Boku no Hero Academia

English scans are uncomfortably close but here are the korean raws if you want them

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Other urls found in this thread:

>CloverCHADS get scanned and translated first

you cant just put this urban fantasy mage motherfucker and not make him a one-off hori

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Ignore Yea Forumsermin, discuss our own series.

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Skeptic looks really fucking pissed off

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This is why overusing unique designs is a mistake ay well, people will like they are important since they have so much detail in their look put into them that they appear relevant, and than if they dont appear the story seems to be ignoring them while in fact they were never meant to be important.

>English scans are uncomfortably close

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Name him

Interesting seeing so many elements of the plot in one single chapter and the introduction of something completely new.

What I meant was that Clover and Doctor Stone were both scanlated so it should be any minute now

Ryuko VA: Kaori Yagi
Centipeder VA: Kenta Okuma
Rock Lock VA: Yasuhiro

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>Hori did Buddha
>Hori did Jesus
Its probably some arabic shit now. Kinda looks the part.

I'm sorry for being Yea Forums but Hori seems to have played some overwatch.

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>that panel of tears bursting out of the Midoriya apartment

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Merlin/Myrrdin if you were boring
John Dee if you were woke

>common design theme dating back thousands of years
Fuck off with your shit game please.

I don't think overwatch invented priests or meditation poses

Are those blood vessels or are his eyes mutated?

Why are the pros so cute?

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Oh god please let Endy slap Bakugou down a peg or two.

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I'm a victim of the hurricane Dorian, and that not funny AT ALL.

Jesus fucking christ just turn your trip off you stupid fucking nigger

if it was any other design I'd say no but he's strikingly similar


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It's the combination of the design, the pose, and the fact that he uses spherical, levitating projectiles. I thought of it too the moment I saw him. Doesn't mean Hori "stole" it, but the odds aren't too low that he got his inspiration from Overwatch.

Going off the fact he has to hide his eyes on a daily basis, that's just how his resting face goes.

Spoilerfag is fine though.

>Hisashi isn't home in a weeks long international holiday despite having considerable wealth and the peer pressure he'd have of his work folks for never being home.
Come on now you got to admit this situation would be impossible if he was just a random John Doe.

also as an aside I thought those three dots on his scarf was the Rorschach blot on Destro's book and freaked out for a second

Swami O' Spheres

How enlightened is this motherfucker??

>fatgum exists in real life
now we just need to find 7 foot mma fighter

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>those teary eyes
>that niagara tear falls
Deku a cute! A CUTE!

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Reminds me waaay more of priests from dragon quest. I honestly don’t see much overwatch guy here

Holy shit why is he so cute, I can’t stand it!

>trying to fight with body mass vs a guy with superior body mass
You either hit him in the face or try to drop him on the ground.

>design, the pose, and the fact that he uses spherical, levitating projectiles
Did you not read my post you fucking retard?
Go back to Blizzard shitting down your throat.

why did they kick lida to the curb. Just because deku will eventually be a better version doesn't mean you have to drop lida right now

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Perhaps user (and hear me out here), it's less to do with the Tibetan inspired Western Blizzshit (when surface level lurking will tell you he's playing Pokemon at the moment) and more to do with the historical cultural practive of Onmyodo in Japan; and the weapon/balls he's using are based off of the Prayer beads they carried around

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I'm only setting myself up for disappointment but the fact that the court wizard received more visual design love than the soda thief in the beginning of MVA makes me have some hope for him

> arabic
> no idea how generic manga magicians look like

Centipeder's VA is also the VA for Cementoss, Manual and Ketsubutsu Boomerang Guy

What the fuck, I never imagined him having a yellow costume.

Reminds me of Bumblebee from DC

Jesus was an Arab so Hori did it twice

the answer is simplier than you think

My future Number One Hero can't be this cute!

You know what I meant.

Color scheme for Ryukuu is good, but jesus fucking christ, why would you pick a fucking DRESS as your hero costume?

Soon Shoto will meet Hawks. I hope they get along well!

Wait what the fuck? Deku's mom has the crying quirk too?

has there been a single worse hero name than semen toss so far

I always thought Rocklock´s costume was like blue or purple or something, not fucking yellow.

Because it draws in the audience brother

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Because she doesn't fight in that form so she might as well look stylish.

No I don't.

I want Deku to sit in my lap as well

>the absolute state of mirio

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I'm still mad Hori retconned Shigarakis powers just so he can match jesus 7 quirks deku now

Skeptic bullying Slidn' Go is great.

It's good to see Inko is slowly coming around

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>I read the manga

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>If it were me, I'd have mastered them by now
What the fuck Hori? Bakugou really will get OfA then? And man, all this Hawks double agent stuff. I don't know man. He seems legit evil.

>instead of accepting the three, Endeavor only cares for Shoto
>in the end just tells them all to watch him from the back
Damn, prediction came true after all.

Did AM just call Bakugo a potential wifebeater?

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Endeavour still being a dick... nice character development hori....


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is it just me or are these chapters short as fuck

I wish bakushit didn't have to be part of these OFA meetings

It's just you this chapter had the standard 18 pages not counting the color spread and cover

Are you serious?

Master your own quirk first.

Skeptic is so based lmao

Kacchan is so amazing!!!

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Isn't it hard for Deku to drink tea with Kacchan's dick constantly in his mouth?

What Hori did mean by this?

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When is deku going to stop sucking baku's cock?
243 chapters and Deku and his mom are still crying

Hinting at Satou as traitor.

Meanwhile, Inko is the cutest mom. Deku will treat his future wife extremely well.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Meta Liberation Army, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on various hero associations, and I have over 300 confirmed kills on twice clones. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top hacker in the entire Meta Liberation Army. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies and IT guys across Japan and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Meta Liberation Army and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

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>uuughh...haaa..yes, please, me master my quirk...Kacchan, you are truly amazing

I believe that

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skeptic is my main man. i understand him in ways that i don't even myself.


Slidin' Go is going to snap soon.

Deku is not sucking dick, he's just smart enough to know that yes, if Bakufag had been given ofa Hori would've made sure that he could master everything about it instantly. Deku has seen with his own eyes how Baku is literally incapable of not winning

Sadly Bakugou is cursed.

>"Heard you were talking shit!"

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Can Bakugo just fucking die already?

The cover implies best girl Mina screentime

This story would've been great if he had just remained the middleschool bully but he failed to into UA while deku made it in

>implying Gayshima and Ochunko will have relevance as well
Yeah right

lets be real here

what are the odds that Baku is gonna get OFA at some point? I really think that he is one of the previous holders somehow

I feel like baku will die at some point in the series but be able to live on in dekus heart via OFA

>I feel like baku will die at some point in the series but be able to live on in dekus heart via OFA
That's pretty gay.

that's gay

Remember that Bakugou is going to pass OfA to Kirishima.

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Mina is just Hori's favorite to draw.

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>I feel like baku will die
Unfortunately anything bad with lasting consequences will never ever happen to Bakugo.

Your guys' overreaction always crack me up

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Both of them cant work together imho
If baku is really a ofa users you must need a third person who can time travel

>Kacchan you’re so amazing please insult me more!

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Here's another one

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Just look at the OfA shadows, if we are going to talk about crazy theories.

this has to be ironic at this point

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Yea but I feel like it’ll probably end up happening lol

>Deku is fuckin up a fight
>starts doubting himself and his ability
>’aye fuckface! What the fuck are you doing?? Get your ass in gear! You aren’t that lil weak ass quirkless nerd you used to be! You even got a beefed up version of my quirk and you’re still shitting your pants?!’
>you’re right kaachan I’m sorry you’re so great lol
>’yea that’s the spirit! Real manly of you deku! Kick some ass! And don’t worry about getting hurt, I’ll make sure to protect you!’

Good luck I’m behind 20 microdevices

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huh, is that guy an AfO associate?

I would find it easier to believe that bakugo's granddad or uncle or something was a previous holder. These bak u go theories are literally just fujo fantasies and nothing more who desperately wants to make their character to be relevant somehow

Does Deku get off on being insulted and degraded by Bakugou?

the shitposting is honestly getting annoying

>Implying these threads will ever move on from Deku sucking Kacchan's dick before Hori does

It's pretty much standard practice to just humor him at this point. Look at Deku's face.

