Does Yea Forums still like her

Does Yea Forums still like her

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Other urls found in this thread:

>big boobs
I never did.

Gave the source anime about five minutes of fun

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I remember liking ben-tou but I forgot her

Never even liked Ume, just hated her.

Ayame however...
What a nice and beautiful girl.

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>hime cut
Not this shit again. That's not a hime cut.

Actually, that is one variation of the hime cut.

I'm honestly not sure what you think a hime cut is if not that.

That's a straight cut with frontal fringe and longer side bangs.

why are her thighs so deliciously thick

Literally a lot of words to say "a hime cut".

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All the better to kick you with.

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Which is a hime cut, you retarded dingus.

Here another hime cut example, just with quite shorter bangs.

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I want to deepen my friendship with Ume

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>men writing women

Yes. She was best girl and the most mentioned in the threads.

Men know what men want best.

Yes, like all works of fiction written by men. Which is the majority of all written literature. I'm trying to puzzle out what you even meant by stating something like that.

Lesbian rapist, violent man-hater and forcing a straight girl into a lesbian relationship are huge signs of worst character.
Poor Hana, all she wanted were her mussled men.

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>Lesbian rapist
>forcing a straight girl into a lesbian relationship
and that's a good thing

Nope, that's a bad thing, just like a man doing the same to a (wo)man.

The only times I heard this line it was from retarded sjws going on about objectification and muh real women.

Fuck off /u/.


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Ume was incredibly hot desu. Also S2 never.

>this is a raging lesbian's character theme

Anyone have the word count image from the threads back then with Ume being the most used? Rather than Bento threads it was more like Ume threads

Should've been broken by the cock.

Her and Satou get married in her ending I believe. If that isn't losing to the dick, I don't know what is.

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low test detected

Never did.

>in her ending
Ben-to is a vn?

Who is she?

Low test cuck detected.

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>calls others low test cucks while complaining about rape
"no u" rebuttals should at least make some semblance of sense, brainlet nigger

Go fuck yourself, this is Yea Forums, use the apropriate term, fuckhead.

We love Ume here.

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>fucking cocksucker with their delusional headcanon
>THis n0T wHAt iT Is

Damn lost few cell right now

>Should've been broken by the cock.
>by the cock

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Yes and a lot , altho i like all ben to girls equally

Time for the edgy teens to go to sleep.

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I'd shag Shagga.

I know I still do.

At the end of the LN the author made a little end for each of the main girls+Ume
And basically said pick your ending they are all canon

Are there any translations for it yet? I remember checking years ago and learning Japanese isn't going so well.

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Eat her ass.

Wasn't that so her family didn't know she was in a relationship with the fujo.

fuck off s/u/bhumans

Why would anyone like such a massive jobber?

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Wait, we will never see her getting what she deserves?


Considering this is volume 10 stuff and the anime only got to volume 3, even if we got a season 3 this wouldn't have been covered. Can't be helped.

I thought that was Kuroneko. Sure, I still like the mean girl from Bento.


Yea unfortunately we won't see her winning her waifu and MC becoming her cuck beard to keep her lesbian relationship secret