Serious question, did she enjoyed it? this sequence has always confused me...

serious question, did she enjoyed it? this sequence has always confused me, and to this day I still don't know if she did enjoy it or not.

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Of course she did. A literal godlike being rammed into her so hard that she turned off her brain from pleasure. It was still rape tho.

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Griffith has done nothing but good things for Guts, sadly, twinkly incels who self insert as the RPG hero with a harem keep wrongly accusing him, here is a list, where evidence conclusively show Griffith innocence and debunks the “rape” narrative, so prevalent in the so called “White knight berserk circle”:

>Griffith enslaved Guts
Wrong, he beat him in a duel and gave purpose to his sword
>Griffith took advantage of Guts weak will to use him as a soldier
Wrong, Griffith made Guts a captain and entrusted him command of the Hawks, promoting his military career
>Griffith took credit of Guts accomplishments
Wrong, Griffith made Guts and all of the Band of the Falcon knights, sharing the glory
>Griffith forced Guts to becoming an assassin, killing children and men alike
Wrong, Griffith asked Guts to do that, respecting his free will
>Griffith tried to make Guts stay by force
Wrong, Griffith tried to help Guts, by preventing him to lose everything he had gained by his side and throw it all away to go toil by a waterfall for a year just to come back at the first news of the Hawks
>Griffith was an ungrateful bastard after the rescue
Wrong, he just wanted to show Guts they were at the same level, that his shattered body still hold his mighty ambitions
>Griffith destroyed the whole Band of The Falcon, Guts only family
Absolutely wrong, Griffith sacrificed the same band that was willing to sacrifice itself for him, his band that he incorporated Guts into
>Griffith raped Casca
Only virgins will say this. Casca clearly kissed Griffith, Casca never said no, Casca told Guts not to look cause she enjoyed it and was ashamed
>Griffith cost Guts his arm and his eye
Guts cut his own arm, and pushed his eye into the demon claw, Griffith has nothing to do with it

Griffith came back and told Guts everything was forgotten and he was going to create a new and better world, which he did. Guts kept screeching autistically.

nice pasta, void.

Yes but she was already half-potato at that point

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She let herself be used by him, there wasn't the least bit of resistance.
Was she just unable to? Why did she open her mouth and let him use her tongue?

she did, user. And that's what broke her.

The depiction of Caska getting retarded and regressing is actually a dramatized version of what happens inside the head of some rape victims irl who experience sexual pleasure and orgasms while being raped.

that's my concern, why did she open her mouth or didn't at least tried to fight back?

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maybe I knew it all this time, but I didn't actually want to believe it ;_;

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At least there is some solace in the fact that it is probably some biological response to it so it's not like she is a whore

does this look unconsensual to you?

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He's Dark God, he used his new powers to force her to feel more pleasure.

yes, why dod she do it? ;_;

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it's 100% a biological response, especially if the dick is shaped properly to hit that particular girl's g spot or if it's long enough to hit the cervix or even if he rubs her fucking clit, and when penetrated forcefully the vagina will get wet to protect itself and it just goes from there. it's still rape and they're not whores don't let incels lie to you

No and there is nothing funny or cool about saying she did
>"but she did, though lol"

she could have fight back, but she didn't, she wasn't as strong as Guts, not only to oppose femto but to surpass her "biological" behavior

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>willingly kisses the rapist
Of course she did. She finally gets fucked by the guy she loves. Had it been then she wouldnt have been so eager and willing to kiss him.

does Casca even know that femto was griffith? I know Guts was yelling Griffiths name but was she even aware of what as going on besides being raped?

she didn’t turn into a potato until after griffith nutted in her. so yes she knew it was griffith because she’s not completely retarded

this gives me a boner everytime
>the way she leans in for a kiss
yeah, she liked it

A literal cuck posting

>She finally gets fucked by the guy she loves.
Man, she just doesnt love griffith, the whore idolizes him; like, he is the meaning of her existance, as said by herself. She was so willing to leave guts for griffith when they rescued him, even though the future with a paraplegic Griffith was dogshit.

this kills the me

Jump out that egg with your boo in it.

Had your chance to switch and you went wrong.

Thought I told you niggas, Griffith ain't do nothing wrong.

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As always, it's too complicated for your subhuman 9yo mind to understand.

Griffith was moving her. She couldn't do anything.

only in the movies, in the manga it's Femto who opens her mouth with his hand

In the manga it is even more explicit that she is enjoying it. In the final part she gets her arms over griffith's head and tries to hold him while he's kissing and fucking her from behind. The slut even orgasms at the same time that he is filling her with cum.

user you've watched to many mind break hentai if you actually think she enjoyed it. It's time to pull back and read some vanilla. People that have a good sex session don't come out of it with a broken mind that has regressed to a scared retarded child. She literally went insane just being that close to him and then he raped her mindless body.


At that point she has become a retarded mind broken child with no concept of reality. Maybe the body was reacting to being fucked by a God but you would have to be just as retarded to think she actually liked it or wanted it to happen.

No you fucking retard. She hated it so much she gave herself literal brain damage to cope with it. Kys dumb Griffithnigger

based, literally agehao'd