>waaaahhhhhh why won’t people give me a safe space where I can self insert as midoriya? Waaaaaahhhhhhh

>implying these people don't honestly believe this shit

just have deku tell baku to fuck off
Problem solved

What are the odds Bakugou dies, then timeskip happens and Deku goes full edge mode a la Eren?

Ahh the selfinserter-poster. Havent seen you for a while.

the deku/bakugou interactions are legit the worst part of the manga and are only good for shitposting material

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I thought the spoilerfag said "Tartarus"

I hate anons like you lol. Just negative for no reason

How tf could it possibly have been one of his relatives when his quirks is a direct combination of his parents quirks. Using buzzwords and shit talking fujos doesn’t make you cool

If you think bakugo is irrelevant to the story you have some serious reading comprehension disabilities

It depends if Hori succumbs to WSJ's greediness.

Not him but do you seriously, legitimately, genuinely believe that connecting Bakugo to OfA directly would make the story or his character better? Because then unironically kys.

>Endeavor can't disobey his son

We had something like that two chapters ago.

Shoto is an alfa male. Girls and women love him and his dad is his bitch.

>full based mode a la Eren?

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Not that user but i think is more believable that is baku gran dad that the shadows is Baku himself
>How tf could it possibly have been one of his relatives when his quirks is a direct combination of his parents quirks
We still dont even know what that shadow's quirk is, may be its not related to explosion but have some gauntlet/weapon Baku was inspired by

>Todoroki lines

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yeah but forever, not having him sucking his cock again 2 chapters after, deku has to move on

That would be massively OOC though. Why would Deku, the kid who admires Heroes, stop admiring Bakugo who is a prodigy hero

>i told you to choose your friends well!
>jaimini: i told you to bring your friends!

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Bakugo is a good candidate considering he’s practically dekus closest ‘friend’. They are rivals and bakugo is one of the only people in the whole story that knows the truth behind OFA. His grandad being a precious holder just doesn’t make sense considering he would TRULY be irrelevant all things considered.

I'm that user, and where the fuck do you get the idea that his quirk is related to ofa? We don't know the rest of the quirks yet and don't give me the deku-quirks-the-bed panel because no, that's not a bakugo explosion
>If you think bakugo is irrelevant to the story you have some serious reading comprehension disabilities
He's the rival character to make deku strive to improve, but what more does he have going for him? He's supposedly had some incredible character development (although I don't really see it), but what more is there for him to do other than what he's currently doing? His story has become boring and stagnant and that's why fujos are reaching at straws to try and make him more important than he is

>watch my ass, boys!

>Unironically believing Bakugo will get OfA
Haha, people actually do that?

>His grandad being a precious holder just doesn’t make sense considering he would TRULY be irrelevant all things considered.
What's that supposed to mean? Just because we've never seen him? What do you make of black whip ofa user then? All characters are irrelevant until you give the exposure

>Bakugo who is a prodigy hero
He Is not that is the problem. He is a bully. His bully. I have no issue with Deku being a Fan of all mighty or Mirio in fact
He didnt even pass the exams while deku did it
Baku only strong point is beating enemy not even saving ppl

These threads are crawling with fujos, what do you expect?

>I'm that user, and where the fuck do you get the idea that his quirk is related to ofa? We don't know the rest of the quirks yet and don't give me the deku-quirks-the-bed panel because no, that's not a bakugo explosion

We don’t know if his quirk is related to OFA, I’m just going off of the appearance of the silhouette. That being said, it is a good possibility that it COULD be bakugo. You’re obviously just a bakugou hater considering you think it makes more sense that his grandpa or uncle being a previous holder would make more sense instead of dekus literal childhood friend and confidant regarding the true nature of the quirk. Obviously it’s a long shot but a shot nonetheless. And as far as character development goes, he’s had lots. You guys are mistaking personality with character. He will always be loudmouth cocky bakugou, but look at the difference in his professionalism from the beginning. Compare the fight with Deku in the training exercise to how he performed against class b in joint training exercise. He’s more adept at using his quirk, he’s learned to work with people as a team and accept his shortcomings as an individual.

Bros Hawks is going to die, I can see it. Or at least he is going to lose his wings.
The Hero Public Safety Commission is truly evil!

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Sure is candidate but how did he get? via time traveling? There is something that dont work out then. If Baku is a deku's successor his ability will surpass all mighty and Deku himself

If Baku is a predecessor of Deku (aka first he time traveled and then got ofa) Baku power will fall even more after Deku discovered the explosion quirk

>He was a bully.

>Bak U Go intensifies

>Baku only strong point is beating enemy not even saving ppl
Huh huh Bakugou can do both now and Deku isn't afraid of him. He just acknowledges his talent. Stop sperging over pointless stuff.

>he was
Actual chapter still have him mocking deku, while deku tell him how great he was

Yeah I'm bakugo hater not gonna lie. With that said
>considering you think it makes more sense that his grandpa or uncle being a previous holder would make more sense instead of dekus literal childhood friend and confidant regarding the true nature of the quirk.
Really? You think it's more plausible that Bakugo will somehow engage in timetravel to travel back in time in order to be part of the ofa origins rather than somebody who would already be alive at that time, who's distantly related to him (thus resembling his silhoutte) would be part of it? I can't tell if you're baiting or literally that retarded
>he’s learned to work with people as a team
You mean the people in his team has learned to deal with his personality traits and act accordingly. He'll sometimes spit a random piece of >deep self-aware line about dealing with his shortcomings, but we never seem him act according to it. Currently, he's still all talk and no showing


You don't know what bullying means?

He’s not bullying him anymore that’s just how his personality is. He’s blunt and crass. ‘Bullying’ would be how he treated Deku back in middle school blowing his shit up and telling him to pray for a quirk in the next life and killing himself

I didn't know we had soccer moms in this thread

>Really? You think it's more plausible that Bakugo will somehow engage in timetravel to travel back in time in order to be part of the ofa origins rather than somebody who would already be alive at that time
Not him but, I think it's plausible considering the fact that Eri's quirk is literally Rewind.

No one. NO ONE takes Back U Go seriously. At least here. Frankly, you must be quite retarded to even post walls of text about that.

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He doesn't treat his best friend Kirishima that way.

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>Really? You think it's more plausible that Bakugo will somehow engage in timetravel to travel back in time in order to be part of the ofa origins

Yes. 100% a possibility. More plausible than his grandpa or uncle who the story has never even once alluded to in any manner being a previous holder. How am i retarded considering this is a world where ANYTHING is possible. After all the shit weve seen so far is a time travel quirk reeeaally that far fetched? Is it reaaally retarded of me to think that there could be some kind of way for characters to go back in time? Idk how Bakugou could be a previous holder but that doesn't dismiss the theory.

>You mean the people in his team has learned to deal with his personality traits and act accordingly. He'll sometimes spit a random piece of >deep self-aware line about dealing with his shortcomings, but we never seem him act according to it. Currently, he's still all talk and no showing

No, he is genuinely evolving as a character, and youre too blinded by your rage for him to allow yourself to see it. Teaming up with deku to defeat AM was a HUGE step in his character development. He had to swallow his massive pride and assist Deku to secure the win. With the joint practice with class B he didn't just bully his way into people acting accordingly, he showcased leadership skills and played each one of their strengths to compliment him as the vanguard. Mind you this was all on the fly. Hes not all talk as you suggest, hes a growing hero

Bakufags ruining another thread. Can we talk about tsundere Endeavor? He's very cute.

Why is Endy SO good looking lads?

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>they have so much detail in their look put into them that they appear relevant

In a weekly manga series a high amount of detail in a recurring character is the last thing you want. They will have to draw that consistently many times so they need to keep the line count as low as possible.

It's fine to make a one-off character detailed and have fun drawing them the one time they appear, but if by some freak accident they become mainstay they need their look simplified too.

Mina is disappointed because she really likes Todoroki's scar.

Mix up. Hades is the Greek translation of Tarturus.

>thread so dead the only ones here being endyfags and a bakufujo

Which one are you?

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Mina is wearing nothing under that.

oh shit I didn't even realize Hori drew Todo without his scar

Are his clothes fireproof? I think they are, which makes me really sad because I really want to see a shirtless Endeavor

>the smile of Hades shines wryly on thee
>AfO is in Tartarus
>Probably has Ragdolls quirk; and is watching everyone / has pretty much been confirmed now
What else does magicman know?

