
New trailer for thunderbolt fantasy lang movie

Attached: 1567299612574.png (1920x1080, 1.79M)

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more dead waifu...

What is the pope going to do in not-china?

as the Lord's pilgrim

There are a bunch of heathens swinging around magic swords fucking with the natural order and people consorting with demons. It's time to spread the word of the Lord all over !China. And maybe pope slap a couple heathens while he's at it.

puppets quality seems a bit less good than usual

They are from pili season named Nine Kingdoms Engulf the World in War, presumably they are leaders of one of provinces. Nine provinces mentioned in War of Dragons, but never explored, so i don't know anything more. But the op is really cool

Searching for the Hitler.

I think Xi You Princess (?) looks too anime, but Lang and Guqin gf look good.

It's a shake, because her character design does things to me.

Attached: cal5-3.png (581x700, 388K)


Great instrumental too.

>Nobu's VA
pick the fuck up.

Fox got a kinda shoddy body, hardly even a personalized uniform. Lang's updo just doesn't suit him plus it's hard to make out detail in all white.

Attached: welcome to abuse of power 101.jpg (1536x2048, 521K)

What a cutie. It'll be a shame if she were to die tragically.

I love his red-white robe.

Attached: Kasuga-ceremony-071.jpg (1000x667, 300K)

Puppetification is a patrician fetish.

Attached: EDcuxj3U4AIBUL-.jpg (1536x2048, 727K)

Attached: 1567173152527.webm (852x480, 2.27M)

I have a feeling the one on the left was designed by namaniku atk. The eyes kind of look like his

It's some newish artist at Nitroplus.

Attached: EAtxAUfUEAAINi4.jpg (800x446, 55K)

T-the pope(s)?

They will damn you to the puppet hell if you won't watch war of dragons

Subs fucking when? I wanna see puppet pope shenanigans

Judging from the fact that we only got subs for one half of one season out of 70, not soon

Attached: 1567638828649.webm (1280x720, 1.34M)

When are we getting this season?

More important question, when are we getting this?

Seeing such a smug bastard get progressively more rekt and lose all dignity was so satisfying.

That's cool, but when do we get to see the original evil monk?

There are many evil monks, but there is only one evil piano puppet


Attached: 1567299578126.jpg (896x504, 108K)

I knew it reminded me of something.

Attached: 1567423684673.webm (960x720, 1.06M)

>Puppet tits with jiggle
This is next level.

I know this is bardbro's movie but I'm really looking forward to mysterious veiled character.

Oh, is this a prequel?

How does puppet paizuri feels like?

Attached: Soft.webm (928x524, 541K)

Yeah, about xi you, probably we will see young shang with his first steps in his sword stealing journey

Oh, didn't realize this isn't even a full season. Feels bad.

TM revolution looks so happy


I wish I was rich so I could spend all of my money on comissioning people to sub Pili stuff. I want to watch it so bad.

It actually can be full season, i don't remember where i found this info. I just checked and official pili channel has announcents only up to episode 20. Also going through WoD official site with google translate, i found out that they held 20 hour screening marathon of all WoD episodes in a movie theater few days ago, fucking insane.

If you were in Japan you could go to (only) five hour marathon of S2 to prepare for the movie

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Thunderbolt Fantasy S2 - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.31_[2018.11.28_07.30.30].jpg (1280x720, 121K)

Also, Pili started to upload full episodes of old seasons recently and just skipping through them you can find a lot of crazy stuff

Attached: pili.png (1381x1049, 1.12M)

upload to youtube*

Feels like the princess set him up for Fox to get a shot at him. I just hope it's nowhere near bad as Phoenix levels of suffering.

It's need to be Phoenix levels of suffering, because they probably setting up princess to be first real opponent to vapeduck

> setting up princess to be first real opponent to vapeduck
Please do, Urobuchi.

do you know where to find the instrumental?

pls no more ded waifus

Attached: PILI.Fantasy.War.of.Dragons.S01E07.720p.WEB.x264-WEBTUBE[eztv].mkv_snapshot_40.04.635.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

What's the context on this?
why is the dark guy related to the white one in the painting?

Is she actually from the east?

Attached: cal4-2.png (973x850, 1004K)

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These designs feel different from s1-2. It's got a more "moe" feel to it.

subs when

Attached: jinguang.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

Holy fuck, this is so hot

Are we finally going to get subtitles that are remotely accurate?

So what is the movie about? I liked the first movie being the story of Phoenix and the story of a random evil lackey(that was awesome for me), I wonder what they will show us now.

I think I finally understand why I like taiwanese puppets so much.
It makes me feel like I'm in the VHS era of anime again.
There are so little translation resources that it feels like there's a ton of undiscovered stuff.

Attached: jinguang3.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

>no translation means the cool lines seem cooler in our imaginations
>the cheesy stuff is so carefully crafted you can't help but appreciate the effort put into making it that cheesy
>whether it's good or bad it's delightfully camp
It's like a free pass to just like things again.

Attached: 1557065610551.jpg (627x812, 94K)

>that it feels like
There are a ton of undiscovered stuff, we only got like 20 episodes out of ~2k of Pili and Jinguang

Damn based.

