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Other urls found in this thread:


Same, I hate unironic sluts in my anime.

> sluts

Sluts are awesome. It’s whores that need the rope.

gigachads should get all the pretty anime girls

How can they say that when they met based Machio?

So according to Yea Forums, girls are sluts unless they're asexual.

Sluts are the best.

They can be lesbians too.

nevermind never picked that trash for /fit/larper in the first place

Hating sluts is basically just admitting you're scared to compare yourself to other men. It's the calling card of a whiny little limp dicked chud by pushing the blame on the girl rather than your own inability to stand out.

>why yes I do take care of my wife's son, how could you tell?

Stop trying to drag people down with you

Fatties absolutely seething.
Imagine being upset over a cutes straight girls being attracted to gigachads

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I thought girls were into fat bald old men, though.

it's a bad series anyway,why would you even watch it?

Keep "Saving yourself" virgin. Those pure girls don't exist and even if they did they're not gonna flock to you. You can cry cuck all you want but at the end of the day you're the one who's too scared to step up and fuck a bitch retarded. You've cucked yourself out of the gate. You're not just a cuck, you're cuckward.

>pure girls don't exist
You said it yourself. Why even bother then?

>thinks there's nothing in life but the extreme sluts/virgin
have sex incel

Why are you so seething? Where has your life gone wrong?

>not caring about the single teachers who are 10x cuter.

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Kill yourself tripfag

Who the fuck is talking about 3DPD here? The thread was about 2D sluts, take your real life shit out of here.

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>why yes I'm a roastie, how could you tell?
I could tell because you defended sluts then implied that it's either that or virgins with no middle ground for normal people who go through normal loving relationships which sometimes don't work out then part ways.
Don't go projecting your lose cumhole slut lifestyle into other women

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Shut the fuck up, roastie. We hate sluts because women give their vaginas up easy to Chad but get all mad when someone like me ask them out and try to fuck.

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have you tried being a chad?

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How can you get mad at this stuff? Can't female character be attracted to male characters that isnt main male character?

What is your opinion on males who fuck a lot?

>literally every reply is a fireball response
It's funny because this user speaks the truth. I'm glad I got out of the mentality that most of these retards are in. Insulting guys who banged sluts while they remain virgins.

Those bare shoulders though.

>literally every reply BTFO him beyond recovery
As expected he went into hiding since he has no argument to back up his shitpost.

you remind me of the guys that become gay so people don't call them virgins

Well that came out of the blue. Is that projection?

it didn't though, you're the one saying "at least i'm not a virgin". you hear gays say the same thing all the time "at least i'm not a virgin", as if the whole point had just been getting the easiest sex possible

>this user speaks the truth.
he doesn't and has been refuted in the replies but since you can't argue against those you're just doing the reddit dogpiling strat to bypass them

A-as long as my qt wife Hibiki is still pure.....

They have regular foresomes with machio and the boys in the class
I'm sorry bro

These reactions are pathetic coming from an anime about self improvement and health

So unironically have sex

They're looking at me. :)

>Women are attracted to power
>Yet are also upset that men have more power

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Female characters can't be attracted to male characters that aren't you or your self-insert. I don't know why you're acting like that's somehow controversial.

Males who fuck a lot the partner they are with at the time or just fuck a lot around with one night slut?
I don't buy into the key/hole narrative, it's all the same to me, sluts males or females are broken individuals too unstable for a proper relationship and to be a proper role model as a father/mother not that I care about the later, statistics agree aswell
there really is something shady about those people who consume each other then move on to the next

I do, I'm actually in a relationship
I don't see where you're coming from though, your reply is very unfitting to my post

>at least i'm not a virgin
Where did I say that?
Non of them are refuting. Every one of them is calling him a cuck for insulting an OP who got mad at a woman for being straight.
>dog piling strat
How can a single user backing up another single user be considered dog piling? Isn't that what everyone else is doing? They are all attacking him in unison with insults.