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Why do you thibk Rei burned Shouto?
She wasn't mindbroken for being nothing more than a walking womb, she was mindbroken, because Endy stopped giving it to her after Shouto was born.

I get that Hori is pressed for time and such, but his color spreads are always so disappointing. his backgrounds are always so flat and the overall pics are lackluster.

One piece color spreads are always so lively and feel like a real piece of art. His color spreads always feel like he just shit them out last minute or something Sorry Hori i still love you

Kiri's got some nice Timbs on, what size shoe do you think he wears?

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He wears his costume underneath his clothes.
No shirtless Endy for you.

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Maybe his scar isn't noticeable because everything is so orange

Mirio will commit suicide before the age of 30.

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You’re a pretty soft guy, huh user

He's a midget so his number is 40

One man can only dream

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holy shit

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I think he is going for the bleach style /fa/ spreads, but he is simply not on Kubo's level of /fa/ or /fa/shion modeling composition.

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Eri learning to write is very cute.

he looks like he's in pain

Reminder that AFO still has followers in hiding

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idky but this is scary as shit to me

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is he sticking out his tongue? lewd

It's suspicious they don't hurry up

knowing Deku he probably is

Is Hori making a commentary on the upcoming Fujo arc?

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So we can all agree that AFO is the big bad when all is said and done right?
Will he betray shiggy in the end?

isn't Tartaros greek too tho?

This guy has a cool design for someone that simply controls balls.

Between shiggy, twice, dabi, toga, nobu, gigantomachia and mla, lov are just powerfull enough right now

Yes. That user doesn't know what he's talking about. Hades refers to the underworld as a whole, including the River Styx and the Elysian Fields. Tartarus refers to a specific part of Hades where those who have angered the gods go to serve endless punishments. I belieeeve it's also where the Titans are locked away, although I'm not one hundred percent positive going off the top of my head.

Tartarus is where they Gods locked away chronos, their father.

Chronos is a Titan.

Deku's a real jackass for asking for an internship after being rude to Endeavor in their first encounter.

Just checked, it's all the titans too.

my mind just got blown

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Sure, but the only reason the Titans could be locked was because of Chronos and how much of a shitty father he was.

If Deku stayed quiet in the Sport Festivals, Shoto wouldnt have grew up and accepted the intership with his dad. Besides Endeavour already accepted Deku and Bakugo in the intership, complaining about it it's not gonna change it

That Hawks isn't retard and doesn't think people must drink coffee without sugar

>why would you pick a fucking DRESS as your hero costume?
she's looking for a husband

I can't believe my theory that the League of Villains would infiltrate that government and cause a societal collapse resulting in the shutdown of UA, and the students having to decide between compliance or open rebellion is coming true. No brakes I guess.

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I fucking HOPE

what's that castle based on again?

oh ho ho hoooo this is NOT going to end well for Hawks

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Deku and Koichi working as vigilantes after UA is destroyed soon.

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Deku's just a chad taking what he wants. Also he wasn't asking for it, Shoto offered it

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Looks kind of like David Bowie's Labyrinth...OH HOLY SHIT

Mina is the rat, right? And it will take Kirishima's fully hardened dick to bring her back to the light.

>Skeptic on the brink of almost singlehandedly causing a civil war
He can’t keep getting away with this

Hero's Central information network

It isn't Greek until siblings are fucking each other and you kidnap and marry your niece

Why is Deku so Lewdable unlike other shonen MCs?

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He left a bad first impression and still has the gall to take the offer

To explain further. The Labyrinth is a reference to the greek myth about Daedalus's labyrinth. In the myth Daedalus built the labyrinth to curry favor with the King Minos, as place to for his half human-half monster son, the Minotaur, to run rampant. When the labyrinth failed, and Thesis killed the Minotaur, King Minos punished Daedalus and his son ICARUS to prison, where Daedalus built the fateful wings that lead to Icarus's death.

too close to the sun eh?

>left a bad first impression
You can literally tell that Endeavor took what he said to heart and appreciates it. He'll sucking Deku's dick openly by the end of this arc

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Jaimini's is shit and has been shit for like forever. Even with the black clover translations. Funny how even their "hurr better than niggerstream" defense force gave up

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cus he's both cute and badass. his anxious and blushy personality makes him prime material for lewding

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You wish, all he cares about is SHOTOOOO

It's not bad, though, it describes what he does perfectly.

Almost Hogwarts.

3 is a magic number. 4 is not, at best, and at worst, it's a bad omen.


My fucking sides, why am I laughing so hard at this image?

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He seems upset about it more than anything. It was a dick move nonetheless.

All your theory are making lov more Op than it is right now. They dont really need it. Shiggy can already destroy city alone, twice can makes shiggy clone and jon can teleport them.

Having lov infiltrate even the government will put in head of the national army and police.

I don't think you understand what a dick move is

I fucking bet. Cloud boy is going to be the catalyst that brings the two manga timelines together. He totally went rouge, and Aizawa is going to have to go to him for shelter with class 1a once they start looking for refuge from the government.

This would work more if Hawks was Theseus, im not sure who his Ariadne could be, maybe Geten? Someone who is against Shiggy being the head of the PLF. The minotaur should be Giga

Kek, Endeavor will suck Deku's dick and Bakugou is going he very angry about that.

>Bakugo Bak U Goes to the past
>shoots a bit too far
>gets into a time before AfO/OfA
>meets an irresistible semen demon who forces him to get her pregnant
>their child is the glowing baby

>Having lov infiltrate even the government will put in head of the national army and police.
But user, that's already happening. If heroes like Slide and Go are remaining faithful to the PLA then it's only a matter of time until they require all heroes to bend the knee.
>inb4 order 66

It's not something you should say to a potential future employer, and the fact that Endeavor's clearly down about what he said makes it look worse in hindsight

I would bend the knee to Shigaraki if you catch muy drift

Jesus christ I thought Shiggs got himself a new but awful costume.

He doesn't look upset. Learn to understand facial expressions.

Did huebro or Koreanbro translate? JB and Ms are awful. How can anyone read those?

It's funny how you have such an issue with Deku, whose been acting polite throughout this chapter, yet disregards Bakusperg who's the one actually acting rude and shameless towards his employer.
Also, I don't think Endeavor seems down about it, it's just been something he's been pondering about. And it's clearly for the better since it opens the opportunity for his and Shoto's relationship to grow in a better direction after he's come to the realization that he cannot live through Shoto as the #1

hahahaha holy shit I am fucking dying of laughter right now

Attached: 12.png (859x611, 360K)

I laughed as well. Endy is so funny now.

Seriously, is it coming together or not?

God inko is so fucking cute i wanna marry her

we have new chapter tomorrow but its gonna take like 3 or 2 more to know what the fuck happened to cloud boy, i thought by how he was brought up that he either died or suffered a lot on a intership and didnt have a way to keep up to others so he dropped out and went villain. Either way it traumatized Aizawa enough that he didnt want to do anything with cats in the Vigs timeline

>Three (3) chapters in a row with Deku

Attached: FormalTameFossa-max-1mb.gif (320x180, 802K)

Who gives a shit about him, his words mean almost nothing except for maybe that one time Kirishima got hard. And of course Deku's acting polite now that he stands to benefit

Nope, no translations from huebro, all is there is JB

yeah i'm not even a chubby chaser but i admit it's hard to resist her cuteness

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I never knew I watned Endy to say psyche.

well considering the fact that Cloud Boy is a direct reference to Sun Wukong, I can only imagine he either went villain or became a vigilante himself.

i fucking hope

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Ok, this was great.

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>Endeavor saying Psyche
Yeah right

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Not Hori's fault he can shit out designs left and right

What? Tell me more, where does it say that

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based and greenpilled

I had this thought before; the reason why AfO chose shigi was because he could see how strong his quirk was. And it is possible that AfO has a soul swapping quirk and that is how he stayed alive for so long. Once Shiggy is able to become strong enough to dispel All Mights hard work, that is when AfO will give his quirk to shiggy, only to also soul swap so shiggy is in AfO's body and using shiggys power kill AfO will dispose of his old body.

Hound dog confirmed for traitor, he's Cerberus.


Leagues better than shitbox

I think AFO would be pretty upset that Shiggy's body is ruined, imagine in the last moment in the final arc he decides to soulswap with Deku's body instead of Shiggy

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Sun Wukong traveled on a cloud and carried a staff as a weapon. He was also a mischievous trickster god who fell from grace and was redeemed later by a buddhist monk.

