DBZ should have ended after the Frieza Saga

Series got repetitive and stale as fuck after it. Garlic Junior was pointless, Androids were fucking boring, Cell was Frieza 2.0, Buu and his 50 forms and god mode were fucking painful to watch, and constant Super Saiyan upgrades cheapened the transformation. So much for the Super Saiyan is a myth when fucking toddlers can transform into it.

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>DBZ should have ended after the cell saga
fixed it for you

I'm still mad over the wasted potential of Goten and adult Gohan

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I have argued this for so long, Frieza arc ends and you dont really know what happened to goku, gohan is the last saiyan, and a universal threat defeated by a super saiyan that vegeta never got to see ( not sure about the last one but you get it )

>DBZ should have ended before Chadren was introduced
Cringe opinion

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This is how the Frieza saga should have ended

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>DBZ should have ended after Majin Vegeta sacrificed himself to kill Buu

This opinion is basic and only Z-onlies hold it. Yea Forums has fallen a long way, faggots constantly posting babby's first anime and the viewpoints to go along with them.

Vegeta should have left the main cast forever after Goku returned from space.

Is that Broly vs Freiza?

It's Godly vs Cuckza


Videl's boyfriend

the only good thing about Super were the memes that basically were a laught at how ridiculous are the power-ups during super, even toriyama stole the gohan blanco meme and give it to goku because he has no new ideas, also the new broly movie is shit, and don't care if it's or not canon but the old bardock movie was much better

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Episode 131 was objectively the best ending in anime history.

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you couldn't just end it after frieza because it left too many loose threads. You couldn't just leave an unchecked vegeta running around nor have the heroes fail their original goal for going to namek in the first place

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The only Dragon Ball part that shouldn't have been made is all of GT.
What a fucking abomination.

Frieza was when it was supposed to end.
According to interviews, someone (Toriyama's editor if I remember correctly) convinced him to do more.

nah it'd be a kino ending
>Goku turned out being THE legendary super saiyan, rather than it just being some power up that every saiyan can do, and the weakest power up at that
>a good power level was reached before it got ridiculously out of hand and stupid
>Namek blew the fuck up after the fight, Goku is not only the legendary super sand lesbian that Frieza had feared all along, but died a hero, avenging Vegeta, his parents, and the rest of the entire saiyan race, and also saved the rest of the universe from the evil space tyrant by denying him immortality

Dragonball should have ended after the demon piccolo arc

what's stopping vegeta turning into a good guy and fucking bulma like he did? there'd be no real saiyans left if goku died, and frieza was dead, so what other reason does he have to be an asshole after that?

No. Stop repeating this gay rumor.


>super sand lesbian

>Cell/Buu fag so fucking mad he wrote an huge essay crying about Toriyama never confirming wether or not he wanted to stop at Frieza's saga
>He doesn't have any concrete evidence against it either

It should have ended after Goku and vegeta kill kid buu with the spirit bomb. Super is a soulless husk, but even so I still enjoyed seeing them come back. But end of buu should’ve been the end. No uub bullshit though.

>Super is a soulless husk

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