break week, time for some funsies!
Kengan Asura extra ch.141-164
Other urls found in this thread:
missed them boys
NJPW forever!
How the fuck is this acceptable in 2019?
he did it all for the tuna
Based Okubo
it begins
U-U-U-Ultra sluts!
U-U-U-Ultra sluts Mk.2
Rihito con babra (oficiál)
aw man , now I want Ice cream
>going on a trip with Seki and The imeasurable Morobuchi Gozo
Fucking great circle of friends right there.
lol holy fuck this is a based page
In fairness, I would siscon on Sayaka too.
Is there anywhere that has all the extras available to read? I kind of wanna go over all of them
When in doubt, bite it. - Joji, probably
What are the chances we gonna see him fight against purgatory? He didn't do much here, and it seems like a waste not to use him, being Metsudo's son and all.
I want to go on vacation with them
Hanafusa and his nurse are my favourite side characters
ahaahah! but also sadness
so he can read a little I presume!?
Gaolang... I know you're a Thai and your King looks like pure sex, but DO NOT! eat the penis boy head!
>you can ride cucumbers
but what if it were?
i unironically love that opening
Himuro secretly lifts with teenage girls
I think it went a little like this:
>race ya to the top!"
>"oh, you're on!"
Nurse doesn't matter what you do, the doctor are not going to fuck you
>not liking 7 Commandos 4
Look, I know the 2nd act isn't that strong but you have to be a supreme pleb not to have cried bitch tears over that ending
The woman walks everywhere dressed as a nurse, her kinks go beyond the doctor
I still liked "the Jobbles" more
The left panel on its own is really gay.
Himuro hooking up with Hibiki and Ayaka when
never letting it go
Is there anything the 4 idiots cannot do(except for winning in Kengan matches)?
ah, we still had a good time, right?
And aside from downloading all the volumes, I don't think there is a place with all the extras reunited at once.
i wanna know de feet
>no page of Kaede in those swimsuits
could gaolang win against a bear?
R(L)ihito is a treat.
Love these extras.
The beard!
Ohma woke up?!?
Just in time for the tourney.
cosmo is canonically hung
They're all up on mangadex broken up into 3 parts.
dont open
I liked the Ken-Gang quite a bit myself.
Gender bend is the worst.
Rihito took a bear out in one of the extras so it very likely Gaolang could.
Honestly if I saw Goalang and a Grizzly going at it, I'd have to help the Grizzly Bear out - even the odds a little bit.
Thanks for the Dump my guy.
Amazing autism.
>On break.
But I wanted to see more of Gaoh being fucking GAY!
Thanks for the dump.
My sides.
>purple hair
It's light silver, at least! Horrid. popular enough to get this kind of fanart already? wow. just wow
So Himuro is from the Inside but didn't really grow up there.
Wholesome, didn't know Kaede was friends with Sekibayashi
Murobochi and Wakatsuki being friends is also pretty wholesome
What's up with this chronology? Akiyama didn't meet Hanafusa and Haruo until the tournament, so this must be after the tournament. But Ohma is dead, so why would Rin be asking Akiyama if Ohma went with her?
Guess he left pretty young.
Notice how Rihite is the only one that can handle the power of the beard. He's the chosen one!
The omake plays just as fast and loose with time as Danberu does. Just accept this as bizarre asides but nothing canon.
Everything about this made me smile, then I became furious because of how good this is, and how bad the Anime was, I'm like this ever chapter now, but this was the worst yet.
none of the omakes are hard canon user, at best they're plausible but a lot of them are obviously bullshit
>Himuro dicked Sayaka
The true winner of Kengan Asura
He probably would. I hope we see them in Kengan Omega too.
I don't see any reason why Metsudo would transfer his son from bodyguard duty to Fang status, especially when he has an entire school of fighters specially trained to be the next Fang
maybe he stepped up after the failure of the previous 2 fangs
so what's the lore here?