Attached: Shirakumo_Hero_Costume.png (185x185, 63K)

thank you i cant wait to see what happened to him that made him a villain/vigilante

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>Inb4 the crazy flying guy isn’t a villain, and he’s legitimately having visions of AfO’s escape from Tartarus

why is he attacking people then, using your quirk without a license makes you a villain

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You think people listen to the crazy guy waving a sign on the street corner?

She also wrote a letter for Mirio

He is going to get arrested and his message is not gonna get spread, balls guy is retarded. Maybe the equivalent of /x/ in the bnha-verse will listen to him

>attacking people
it doesn't look like he's attacking them

Attached: 243.jpg (354x999, 206K)

Source? Besides your own delusional headcanons?

Well, it wasn't a kiss, but at least it was something.

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He is coping, let him drown on his delusions

the jaimini version is cuter

Try waving around a gun and shoot some random bullets into the air in a public place without actually shooting anyone while screaming about that the end is near.
See what's going to happen.

On JB translation, Eri was telling him good luck with working with his quirk what the fuck

Fucking Hori. He just cannot help himself can he? Goddamn every time it's just the cringiest shit when those three are together.

He’s got good taste

people are covering in fear, and the balls can easily hit someone, at least Endy and Hawks are going to meet after this


The overwhelming autistic force surrounding this 4 dumbassed is fascinating

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the fun part of the interviews is how Hori talks like Deku, i wonder what they are going to talk about, maybe about how he did the retarded color spread


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Stop posting this bitch here, i cant stand her delusions

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Reminder that Deku loves sucking Kacchan's dick.

Attached: I dont doubt it.png (668x684, 239K)

I hate this filthy fujo so fucking much


>you’re right, kacchan, it’s not like Hori has ever given you a real struggle, so why would he in that case?

Yeah right. Like Hori is going to kill off his powerfantasy self-insert. Bakugou will never, ever, ever, EVER, lose.

Skeptic usually does. It's his personality.

How can dekufags exist when he does shit like this?

Aren't they also suck Bakugo's dick?

He looks like a fookin toilet in the thumbnail.

He's levitating; how much further can you go?

Because Deku as a standalone character is actually fine. I had a genuinely great time reading his fight vs Overhaul and Gentle. It's whenever he's on-screen at the same time as Bakugou that he turns into a cringy mess that makes me want to die.

But he sure suffers a lot even if he wins, is just a matter of time before he sacrifices/cripples himself to save someone important

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Bakugo should fuck off from the story, all he does is talk his ass out

I honestly believe that there's a bigger chance that Bakugou will get hit by the dequirking bullet which will be his "big sacrifice", and then Deku will give him OFA and say "Kacchan-sama please bully me again"

Kino colourspread

I did, yellow is the color of most locks.

Deku and Bakugo both bring out the worst in each other. Bakugo is a sperg regardless but when with Deku he is incapable of not seething and going "REEEEEE Deku I'm better than you" and Deku with Bakugo is just reduced to "haha yeah you sure are" and it's absolutely insufferable.

>here are the korean raws


So how long before this inevitably happens?

Attached: endeavor takes the kacchanpill.png (767x899, 318K)


oops forgot to crop it properly.

Attached: endeavor takes the kacchanpill except this time I didn't fuck up the cropping.png (767x583, 303K)

The drawing looks like Goku

This is too bitter a pill to swallow

>and then Deku will give him OFA and say "Kacchan-sama please bully me again"
you were ok till this part, i hope Deku doesnt go back to his "i dont deserve AFO" "someone like Todoroki/Mirio would be better at this" forced drama, feels pretty retarded even for him with his low self esteem

I'm confused wich one is the right translation?
JB makes more sense

the last part was obviously for comedic purposes, but I believe there is at least a solid 80% chance of those events happening. Especially with how Hori seems to have hopped back onto the Bakucock.

Looks like Goku's hair

I wonder if that Deku was drawn by his niece.
I remember years ago when he was congratulating his sister for giving birth.

How can Baku be his successor if the shadow resembling him is a predecessor?

Posters here believe Hawks killed BJ, that AfO is Deku's father, that Bakugo is going to travel back in time, and 1-A is rife with traitors. With so much stupidity on display, how can you doubt there's any limit?

there is no worse written rivalry in all of shounen, possibly in all of anime and manga

Yeah, i liked the JB on more, someone should take the raws and see if someone in the thread can translate them accurately

I don't believe most of it, but I do believe there's a small chance that AfO is Deku's father.
Between his Darth Vader like design, the final battle taking place at Kamino, his face conveniently being destroyed, us never seeing Deku's father but knowing that he's alive, and the fact that AfO could very well have impregnated a woman who looked like Nana just because he's an asshole like that.

He's on his 5 years of nofap.

Bakugo is so cursed, on top that he isnt deserving of such power, he is going to get mad with power and then lose it or die or get nomufied. Such thing would end in disaster

JB makes sense, because the letter ends right there.

soon brother.

I think the biggest clue is actually in the I am your father line in Class B school play.

Technically its a throwaway line and we know Hori likes his SW but I can't help shake the feeling that he wants you to be thinking about it

That was last year

I had even given up on the traitor subplot because it seemed like Hori had too, but now he brought it back.

>but now he brought it back.
probably because his editor forced him to.

They didn't listen to Stain when he tried that. Then he started killing people...

I like theoryfags in general.
But almost every theory is asspulled
Parka is a todoroki is the last one i remember being proved wrong
Other pending are
Traitor, children from remedial course being noumifed, deku's doctor being ujiko, dabi is a todoroki, time traveling etc, mirio getting is power back via eri, etc

>deku's doctor being ujiko
Nigga what

What gets me about the traitor plot is that they have to have been converted after the school invasion which doesn't make much sense given what we know of characters

I like it. Yellow looks particularly good on dark skin anyway

It's not confirmed so is pending


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Unless that nigga knows Shadow clone jutsu it clearly is the same guy

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Wrong he started killing yakuza members and other "villains", trying to really clean the streets from evil, and when Koichi and KD didnt listen to his delusions he started killing "not worthy" heroes

user, I...

but ujiko being deku's doctor is already canon, and dabi being touya is so obvious you have to be retarded or a contrarian faggot to not believe it

Dont get me wrong i do think dabi is todoroki
Is so obviuos
But why hori didnt reveal it by now? everybody and their mother think it is
so why keeping it still a secret? he expected us to be surprised when is revealed?
or may be its a red herring
So i put it into the pending

Villains aren't people?

Morally that's not a slippery slope, that's a full on head-dive off a mountain.

Hori knows he's dealing with rabid otaku and if you give them a hint they'll spin a whole fairy castle of tropes out of it, even if there's no basis. He keeps doing this because it keeps people coming back and buying the magazine.

Because Dabi is an edgy fag that wants to reveal it right before trying to sucessfully kill Endeavour, then we'll get a character page for him and his backstory

Oh my fucking god i felt physical pain reading that.

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Not to Stain

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Thought his eyes where creepy black void things from the last arc. Glad to see him back.

Carbonate was cool too

Who was Jesus? Overhaul was Buddha right?

AFO is Jesus

Objectively best girl.

geten being a girl was proved right though

Months and months and months of screaming on the part of haters that Hori had forgotten the traitor plot line and that proved he was a hack. He brings it back and moves forward with it and haters scream he only did it because his editor forced him to and that proves he's a hack.

Not much more to be said.

She's gonna be targeted by villains soon isn't she?

Every student not featured in the cover became irrelevant.

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Is this a reference or homage to some rock album? Help me out white bros.

Watch me from behind

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There's a better chance of AfO being All Might's father and neither of them knowing it. Same physical build, same drive, same coloration. Destroyed face so we can't see the similarity of the eyes. And if they should find out...!

what is it with people forgetting shouto's scar

It's Japan. That'd be rude.

Drawing is not complete

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cute deku
still though, their costume designs are rubbish
so unmemorable

There really isn't a rivalry between Deku and Bakugo at this point is there?

>impregnated a woman who looked like Nana just because he's an asshole like that
What are the chances that Inko is actually Nana's 2nd child and he knocked her up as another way to insult her All Might?


