

Toyodogs are getting SLAUGHTERED by a single Toeichad.

Who is the best written villain in Dragon Ball?

>admitting he's a Shitrentard
Surprising no one.

Unironically Zamasu

The arc itself has beem pretty unique, specially because of the scale. We spent a small arc on Namek until the planet was "killed", now Goku is in god knows where training with Merus, Vegeta is at Yardrat to do something, Moro is at the edgy of the galaxy powering up even more and now Earth is being invaded by some of his minions, wich will probably bring the rest of the cast into the plot
He would defeat basically any of the previous villains tho

>ich will probably bring the rest of the cast into the plot

>He would defeat basically any of the previous villains tho
Nice headcanon.

Enter the /cute/gang
Exit the Jirenfags
Exit the Brolytards
Exit the Vegetards
Exit the Tardku fags
Exit the Jobtardfags
Exit the pedoposters
Exit the animevsmangaposters
Exit the concessionposters
Exit the copeposters
Don't even think of replying to me unless you're down with the cuteness
Cutegang HQ

Attached: 1532458591624.png (413x480, 189K)

>no argument
Concession accepted.

Kill yourself waifutrash.

>No, she will just kiai you, you will die without even touch her
Hot! Worth it! Want it!

Leave my waifu alone!!!!

Shut the fuck up. Your waifu is a garbage slut and you're a fat virgin. You will die alone, you taco-gobbling cunt.

Literally better than every other kind of poster
Nice projection


>n-n-no u
Cope and kneel.

Kys waifushit apologist.

Were you given leave to speak, dog? I didn't fucking think so. SILENCE, waifumutt. SILENCE at ONCE>

>He thinks I give "argument"
By challenging me you have already lost, even before your first word was said.

>He thinks I give "argument"
>literal IESLB
Discarded and mocked.

>Earth is being invaded by some of his minions, wich will probably bring the rest of the cast into the plot.
I wonder if the Macareni siblings also received energy from Moro. Otherwise even Yamcha could defeat them. They don't seem particularly powerful.

Attached: D3PP14eU4AA4swL.jpg orig.jpg (575x488, 46K)

I've won again.

>gets BTFO like the spic retard that he is
>whimpers "I w-w-win" and runs away

Attached: 1496106737308.png (446x341, 141K)

Damn it, he can't keep getting away with it.

No more (You)s for you
Or for you
You first

>running away like a little pussy
Good pup.

Its pretty much the only reason to even bring this up, those thugs are weak and Moro is too far away to do anything, their purpose is probably just making the rest aware of whats happening
Nah, it seems that the prisoners get part of the energy of the planets they themselves help invade, and those three keep lying so they can keep all the money. Their only purpose is to either inform everyone about moro, inform Moro about earth or maybe both

Attached: Dragon Ball Chou - Dragon Ball Chou Vol.TBD Chapter 047_ Stolen Dragon Balls - 6.jpg (784x1176, 243K)

>defending the tranny

Attached: Kefla's Bulge.jpg (199x175, 6K)

Based Toyobro

Why do you hate waifusim so much?
Nobody hurt you if we like to feel in love with a fictional character.
What kind of demonic and apathic asshole you have to be for hating people that love Kale?
Honestly fuck you.

You're imply there is something wrong with love a trans.
When there is nothing wrong with love a trans

Shut the FUCK up you insufferable, pathetic waifutrash. Your waifu is SHIT. SHIT. KILL YOURSELF.


Ah wow!
Telling to kill myself because I have a waifu uh?
I have many problems alone, and honestly having someone telling me I should kill myself because I'm in a empathic relationshipt with a fictional character it's really something that doesn't touch me.
I will not say "kill yourself".
I just hope you will understand that one day you will say this to someone not as strong as me, and maybe they will kill themselves. And you will live with the weight of their death in your conscience

Did user ever deliver?

Holy fucking shit, take your cringe blogpost and shove it up your ass.
>I just hope you will understand that one day you will say this to someone not as strong as me, and maybe they will kill themselves
I fucking hope so, and I hope that person is you. KILL YOURSELF.

Every other antagonist would either be killed with a mere ki blast or be sucked to death like nothing. Remember even if you are stronger than Moro (who is already stronger than SSB Goku, stronger than Toppo, a motherfucking God of Destruction in training) he can just hide and absorb your energy, and even if you ki track him he can hide his ki and trick you with an illusion while he sucks you

The only previous "antagonist" that could defeat Moro is Whis (technically an antagonist since he was on Beerus' side during BoG, even if he did nothing at all) because he could detect him with his staff and one shot him fast enough, everyone else has no defense against Moro's powers.

Attached: 19.png (800x1200, 803K)

Kale is better anyway

There's only one waifu worth having and it's The Alpha of Awe. The Brute of Brawn. The Cultivator of Class. The Duke of Domination. The Emperor of Eloquence. The Fiercest of Fighters. The Greatest of Glory. The Height of Heroism. The Imperator of Intellectualism. The Jarl of Justice. The King of Knights. The Lord of Loquaciousness. The Master of Mortality. The Naysayer of Noobs. The Overlord of Obituaries. The Prince of Passion. The Que-hagen of Quixote. The Ruler of Ruination. The Sultan of Smite. The Taskmaster of Trembles. The Undertaker of Ubiquity. The Vaeyen of Vociferousness. The Warranter of Weaklings. The Xenophobe of Xenogeny. The Yardmaster of Yesteryear. The Zhar of Zoroastrianism.