I miss him, bros
I saved this months ago
They are bros, both silent guys that enjoy the company of each other.
Himuro and The Stooges
Thanks for the dump
Honestly I don't. He was more of a plot device then a character.
Thanks for the stuff.
And HEY the cultist guy who is the OG for the Kengan pose made it in.
Cultist confirmed to survive and show up as a fighter when?
yeah, some of the textless ones were easier to just pick off when the whole batch was released back in January
Fingers crossed cultbro returns
>ice cream headache
not a brainfreeze?
Always a classic.
Don't worry they'll get it right in the official translations.
different parts of the world
>Hibiki's boob squishing against her leg
>official translations
Don’t tease me, user
ice cream headache and brainfreeze is the same thing
Imagine how thicc Hibiki must be in the Kegan Omega Timeline. She's been squatting for 2 years now.
Its patrician
im sure ALL teh people that got to the tournament (even if they lost on round 1) can solo a bear
Keneda would definitelly get wrecked by a bear
>Let's see what the bear next 10 moves are going to be
>it's all mauling
pretty sure Cosmo would also end like pic related
Kaneda can pokes the eyes of the bear
Cosmos can literally choke it to death
Guess we can still do another round.
Round 3 - Match 1
Round 3 - Match 2
Round 3 - Match 3
Round 3 - Match 4
This thread took me back to the daily threads. Enjoyed myself a lot, thanks.
>You will never go on a wholesome wrestling oversea tour to cheer on Seki with the Ken-gang.
Feels bad.
I will just say what we all think: He dressed so fucking gay there, he reached Tim Curry in drag levels and went straight back to straight as a arrow.
To be fair, as far as I know one of two confirmed bare-handed grizzly bear kills i the world was with a grappling choke, the guy managed to jump on his back, grab his neck and get a good enough hold that he could find the bears jugular and bite it to clamp off the blood long enough for the bear to pass out where he finished it off.
>To be fair, as far as I know one of two confirmed bare-handed grizzly bear kills i the world was with a grappling choke
In the other confirmed Bare-handed grizzly did the dude punch the bear to death?
Rip meguro
The Giant of the Sea/Thai God of War powercouple is something we all needed, but didnt know till we saw it.
Akoya vs Muteba strikes me as most interesting but ultimately, Akoya is the perfect hard counter to Muteba, who scored every single victory with an "Ow I'm injured and crippled please don't hurt me, SYKE! Gotcha!" which is exactly the kind of move that Akoya with his perfect reactions would reasonably counter with ease. Then his defensive fighting style with no apprehension about going brutal when he needs to kind of gives me the feeling that he would handle Muteba rather well.
His only issue is if he goes full "Dark Vengeance" and tries to fuck about against Muteba like he did with Cosmo instead of going for the win/kill, but I imagine even in Full Autismo he still has the awareness to know that Muteba is a lot more of a deadly threat than Cosmo so won't piss his victory away.
STILL waiting for that spinoff Sandwich, we know you thought of it.
What a cute boy, so wholesome.
>Kaneda can pokes the eyes of the bear
Wont kill it, only make it really REALLY pissed off
>Cosmos can literally choke it to death
He definitelly have the tecnique to do so, but does he have the strength? I have my doubts
Other Characters i think that would have a hard time against bears: Chiba, Nezu, Inaba....
This is a really interesting set of matchups.
>Seki vs. Raian
I think an already injured Seki won't be able to withstand Raian's brutality if he goes Removal. However, it would definitely be a hard win for Raian since he'll have a lot of his more sloppy but powerful attacks semi-redirected back at himself. Raian with moderate to heavy injuries.
>Sen vs. Gaolong
As much as I like Gaolong, I think peak Sen is a bad matchup for him. Though they're both lightly injured, Gaolong's style is the more direct type that Sen could have trouble with. Unless Gaolong can outspeed him and get several hits in, Sen is eventually going to get a counter on him that Gaolong can't overturn. That being said, we saw how Sen vs. Agito went when Agito was using his more direct fighting style, so who knows? I'm gonna say Sen with moderate injuries, but it could go either way really. It'll be a hard win no matter who wins.