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only raging lesbians and jealous harpies are mad about that shit. The average woman is turned on by displays of power

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>you're right
>doesn't actually address the post refuting his posts

its hilariously pathetic how butthurt Yea Forums gets over this show

just go to the gym and maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to relieve yourselves of your crippling virginity

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>oma gah she said those guys are hot that means she wants to fuckem
Yea Forums has always been similar to reddit, but fuck, when did you surpass those cucks

Virginity on women has been valued since the dawn of time, literal thousands of years and now people like you come up with this bullshit to justify raising another man's child.

If it's just about virginity then any retards can fuck some 11/10 escort girl, he would be no better than roasties in the end
try to have sex with someone who actually loves you instead of your tinder date, slut.

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I just don't see the point. Why would i get mad at that stuff?

Women are the opposite of men. We are mostly controlled by our bodies who have desire while women are controlled by their minds who desire more. Unfortunately a human needs to cater to both mind and body for a successful relationship. A man can bang alot of women but once the sex novelty runs out he's left noticing her personality, if he likes it they stay together but otherwise it's over. A woman however neglects her body and relies on love in her mind to be with her man. Until a few years down the line when the love fades, if her body isn't being satisfied she leaves the relationship with half of the mans belongings.
TLDR: women don't know what they want and it's up to the man to take charge and pound her pushy till she screams. Women rights were a mistake and women are sabotaging themselves by becoming more powerful then men.

Truth hurts, which is why the ill people of this board protest the reality of things.

all these people turn into cynics who can't understand the appeal of innocence

What the other guy said. There are a lot of women with bad experiences that can't differentiate between confidence and competence, and, despotism and injustice.

But this is not real life. Why can't cartoon character be attracted to men who aren't main male character?

I did address them they are all insulting the man go read it you retard. I'm also not the same guy I said it in my post you're replying to. Holy shit is this the speed reader meme?

Caring about yourself means you'll care about other people as well. That's why people exercise dumbo.

>Caring about yourself means you'll care about other people as well.
uh what

>actually speedread the reply himself to only pick what suits his narrative of "everyone just insulted instead of arguing"

>valuing male virginity
That's not how it works dummy. Your pure waif will eventually leave you a few years into marriage if you can't hit it right. Go get experienced and then dominate her. Sex isn't everything but it's a whole lot in a long lasting relationship.

Nah, escorts cost too much for neets (And too cowardly to call them). So you'd have to be at least semi normie for that

yeah I dont see what you post has to do with mine

OP's post wasn't even about virginity. Nowhere in the show do the girls hook up with any guy, they even say they were too shy to ask for a number. And when it's revealed the guys are all muscly freaks they're unattracted to them. No, OP is just jealous that the girls could be attracted to anyone other than him.

I just don't get why be mad there are fictional characters who aren't virgin?

Well this thread is depressing

>Caring about yourself means you'll care about other people as well. That's why people exercise dumbo.
Holy shit it's ok to do exercise and care for your well being but what you say is pure unadulterated bullshit.

i'm not the guy who started the convo. i could ask you the opposite, why be mad there are fictional characters who aren't whores?

Why is Yea Forums so afraid of muscular men? One would think that Yea Forums has all the time in the world to improve themselves, yet they can't be arsed to even do a single push up in the week. Why?

>they don't exercise with the entire weight of the world on their shoulders

never gonna make it

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You exercise, you give a shit about yourself. You show that you care about maintining your body, just like you could maintain a relationship. Same shit with having a stable job. It's not a trivial concept, but it's Yea Forums, of course you won't understand it

also to that saber posting cuck, people don't exercise to fuck on tinder, dont fall for degen propaganda.

>not discovering together
wasted opportunity

People used to clean wounds with fecal matters and piss too. Are you doing that since people in the past obviously knows better than us?

We have enough weight by ourselves. We need not to burden ourselves with additional weight.

piss contains urea, which is anti-bacterial.

>You show that you care about maintining your body, just like you could maintain a relationship
I've never understood the word cumbrain before but now I get it
You are mentally ill

>user waifus someone whose into muscles
>user doesn't have muscles
sorry user but these girls are for gymbros only

>not being a hot guy

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looks like you went full retard and wanted to discuss something so you altered my post in your damaged brain
I don't even address exercising, only your virginity meme

only piss, not fecal matter

Have I made it if a girls at me like pic related?