Why does she look so unreasonably good at certain angles.
I don't think I've seen any of their puppets look this pretty.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.68M)

Odd question, I know, but does anyone have an idea about how popular Thunderbolt Fantasy is on this board? It seems to fluctuate between above average and next to no fanfare at all

weekly episode threads were the only time when threads with certainty would not die with 3 replies. After that we usually have one or two alive threads per month and even they almost never reach bump limit. It's a cult classic, but the cult is kinda understaffed. Still, big popularity compared to War of Dragons, which outside of Taiwan was probably seen by 10 people.

Here's another piece of the new song:


Huh, I haven't been keeping up on these threads. What are these from?


He's already a household name and used to spook kids into eating their veggies.

Webms are from War of Dragons, only translated pili series that is on netflix now.

I love big poofy dresses

That princess keeps on reminding me of 90's "am I kawaii uguu" anime girls. She looks really off compared to all the other characters.

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And that's how it should remain

Attached: cannot be defied.jpg (2258x1311, 177K)

Thank ye

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Am I supposed to understand anything about War of the Dragons?
Because I don't

I want to watch this series, is there any particular release I should get?

Depends if your PC can take them, but the highest quality option is the BD rips or Seiyaanon.
Put these subs on them
They are fixed with Japanese names

Attached: [SeiyaAnon] Thunderbolt Fantasy 04.webm (852x480, 2.91M)

well it is a remake of season 6 from a show that has been running from 1985
>Hello! I'm Nishikawa Takanori
>I'm the voice actor of Rou Fuyou
>The protagonist of Thunderbolt Fantasy Seiyuu Genka
>In the series sequel
>I had the opportunity to play the character Rou Fuyou
>And unexpectedly, he got a movie dedicated to his story
>It's beyond my imagination, I'm really happy about this
>As the main lead there are a lot of lines
>That covers a wide range of emotions
>Especially since this is about Rou Fuyou's growth
>In the different stages of growth
>Transitioning from one perspective to the next
>The tone of voice and delivery all need to be different
>I think it's quite difficult to portray that
>Thanks to everyone
>The world of Thunderbolt Fantasy is steadily growing in scale
>Seiyuu Genka is premiering in Taiwan and Japan simultaneously on October 25
>Everyone please go watch it
>And immerse yourselves in the world of Thunderbolt Fantasy
>Thank you for all the support
>Resound! Soul of Crimson Lotus

New trailer just posted for the moe princess

Attached: Thunderbolt Fantasy(2).webm (852x480, 2.91M)

not really new is it though? it's just recycled footage from the previous trailers and the text that shows up is one of her lines in the previous trailers

Alright, thank you.

It gets more clear the more you watch

There's a couple of new cuts there.

huh, there are.

They're finally using something else for PVs than ThunderBOLTfantasy.
>instrumental Roll the Dice
O my zombie puppets

Are the 20 episodes of War of Dragons half the season or something? Because the last one isn't like a finale at all.

Duck is a miracle of the universe.

it's a remake of season 6 of an ongoing series so maybe that's why it's not like a finale?

I don't know where I read it anymore so I might be misremembering or something, but I read they were going to make more episodes, as in, it's not finished yet.

I think like the first movie, it's just a back story of a side character.

Also, like the first movie, they will announce season three at the end.

Attached: d7bdd953af0899847b8d2c6363af8cf21468592527_full.jpg (640x519, 172K)

I don't know but they were one of the better threads in Yea Forums, almost not shitposting at all, so I guess not so popular.

TT threads were in that perfect balance of not too popular that the threads went to shit but not so unpopular that the threads died quickly. Shows like that always have comfy threads while they air.

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I like puppet anime before it was cool.

Attached: starfleet.jpg (600x315, 44K)

Why is there no manga of S2

Attached: apron shang.png (1264x898, 1.11M)

State show revealed the girls dreams and wishes.
Dān Fěi wants to revive her brother and being back the glory of her clan.
Xíng Hài wants the demons rise and take over the world.
Liè Mèi wants her master to love her
and become his lover.
Scorpion just wanted to be a normal country or village girl with normal but happy and simple life.

Attached: 398044370d88bb81b581d53c753d79dc.jpg (1200x1018, 369K)

couple of reasons: probably wasn't that popular and diverged from canon making it hard to adapt season two
>Scorpion just wanted to be a normal country or village girl with normal but happy and simple life.

scorpion only admitted she wanted to be like that after being driven into a corner by shou

peoples true nature comes out in duress

I heard that war of dragon had
a sluty anti heroine that fuck both men and women. It's true ?

I guess they meant her, but I don't remember her getting it on with any women.