LORDren the KING


The prisoners only got energy once, in this page when they arrived on Namek. The siblings were aboard too so they must have been boosted by Moro, but we don't know how much

Attached: 19.png (800x1200, 749K)

lol u mad bro?

Attached: 1500728135579.jpg (635x965, 51K)

>Morofag thinks his character is strong in any way
Nice headcanon, any previous antagonist would BTFO him easily.
Of course, Jiren could deal with him in one blow.

Silence, waifulard.

Does Fale has a falo?

>Got beaten by base Goku

Trust me, you will find someone that will not understand that you're pathetic, and will take what you say serious.
And maybe they will kill themselves.
And that will not be a joke, they will be dead.
And you would live the rest of your life knowing you killed someone with words when you wanted just to be an edgy shitposter.
So stop being a piece of shit and try to do something that makes you worthy to have a life

Take your pathetic, faggy blogposting back to tumblr you worthless waste of oxygen. Your mother should have aborted you. Your parents should be killed for having birthed you.

Okay, Juan, you can leave now.

Attached: aw you.gif (283x213, 220K)

>try to do something that makes you worthy to have a life
Ironic coming from a fucking waifuspic.


Attached: Jiren and Moro fighting base Goku and Vegeta.png (746x469, 134K)

CHADren is stronger than Whis though, Angel is just a title of respect


Attached: cuckly.jpg (982x688, 221K)

Attached: (You) kick.jpg (589x500, 145K)


Pathetic Shitrenbitch.

>Take your pathetic, faggy blogposting back to tumblr you worthless waste of oxygen. Your mother should have aborted you. Your parents should be killed for having birthed you.
Dude, if you keep telling this to me I will not be offended in the slightest. But when you will find a weak man, that tried to have a decent life and failed, and you will say this to them they will really get offended.
And you know what will happen?
Either they will kill themselves because they couldn't realize you're pathetic and you will live knowing that being so pathetic as you're killed someone.
Or.....you will just be punched for being a shitty person!

Pan dressed like a 50 year old dyke, there's nothing slutty about the way she looks, she has a horrible fashion sense.

>Ironic coming from a fucking waifuspic.
Waifuism never killed anybody.
And think how we just want to exists.
Does the existence of someone that like to love a fictional character trigger your little mind that much?

You're waifu a shit.

I wanna FUCK kefla

>more retarded sissy blogposting
You're such a fat, worthless tool. Friendless and alone. Sitting in the dark jerking off to a fucking shitty Dragon Ball waifu like the fucking loser you are. I cachinnate at you. Do you hear me? I CACHINNATE at your pitiful drudgery.

Based waifuchad!
For me, it's Ebisu from Dorohedoro. Say something nice about her!

Attached: Ebisu.jpg (160x341, 20K)

the creator of the series doesnt actually get what is cool about DBZ and thinks crappy alt forms is what people like.


its shooting shit with your hands. MORE WAYS TO SHOOT SHIT WITH YOUR HANDS and better animation for avoiding being shot by shit fired from other peoples hands. like macros avoiding circus missiles shit more and less " i rapid punch better now that im SSJ 11.0 with lavender hair and coke frame glasses... what thats not good enough the bad guy still stands? i must merge with bajida and gain suspenders and a t shirt of a band i dont listen to"

cluster bomb spam from hands has been done but not often. single mini nuke from hand has been doen but typically to much of a wind up. vageta did the perfect one on namek vs no names. and more racoome vs vageta type fights besides better camera angles and tracking for avoiding being shot by other peoples hands

>Ebisu from Dorohedoro. Say something nice about her!
I just want to smooch her and hug her until she will fall asleep in my arms!

based and cutepilled!

She needs to get bleached like the rest.

Attached: Kefla Blanco.png (1000x750, 951K)

Seek help.

>You're such a fat, worthless tool. Friendless and alone. Sitting in the dark jerking off to a fucking shitty Dragon Ball waifu like the fucking loser you are. I cachinnate at you. Do you hear me? I CACHINNATE at your pitiful drudgery.
Why are you using fat as an insult? Are you that pathetic that for you fat is an insult?
And are you really mocking me for appreciating some fictional character I admire?
Are so puny that for you these are even worthy insults?
You should try to prove you're not pathetic dude....

>fat fucking blogposter thinks being an ugly, obese, unhealthy fucking loser is okay
Hit the gym, you disgusting blob.

Yeah, I loved to pretend I had superpowers when I was a toddler and now

Ebisu it's so cute I want to hug her untill she will smile!

I'm healthy, the doctor said it.
Do you think a sumo wrestler is what they are just because they eats a lot?