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>exercising is "caring about yourself"
you're really pushing it

What's wrong with them trying to find a boyfriend?

It upsets otakus and yurifags

>Yea Forums buzzwords
cope more bro
not even the same person
>caring about your body is not caring about yourself
fattie, pls

What really irks me is there are 4 ripe women surrounded by high test men and they aren't raped. Why aren't those god damn muscle guys raping them???

>getting triggered by a girl being attracted to hot guys
I hope you're also triggered by guys that aren't asexual and are attracted by hot girls too because that's the exact same thing.

high t men don't rape

>not even the same person
same reply goes for you whoever you are

I didn't hear it from Yea Forums but it's true. You've said something completely ridiculous. Because you can maintain X you can maintain Y? You could say the same for something totally unrelated or even virginity you idiot

very well then, sorry for my spergout.
But losing your virginity with a hooker is not a real virginity loss.

/u/ told me the russian was a lesbo

>That's not true you.. you.. cuck!

Why do you keep replying to your old post?

t. low test tranny

Same thing retard.

>But losing your virginity with a hooker is not a real virginity loss.

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>watched up to episode 10
>just realized they were working out to get guys.
Bad bait thread

Yeah, but no one who wants to make a good manga likes that

>yes i do eat shit, but at least i'm not going hungry like you fucking losers

14 (You)s for 18 minutes... Fuck Yea Forums's gotten to shit
You cucks get baited way too easy

If you've fucked both you'd know its true

/u/ has citrus for that but it's not enough since /u/fags have to push it into everything


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you dont need to care for someone elses body in a relationship

>go gym first time
>can barely lift the bar
onegai muscle...

put lighter weights on it?

Start with machines

Read the sticky

>lighter weights
I-it's literally the bar by itself without any weights. Maybe I should just use machines and get stronger before i do the bar stuff

into a relationship tho...

use machines and do push ups
start light and don't injure yourself

start with dumbells, dummy and don't listen to

If you're going to the gym because of this seasonal trash unironically kys

i've raped many in my times

high t men?

There's nothing wrong with machines, retard.

Why should the reason matter?


oh wait i think it's
>>>Yea Forumsrules/1
shame i wasted the get

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machines are shit for beginners and teach you bad habits with restrictive muscle building. Free weights are better because you can do complex routines with more range of motion for better and more synergistic results. Telling somebody who can't even left a bar to start with machines is retarded

true I have never fucked a prostitute, only my girlfriends in stable relationships, sorry for normalshit blogpost
But I don't see how you would remain a virgin after having sex without changing the definition of virginity, at this point I would argue that this "having sex with a 11/10 experimented escort girl d-doesnt c-count" is a female driven narrative who's basically trying to keep the power to herself.
Because why would men make tremendous efforts to get pussy by courting women when they can just pay for a 11/10 at their taste with no downside beside STDs but sluts have them too
I see where you're coming from though user, I'll give you credit that I cannot imagine having sex with some escort being better than with a girl who actually loves you and that you love aswell beyond lust.
But then the escort shit also applies to roasties, might also say that any tinder/one night adventure doesn't count since the heart isn't there.

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haha epic meme bro

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>high t men
high t females

KEK. You’re not really that retarded are you? Given all the other shit getting said in this thread I wonder. Sluts have sex for fun, it’s all about the tumble. Afterwards it’s all good fun. Maybe trade numbers for booty calls. Whores are selling or trading themselves for money, favors, gifts, free lunch/rides. Even if it’s not literally their profession, or it’s not contractually laid out ahead of time, they do it for the gain. It’s always a soulless calculated exchange with whores. Burn whores at the stake. Give a slut a wink and a good time.

I've spoken to many professional trainers who disagree.

Why should I, a customer perusing this show allow myself to be abused like this? I am their market, so it only stands to reason that they don't anger me by making the products lust after anyone but myself.

Isn't that the same thing?


High e females?

