Tonari no kaibutsu-kun

what a timeless classic

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It's not rape if she's asking for it.

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why I haven't seen that before, fucking genious

cuz you new

wish I was

We have way too many threads for such a forgettable show so let's just make this a general shoujo thread. What are your favorite shoujo manga cliches?
I've seen 'your mouth says no but your body says yes' in so many shoujo manga that it doesn't phase me anymore.
The best instance of shoujo manga logic I've witnessed was along the lines of "I'm so lucky: even though he's a germophobe, he's beating me with his bare hands" but I don't remember which manga that came from. Anyone know?

>your mouth says no but your body says yes
>I'm so lucky: even though he's a germophobe, he's beating me with his bare hands
shoujo is targeted at women, so is this what they really want?

I don't see the problem, he's hot.

can you recommend me some shoujo manga? I've only watched the show in the op inb4 boku no piko


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Why do girls pretend to not like rape when we all know they fantasize about it?

Why doesn't he just stick his dick in her mouth to silence her? I find this much more effective in real life.

It would've been pretty good if the guy was an actual chad instead of a literal crybaby

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Are those subs real or it's an edit?

haou airen.

I fantasize about being eaten by monsters but it doesn't mean I want to experience it in real life

oh it's all real

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This show blueballed the shit out of me.
No progress, no closure, just bullshit for an entire season.
And there will NEVER be a season 2.

That being said the OP is GOAT

Also while looking for this link I found a music video of what appears to be a LA of the show

Wow, this looks terrible

I guess I need to try and watch it again. I remember that I dropped it at some point before

Absolutely real
This series is fucked
Only a woman could write this

>Only a woman could write this
Women confirmed for best romance writers?

It's really not very good when compared to other shows like Toradora
OP's image is a good example of something only a woman would write and understand as part of a romantic subplot

>MC gets a rape threat from a boy in ep 1

Ah, shoujo anime at it's finest. where unrequited love is displayed by an out of control male lead as a rapist.

Isn't the OP pic just intended as a joke and not romance?

No, that's literally the main boy saying he'll rape the main girl despite barely even knowing her.
He seriously meets her maybe twice before pulling her off the street and telling her he'll rape her

I read the manga, it quickly became stall and the anime better?

>let's just make this a general shoujo thread
Agreed, we could use more shojou discussion here instead of the usual isekai, moe and shounen shit

>What are your favorite shoujo manga cliches?
I still love gender bender shit like Hana Kimi, but it's not as common as others.
To be hoenst, I've been reading more seinen/shounen romance as of late.

> the anime better?
It's worse because the anime never gets closure

I had to read wiki articles after watching the anime because the anime wasn't good enough for me to read the manga for closure

It's part joke, but the male MC also forcefully kissed the girl MC. Unwanted/forceful sexual advance (by handsome ikemen)s are pretty typical for shoujo romance/smut. Recently I read Sensei no okiniiri where the female teacher is literally raped and starts to like the brat (while she is in relationship with the brat's brother/headmaster). It's pretty strange stuff.

I hope Our Precious Conversations which is also by Rubiko gets an anime, it seems like the quality of her work improved drastically since then.

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I remember the manga having some good moments but then the main characters have some bullshit fight and the main guy fucks off on a boat somewhere or something and basically disappears from the manga for several chapters
the ending was unconclusive as well iirc

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>favorite shoujo manga cliche
forced arranged marriage

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Good thing I dropped it in time

I will never get tired of abeposting

truth be told almost all the best stuff happends in the first episode. the rest of the season is somewhat of a convoluted mess. and there's no chance of a 2nd season, but at least there's the manga

No, they take too long to get together.


>The was only one man who gave a shit.

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I miss him...


he doesn't know about uncle demo

>I've seen 'your mouth says no but your body says yes' in so many shoujo manga that it doesn't phase me anymore
Literally hentai-tier

Because it's not really rape if they want to. Also the "rapist" is handsome, rich and alpha as fuck so the female lead want to be "raped" by him, even if she doesn't admit it. Women can't say they want sex because that would make them bad women

>'your mouth says no but your body says yes'
>Literally hentai-tier
Literally real life tier.
I've quite literally had girls tell me "sometimes I say no but it actually means yes".
And other times I've basically raped virgin girls and had them come back next week for more of the same.

Not a rapist btw, women are just fucked in the head and get off on it.

Recently finished Marmalade Boy. The side characters and plots carried the show because the main couple became obnoxious pretty fast and they went full retarded on the America arc the ending left Yuu as a complete retard and a drama queen. When it wasn't about Miki and Yuu's romance, it was comfy as only classic anime can be. I think it could end around episode 26 or episode 45 but the show was a big hit.