>b-b-but the doctor said
You're overweight, therefore you're not healthy. A sumo wrestler or bodybuilder is NOT overweight, because their weight comes from muscle. You're just a fat slob with no self control. You fucking disgrace.

>You're waifu a shit.
Your taste in waifus is as good as your english

Attached: 1347036516331.jpg (311x311, 24K)

>English isn't capitalized


Attached: 1563379035462.jpg (664x520, 34K)

It's impossible to be a fat waifuchad. Waifuchads are always working out and studying to be the best man they can be for their waifu.

Shut the fuck up you fat waste of oxygen.

You're just bitter inside because of how lonely you are
I hope that you read lots of manga so that one day you can meet that special someone and propose to her. You'll wonder how you ever lived without a waifu.

Silence, dog. Return to your kennel at once. Your master commands you. You seem to have forgotten your place as a good and obedient pet, so your superior shall deign to remind you. You are to be neither seen nor heard unless commanded by your superior master. You exist solely to provide a modicum of entertainment at your master's whim. Your purpose is to serve other, greater beings, and you are fit only to grovel at my, your master's, feet. Are we clear, pet? Do you understand your place? Good. Now be silent and return to your kennel posthaste. Your master has no further use for you at this juncture.

Please reconsider and get a life.
And study english when you're at it

>didn't capitalize the proper noun again
Oh, the spic irony.

>thinking people work out for blue-skinned thots

Attached: Broly Slap A Thot.png (2591x4172, 2.74M)

>You're overweight, therefore you're not healthy. A sumo wrestler or bodybuilder is NOT overweight, because their weight comes from muscle. You're just a fat slob with no self control. You fucking disgrace.
Honestly I train myself. I have to work the double because I have to train my fat body to support the double. My skeleton is getting tougher and tougher. My body mass is solid and resistant. I'm a sumo wrestler.
I can break you with a punch.
Do you really think bodybuilders are stronk? They have just fake mass.
They can't lift if they don't have steroid.
I'm strong i nthe real sense

Friendly reminder that Caulifla smells like shit and she's the worst girl in this franchise. She looks like a dyke, she's riddled with STDs, and I seriously think even Bacterian wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole.

Attached: 1508965671326.jpg (1280x720, 208K)

>Oh, the spic irony.
Calm down Ivan.
Not everybody can use a human shield as writer

She's infested with worms.

>I-I'm sooper stronk I s-s-swear...
Looks like my barrage of scintillating and insightful insults have caused your inner turmoil to yield, thus exposing the soft, moist insecurity beneath and leading you to posture wildly in this hallowed hall of wit and wonderment.

>babbling nonsensically in the wake of his superior opponent's masterful intellectual assault
Another thread, another victory.

Who will they fight?
Hard mode: Can't be Android 18

Attached: goat chicks.jpg (344x514, 152K)

Yamcha, Tenshitcuck, and Krillin

Literally all females in the series are shit. Including this rip-off.

Attached: 1566287978982.png (587x688, 25K)

Merus and The Galactic Patrol. Again.

>Looks like my barrage of scintillating and insightful insults have caused your inner turmoil to yield, thus exposing the soft, moist insecurity beneath and leading you to posture wildly in this hallowed hall of wit and wonderment.
Your words don't bother me.
I just know they're false. Do you see me raging as you're?
Because I know you're pathetic.
While you're getting offended because I have an happy life.
You're pathetic because you're getting offended by my happiness

>Another thread, another victory.
I never fought.
Yours it's a self proclaimed victory.
I just wanted to correct your bad english

But I love sassy red women!

>liking red, fat latifah
Neck yourself.

>Neck yourself.
Please don't kinkshame me D:

>raging as you're
An ESL dog as well. How quaint.
>Your words don't bother me
Of course. How could lexicon too advanced for you to comprehend bother you?

Attached: 1568005572620.gif (500x244, 1.18M)

>Yours it's a self proclaimed
>not capitalizing english again
Stop projecting your lack of English skills, Pedro Sanchez. Each and every one of my posts have been grammatically perfect, as flawless and pristine as the angelic heavens from which I descended to grace the simpletons in this thread with my divine presence.

Only if Kefla was my doctor

Let's see em!

Attached: my-image (1).png (1064x452, 358K)

I've won yet again.

This thread is nothing but shit.

Attached: Ji fucking ren.png (1920x1080, 2.16M)


Attached: ji goddamn ren.png (1359x731, 584K)


No, you don't bother me because I know you speak false and you lie.
I don't have to call you names or mock your look for winning. Meanwhile your only insult is someone else's look

>Stop projecting your lack of English skills, Pedro Sanchez. Each and every one of my posts have been grammatically perfect, as flawless and pristine as the angelic heavens from which I descended to grace the simpletons in this thread with my divine presence.
>You're waifu a shit.

Pick one

This is a MANLY DB thread, you pathetic shitter. You have literally the rest of the board to post that garbage. Now GET THE FUCK OUT.


Good pup, now BEGONE.

>Good pup, now BEGONE.
I reply to this and you will not see me anymore

shit taste

My lexicon gets reinforced by the day on these stupendous threads.

any other comments fag?