>virginity is a maintenance thing
Holy lol

>People used to clean wounds with fecal matters and piss too. Are you doing that since people in the past obviously knows better than us?

Sluts in 2D:
>perverted & kinky
>accepts you

Sluts in 3D:
>compulsive liar
>pig disgusting
>rejects you

Learn the difference and stop sucking cocks, OP.

Are you just programmed to respond like a script?

>being this defensive over the fact that people frown at you pissing yourself in the face, to "heal up"

>>Yet are also upset that men have more power
They are mad because those men in power are not attracted to them
You see it all the time, women in power are most of the times single because they want to marry up and not down, but nobody that's over them want to marry a past the wall roastie

>OP is a cock-craver
every time

That's unironically true though, it's easier to lose your virginity in 2019 than to keep it
It's still fucking retarded to think "i can maintain x = i can maintain y"

You don’t honestly think corporations would run Turing tests on non-anonymous websites do you? This shithole is literally the perfect testing ground for adaptive neural networks.

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I never seen this much coping over being ugly

I don't see how corpos would benefit from making a shitposting AI

Why can't you get it through your single brain cell that working out doesn't automatically make you good at a relationship?

>Are you just programmed to respond like a script?
How dumb can you be?

I'll get it, when you accept that being unfuckable isn't a badge of pride nor something you worked hard for

women are pretty gay i'd rather spend my money on drugs i can boof instead

Are you fucking retarded? I brought it up as an example of how fucking stupid your argument is

Ok, uggo

Man this thread sucks

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That sort of desperate virgin (presumably like you were) would love sluts

Any thread where the nature and mentality of anons get the focus turns ugly, much like their appearance.

I've seen a shitposting bot before on /pol/ and here. It wasn't fun, it had a trigger that sent it into meltdown though

all threads suck

The internet is the battlefield of our era. Boomers don’t understand it but the ability to flood a population with propaganda that they won’t immediately reject because “it’s being said by a regular guy like me, not the government or a media outlet” is rapidly becoming more powerful than bombs and bullets. Why spend money on a cruise missile when you can shitpost on Facebook and get the locals to shoot up their own schools and Walmart’s for you?

Sounds like your typical /pol/tard to be honest

Fuck off newfag

I may be wrong, but I think those school shooters had other issues than just being trolled on the internet.

Based GilCHAD

Then i have more respect for whores than sluts, thanks for clarifying this normalnigger.

You are not wrong, that guy is clearly a biased leftard

it's at least conceptually possible to be a whore who hasn't had many actual relationships, and so they can at least be innocent in that regard
not very likely though lmao

I don't get it, cute girls getting it on with handsome guys is just nature at work. Why hate it so much? Even a plain guy like me have sex about once a month. It's not something you have to work for, thus there's no need to be angry when not getting results, since you did nothing for it.

This made my penis flaccid for the first time watching this

fact of the matter is in today's world sex is fun, feels good, and has no negative consequences unless you're retarded. Wanting to bang people you like enough to spend time around is as common sense as it gets. Only people who are mad are jealous guys/girls

With a whore you both know exactly what to expect, while a slut is basically just sin incarnate. A slut sells her body for a few nice words, it's completely normal for her to fuck hundreds of people. Imagine begin retarded enough to start a relationship with a slut, she would feel absolutely nothing betraying your trust and cheating on you. They have zero chance at a good life and they will never make their partners life better.

>Wanting to bang people you like enough to spend time around is as common sense as it gets.
That's really not how it actually works, I don't know where you live but your social circle is probably kinda fucked on the degen side

>go to the average moeshit thread on Yea Forums
>this is okay but OP's pic somehow isn't
really gets the noggin joggin

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>fact of the matter is in today's world sex is fun, feels good, and has no negative consequences

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Whoever is arguing with the roastie, you're wasting your time.

All love stories are 1 man and 1 woman. That's it. Passing on your genes requires that kind of commitment. If someone doesn't respect that, they don't get love and end up dying alone.