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Tell me more about the times you were a sniper on Irak

Also, they know the "rapist" won't leave them afterwards

>Literally real life tier
>And other times I've basically raped virgin girls and had them come back next week for more of the same.
No one buying your lies user

I'm unironically just as autistic as everybody else on Yea Forums.
It's just I've mostly dated international students from conservative parts of Asia, meeting them via university international student clubs and penpal websites.
Never fucked a white girls and don't have any desire to, especially now I'm married.
Don't want to catch an STD

I read the manga, can't remember if I finished it or not. I should try to watch the anime.

>America arc
It was weird how shoujo manga were obsessed with USA during the 80's-early 2000's
I'm glad this phase is over.

>The side characters and plots carried the show because the main couple became obnoxious pretty fast and they went full retarded
This happens too often, authors just don't know how to write relationship one it's established.

>I'm unironically just as autistic as everybody else on Yea Forums
>especially now I'm married
Fuck off lying normalfag

I used to have a coworker who liked anime and must have been 400lbs and looked like he hadn't shaved or had a haircut in several years.
He had a stable partner a few years before me.
Don't lose hope, user.

In general, Japan was fascinated with the overseas during the 70s, 80s and 90s. In the 2000s, Japanese culture became isolationist and they wanted to be left alone with their idols and cellphones. It had a direct effect on anime. Pre-2000s animes were for everyone while post-2000s animes are only for nips and hardcore weeaboos

proof that female hentai manga artists are better

You probably drop it cause the male mc is a fucking asshole. Dont bother with this manga /anime

Every shoujo I've tried to watch felt like an inferior version of KareKano.

male writers can't get away with anything that goes against conventional morality unless they're writing a h-doujin under a pseudonym, but female authors can put whatever they want in mainstream publications. Even if you look at the male authors who publish shoujo manga under a pseudonym they never write this sort of stuff, it's all just stupidly adorable love shit.

>Pre-2000s animes were for everyone while post-2000s animes are only for nips and hardcore weeaboos
Not true, maybe for 2010's animes

What other shoujo you watched?
Again read the manga, the ending was weird and rushed, though I heard the anime was better.

The Karekano anime is pretty great but only because Hideaki Anno

I think it's more about pandering rather than morality. Little boys play with soldiers and trucks while little girls play with dolls so their fantasies are very different.

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sasuga yumeno sensei!

Don't misunderstand user. Women don't find the behavior of being an irrational germaphob sexually attractive. Like most things with women, you have to read between the lines. What women really want is a man who is willing to sacrifice everything, including his own personal beliefs/comfort, in order to make her happy. For a fictional guy who cant stand touching other people to touch their insert character, that represents that they are more important than whatever it was the man was originally obsessed with.

and by what they really want, what I mean is what they really want in fantasy. In real life, if you trip over yourself trying to please them it isnt going to work out because women also paradoxically want to be controlled/led/ect. Just stop trying to take life lessons from anime, everything is overly exaggerated and dramatized. Life's hard and complicated but you can figure it out if you try. Probably.

>what they really want in fantasy
You don't say captain, where do you think we are?

so should I punch a woman in the face for her to fall in love with me or not?

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If a woman is interested in you, they will tolerate you doing dumb things like threatening to rape them because it makes them feel dominated. It's one of the open secrets women dont like men to know, because then dipshit 'niceguys ' will try to act all aggressive and end up crossing the imaginary line women continuously move and then people get hurt/upset because they lack the social experience to know the real reason women hate them is because they are losers with no looks, money, or status. Rich boy pretty chad brotag in some anime can get away with it because its fantasy.

>What other shoujo you watched?
This one, among others I've forgotten about. I've dropped almost all of them, as they felt too repetitive after the first two or three episodes.

I only watched KareKano. I don't plan on reading it, as I hear the manga isn't very good. It's possible that shoujo conventions are just unbearable to me unless it's Anno who's directing.

>I've dropped almost all of them, as they felt too repetitive after the first two or three episodes.
You should watch ouran highschool host club and gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun, they're basically parodies of the shoujo genre.

>I hear the manga isn't very good
It's cute, not amazing

>shoujo conventions are just unbearable to me unless it's Anno who's directing
Female ShinjixKaworu never ever

Nozaki-kun is shounen though

Nope, it's not published on shounen magazine and it's written by shoujo mangaka

The manga is miles better.

I think Marmalade Boy's main couple was more tolerable than other examples because Yuu wasn't abusive to Miki. He never hit her, neither cheat and he could say sorry once in a while.

True, though as far as I can tell the abusive male MCs in modern shoujo are more rare