To all fans of dogly:



Oh, right, they exist. Hopefully we will see more about them in the new chapter. They look like a fun trio.

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>on these

will broly join the whis force?

I win again.

>I win again
You won?

Okay, OKAY ALREADY!!!!!! We FUCKING KNOW Jiren is based; that much is obvious. The real question is: HOW based is Jiren?

Based Waifuchad

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Attached: SONGOKU-SENPAI PLEASE MIAAAAAAAAAH.png (1000x1306, 195K)

"On these" is perfectly correct since the sentence isn't indicating an inhabitance. Same case as "on this planet"

I can't believe the audacity of DB writers. To make an antagonist so strong and unsurpassable that they write off the technique that was used to weaken him. That's right, I didn't say defeat.


Good boy. Now that you're down there... You know what follows.

M-Master-sama, YAMERO!

I shall get rid of thine gag reflex. Now RELAX the throat.

Chads wear pelts

Attached: Pelt bros.jpg (613x414, 81K)

>animal cruelty

>Peta faggotry

>niggerren faggot
>cant post anything meaningful
pathetic. go back to eating your curry filthy pajeet

Is it bothering anybody else we've heard nothing about a new anime or movie yet?

Yeah but I like getting milked to if it means getting more stuff

because there will be no new anime or movie

Post characters that can beat Broly, Gogeta, Jiren, Beerus, and UI Goku at the same time with both hands tied behind their back and while blindfolded

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What about Cuteforce?

Attached: 53290864_p5_master1200.jpg (279x384, 56K)


>samefagging jiren nigger
kill yourself you curry muncher

Filler Yamcha after a month of training at the gym.

Attached: yamcha vs cell.jpg (1080x1349, 168K)

Attached: Screenshot (316).png (670x411, 357K)

>Frieza in Lower Tier
That's an interesting take. I didn't put it in S because I thought it was way too long for it's own good. It was still a good arc.

kek cry louder faggot

Freeza kills itself after Ginyu exits the picture. Constant dull as hell fighting and fighting while you wait for something to actually happen.

Anyone here who resorts to dogposting will be executed by cumshot.

Do not try me.

Your vile and hitherto unknown keening disgusts your superior, animal. Know thy retribution and seek mercy only to be swiftly ignored and silenced. Thusly shall your sentence be carried out by your good and superior master, whose heart runneth over with the burden of thy transgressions. Despair, dog. Despair and know your place forevermore. Your master commands you.

Enter my cute lovable wife Chino!

Attached: my wife chino is so strong.gif (360x360, 1.72M)

He's a nostalgia shitter. Pay no heed.

Dragonballbros..... Herochads are on their 3rd thread today..... w-what the FUCK?!

Enjoy your vacation.

What the heck are you talking about, are you talking about Buu, Goku used the genki dama several times.

My seed runneth down thy face

"Cope" I holler, as thou layeth upon the ground

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 25K)

I'm obviously talking about Jiren, you clueless, pernicious and pertinent individual of impending drudgery.

>anime Ordinary Boy

Attached: oboy.jpg (435x648, 54K)

Look at this disgusting Shitrenqueer posting his homoerotic fagfiction in this bastion of manly pleasures. Look at this Shitrencreature and exile it.

Why are you calling him relevant like it's an insult, you retarded Shitrenbrainlet?

holy mindbroken
We went a bit too far CHADrenbros

>fucks up like a retard and uses an incorrect word
Kek I love laughing at how stupid Shitrenbitches are


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Coloring user was close enough of the official colors

Attached: Galactic_Patrol_God_Team_attacks_Molo.png (799x1146, 1.43M)

> like it's an insult
Imply some more, you transgressive buffoon. Not everyone guides their demeanor in a vitriolic and vituperative manner, such as yourself, drudgeon of imminent peasantry.
REMOVE thyself from my cone of vision, at once.

Nobody cares about the traced spicbook, stop posting it.

And to think, Hunterfags honestly believe that they can beat us? Look at our threads, they are full of 100% shit posts. We cannot be beaten.

>this fucking pathetic damage control
The funny thing is you might actually have gotten away with it if the two words before "pertinent" weren't insults. You meant "impertinent", you fucking retarded Dogrenturd.

It's always like this. He arrives from the taco factory and starts spamming non stop, at least 10 anti-Chadren shitposts in a row.

>pathetic toeidog screeching
Throwing a tantrum wont bring your shitty anime back user

>dumb fucking Shitrenbitch thinks "pertinent" is an insult

Based wiseman.

Shut the fuck up Amerilard

>spic forgetting its place

I'm Canadian and as white as the snow you retard.

>b-b-b-buh buh buh
Shut up, Pedro.

Calm down you fecal fornicator, Jiren is trash just like your education.

>fecal fornicator
What the fuck does this even mean you braindead FUCKING retard

Psychological projection at it's finest. Fortunately, bitter, depressed, scornful and odious individuals such as yourself come in short supply.
Pertinent implies that something has a relation to the matter at hand, if you didn't know. Therefore, its use was correct and justified in its respective context.