>Akoya vs. Muteba
I think Muteba already being heavily injured means he would likely give up if Akoya goes full murdercop. Muteba's strength is how he can harass and pull out sudden finishers, but Akoya is the kind to harass as well and his reaction time is incredible even without his boss helping. If Akoya fucks around though, and he likely will since Muteba is a massive criminal even among the Kengan fighters, then Muteba may be able to capitalize on it and get a heart jab. I'm gonna call it Akoya thanks to his defensive style and reaction time. The fight will likely end with Muteba calling it quits before murdercop gets a decisive blow, which will anger murdercop to no end.
>Agito vs. Waka
I think the difference in injuries and Waka's improved ground game along with the blast core baiting will allow him to take this. Agito may be powerful, but he's going into the fight with heavier injuries than the actual superman. He's not getting out of it unscatched though. Waka takes it with heavy injuries.
couldnt muteba hear akoya's comunication device?
it's not like he's above winning by virtue of his opponent getting caught cheating
kek Ohma doesn't have kids, r-right
>Gaolong's style is the more direct type that Sen has an advantage against.
Btw we are talking about grizzlies right? Or some pussy ass japanese bear like the Ussuri brown bear or the japanese black bear?
To be honest I'm not even taking into account his earpiece. It's actually cheating.
I would assume by this point that he's not using it. Besides, I believe the rules state that if they can sneak it past inspection, then it's fair game. That's why Kaburagi and Dr. Death get away with most of the shit they do.
It would be a highly one sided fight. For the bear that is, poor animal will get destroyed.
Does this looks like the face of a girl that would miss the opportunity to have babies with Ohma while he was in Cohma?
>Akoya vs Muteba
Now thats a fight i want to actually see.
Don't forget though Kengan Rules, if the Ref didn't find it, it's not against the rules and all they can do is check harder next time.
Going by google if i got the right guy, the madman while having his arm wedged in the bears throat using his mouth and teeth pinched the bears jugular vein until he passed out from lack of blood flow and he was able to bash the bears head in with a stick.
Or in other words: Joji did it.
No matter who wins, these should all be sick.
>absolute brutality against the guy who takes every attack and dishes back heavy damage in return
>two master class fighters who rely on speed and fast reactions for devastating attacks
>brutally defensive murdercop versus the African war criminal who constantly throws out killshots
>a long awaited rematch with the new and improved Wakatsuki (now in better condition relative to this time in the original tournament) against an injured but evolved Agito
Worth noting that in round 3 Agito is likely using his martial arts rather than Formless if we go by the original tournament. I think Toku X Toku would be enough to force him to reevaluate himself like Gaolong did.
I didnt expect Gaolang and Karo to become friends
Ah yes, very fascinating, the holding leaf lends the rice such a rich and subtle flavor depending on the type of tree.
thanks for the dump user, for a fighting manga this is pretty chill
The balance between comfy casual and brutal fights is what makes Kengan great, which is such a shame they missed that with the Netflix Anime and just showed all the fights in sequence with little to no context.
how the FUCK do you find a bear's jugular while you're being mauled to death? did this guy just bite the bear's neck and think: "oh boy, I sure hope I got the jugular or this thing is going to eviscerate me in the next few moments!"
This, what we got here is Kengan Ashura, but they dumped most of the Kengan and focused too hard on the Ashura.
The guy just is that good.
he stuck his entire arm inside the bear's mouth and then bit his throat for a while
Its always the bitefags that go the most feral.
i hope he beats one of the sumofags so bad
Yeah, Bakis currently suffering a little from the sumos kinda going nowhere, doesnt it?
Maybe they simply didn't know about Ohma after some time later.