Fuck spicks, niggers and kikes, and most importantly, fuck jannies

What election? I never said anything about an election. Stop projecting. Unstable people who get caught in echo chambers and listen to ironic shitposting while being unable to distinguish it from the real thing are extremely dangerous. Antifa throws bricks and beats peaceful observers just as often as stormfront shits out new kebab hunters.
Please user. I was shitposting before you were born.

kill yourself

Based, this is what I needed to complete my post here

>What election? I never said anything about an election. Stop projecting.
You came from the 2016 election, redditor, stop trying to hide it

>I never seen this much coping over being ugly
How about this one?

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That is so fucking overrated lmao, let me guess you think all sex is good sex

Seeing the defensive reaction of people hurt by this post is both funny and sad
I guess self criticism is very hard

There's literally nothing wrong with being a Redditor.

I'll have you know that most of this board's moderation team happen to be Redditors too.

mods can you get these fucking chapo redditors out of this thread already?


wow the ban is treating me so well! I can't wait until 23 hours and 31 minutes pass. This sure taught me a lesson, thank you user!

>came from the 2016 election
What did he even mean by this? Boy, I’ve been here longer than anyone else in this thread. I remember when moot would come here and recognize some of us by our shitposting styles. Don’t make me get nostalgic tonight because you want me to be “the enemy”. Whatever name you want to give it. I remember when the enemy was lolcats. And then years later the enemy was 9gag. Now it’s reddit. Different decades, same shit screeching from the kids.

I didn't report you

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what's truly overrated is sexual proficiency
like what, you virgins think it's some skills like drawing or music where you need 10'000 hours of practice to get good at?
well, as if you guys would know lmao

Well of course you didn't! But you taught me to look at the rules and remember them. Next time I post I'll be sure to obey them!

not only do they overrate themselves but it's self defeating, because wanting "sexual proficiency" is itself acquired through having lots of sex and getting bored of it

You don’t seriously think he would do that do you? Just... go on the internet and lie?

reddit is in my cites


>anime that wants to motivate stinky neets to take care of themselves
>incels rage over the fact that the girls are attracted to chads
It's not like I didn't expect this but it's still hilarious

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dilate discord tranny

I have no idea what this show is but that blonde one is my favorite.

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dumbbell nan kilo moteru

Relax, friend.

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What a shit thread.

>Implying I'm a virgin

No, I'm mocking the idea of girls staying fucking pure together, you know that is dumbshit. The idea that sexual chemistry is not a thing is laughable because bad sex is fucking awful, and will ruin a relationship.

>99% of thread isn’t anime or manga
>several posts deleted
Good one, hotpockets.

Fuck you.
Whores > sluts

I don't see what your post has to do with mine then, maybe read the chain of reply to understand the start of the argument
>you know that
Don't put words into people's mouth, it's a very dishonest thing to do in discussions even if I don't specifically disagree/agree with you

The show was clear from the start that they wanted boyfriends

>no blogging /fit/posters
>no fatposters
I don't know

the real boyfriends are the muscles they made along the way

The blond one is vpoiced by a Hap mudslim!


Where is hibiki's hijab to be honest

*intense tipping*

They can be good too when they aren't coy about actually having a relationship.

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I'm sensei's boyfriend

Yet another discussion on nu /a that has gone off the rails into 3DPD territory. Stop blogposting and discuss the damn show, retards.

>3d boys like 2d girls
>2d girls like 2s boys

It’s normal for teenage girls to have a wandering eye, user. They’re all still virgins anyway. Nothing to sperg about (for now).


>Zina will never look at you
Why even live

Machio ruins everything he's involved in.


I lift for my waifu, of course

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What's not to like about virgin sluts

>virgin sluts
Those are called incels.


Having interest with other males than just main character doesn't mean she is a whore.

i know, and not being a slut doesn't make you a virgin, i'm just reversing his argument

You could get a heart attack if you ever tried watching Seinfeld.

>A show with attractive waifus

>not self inserting as the girl getting gangbanged by hot studs

but she isn't getting fucked, she wants a boyfriend

>still not self inserting as the cute girl

none of them are cute. you may as well self insert as machio


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Shes the MC, so you might as well buy a bar and some hand weights now.