>Watch my ass

Attached: 18.png (896x1300, 649K)

I thought about it too

Endeavor is /fa/

I'm about to end this man's entire life


wax coffee must taste terrible.

I didnt get what tone Hori was setting Endy for in this chapter. Was he actually happy for the 3 of them coming and just being comically grumpy up front or is he actually not happy about them being there?

Go to sleep Deku


He is not happy but he would do anything Shoto asked for

He's not happy about them being there but is putting up with it because Todoroki wanted to bring people along.
He pretended to be happy as a weird todoroki-style joke.

r-remember me?

Attached: sodaman.png (466x315, 70K)

t. Endeavour/Camie/Mina/Invisitits/Mt.Lady

He is complaining because he wants to let Shoto know he wanted to spend time with him only

R-remember me?

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uhh, you don't get to bring friends

that dude's pretty based.

Why did he make Kirishima bald?


Iida? Like Tensei Iida? The guy that Stain stabbed and shows up a lot in the Vigilantes spin-off? I don't remember him wearing glasses.

Nana's husband died right?

Kaminari interning under Hawks when

No, he's supposed to be "working overseas"

>This is a fake smile
How wholesome will it be when he smiles for real?

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>Deku repeatedly sucking up to Endeavor like Hori literally forgot what kind of person Deku knows him as
Was this actually the worst case scenario of this internship?

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That's Inko.

Yes, he was supposedly killed after he and Nana had their child.

Hasn't Shouto been telling Deku about how his dad has been trying to improve their relationship? If not they yeah I agree that's bullshit

I want to marry Inko, I want to NTR her husband and take her for myself, then become a good role model for Izuku!!

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Deku sucks up to Bakugo despite him being a bully asshole who doesn't deserve any respect, it's perfectly in-character.

Because the horns were the important part, he wanted to focus attention on them.

Did you expect Deku to act like he does in popular tumblr fantasies and start flipping endeavor off while calling cps and making out with Shouto

Just caught up reading, can someoen give me a rundown to all of these theories and what they mean. Thanks in advance.

Does it even count as NTR if the husband has pretty much abandoned his family already?

I expected Deku to have a spine like the last time they interacted, you fucking idiot

>Mineta is irrelelevant

I'm not quite sure what you expected, but Deku also recognises that Endeavour is the number one hero and is someone he can learn from when it comes to the professional side of things, which was even noted by All Might
Not only that, but Shouto has openly talked about his father recently and Deku was watching the High-End broadcast
He even commented this chapter on how he no longer felt threatened by Endeavour and that he'd seemingly changed

Attached: 1556595548151.jpg (613x533, 107K)

Deku's got Shoto's side of it; he's intelligent enough to want to wait until he hears what Endeavor has to say, if anything.

Besides, even if he is a scumbag, he's the #1 hero and Deku can learn a lot from watching him. Don't forget, Deku's driven to get to the point he can start to replace All Might as soon as possible.

>previous OfA user had a fire quirk just like Endeavor
Yeah, I'm thinking it's powerup time

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Why would he insult him when he's done nothing, he even said his aura is completely different.

user you're a retard

He acted perfectly normal and respectful towards his new goddamn mentor. You don’t have to prove you have a spine by being a rude shit

Literally what reason would Deku have to say anything provocative towards Endeavour at all

i want him to get Black Thunder like Astro from Barrage

Are you referring to the smoky figure of ALL MIGHT?

You realize the flaming one is just a ghostly All Might starting to appear because he's dying right?

Why? He's not a bird.

>Comes back home after being overseas for 2 years
>All the lights are off
>Family photos featuring him are replaced with family photos with someone else
>Deku isn't present due to being a UA
>Papa Midoriya approaches Inko's room which has a light shining through the gap
>Walks in on Inko's sumptuously thick body bounding around like a hyperactive tub of jelly, screaming the name of a man that isn't him into the heavens completely unaware he's even there
>watches as she moans during a violent orgasm, all the while her pussy gets flooded with the cum of a man that isn't him
>Then finally, both of them realize he's there and she looks at him like pic related
>"Oh, it's you."
Anyone can be NTR'd if you try hard enough. You just need GUTS. GUTS AND PUNCH HARDER. YAMATO DAMASHII!!

Attached: Stare of Disgust.png (528x551, 281K)

just caught up
the jew should have won that fight


Based Redestro chad

This why you have no friends user...

I really want him to interact with the previous holders.
All of them should be teaching him his moves not just >Hey this is my quirk. Figure it out.

But Endeavour has been a good dad recently

At the moment he can't hold a stable connection with the vestiges due to his limit on OfA control

Why is he so hot?

Attached: 13.png (425x298, 56K)

>Warrior skull
>Hunter eyes
>Great hairline

muh edgyness made shiggy win

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He has a flame quirk so naturally his temperature will be higher than average.


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I love my husband


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Actual fat here, not to this lad's level but a decent amount, here's some advice:
>run, no matter how strong I am my increased weight and reduced lung capacity will wind me
>damage my feet and knees, I have a lot of weight to carry and those are overlooked weak points anyways
>don't actually try to hit me in the face or sweep me, I can trap you against my gut and throw you with my hips if you get too close
>if I'm on the ground, back off or get dragged in and crushed
>my stance is only unstable past a certain point where my torso leans out beyond my feet - that will make me fall hard, but it's harder to get me to that point because of my weight
>what the little guy was doing still hurts, big guy will have pretty severe bruising on his skin and some muscular pain from the pressure points, but if you're going for a liver shot good luck faggot
>if you must throw me, wait until I do a low kick or run forward and make sure you can sidestep well, and be sure to be ready to throw your weight against my new center of gravity, once you tip me enough I'll fall but I'll be grabbing at you trying to soften my fall by pulling you down with me.
>if you are pulled down with a fat in a life or death struggle, try to get your knee on their throat, don't otherwise as this may well kill them and often won't work, but it's a good way to suffocate anyone, fat or not
>if your kung fu is weak, just throw candy and apologize

they can relate in other ways

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99 and 44/100 percent of the theories put forth here are poppycock or worse. Of the ones cited, these are the ones worth considering:

deku's doctor being ujiko - they look alike, they've got the same anime voice actor, barring something weird it seems valid.

dabi is a todoroki - Dabi has addressed both Endeavor and Shoto with unexpected familiarity. He has some connection to them, at least in his own mind. People propose he is Touya, the missing elder brother, despite that neither Shoto nor Endeavor recognize him. Various reasons are put forward for this, but they are not convincing.

mirio getting is power back via eri - Eri can rewind people back to a previous point in their existence. Every time Deku hit Overhaul in their fight at 100% and broke his arm, Eri rewound him back to health. Logically, she can rewind Mirio back to the point before the quirk erasing bullet hit him and he'll have his power back. But since Eri can't control her quirk she might rewind him to sperm. And her power source is depleted, anyway, right now.

They grow up so fast

Attached: T.Endy.png (1425x650, 636K)

we did it bros!

The flames make him look gayer

Ujiko being Deku's doctor is straight up confirmed. They're identical

>Various reasons are put forward for this, but they are not convincing.
Oh you're this retard again. Why do you keep ignoring that Touya seems to have been gonr for years, Shouto barely knows his brothers, and when Endeavor faces Dabi he conveniently spells out loud, with blurry panels, for all the thick readers like you who need to be spoonfed, that he couldn't see shit clearly? What "convincing" reasons do you even need if you think a superhero mango for children isn't heavy-handed enough with the hints?

I'm so sick and tired of only Deku, Bakugo, and Todoroki getting panel time. There are several other students to use and Hori just goes for the popular ones every time.


(Cousins! Identical cousins, and you'll find...)

God I wish I could be like him

>Lets waste time on irrelevant jobbers

Dabi theory makes some sense, maybe he is just so disfigured and got his vocal chords hurt to eb unrecognizable by his former family members.

Eri giving Miro his powers back was pretty obvious. She seems to be the answer to these quirk erasing bullets as well.

As for the doctpr.. which doictor do you mean? The guy who said Deku doesnt have powers as a kid? I never watched the anime.

Have we seen the flame 'mask' sense he got the scars?
It would be cool if he purposely changed how he controls his flames to show off his scars.