I really liked this series but man, so many things left unanswered, and I mean, SO MANY THINGS, what even happened with Rino and Lightning dude? We never knew what happened with them after he lost the match, what the fuck.
he looks like his dad
He's the liquid snake to Baki's Solid Snake.
There are more kanji than stars in the universe.
Why do Japs squid limes on mushrooms?
He would just call it out before the match. That'd sent Akoya into full Murdercop from the get-go, which really only helps Muteba.
Kengan has one of the best casts of characters I've ever seen in a manga. Almost all of them are likeable. How the fuck did the author pull it off?
manga/anime, especially shonen, tend to have a cast of unlikable self inserts and edgelords, with the occasional likeable character here and there.
most people follow shonen manga because of a single, or two characters,
kengan ashua/omega decided to throw the whole stereotypical shit out of the window in favor of super humans with human qualities/vices.
the reason that Kengan is so great is because it's basically a battle shonen with all the gay and retarded shit that ruins battle shonen removed
Kengan is just as gay and retarded as the rest, but just in a way that lifts it up rather than drags it down. I
literally what i said, cunt.
>no edgelords
>no self inserts
>no rivalry bullshit
characters like Rihito would appear just for a chapter in a typical shonen, never to be seen again.
Remember to punch your self in the liver every day to build an immunity to liver blows
all top tier matches
>senki vs raian
raian with moderated injurys
>sen vs gaolang
gao is just is not the type of fighter that sen is specialiced for, he isnt the type that panic easy, i think gaolang should win this one, but peak sen is a wild card and could turn the match around at any point
>akoya vs gensai
if both of them were in perfect form gensai would win no doubt, but whit this many injurys the defensive capabilitys of akoya should give him the adventage
i really like how the injury system has worked so far
>waka with light injurys vs agito whit moderate injurys
i think waka has the adventage here, even if agito wins, he should do it whit heavy injurys, it really is a close match
Hits too close
The best one
Thinking about it too, even the most edgelord characters turn out to be super chill.
Muteba turns out to be Bro-teir Dandy who is just doing his job that he does well.
Raian even somehow turns out to be quite endearing.
Julius turns out to just be a strong man with a passion for bodybuilding and a pragmatic attitude, appearing in Kengan matches on week and appearing in TV ads for the new Protein shake bar at Silvermans Gym the next.
Setsuna turns out to be genuinely having mental episodes and psycotic breakdowns and genuinely cares about the people he considers friends.
>Thinking of Hibiki, thinking of Gao
as soon as I saw that image I thought of
People really give him too much shit
High doubtful. Inaba has the range and mobility to avoid a bear.
Were definitely talking grizzlies, wheres the fun in it otherwise?
Nezu should be fine with his kicking, the guy got enough of a reach with his size and still pretty damn fast, he´ll kick the damn bear in the throat and crush it.
Do I do this before or after my daily bullet innoculation?
i already broke all my fingers and got a sledgehammer to the skull to achieve maximum bone hardness
You are remembering to build up immunity to diseases so you can carry them in your bloodstream, right?
>all end in 7
what the fuck is happening
Nah, i keep punching poison sand with one hand to slowly be capable of applying a poison touch using that hand.
Dont forget the knife to the back vaccination, you never know when that immunity is needed.
What kind of fool wouldn't?
Bones and meat are basically the same thing - if I keep tearing muscles and bruising organs than in a couple years I'll be unstoppable.
Anyone else have a lot of issues with captchas lately? Mine have been really fucky.
>poison sand with one hand to slowly be capable of applying a poison touch using that hand.
remember to be wary of metal children playgrounds
Im already prepared to avoid encountering Ogres aswell.
who is the guy in the middle who look like greek-something ?
Shouldn't that be "didn't know he went to college"?
Incidentally, where does HnG hail from?
>Hanafusa worked as a ring doctor
We'll see him again during the competition between Kengan and Purgatory, now I am sure of it.