I'm still shocked that in the universal tournament there wasn't a GT universe so we could get SSJ4 versus SSB kino

>What the fuck does this even mean
It means that you have the intellect of a kindergarten dropout.

>deflecting with lowly vitriol

So...you were calling your opponent "relevant", which makes no sense, and is at best redundant. You're a fucking retard and you meant "impertinent". Cope with my superior knowledge and lexicon, you fucking Shitrencreature.

Yes... you are.

Cringe yourself, macaco.

>no u
TROUNCED, turn tail and turn around NOT.

He didn't call him relevant, he called him pertinent you fucking retard
Holy fuck ESLs trying to educate Chadrenscholars is so pathetic

Just because you talk like a faggot doesn't mean you're smart, fucking dilate, tranny.

>deflecting as always

Nobody in this thread has had sex before.

>Cope with my superior knowledge and lexicon,
>more parroting
>t-trust me I know what you meant!?!?
Sniffff, ahhhh. Smell that? That's right, the scent of utter domination. I won A fucking gain.

Pertinent=relevant, you braindead fucking Shitrendog.
>having a clear decisive relevance to the matter in hand
You Shitrenbitches are so fucking dumb

>uses a word wrong
>damage controls and pretends like he won anyway
I guess pretend victories and delusions are all you have when you're as fucking retarded as the Cockrenqueers.

That's what you did after I corrected your shameful and incongruous conclusion about my perspicacious observation about Jiren was about Buu.

>Implying I'm not relevant
I'm the greatest poster in these threads.
Imagine a world without me, what would it be of you without me, my son.

Except you, though it wasnt straight sex

>all words mean the same haha
Look, everybody, it's the same illiterate paco that thinks superfluous means unnecessary and unnecessary alone.
The audacity of these transgressive ESL mongrels, trying to school genuine scholars.

Relevant to impending drudgery you dumb Indian
Nice job working yourself into a shoot faggot

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>resorting to petty insults and buzzwords
I see that I have hurt you deeply, I speak nothing but the truth, BEHOLD, you philistine pig, contemplate your superior's grandiosity and weep like the miserable dog, that you are

Dragon Ball threads are the nigger of threads.

Worry about them not, fellow studious partner of scholarly prestige. They only know vitriol, opprobrium and elevated cortisol levels.

t. seething Hiatus x Hiatus tranny
How's that new chapter? Oh wait! OH NO NO NO NO

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Not him but by that logic toeipacos are just as pathetic wich they are

Same artist.

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>n-no y-y-you
SILENCE, jirenshitter, I'm tired of your recalcitrant stupidity, open those dirty holes that you call ears and listen, no one likes jiren and no one cares about him or your unhealthy jiren obsession, he is NOT and never will be the strongest.

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Piccolo will fight the thugs on Earth, probably only him

>record breaking movie and promo anime that out shadows the cucky manga

I haven't watched GT in over ten years so I don't think it's fair for me to tier it. I'm not just going to throw them all into the last tier because LOL GT. Frankly there's a part of me that thinks I should drop Cell and Buu lower but I can't remove my personal enjoyment from them. It feels like U6 vs U7 gets a pass for being inoffensive but I look back on it and I think it's pretty lame.

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FLOW is good as fuck


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Im gald Broly knocked her up.

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>no one likes jiren and no one care
>reflecting with unsubstantiated claims
>will not be the strongest
Yawn. Who's next?

>record breaking movie
Wich is part of the manga canon, not the anime
>promo anime that out shadows the cucky manga
Just because peasants don't like to read


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Cabba is for Caulifla only

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>he is NOT and never will be the strongest.
Do you even...watch the show? Are you a speedwatcher/speedreader?
How the FUCK could you arrive at such a nonsensical conclusion?
God the west is lost because of fools like you

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Kale is a power bottom right?

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Jiren doesn’t wear a pelt


What if Gogeta fused with Vegetto?

Thats why i said Chads wear them

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That's why he isn't a Chad kek

What fucking clown, completely seething, jiren is shit, just like super and just like you, that's why you like him, because you're too retarded to understand anything, so cry more for your irrelevant character, I'll be here laughing at how you're going to try and justify how jiren is the strongest. Isn't that right, he is your favorite because he is the strongest.

>What fucking clown
CHADren >>>>>>> EGP (Grand Priest is a title of respect) > Zeno > Angelcucks > GoDs > Everyone else

Attached: 1539060438176.png (203x205, 53K)

>Wich is part of the manga canon, not the anime
FALSE. Back your claims up next time, buffoon.

>literally ignoring the definition to keep your shitpost going
This is hilarious.

>Damage controlling and talking to yourself
Literal schizos. Spicrencopes are fucking pitiful.

If it's stretchy then it only qualifies as armor for sharp weapons. Blunt weapons would have full effect.

you called him a pertinent individual retard, stop pretending like what came next was your intended meaning
your dumb ass fucked up and forgot your dictionary so you used the wrong word, cope

>non sequitur

>Goku remembers the GoD exhibition
>Freeza doesn't know about fusion
Need to keep coping, dog?

Bait this pathetic doesn't deserve a (You). Cope.