>be vigilante
>capture this retard and lock him in the basement, only allowing him to let out one doll at a time, equipped with my own camera to see where it's going
>it can only be used to plant micro-devices in the apartments of cute pro heroes I choose, or on their person
>force him to watch all the footage on multi-screen and clip out the good bits for me
>if he doesn't meet his quota of shower cams he doesn't eat
Quirks would be pretty based.

Yes, the doctor is the same person from chapter 1

Actually /fa/

As I said, the reasons put forward are not convincing.

And Hori knows his audience. Give some of you a hint and you'll trigger completely on tropes. Pavlovian dogs slobber less.


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I'm pretty sure Skeptic would spontaneously combust before succumbing to a 'true' loss

>Kid nap then deprive him of food so you can have a personal peep show
You are the real villain here user.

Kacchan can't be happy because he's cursed. He will never be Number One Hero, he will never make into top 10 until he's old.

Top 10, yes, but realistically read: ignoring the author and all meta influences, focusing purely on what's present in the story he should never be within the top 3

I think im in love with Endeavor

Who's the Minotaur?

Yeah me too

Then why are you banging his son?

Monoma can time travel. Done.

Eri will rewind Mirio when she herself is 17

>a reverse Kirishima-Unbreakable moment
He wants Bakugaou to think about Mina?

Endeavor is Shoto's bitch

>yeah but it isn't you, so fuck you, quirklet

You are, Hawks, you are.

>his powerfantasy self-insert
Bakugou at this point is simply a comic relief character that got to popular to relegate to the background

It's pathetic, really
>"I told you to have good friends!!"
>Shoto, Shoto, Shoto
Endyfags will eat this up as "uwwwu cute awkward daddy"

Dekufags will defend this

We know, All Might

Attached: 1498829189999.jpg (236x492, 32K)

For 100 chapters, ever since Bakugou vs Deku v2, we see more of people wanking him and commenting on how much he has changed than him actually doing anything at all

That was in the rappa fight. He thought of Bakugou when he first activated Unbreakable against the thug.


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Step aside Hawks, he's mine already.

Just offer yourself to Bakugou already, Deku. This is simply painful to watch at this point

million dollar smiles

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>becomes harder when he thinks of Bakugou
Not surprised

He's very sweet towards Kirishima.

>I could fire em all off at once

yeah I'm sure you could you cockmunching aficionado

Oh, the eternal fujo

I mean, he could. He is written in such a way that no way he couldn't

They're meant to be asspulled, just sticking to likely stuff is boring.
Deku didn't snub Endeavor for the sake of it, he did it to get him to change how he interacted with Shouto. Mission accomplished. Deku is a stable person so he doesn't see the world in terms of social status and one-upping like the average Bakufag or the average Pridefag (there's a REASON the overlap between Bakugo worshippers and literal faggots is so big). Instead, he speaks out when relevant and curries goodwill in small ways which are important to other people but irrelevant to him in the meantime. He tries to see, praise, and cultivate the good in everyone, and that's what makes him a good hero. All Might was the same way, just raised in a rougher era - until recently, the hero society was experiencing a pocket of relative peace due to All Might's heroic efforts. Deku grew up in that pocket of peace and was inspired by him even more than most kids were, and really internalized and kept his ideals; he's the successful product of All Might's thesis of action. Bakugo is an asshole, but he goes out of his way to alienate people due to his low self-esteem, which also manifests as this fake, shallow act of supremacy. This is partly because his dad is a pushover and his mom is so dominant. Deku is trying to build up his childhood friend and reign him in when he goes too far, and Bakugo is just a retard who still needs to grow up.


God bless Inko

>Bakugou will never, ever, ever, EVER, lose
Maybe, but also he won't win because Hori will never put him on a relevant fight again

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Are they going to shove those balls up each other's asshole?

>Shiggy can already destroy city alone, twice can makes shiggy clone and jon can teleport them.
Look at this retard

The Dabi theory, by the way, was first mentioned in these threads as a crack theory the first time Dabi ever appeared in the manga, and it is all but confirmed, so you should quit bitching and taking everything so seriously and accept that theoryposting is the height of series discussion and also fun.

>Friendship with SHOUTOOOO!!! Ended. Now Bakugou is my son.

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It is okay, because deku will always be there to suck his dick and treat him like his God. If you think about it, is even more pathetic, Bakugo rarely does anything of importance unlike deku (beat gentle, muscular, defeated overhaul) yet he acknowledges bakugo as vastly superior. If he were to be in a relevant fight, and Deku saw that, he'd not only offer OFA but also his asshole for Bakugo to do as he pleased.

I hope you're right, but I got a bad feeling that we'll see much more intense Bakuwank going forward and a lot more frequently.

I mean, in that sense yeah, but I'm also depriving the villains of their useful eyes and ears in exchange for just humiliating the heroes for my satisfaction instead of spying on them and crumbling everything so everyone gets killed and Shiggy reigns supreme. So I'm really doing more good than bad, just in a very immoral way, very vigilante of me. Besides, the quota would be reasonable, so he wouldn't be deprived, it'd just be to ensure his cooperation.
I could promise him that I had invaluable information about the heroes that he'd get eventually so long as he had the patience and intelligence to indulge me, and then just never ever ever deliver, lol

this kills the amazingposters

It's way worse than I thought, see

The minotaur is Gigantomachia, who will instigate a war of the titans within Tartarus.

>All this further evidence that Hawks will fucking die

Hori is a secret theme-holic when it comes to writing, you will swallow the greek metaphors.

Death will help him achieve the ultimate relaxed state possible.

But why would Hawks need to run from Gigantomachia? I already established a few threads ago that Endeavor is the sun he flies too close to (childhood idol, starting to be friends, trying to keep secrets from him etc, new #2 vs new #1), and will kill him in battle by melting his wings from above after he flies too high to get away from probably Bakugo, but he needs to be running from someone bull-themed, probably a Pro Hero. I can't think of any, anyone else know? I mean it could be a new character too I guess.

What can we expect from the autistic trio and their spergy caretaker?

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WAIT, never mind I realized it, I can answer my own question. AfO is the minotaur. He has so many quirks and so much experience he'll certainly realize that Hawks is a fake and chase him, Hawks runs out, Endeavor misunderstands and kills him as he still tries to keep his double agent cover by "fighting" with Endeavor so AfO won't kill him.

>becomes even harder when he thinks of Mina

You’re the samefag whining about Shotos autism. Fuck off.

lewd things

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I dont get you user
Calling ppl retarded because they have doubt about something is never confirmed in the manga
Is Dabi touya? very likely, at 99%
is confirmed? no, it could be a red herring.
Idem for ujiko, nobody is arguing that is not identical to deku's doctor, is it him though?
99% yes
1% could be that hori liked the design of doctor eggman and reused it for a more important character

And having Ujiko as deku's doctor has no meaning for the story, is Ujiko checking on Deku? why? is he lying about deku being quirkless? why?
Did deku's mom happen to chose the only doctor working for lov by chance? if is not checking on him, and is not lying, why we should gives a fuck if he is a member of lov?
Again user i'm not saying Ujiko is not deku's doctor, it probably is but that is not yet confirmed

I actually think this arc is going to be hilarious

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>I already stablished a few threads ago
>and will kill him in battle by melting his wings from above after he flies too high to get away from probably Bakugo,
Let's take a step back user, you're taking your own fanfiction on these threads too seriously. Though you're very likely right about Endeavor being the sun, a million things could happen.

>Implying Shiggy cant destroy city
>Implying twice cant make shiggy clone
>implying Jon cant teleport them

Hawks is growing on me even more.

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Nothing is confirmed then
Everything could be a dream.

Don't ever call anything confirmed then

user you're being retarded.

No that user is being retarded.
I am being that user

I think you're the one taking theoryposting in general too seriously, come on, just add to the theory, it's not like there's a penalty when it turns out not to be true, you don't "lose"

This internship is really boring. The "main" trio have terrible chemistry. And Endeavor is just worse Piccolo.
Hopefully this turns into "attack on UA" or something really soon.

When Dabi is revealed to be a Todoroki it will be confirmed, that is how it works, until then it could be most likely, probably, almost certain

This to me feels like "pandering; the arc" and it shows given how much fujos have been posting this week

Ujiko was 100% confirmed to be Deku's doctor. Dabi is just something that was made up because fire powers even though fire powers seems fairly common.