Who drew the center left one? If that's supposed to be the original guy, then that's a pretty bad face design, looks like a generic good guy.
Can't believe the old man actually got across the drr tunnels
People voting for Agito should know that it was a close match before when they were both without injuries. In my opinion Wakatsuki should have the upperhand now that Agito is injured more.
You likely have to consider Agito evolving aswell though, Wakatsukis dealing with a guy more capable than the one that beat him before.
I dunno how close it was, Agito didn't look very hurt/fatigued in the one shot we have of him in the aftermath.
What kinda sad meal is that? A whole mushroom?
Might just be his mental image of Agito since it was traumatic pretty much losing his right ankle
True. All we know for sure is that it wasn't as close as Gaolang, since he was the one who pushed Agito the furthest up until that point.
For sure. I wonder if Nitoku pushed Agito even further in the events between Asura and Omega
I dropped this in the middle of the tournament, i don't know if i should take it again so i'll ask, do we get some sick ass battle worth of reading? do we get more yandere shenanigans? do we get to see what happens to best bro? did he fug megane?
If i get at least 2 of them then i think is worth it.
I'd assume that this is actual character from the series, but the author included both the pose and the tattoo on his face.
>do we get some sick ass battle worth of reading?
>do we get more yandere shenanigans?
>do we get to see what happens to best bro? did he fug megane?
which best bro?
Nitoku faced Agito before Asura, not after.
Still probably one of the closest fights Agito ever had, while the one against Gaolang was more like a fight he felt he should have lost.
>do we get some sick ass battle worth of reading?
Essentially every damn fight, yes. Kiryu keeps his murderboner and overall its a glorious read which deserves you a smack for dropping it to begin with.
>do we get some sick ass battle worth of reading?
All the fights that you have missed are great and you should read them.
Slight trivia: on Ura Sunday page there are omake (most drawn by Sandrovich) that happens after some chapters that reveal some in-between moments, like Kazzy taking Ivan to hospital and getting his autograph, and that Ozu Toshio survived.
Yes to literally all of that, though not sure which best bro you mean since every character is a best bro
Blonde bro, forgot name, also, what about the sick ass tranny that masturbated to toki did get btfo?
Finally it's settled.
should I read Fist of the Seeker?
Is that the guy that isolated himself to train, he was compared to a fortress if i'm wrong(?) Now i'll have to read again since i barely remember anything about it besides the clan yandere girl belonged.
So he did fug megane? Wow that's unexpected.
are you asking if Rihito ends up with Kaede? He doesn't, but he does his best
Rihito was his name right, nono i was talking about tokita, i just can't picture him having any romance and remember kaede was somehow into him but i expected nothing, there was another girl i shipped with rihito but i don't really remember, just picked up chapter one and i can't believe it goes up to 235, i think i dropped at 100 or 120 maybe.
so you dropped when it got really good. Sorry you missed the best part. but good thing you're wiling to pick it back up!
Majority of it is untranslated, but you can read the raws of the first half which covers the Rokushin Kaikan Open Tournament, often referenced in Kengan Asura, and more and more characters related to it are appearing in Kengan Omega. While you will not know finer details regarding the tournament, the fighting part is understandable enough.
Pic related is full tournament bracket with how it climbs. Coloured lines indicate winners of bracket fights, coloured letter indicates winner of the semi-final, coloured Block word indicates winner of the tournament. Brick red square next to name points to Rokushin Kaikan members.
holy shit shes fat
Now with more proper Yea Forums order of reading, as it was annoying me.
So Tatsuyoshi Katsuya won the tournament?
thicc is fat
Top 3 tournament fights
1. Kuroki vs Agito
2. Cosmo vs Akoya
3. Ohma vs Inaba
Prove me wrong.
Yes, in the finals against Mentaro.
In semis they faced Samato and Joji respectively.
BTW, Motoyama Jin's sister is Cosmo's classmate.