You want facts? How about the fact the none of the movies are canon to the anime before? or that none of the anime exclusive transformations were shown? Or the fact that the manga actually acknowledges the movie as being part of its storyline while the anime ended before the movie was released?

Attached: IMG_20190906_211646_005.jpg (1037x1280, 138K)

>no caps for names
>terrible punctuation full of commas
Exercise lull AT ONCE.

This one solitary Jirenspic is really having a meltdown

good taste

Is there a better designed male character in this franchise?

Attached: 1548910096444.jpg (640x480, 48K)

>stop pretending like what came next was your intended meaning
What the fuck does this even mean? Do you type stuff without knowing what you'll say next? Pathetic damage control.

>all he has is stale "arguments" that have been refuted ad nauseum
You honestly tire me, Manolo.

What's that, Toyopup? The manga dedicates a single PROMOTIONAL PANEL to promote the CHADnime movie?
AHAHAHAHAHA, you egregiously, outlandishly FOOLISH individual, you have ineffably TROUNCED yourself in your futile and repugnant efforts to obfuscate your buffoonery from your illustrious master. Now, obsequious and reticent PET, shall you trudge dutifully back to your kennel to pontificate in tranquil perpetuity upon your myriad transgressions, as we learned folk, the ToeiCHADS, ruminate upon the canon mythos as illustrated by Akira Toriyama.

Attached: literal promotional fanfiction non-canon traced comic book.jpg (800x1200, 269K)

>retard can't even comprehend basic English
Dunno what else I expected from a Jobrenshit.

You lose as usual. Go ahead and claim victory while running away like a scared little BITCH like you always do.

>How about the fact the none of the movies are canon to the anime before
Huh? The anime retconned every movie into canon, speedwatching mong.

The rest of your bait is stale and overused.

>this retard actually thinks the DBZ movies, which contradict both the manga and the anime, are canon
Jesus fuck. Jobrentards are too stupid to even waste time on anymore.

At least they are not recolor hair, what next rainbow color

Yes, pic related

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>unable to refute evem a single argumen
>proceeds to babble
God this is sad

Fuck these threads and fuck all of you retards for endlessly posting the same retarded shitposts over and over and over until the fucking heat death of the universe
I hope you all die, especially you retarded Jobren vs Copely morons and the anime vs manga virgins

Holy FUCK another brain zenkai.

Apologies, my vast lexicon obviously obfuscated my scintillating and iron-clad argument from your woefully-underdeveloped mental faculties. Ah, shit, there I go again. It's simply impossible to dumb myself down to your level when I'm just so naturally gifted and scholarly.

>literally deflecting
I think we are done here.

That's right, concede like a good pup.

>The anime retconned every movie into canon,
Thats my point you imbecile. The anime makes its own version of the movie storyline, while the manga straight up adds the movies to its timeline, thats why it skips them.
>The rest of your bait is stale and overused.
That doesnt refute anything

>you retarded Jobren vs Copely morons and the anime vs manga virgins
I habitually take part in both. Thanks for noticing my dominance.

>SHITrentard being demolished as per usual
Carry on.

>implying your pathetic arguments need to be refuted

So you're habitually a fat homosexual virgin with no friends, social life, or societal value? Good to know. Cut your wrists.

>every single DBS movie has been made canon by the anime
>(oh god I fucked up... Think THINK) w-well how about DBZ h-haha

Yea Forums really needs to do something to keep out all the ESLs, you guys really drag down conversations here
Follow the reply chain retards. The first post begins with the DB writers being criticized
>I can't believe the audacity of DB writers. To make an antagonist so strong and unsurpassable that they write off the technique that was used to weaken him.

The definition of drudgery - dull, irksome, and fatiguing work : uninspiring or menial labor
The subject was on the drudgery of the DB writers, their dull work is producing garbage writing.

An user then replied to the CHADrenscholar, mistaking Buu for CHADren.
The CHADrenscholar called the user relevant to the subject of drudgery because like the DB writers, the user was also producing shitty writing, his terrible posts, from his labor.

You need an IQ of at least 140 to criticize CHADrenscholars.

Attached: 1536760890761.jpg (724x1024, 120K)

Expected you didn't say "every DBS movie", you revisionist little cuck. Kneel before me.

>while the manga straight up adds the movies to its timeline, thats why it skips them.
>the manga completely skips crucial arcs of the story

Keep quiet, damage-controlling cuck. Nobody gives a fuck about Shitren or your fat, friendless NEET ass. COPE.


>Cut your wrists.
Only if you stop seething.

Kill yourself, fatty.

Run away, rat
>the manga completely skips crucial arcs
Keep lying toeipaco, you are just embarrassing yourself more and more

Attached: Dragon Ball Chou - Dragon Ball Chou 032 - The Super Warriors Aseembled! 002 - 32.png (876x1300, 272K)

>You just not
Discarded yet again.
God I'm fucking smart. My acumen is fucking UNMATCHED.

I offer my gratitude and admiration for this clarification of these esoteric virtual pamphlets to the common rabble. I wish I was as charitable as you.

