Tell me about love, Yea Forums

Tell me about love, Yea Forums.

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What is love?

Is this love
That I'm feeling

You want to know about love? I'll story time it for you. Because I'm bored and I noticed I don't have any picture about love in my folder.
This is gonna be a long ride, stay still.

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It hurts.

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Skip to the part where she gets raped or whatever
I'm bored

Love needs time to grow, retard.

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But it wilts so fast.

That's why you need to garden it with care

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Love is a monster waiting to devour you.
It looks all shiny and bright to lure you, and when you're ripe, it swallows you in one gulp.

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Is this about vore?

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Ain't talkin bout love

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Fucking cringe

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No, you disgusting fetishist tard.

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Baby don't hurt me

Love.. love never change

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What the fuck is this thread?

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Don't hurt more.

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Hurry up and post the part where she wakes up. I have to go to sleep.

... I hurt my self, today.

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Jesus fuck, it keeps going
Kill me
What garbage

There, are you happy now you sadistic fuck?

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Way to stink up the thread, user.

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Thread was shit anyway.

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Now I can rest. Thanks user.

No, don't rest. This is the real end.
This is the page before or isn't?

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Thanks user. But this shit was riddled with autism. I'm not talking about the yuri, even I can get behind yuri. But a lot of this was pretty shitty writing and pretty predictable. Also dicke and balls

It's a time capsule from 2007. Pay your respects by not getting offended by its autism.

That's more understandable. But still autistic nonetheless. I give it a 4/10 with a second chance at redemption and maybe a new twist end where it was real but konta an heroed

You better leave while you can

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i give it several months maximum until konata goes back into the stereotypical depressed person habit of isolation and pushing people away
from then its a matter of a few years until their relationship erodes enough, albeit slowly
and remember kids, there is no cure, youre fucked forever

To see if I still feel.

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live, love, eat shit

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>not even numb to the dreams of happiness yet
What is this baby shit?

Dump user has thirsted for a lucky star thread for so long he is invading other threads now.

>sees her wrists being cut
>talk about having no friends
>her dead mother is brought up
>lets have sex!
who the fuck wrote this bad fanfic?

Just read this shit. It fucking hurts man

she's only half a year out of highschool user

animu and mango

Feels bad.

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disgusting lesbians

Thanks for dumping, anonymous.

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I focus on the pain.

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Listen, OP, I hate to break it to you, but what people calls “love” is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, OP, then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. I did it. Your parents are gonna do it. Break the cycle, OP. Rise above. Focus on 2D.

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