Given her motto, it's hardly surprising.
Cosmo vs Akoya was hardly a fight.
Also, while your number 1 is a fine choice, the other two can't hold a handle to the fight of Sekibayashi Jun and to the fight of Marvelous Seki.
The more subtle reference to Fist of the Seeker is here, with Sen's self-proclaimed ninja cousin, Ryozo.
I wonder if Sen's personality has changed after his loss to Agito. Do you think he actually bothers training regularly now?
Sen is interesting, I wonder how he found out about Niko Style.
>and to the fight of Marvelous Seki.
Can't wait for giganigga to appear in omega
Speaking of, shouldn't the vol.3 release be soon, with the bonus chapter and Kengan crew afterwords for the volume?
Pic unrelated, one of the Ura Sunday omake pages for Kengan Asura.
me too
fighting for purgatory since they are the highest bidder
When I first saw Ren I thought that he was a pretty butch girl - I didn't realize that he was a guy until like half way thru his fight with Setsuna.
>I didn't realize that he was a guy until like half way thru his fight with Setsuna.
Impressive, given his outfit gave little to imagination.
There's a difference!
Man Sagat really let himself go.
He looked smaller than the other fighters size and muscularity-wise. He fought with fancy Kung-Fu and assassin techniques instead of strength, his chest was covered even when everything else was exposed, and the face is pretty feminine.
I didn't understand why the women characters were freaking out about him at first until at some point everything 'clicked'. I felt like a retard afterwards.
Some nice hiking form.
And then throwing it on purpose after having some fun in a fight due to Sharks golden ticket for the chocolate factory.
Will Yamashita get one of his dreams again on Omega?
B-movies action thrillers are where it's at.
The Singles: Ring-Out
I didn't know they were in Metal Slug!?!?
I was very disappointed that Muteba never banged the crazy weapon lady, she really is in dire need of some.
He is a man that knows not to stick his dick into crazy.
Could he even conceivably survive?
>You will never have a friendship as beautiful as Rihito, Okubo, Kaneda and Himuro
It happens to the best.
I definitely hope so.
>female Koga
>female Ryuki being yandere-tier obsessive over female Koga
>spicy femJose being protective of femKoga
muh deek
Muteba would never do that! he's a professional!
>1. Sekibayashi vs. Muteba
>2. Sekibayashi vs. sumo guy
>3. Muteba vs. Meguro
it's specifically BECAUSE he's a professional that he would do it. He promised her one free job, no matter what it is
Sumo guy is named Kiozan Takeru, user with quite nice digits.
Thank you based HnG for providing Kengan content in these dark break days.
Reminder that Pre-Tournament Ohma had zero difficulty with a MASSIVE boar.
Most tournament fighters, even Tournament Rhito would floor Ohma
How many more of these extras are there?
By my count, 71
I fucking miss Ohma so much, bros.
Seki's no dodge/block style hurts him a lot against Raien, but I think he's skilled/enduring enough to land a few counters and use his offensive defense tricks to damage Raian some in return. Honestly could see him managing to outlast removal if he was in peak condition here, but oh well, Raian with probably moderate injuries.
Gaolang vs Sen is a good match that'd be pretty great to see, but I feel Gaolang has it. Even if Sen is in "peak condition", we saw how he got demolished by Agito when he focused on striking. Not to use A>B>C logic, but Gaolang, especially when he goes full muay thai/boxing fusion uses a lot of the same tactics of constant rushes of blows meant to hammer the opponent's guard and disable their limbs. I think Sen's dodging would trip Gaolang up at first, but he'd be able to get used to it and pressure Sen too much to get caught in the star drop or three hit combo to the face, and he has that deadly elbow if Sen tries to get in close to grapple. Gonna say moderate injuries just because of how most of Sen's techniques seem to be all or nothing, he doesn't really "wear down" opponents.