Stop talking to yourself you schizo freak

>no argument
Thanks for the concession

Attached: 1556928390900.jpg (1920x1080, 213K)

>p-please argue with my autism
You wish you were worth my time and attention, dog.

How does that prove that the manga is promotional?

>implying he can rely on an omission to incongruously deflect to unrelated topics
I shan't allow it.

Quiet, pup.

Then I suppose my wrists shall remain uncut.

>literally promoting the anime
>but hao duz dat proov da shitnga iz pramoshunal????
Fucking idiot Toyocuck

This is why jiren hates the dragons...

Ugly, fat, friendless fuck.

>b-but he did an unrelated and unofficial storyline in his free time?!?!?

Again, how is a recap a promotion for the anime?

OK, now that we've clarified that subject, you have no choice but to concede.

SHITrentoddler confirmed

>literal revisionism
Stop making it so easy to win. You're fucking boring.

>one single panel literally telling you to go watch the movie is a "recap"
I know Toyopups are the fucking stupidest retards in these threads, but holy shit.

>gets triggered by the mere presence of CHADrenbros
>starts lashing out like the animal he is because he failed to understand our mastery of the English language
>CHADrenfriends destroy him with ease and force him to kneel
>y-y-you just weren't worth my time
S A D!

Attached: 1548645464899.png (774x513, 324K)

>this pathetic delusion born of vast insecurity and the knowledge that you are worthless and alone
Honestly, I feel almost like a bully whenever I embarrass one of you retards.

Must be sad to be a toeifag, you just keep on losing

>absolutely no rebuttals whatsoever
Next time I better not hear ANYTHING out of you save for "Yes, Master. I'm sorry, Master. I concede to your superior intellect, my illustrious master." You hear me, you little Toyotaco?

>asking for rebutals after 3 posts sperging and avoiding the questions
How ironic

>still no argument
>I-I'm winning!
Yeah I'm sure you are Pajeet
You're done

It's like I'm talking to a broken record. That's also a retard.

it doesn't say that though. And how does that proves that the anime being canon?

What did I just say, dog?
>Yes, Master. I'm sorry, Master.
Those are the ONLY words that will issue from your throat henceforth. UNDERSTOOD?

>how does that proves that the anime being canon
DIS to the CAR to the D to the ED, wipe that tear that you just shed.

>And how does that proves that the anime being canon?
What the fuck kind of English is this you fucking Toyopedro

8 days until the new chapter and toeifags are already having their monthly breakdown

Attached: IMG_20190517_205201_423.jpg (777x1280, 111K)

Nice goalpost-moving, cuck. You claimed that a single panel is a "recap", but now you're backpedaling. Cope. You lost. Kneel and seethe. Wail. Whine. ULULATE.

>8 days until more inconsequential and irrelevant non-canon filler
How will I ever contain my excitement?

And it being a recap matters because?...

Did you forget what the fuck we were talking about? Are you so stupid and ADHD you can't remember what you posted five fucking minutes ago?
>Again, how is a recap a promotion for the anime?
And upon being told that you're a FUCKING brainlet for considering a single promotional panel a recap, you proceeded to sperg out into a frothing and uncontrollable ESL rage. Now COPE and concede.

>Goku mastering UI
>Vegeta learning a new technique
The monthly breakdown never fails to amuse me

Attached: IMG_20190521_231159_971.jpg (925x1280, 137K)

That isn't my point. My point was how the manga dedicating a panel to the movie makes the manga less canon.

>implying either of those things are going to happen
>implying Toyopaco's fanfiction matters even if they do
It's like claiming something that happens in Multiverse will affect the chadnime.

>how does the manga promoting the fucking anime make the manga less canon
Do you not know what "promotional" means? Is that not a word they teach in Mexico?

Such incongruence. Learn to accept when you have been sandwiched by my knowledge from one side, and my perspicacity from the other.

>n-no it's not revisionism b-because...S-SHUT UP OKAY WAHHHHH I R SMART
Cry for me, dog. Cry for your master.

How is that promotional? It isn't promoting it. Is just a recap of the events that happened there.

>a single fucking panel
>a "recap"
Do they not teach that word in Mexico either, Pablo?

You have to be baiting. Nobody can be this fucking stupid, not even a Toyocuck.

Oh god. I wouldn't like to be a fellow toyopaco of yours right now.

>will affect the chadnime.
Anime? What anime?

Attached: heh.jpg (750x750, 44K)

>made more than 300 posts
>still haven't gotten a single (you)
Fuck this shit

Again, how does that make the anime more canon than the manga?

>chapter came up last week Toeifags already domin-- crying
>two weeks before chapter and Toeifags already seething
>one week until chapter and Toeichads already at full force
>leaks today and Toeifags having a meltdown

This retarded bait lost its meaning so fast with these retards, holy shit.

The chadnime that's coming back in the form of a new movie and then a new arc in 2020.

The manga is promoting the anime, you dumb fucking fuck. The movie is part of the anime, and the manga is promoting it, which is why it skipped it and dropped a single panel that was essentially telling you "IF YOU WANT TO KNOW THE ACTUAL STORY GO WATCH THE FUCKING MOVIE YOU RETARDED TOYODRONE"
Am I really having to spell this out for you? Are you THIS fucking retarded?