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I honestly think Hori doesn't really know how to continue on from this point. He probably has some moderately cool ideas for the endgame but he seems totally stuck now. Look at the writing, it's like it's written by a kid with this "and then and then and then and then" style of writing.

but it didn't even start yet

lmao cope more

So does Hori want us to hate Deku? He outright confirmed it wouldn't be hard to control the quirks and it is just Deku failing

What's the context of that pic? Was Uraraka transformed into a cat girl by some villains quirk or something?

You can see it's the same guy literally in his first appearance with AfO you dumb fucking retard.

You mean, episodic? How strange for a weekly publication.
They don't need to have "good chemistry" because it's not a rom-com, just because your autism makes it hard for you to watch people interacting poorly with each other doesn't make it bad for someone to write.

>You can see it's the same guy
That is not confirmation

>Hori's characteristics are similar to Deku
>Hori instead self inserts as Bakugou to fuel his power fantasy
>Makes his edgy self insert bully and shit on the character that most resembles himself pretty much constantly.

Bros does Hori hate himself? Suicide when?

Learn English words.
Chemistry doesn't mean want to have sex retard homo.

Please stop being a faggot

Your post is actually the dumbest, most missing-the-point thing I have read this entire week. Congratulations, user.

>Please stop being a faggot
Is that Hori's note to Deku's voice actor?

Why do you want every MC to always have everything automatically go right for them and be an obnoxious overbearing asshole? Is this to compensate for your own perceived deficits in masculinity compared to your fathers?

He gets everything handed
Circumstances are great. Its just that he is the failure based on his own lack of work.
That is the problem

Honestly I agree. The only ones who have some unexplored ground are Bakugo and Endeavor with how similar their attitudes are. That is, if Endy pulls his head out of Shoto's ass and notices the other interns.
Neither of the main 3 nor Shoto/Endy interactions have anywhere to grow right now, and Endy/Deku really don't have any ground to connect on.

>Why do you want every MC to always have everything automatically go right for them and be an obnoxious overbearing asshole?
We don't though. We'd just like to see some actual character progression and gradual improvement to both their powers and personalities somewhere between chapter 1 and chapter 250. But instead they're all still exactly the same as when the manga started.

Nobody has said anything about the lack of masculinity though. Project just a little less please.

How are they similar?

The only one with a deficit is Deku, can't wait to see him choking on bakugo's balls literally

this chap 1 has deku sucking Baku's cock while being insulted and crying at home with his mom
250 after Deku is still sucking Baku's cock, while being insulted and crying at home with his mom
but he got 7 quirk

You're saying this now, but watch as Deku open up about growing up without a dad, eventually leading to Endeavor to take on a fatherly role to him, going for icecream and playing ball. This will conclude with Shoto growing jealous and suddenly realize he wants his dad to himself, making him challenge Deku to a duel and we'll get Deku vs Shoto 2.

But the entire manga is about him always working and trying his best, and learning from people rather than being a pridefag is central to that.
Why would Deku's heroic, obliging personality need to change? The thing holding back the "dynamic of their relationship" or whatever is Bakugo being an idiot, and I agree, that's getting old. But Deku already extended the olive branch, got it refused yet again, and adapted to Bakugo by saying "fine, you want a rivalry, you've got on, I'm going to beat you at everything", and even took him up on his autistic fight thing, and let him in on his secret.
The only thing that's the same with Deku is he's still a decent person, whereas Bakugo has gotten slightly more observant but otherwise is the same raging retard, but still you hate Deku for not hating Bakugo. Just this last chapter he's basically ragging on Endeavor to actually teach them despite Endeavor trying to cop out on him too, it's not like he actually lacks self-confidence.
Deku's never going to turn into an edgelord or a pridefag, so if that's the development you want, you should give up now. He's an optimist, and that's why he keeps getting better.
See this is exactly what the average Bakugofag thinks like and this is why they hate Deku, because they can't "respect" the character until he has a tard rage to establish dominance, which he doesn't care about, because he's here to become a hero and help people, not swing his dick around.

>reading comprehension of a shitposter
not surprised desu

>But the entire manga is about him always working and trying his best
And he is terrible at it
The guy who is a huge asshole and doesn't like learning from anyone literally would learn better.

>wtf Deku is still an optimist who appreciates his mom, why didn't he become a generic edgelord baaaawww

If the character can't respect himself don't expect others to do it. Deku is a joke.

It's true, just last chapter reestablished that.

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That would be awful.
He already has a substitute father figure in All Might. If you're some kind of overanalizing weirdo you might even say he turned to worshiping All Might because he lacked a father.
And he's growing up meaning being able to come into your own without relying on parental figures.

This for an alternative theory. Dabi is no Todoroki. But he's got a quirk that allows him to use the quirk of someone whose skin he wears. Those burned patches stitched and clamped to him are what's left of Touya. This explains A) his attitude towards Shoto and Endeavor ("Guess who *I* have on? Literally!"); B) why the burned patches are so defined and symmetrical; C) why he's just letting the flames out and not doing any of the tricks Endeavor does or Shoto is starting to; he's had no training or much practice in using Touya's quirk; and D) why he's interested in Endeavor and Shoto. As Geten said, the more he uses his power, the more he burns his skin. Someday it will all be gone. If he wishes to continue being Dabi, he'll have to replace Touya's skin with that of some other flame user. Who are the two strongest flame users around? Although with Shoto, he'll also get ice power...

And he doesn't give his real name because if someone finds who he is, they'll figure out what he's up to and things will be harder for him.

Obviously by your own standards you'll now have to accept and discuss THIS theory...

Why are you pulling a hypothetical like this when they're both learning together and Bakugo is doing far worse and has accomplished nothing, while Deku continues to succeed? He's not terrible at it at all, he's just humble, which is a quality you can't stand in people because you only see the world in terms of social dominance. No matter how strong he is, you can't bear it if he doesn't use that strength to make someone else feel weak.
I don't expect you to respect him, in fact I know you won't, and I'll continue calling you a retard for it in every thread. Someone who can only see the world in terms of social status and respect doesn't have it in them to understand heroism. The funny thing is, your obsession with respect will prevent you from acting in ways that will gain organic respect, and ensure you remain maladjusted and looked down upon, just like Bakugo himself. This would be a learning experience for you if you weren't beyond help.

Nobody talked about being an edglord
At least having him suck somebody else cock, since he cant grow up a pair and move on

You're a pathetic deku selfinserter, you don't deserve respect either.
Deku is a joke, deal with it.

You don't have to act like a narcissistic prick and attempt to intimidate others in order to respect yourself. That's exactly what people with low self-esteem does (see Bakugo). It's pretty clear that Deku is slowly growing into a confident hero. You can't expect a guy who's been belittled, bullied and looked down upon by pretty much every around him his entire life to make such a big personality change. It's been about a year, and he's still just a kid

Deku's character needs maturing user, no matter how you look at it. I'm not asking him to become an edgy pridefag like you said, I just want him to be more confident like All Might. Maybe without the laughter and catchphrases though. Humble but confident. That's all I'm asking for.

>Why are you pulling a hypothetical like this
I didn't. Hori did.
Sorry you must've missed the last chapter
Hori confirmed thatBakugo in the same situation as Deku would control all of the quirks by now.


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Based theory to be honest, in that case Geten would be wrong about why the skin is burning and it'd set up a cool hunter dynamic with him and the Todorokis.
>Obviously by your own standards you'll now have to accept and discuss THIS theory...
I don't HAVE to do anything by my standards, but you have now made an interesting and positive contribution to the thread instead of just complaining about other people doing the same. Did you honestly think this was a "gotcha" and a thing you should be ashamed to unironically post? It's a really interesting idea and I hope you'll share more theories like that.

>all this damage control
Hilarious, you were celebrating like crazy when he said bakugo wasn't like all might but now that he's back to sucking bakugo's cock you simply can't deal. This is delicious.

>It's pretty clear that Deku is slowly growing into a confident hero.

And you'll probably get that. When he's grown up. It would be completely ooc if he just suddenly started acting like a charismatic macho male just because he was gifted this power.

>Shoto/Endy interactions have anywhere to grow right now
You’ve got to be kidding here. Their relationship has enough room for improvement to last for the rest of the manga.

You always go back to this "self-inserter" thing whenever you're angry that people don't accept your moronic disappointment in not everyone being a Bakugo-level dumbass, it's pretty interesting.
Did you even read the chapter that dropped last night, at all? Have you even read any of the last 250 chapters? Or are you just shitposting?
No, he confirmed that Bakugo is prideful and Deku is soothing his ego. Maybe you're too stupid for picture books with words in them?