Akoya vs Muteba is another genuinely great matchup that I'd like to see happen. To be honest I think if he was going into a match with heavy injuries, Muteba would just outright forfeit, but that isn't as fun, so to entertain the matchup, I feel with injuries in the picture Akoya will edge it out. Muteba focuses more on dodging than guarding, so I think a loss in mobility will weaken him more than Akoya's will inhibit him since he can just turtle with his shield arm. I could see Muteba based on the previous matches deciding to purposely piss Akoya off into full murdercop mode to try and heart jab him when he lets down his guard, but honestly like I said, the dude wouldn't even want to be in the tournament still with his level of injury and would probably forfeit after this match with Agito or Wakatsuki being his next opponent.
I'm assuming that Agito has activated his almonds at this point, and that's bad news for Wakatsuki even with his injuries. He can probably land some blows and injure Agito, but the guy had become ridiculous at this point in the tournament where even Gensai could barely keep up for a good portion of the match. His formless/martial switching and Liquid Agito moves mean he can probably avoid blast core, and that's the only way I see Wakatsuki putting him down quick enough. Agito heavy injuries.
There is rivalry bullshit but it's a friendly "I'll kill you later under an official match lol" rivalry, except I don't think any rivals have ever faced each other so far.
I think the only rivalry to actually fight was Wakatsuki and The Murobuchi Gozo, and they seem to be friends outside of fighting just like everybody else anyway.
Dumbbell and Kengan should cross over more often.
I want to see Gaolang in the boxing gym and Raian stopping by to visit his aunt
>Hibiki and Ayaka introducing Himuro to Harnold
>Machio being revealed as Silverman Gym's associate fighter
the possibilities are endless
I wonder if Hibiki knows her eating rival is dead.
I just want to see these dorks hanging out with the DUMBbells.
>Zina running into Gaolang while wearing her Gaolang costume
Have Karla appear in Dumbbell as a focus for a chapter or two and amaze the girls with her skills. Say she's visiting her mom Yakusha.
Anyone knows if Ayaka gym is related to Kengan Asura somehow? I mean, Zina is Ivan niece, Akemi is Shion sister, we still need a conection for Hibiki and Ayaka!
Gaolang trains there
didn't Gaolang train at her gym once or something? I've heard people say that but I don't remember if it's ever actually confirmed
But, Karla is a student at Koyo Girls' Academy, herself. The Dumb Belles are 2nd years, Karla is a 1st year, just a grade behind. She doesn't need to visit her mom; they live together and go to "work" together.
There's a portrait of him there. That's all I know.
What chapter is this page?
Thought Karla is from a different school because she went shopping with a male student in one omake, and Koyo is an all-girl school, so there shouldn't be boys?
1. Gaolang learned his "Flicker" style boxing technique from Ayaka's dad.
2. Gaolang trains regularly at the "Koei" (Glory) gym that is Ayaka's. He's also managed by that gym for his prize fights. The girls regularly attend his matches and host public events that feature him.
3. Hibiki likely Wakatsuki's daughter. It the only explanation for her absurd muscular strength, weight, eating habits, blonde hair + green eyes and fits the age difference, even for her older brother.
4. Sensei's massage therapist/chiropractor is Kureishi.
5. Julius has appeared in Silverman Gym commercials.
6. Adam has let Akemi, Hibiki and Zina hitchhike in his Ford Raptor with his own cowgirls from Texas to Hollywood.
7. Ozu Toshio is not only a professor at the higher level of Koyo, he teaches the girls from his book and has appeared at the Masura Shrine.
8. Machio visits the same bar that Himuro works at.
9. The ghost samurai is Omega boss' ancestor.
Gaolang at Ayaka's gym is confirmed at least half a dozen times, now.
The boy she went shopping with wasn't from her school.
what a weird combination series to have share a universe
The one that's going to be released next, soon.
it makes me chuckle every time I remember that Dumbbell exists in the same universe as The Inside
>6. Adam has let Akemi, Hibiki and Zina hitchhike in his Ford Raptor with his own cowgirls from Texas to Hollywood.
