What was the last show you saw that you genuinely enjoyed all the way through and didn't have to force yourself to keep watching at any point?
What was the last show you saw that you genuinely enjoyed all the way through and didn't have to force yourself to keep...
I think you have to take a break.
Do shorts count? Because so far I have thoroughly enjoyed Tejina-senpai.
All of them.
Not even surprised. Non-shit music anime rarely let me down.
Can't find a good show unless you watch a shit ton of bad-mediocre ones. And sometimes a show's beginning is shit but the rest is great. And sometimes there's a really special something at like the 80% mark. And sometimes the ending makes up for a mediocre show.
Hinamatsuri, yesterday.
god I need an Anzu daughteru
>and didn't have to force yourself to keep watching at any point?
I somewhat recently (a few months ago) binged a bunch of battle highschool anime I had never watched before.
Maxhikado, unless the last epissodes fuck up big time.
Do you mean watched to completion, or just watched what is currently available of? If the former, everything I was watching last season. If the latter, everything I'm watching this season.
machikado mazoku (so far)
Miru Tights is near-perfect in doing what it sets out to do.
>le authors intention criteria
Every single show ever made is near-perfect in doing what it sets out to do and you have no evidence for the contrary.
Actually, there's plenty of creator interviews where they admit that something they were aiming for fell flat or failed in some way.
Most creators will shit on their own work, especially Japanese ones. That still leaves every single anime you've never read an interview on, which is usually the really bad ones (so 75% of what's being released). So all those anime fall under your method of evaluation and are therefore near-perfect.
>take a break for 3 years
>start watching anime again
>still find myself forcing through most of the time
nice meme
Girl's last tour was the last anime in a long time that actually had me marathon it. Its theme of getting along with hopelessness perfectly resonated in my current life.
Then you don't actually like anime and need to find a hobby you do enjoy.
Time to find a new hobby. I've reached the breaking point as well. We'll all get there eventually, unless you have no standards.
2d is like a drug that I can't quit
Probably JoJo part 5 or Araburu kisetsu
Watch some European animation then. Also: Don't listen to the clown who accused you of not actually liking anime. Nobody is retarded enough to accuse someone who hates the MCU of not actually liking film. People like him are no more than the average retarded western anime fan. Shiteaters unable to form a critical thought on their own even if their lives depended on it.
Vampire cuties. A friend recommended it to me and I wasn't sure at first but I was quickly hooked.
I think what he really means is "my expectations of what this show was trying to do matches the experience of watching it".
Achieving one's aim isn't enough in itself, of course. If a show achieves a silly aim, it won't interest me. However, MT's Mission Statement is "highlight the appeal of girls in tights", which is a splendid and worthy goal. Hence, the show belongs in this thread.
P.S. Most shows are not anywhere near perfect in doing what they set out to do, as you well know. Here's another picture of Sensei. She's a cutie.
Cinderella Nine
that's right, I'm a quality chad
ueno-san, if only because the episodes were short enough to not let the gags overstay their welcome.
>still find myself forcing through most of the time
This happens to everyone. Only newfags who burn through lists of highly popular shows feel otherwise. But even I encountered some duds when I was in this phase.
Watch generally less anime. Keep the moe concentration up, don't let lesser shows dilute it. Watch everything at the start of the season, but drop almost everything after 1-3 episodes. Mix it with 3DPD shows. Quality is important, not quantity. You'll enjoy it more.
>Watch everything at the start of the season,
>Quality is important, not quantity. You'll enjoy it more.
And then drop them. You still need to find new shows. You can't trust Yea Forums.
>Keep the moe concentration up
Sounds like some solid advice. I only finished Endro last season and this season it's been Machikado.
Before miru tights i cant even remember the last i watched an anime that I would watch the very day it released. Every sunday morning soon as I'd wake up, I'd watch the new episode while eating my breakfast.
Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu
I like angel Gabu too, but Ellie was my fav kyuutie.
I think you're just trying to hard to finish things you dont really like, or you're just not in the mood for watching.
This happens to me too, I need to learn to drop series more frequently, but also give ones I've dropped in the past another chance
And if you dont like it, you don't like it, that's fine.
>Do you not choose trash to watch due to not being a moron?
Can't find the good shows without watching the bad ones
Kiniro mosaic, a couple of days ago. Cant believe i put it off for so long
I may be 10 years 2late for the party, but dude, I finished Hanamaru Youchien and I have to say that show was sick as heck. absolutely loved it
Good taste.
kys crossboarder
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
>Wahhhh people aren't allowed to like video games AND anime
Fuck off retard
One of the few shows where I had to restrain myself from marathoning it.
The Bocc
Watched Kukuri's show pretty recently and loved every second of it.
HI Score Girl
I had to force myself through the dice gambling arc. It was really obvious what they were going to do and they still stretched it out.
You posted it
I recently gave Yuru Yuri a chance and couldn't drop it. S2E11 was one of the best anime episodes I've seen.
Bokuben, which was just last season.
Shirobako, like a week ago
Diamond no Ace.