Attached: PILI.Fantasy.War.of.Dragons.S01E03.720p.WEB.x264-WEBTUBE[eztv].mkv_snapshot_19.18_[2019.07.29_21.17. (1280x720, 1.84M)

scorpion was made for bearing children and not fighting in blood and mud

Attached: __xie_yingluo_thunderbolt_fantasy_drawn_by_isa_peien516__a880121d07aff45d0d1ff4c57d20bf5b.png (600x849, 613K)

But she is indeed very sluty

It was hint that's she and the empress were lesbian lover or had lesbian relationship in the past. Both women are biaexual through

Attached: 70b16a98gy1g0th57vhygj20k00qowii.jpg (720x960, 132K)

Oh, I see. Interesting.

Yeah, she fucks anybody except for ESL's.

That puppet looks like a tranny.

I want to fuck this puppet!

what is tan hi (Dan Fei) made for then?
Don't you mean HSLs?

Attached: the next generation.jpg (1200x849, 1.5M)

Attached: PILI.Fantasy.War.of.Dragons.S01E01.720p.WEB.x264-WEBTUBE.mkv_snapshot_30.31_[2019.07.29_05.23.05].jp (1280x720, 192K)

Cute duckling

Is Urobuchi still working on this?

didn't he say in an interview that he wants to keep writing thunderbolt fantasy for as long as he wants like fast and furious?
Also look at the trailers psycho-pass and fate/zero show up i wonder who wrote those things

Another pili spin-off thing with english subtitles, if anyone interested you find torrents

I think it's because she's supposed to look a bit manly but sexy at the same time. Since from want I have read and search, her character is basically a bi sexual empress,
and empress in fiction often show to be like that.

Attached: 006CyhOxgy1fzhbkjtqtqj30ru1z4b29.jpg (1002x2560, 1.39M)

Can we cut the bullshit with the puppets already and get to working on Rebellion part two?

>But she is indeed very sluty
Any scene that show how sluty and seductive she is ?

She risks her life and kidnaps empress mother to save the man who killed her ex just because she wants to fuck him, while Chin Shao-yeh was in silkworm trap she only talked about how much she wants to fuck him while playing with him with her stocking clad feet (there are closeups on the feet) etc. Sex was offscreen. Maybe there was more, but i only seen first 5 episodes so far.

Attached: PILI.Fantasy.War.of.Dragons.S01E02.720p.WEB.x264-WEBTUBE[eztv].mkv_snapshot_09.25_[2019.08.09_02.30. (1280x720, 174K)



Attached: 70dd9065ly1fzoxwtgtfxg208w0504qp.gif (320x180, 1.14M)

That looks weird. Is that 60fps?

Attached: enter su huan-chad.webm (852x480, 1.84M)

Can we get Pili to remake puppet masters?
redesign leech woman and another female puppet.

Attached: Puppet-Master-Feature.jpg (678x381, 128K)

Wasn't that franchise mostly shit? Never heard good things about it.

It's from the BDs so yes

yea it was, don't think even fans would admit otherwise.

Only the first 4 films are good, the rest are really bad .
Leaeh woman is kinda hot and kinda cute through.

Attached: su nendroid.gif (401x418, 2.41M)


Attached: su netflix2.jpg (1000x640, 132K)

Cute! Su Huan-Chen is cute!

Attached: su huan and feng cai.gif (492x277, 2.8M)

Attached: puppets kissing.gif (499x281, 2.58M)

Probably last bump, all the puppetlovers went to sleep it seems

Attached: shanghai.gif (474x266, 1.14M)


Pili soundtracks 01-75 in flac

Attached: 1567467361804.png (1280x720, 766K)

How did you get it?

Attached: PILI.Fantasy.War.of.Dragons.S01E03.720p.WEB.x264-WEBTUBE[eztv].mkv_snapshot_30.54_[2019.08.28_12.26. (1280x720, 119K)

A friend got it for me
>had to register to this chinese forum
>download a text file that has you subscribe to some guys youtube to get an archive password
>inside the archive password is another video
where some chinese guy has this weird spam video playing, but in the description theres a mega link

This seems to be the place for puppet piracy

That's quite a odyssey for a puppet soundtracks, wow

What did Pili mean by this?

Attached: 1567174409360.png (1600x900, 1.31M)

I fucking love puppers
I hope you thanked your friend for his efforts

Fuck the west and sjw, learn some others cultures.

Was Chih Pili a villain/big part of previous seasons? It's always a bit tricky with the older seasons being untranslated, hopefully one of you guys knows.

Who is Chih Pili? I can't remember a character with that name

Oh, wait, is that the terminator? Well, someone who knows enough about Pili to create this chart didn't put him here, so i don't think he was in previous season

Attached: ygp3c0fe08a31.jpg (2048x1877, 590K)

How long do you think Butcher will be able to keep going on his pocket money?

yeah, the Terminator.

That and the fanbase is relatively small.



Attached: Xueli.jpg (960x2160, 735K)

Wait where is picture related from?

Cool fight

What is the difference between Jinguang and Pili?

Different companies and made by different people.
The creators are brothers.
Jinguang tends to be more experimental, pili is more traditional.

Why are they speaking japanese

And why do they switch to Chinese in the middle of it?


Should I invest in puppets?

Attached: podling throw.webm (854x480, 939K)

Yeah, they on the rise now

Attached: Nankung Chu vs Hu San-tan.webm (852x480, 2.87M)


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