One of the best references in the manga.
Adam giving Cosmo some solid competition for best boy status in that page
Karla literally uses the same uniform as the dumbbells though.
More than anything I was disappointed about the fact the Dumbbell anime held the Harnnold Classic in Japan to keep that whole arc in 1 episode, instead of holding it in Hollywood...
...even more than how much Akemi's COMPLETE berserk attitude was held back...
...was that Adam and his girls never got to appear.
So mad.
Did I speedwatched or the anime didn't included any of this?
>the same outfit, even
13. Takaguchi Mei realized her dream and is an idol in kengan Omega
The anime has only two references to Gaolang:
1. Episode 2 has his picture on the wall, same as the manga.
2. Zina, when attending the Silverman Gym Christmas Cosplay Party, isn't cosplaying as "Bulk Han" (a reference to the Volk Han, the sambo martial artist God), she's cosplaying as Gaolang (even matching his facial expressions).
The later two Gaolang references are from later than the episodes would have covered.
Ohh, alright, makes sense, I started reading Kengan Asura right after episode 3 so Gaolang wasn't in my mind then.
>story plays up how AMERICAN Dudley is every time he's onscreen
>he learned his ultimate techniques by playing hockey
greatest twist I've ever seen in a manga
The manga LOVES, LOVES, LOVES having references to Kengan and irl people. Basically every chapter as at least one reference somewhere. The anime, for whatever reason, limits alllllll the references to anyone that actually appeared in the Netflix Kengan adaptation and Funimation's English translations change the character names of IRL references from 1-letter to homonym puns. Because Funimation are complete pussies/are absolutely terrified of even the remotest possibility of a lawsuit.
Not a big Texas sport, for sure, but as a man from Michigan, it's pretty dang popular above the Mason Dixon line.
I forgot to mention
Okubo fights for Muji TV. Deire Kutarou, the creep director, is Muji TV's star program director.
She's just fat. She doesn't weigh as much as Wakatsuki who's as tall (cm) as he is heavy (kg), she's only about 55-60kg iirc.
2 extra letters because of how fat she is?
Reminder, Zina was based on two pornstars.
Adam lol
Rihito is a good student? The fuck.
>chun li
No Rihito is just some kind of hairless Gorilla that manages to stumble his way into success.
>$75 for soup
it's 1500 not 7500
This was a fun thread, hope we get a chapter next week.
Is Hibiki's punch strong enough to hurt any of the Kengan?
There should be more shared universes like this, where the different series in it have vastly different tones.
Why is Yea Forums so thirsty for most of the cast? Including Koga and Ryuki's abs?
agreed, although it mostly only works as well as it does because Sandrovich is an absolute mad man
Do they have sport related scholarships in japan? I imagine rihito would be pretty good in just about anything with his gorilla strength
Reminder that this is your artist:
Okubo without a shaved head looks so weird, i couldn't tell who it was supposed to be at first
Cosmo and the other twinks probably
This is your author and his gang of series' folks. From Kengan to Danberu to anime to manga to editors to vas to video games to card games.
I wonder if Ai Fairouz has read Kengan. iirc there was an interview where she talked about the manga she liked and a lot of them were fairly masculine-leaning series
>tfw no slutty nurse gf
Life is suffering
Anyone have the pinup pictures included in the volumes of Kengan Omega that are out right now?
She's sexy af with that black choker
I wonder what is she up to now, in general I would like to know what is everyone up to now, god damn, I have the feeling the author have enough material to keep us hooked for decades here.
You know I wonder how famous the 4 idiots are? At the very least Okubo is a legit celebrity so the rest are probably known as his weird /fit/ friends in the mma community.
Now these are some legit quarter finals.
Cosmo is perfect for a bearkill.
Choking is the only option.