For prosperity

The panel doesn't say that though. It isn't proof of the anime being canon.


>inb4 "w-wheres muh SSBKK" stupid and stale bait.

>b-b-but the panel doesn't directly say that
Arguing semantics now, you stupid fuck? The implication is that you have to watch the ANIME movie to get the full story, because the manga is promoting it i.e. telling people who haven't seen it to go watch it rather than waste time on the shitty fanfiction book. God, you Toyocucks are fucking stupid.

They really are pathetic, aren't they?

Hahahahahhahahahahahahahahah jesus

You don't have to. The manga says that goku and vegeta handled the problem. That's all the information you need.

Shut the fuck up and take the L, you damage-controlling taco-gobbler.

How is it crucial?

>how is the fucking Broly movie crucial
You goddamn idiot Toyocuck.

Again, how is it crucial?

New thread

It's just the hook now, no bait anymore. Yet you're still biting.

>goku loves martial arts and fighting.
>his final form is about his body acting by itself.
goku is going full saitama at this rate.

>30 posts early

I'm not baiting. I'm talking seriously.

>spamming threads with shit (you) flamewar topics not even on bump limit.
Gentlemen... You know what to do with this seething toyodog.

Everyone does it. Stop this meme already.

>I'm not baiting, I'm just this fucking stupid

You will post there so it doesn matter.


You still haven't explained how is it crucial though.

>how is a canon arc that introduces a new important character and canonizes Gogeta crucial?
Looks like we've found another word that Mexican shitholes don't teach their students.

Broly hasn't appeared yet. And even if he does, with the recap we know that he is alive so it doesn't matter. and gogeta was always possible.

Discarded. You lost. You haven't presented a single argument and are a confirmed retard. Done. Over. Next.

Someone make decent thread

You didn't refute anything of what i said though.


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Bunch of cucks in here, I swear

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NTR is based

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>b-b-but you didn't refute my stupidity
You didn't have a point, you were just shitposting and pretending to be a retard. Or maybe you weren't pretending and actually are that retarded. You fucking retard. Go kill yourself.

But i had good reasons for what i said. Why don't you read my post again?

Shut the fuck up and kneel, dog.

Why don't you try it user? Only once. It isn't going to take you too much time.

SILENCE, I said.

Oh, well. maybe next time?

Kneel before me.

I win again. Cope, Seethe, Dilate, Have Sex, Ululate.

That doesn't answer my question.

I won.

I kneel.

Victory has been attained in my illustrious favor once more.

Based Jirenchad

based copelybro

It's simple, the both of you
The anime has its own canon, separate from the movies, but it does retell the movies
Meaning the general story of the 3 new movies are anime canon, but get retconned once the show retells it.
The manga has its own canon, and skips large chunks but references the events. So it's perfectly reasonable to treat the movies as canon in the manga until the manga retcons it.

Shut the fuck up and cope

That's my point. But the other user didn't want to answer so i couldn't continue the discussion.

>b-b-but that was my point...
Look at this fucking retard, jumping on someone else who isn't a complete retard and agreeing with him like a bitch in heat in an effort to not look like a fucking dumbass sack of autistic retard shit. Fuck yourself and burn.

I just have no tolerance for people who can't understand split-media canons

>b-b-but there are TWO canons
Yet ANOTHER word they don't teach in Tacoland, apparently. Fuck off Mexican dog.

Do.. do you just not know what canon means?

You CAN'T have two canons you goddamn retarded Mexican bag of Cinco De Mayo party tricks. Jesus fucking shit

You can have a limitless number of canons
A canon is just an official list of the records recognized as part of a whole
The manga has a canon, the games have a canon, the anime has a canon.
You're not ready for a series like this if you can't even understand the basics

>Canon (can· on, noun): the authentic works of a writer
Kneel, you little taco-sucking shiteater.

Yeah, doesnt the anime have writers?
This, it has a canon

>b-b-but the anime writers
Only Toriyama's writing matters because he owns the franchise.
D to the O to the N to the E, don't EVER try to fence with a scholar like me.

Then what about toriyama writing the story for the movie, then the manga?
Are they both canon?
Not to each other, of course. Then we are left with but a single conclusion
Media-specific canon

The manga and the movie are in the same canon, actually, because they are both written by Toriyama.
B to the T to the F to the O, outdone yet again, now for me you will cope.

But that's what I said.

>conceding to me
Good pup.

You conceded to my point, here

>b-b-but that was my point all along
I won. Cope.


Sure man
Whatever floats your boat.
I bet you voted for the winner every time and correctly picked bowl winners every time too

>conceding again
I won. Cope with your loss to your superior.

Oh no, you've misunderstood
You are right about all things dragon Ball
You're clearly the best dragon Ball expert in all of mexico

>oh yeah w-well U R SPIC
I've won. Cope.

I keep saying it man
Why won't you believe me?

Silence, dog. I have claimed victory. COPE.

Sure thing boss
So, given that broly is canon, do you see him having a scene dealing with moros minions?