Yeah but I don't want a sudden change. Like I said, gradual growth over ~200 chapters would have been wonderful. But no, this manga is written by a manchild who watched too much tv growing up.

but All Might is not confident, his smile is just to put the people he saves at ease

>Deku is soothing his ego
Weird interpretation
Where do you base that on?

thank you for proving me right, you're a very insecure dekufag that thinks anyone who dislikes his minimal growth and his love towards his bully is the hatefag.

This is way more interesting and surprising than Touya=Dabi so it will never ever happen

Okay, now I'm sure you're shitposting, I'll give you points for a good run though.

Not convincing to you =/= not canon. Call Hori a tropey hack if you want, but his story is what he makes it.
And as it happens, he's chosen to try to convince the reader that Dabi is the missing Todoroki, either because he's planning to reveal it or because he's going for a subversion by revealing he's not. Either way, you putting your hands over your eyes just means you won't get the message he wants to give you.

Maybe try reading the source material before you start shitposting
>damage control
I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to prove with your post. You're not even trying to to respond to my reply so I'm gonna assume that you're a shitposter as well

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The problem with just accepting "Dabi is Touya" is that it seals off further thought. If he ISN'T Touya, then you have to account for everything we've seen by some other theory. Blind acceptance leads to possible error. Hence, my skepticism and criticism.

So you think all the times Deku called bakugo amazing isn't

>It would be completely ooc if he just suddenly started acting like a charismatic macho male just because he was gifted this power.
user have you ever heard the saying "power corrupts"? Especially in a hormonal teenager, that much strength would change you. Deku grew muscular and worked out hard even though it was only for a few months. That alters your brain-chemistry too. It wouldn't be ooc. It would be completely natural. In fact if he let his confidence get the better of him it'd make him much more relatable.

And you think that everyone who like Deku is a self inserter. Turns out both of you are retards.

the user you were arguing with wasnt me, retard. I posted the cap to expose you

So you want him to have an edgy harry potter phase where he lashes out at everyone around him?

>Blind acceptance leads to possible error. Hence, my skepticism and criticism.
Okay so just say nothing
Or just cover everything and say everything is possible
Percentages are a great way for retards to always be right

>l-look guys deku told bakugo he'd beat him he's improving!
>omg he told bakugo he wasn't like all might he's so different
You were throwing these panels to defend Deku, but in this chapter you can see he's still sucking Bakugo's cock regardless. I hope you're ready for a whole arc of Bakugo wanking courtesy of your terrible MC.

are you serious

You think Deku was lying all the times he called bakugo amazing?

Expose me? You assume I'm the hatefag and you end up proving him right because I'm no that that guy. I just dislike Deku, he's shit.

No but he shouldn't stuttering and stammering like a complete spaghettilord every time someone other than his mom taks to him.

I accept your surrender.

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Why do people say Deku is the same guy as Chapter 1 Deku?

Or that. Just declare yourself right. You can do that with DabiTouya as well.

>Deku thinking about Bakugo's semen

When does he stutter in the latest chapter?

Because he is. The only difference is the number of quirks he has now.

Because he is



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It's almost impressive that you seem to have no concept of entertaining multiple ideas at once. As if either you must fight against a theory with all your might or take it as gospel and tout it like a zealot, and theories are serious business, and anything else is to invite chaos.
The point of the discussion is to think about the manga and enjoy it, not to arrive at some absolute truth or doctrine about the future of the manga. If you want to do that, just wait for the rest of it to come out and read it, and don't bother with the threads. The point is to discuss an enjoyable topic and think of interesting things, though you wouldn't know it with everyone always sperging out about Deku, Bakugo, Endeavor and Todoroki.

If your goal is to "be the most right" you really shouldn't be in these threads to begin with, as nothing is certain until it's depicted, so there's no point in discussing anything other than "I like chapter" vs "I don't like chapter", which is the worst form of irrelevant me-too-ism imaginable.

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So basically you're saying that nice or shy people can't exist unless they're pathetic and powerless, because if they did it would destroy your worldview and you'd have to find another excuse for being an asshole? Based.

>asks when stutters
>shows a panel where he politely greets his mentor

Yeah, you'd have to be obsessed to make that drawing. Typical dekufags.
Here's some canon for you

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I love how that was the interpretation before License and after license it is the other way around

>seals off further thought
might be a personal problem

Ok I didn't realize I was talking to an actually retarded person. Now I feel bad

You do understands what the wonky speech bubble means and how you are supposed to read that, right?

Actually I think it was fujos

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Yeah, and I also know what stuttering looks like, a-user. And that's not it. Try harder next thread pls

Alright janny. We're almost at 600 now and the thread is going to shit. Anytime now.

Many dekufags are fujos

>wtf how can a 16yo feel a little insecure interrupting a shouting match between the #1 hero who he previously dissed openly for the way he treated his son and the guy who bullied him through his childhood and still hates him, what a cuck
Imagine being this unironically

janny pls

>going to shit
>implying it wasn't from the first post

That is moving the goalpost
He is still the same as in chapter 1
Only more pathetic for not keeping up with everyone around him

They archive because they go off page 10, not because someone manually does it you complete underage newfag

So who in his class saved more people than him, or are you just a mindless shitposter?

he's literally hte only one in class posing a threat to reall villains

>So who in his class saved more people than him
You think that number has anything to do with hard work and not incredible luck? He keeps bumping into people to save while others aren't around

They should kill all /bnha/ generals from here till the break is over desu

you are one and the same
you act like him thus you are him
because, you know, this is an anonymous imageboard where its the idea and not the person that matters

Why do dekuhatefags always talk about Deku sucking Bakugo's cock like it's a bad thing?

>it's j-just dumb luck!

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They should just ban everyone who complains about threads or enters them only to complain about the series. I don't mean people having genuine opinions, I just mean serial complainers. Ban all of them, the faggots who just shitpost endlessly, the triggered fujos who call everything abuse, the whole lot, just bans everywhere.

OfA is posing a threat. But as Hori said if Bakugo had it it would be under control by now

It's funny because they're usually the ones sucking Bakugo's dick the most

>I don't mean people having genuine opinions
What is the difference?

you're a fucking idiot user... k-kill yours-self

Go to reddit faggot

What is funny about that?

Speech bubbles don't mean anything. This isn't watchmen

First "Deku is a stalker, Bakugo said it so it's true"
And now "Bakugo says he can master OFA, so it's true"

You mean dekufags

>"Deku is a stalker, Bakugo said it so it's true"
Bakugo said so and then Deku gave his fucking reason for stalking
Yes he is a fucking stalker. Both of them confirmed it

Both of these things bakugo said were confirmed by Deku


No Dekufags always pretend Bakugo isn't amazing
And they pretend Deku is super sarcastic all the time and all the praise for Bakugo isn't genuine.

>people as stupid as Bakugo are the Bakugo fans
That's not the part that gets me, it's why are there so many stupid people in existence? Was being merciful to them and making kind governments and programs a mistake?

>the state of dekuhater
It's sad that you have to make blatant lies to try and start arguments. Why not stay to the he-should-have-worked-out-before-ofa or he-cries-too-much posts?

Maybe everyone else is right and you are wrong.

Imagine being so goddamn dumb you think compliments have to be either sincerely meant or "sarcastic". Everything Deku says to Bakugo is charity trying to build him up into the person he thinks he is, same as the people who praise (You). Don't let them down, user.

Horikoshi is on my side here. I guess you prefer your own bullshit

Is this how you dekufags cope?


>Everything Deku says to Bakugo is charity trying to build him up into the person he thinks he is
Wrong and pathetic.

Even if it were right it wouldn't make deku any less of a cuck or any of the complaints here less valid so I don't understand why you even want to argue it.
But it is so OBVIOUSLY not the truth.

They know deep down that if they offered to suck Bakugo's dick and Deku offered to suck Bakugo's dick, Bakugo would pick Deku and leave them blueballed on their knees.

We're reaching cope levels that shouldn't even be possible!

What are we, like 4 faggots still keeping this thread alive?

It is not I who cannot entertain multiple ideas at once. It is those who accept a theory as fact because it pleases them and refuse to consider alternatives or flaws who have that affliction.